The month opens with the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Light of nations and the world in general, we sometimes forget that Jesus is also the light for each of us. This may be an opportunity to ask ourselves what light we are for others.
And if our light seems to flicker, Jesus can feed it so that it shines again. For that, a solution: draw on the flame of Love! Because without love, the light goes out and without light love cannot exist, the two are intrinsically linked, one emanates from the other and vice versa!
Beautiful and luminous celebration for each and everyone consecrated!
Geneviève Vignes
The love of God
To obtain God’s Love and put it into practice, you must first ask for its grace! It’s even the ultimate par excellence! If we cannot even have a single good thought without God giving it to us, all the more reason, we cannot love without his help! And since God wants us to love him, so he’s ready to give us that love. Never stop asking for God’s love.
We must think of his infinite kindness towards us. If so many hearts are sorry and withered by sin, it is that few know how to reflect on the unconditional love of God. To obtain love for her child, a mother first lavishes her own. So by his goodness, God provokes our love!
We must also bear in mind the mystery of the Cross which, in principle, is the eternal love of God. In the excess of his sufferings, He loved us and gave himself up for us! For the love of the One who loved us so much, we can only do something big and generous.
True and great love is one who has already suffered and who is ready to suffer even more for the one who loves us. We can spend delicious hours of prayer but if we do not suffer out of love for Jesus who suffered for us, then, without doubt, our prayers are in vain. The contemplation of the Cross, the exercise of charity towards brothers who exasperate us, the acceptance of our miseries, are all proofs of love! The movements of the heart, our acts of love and generosity are all manifestations of the love of God in us! Yes, let us ask for the grace of loving to the One who loved us first! (Sr Marie du Sacré Coeur Bernaud)