The spiritual director of Visitandine St. Margaret Mary, ST. Claude prayed this prayer:
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
teach me to forget myself so perfectly,
since it is the only way through which one can enter into You.
Since all I will do in the future will be Yours,
please make sure I won’t do anything unworthy of You.
Teach me what I should do so as to reach the purity of Your Love,
since You inspired in me the desire.
I feel within me a great will to please You,
and a greater powerlessness to get there without a special light
and help that only You can give.
May Your will be done in me Lord ;
I do oppose it, I know, but I would like not to oppose it :
it is up to You to do everything, Divine Heart of Jesus,
only You will have the entire glory from my sanctification, if I become a saint ;
that seems to me lighter than day ;
but it will be for You a great glory, and this is the sole reason why I only want perfection.
So be it.
Saint Claude la Colombière, apostle of condidence, pray for us.