Coronavirus, besides staying at home, how can we protect ourselves? With the Shield of the Sacred Heart!
The Lord asked Saint Margaret Maria Alacoque to make Shields with the Image of the Sacred Heart, so that all those who wanted to honor him could put him in their homes, and others smaller to wear. Thus in 1686 the Devotion of the Shield of the Sacred Heart was born, which was initiated by the Saint and her novices, and was subsequently authorized in all the monasteries of the Visitation.
In 1870 Pius IX definitively approved this pious practice, specifying: “I bless this shield and assure that all those who will be made in accordance with this model will receive the same blessing, without the need for a priest to renew it.”
If we could go back to the time when the devotion to wear the Shield of the Holy Heart was widespread among Catholics and expressed our gratitude for the love that Jesus shows us, the desire to repay him with our love and to be welcomed under his protection, it would truly be a great grace for us and for our brothers and sisters, who have not yet known the Immense Love of Jesus. Yes, because the Shield of the Sacred Heart is a powerful protection available to us against the risks we run every day. We can carry it in your pocket, purse or wallet. So we say to the evil one: HAlt! Stop every iniquity, every disordered passion, every danger that threatens us from outside and from inside because the Heart of Christ protects us. At the same time it is a way of declaring to the Lord: I love you, in you I trust, make my heart similar to yours.
So if you get a Sacred Heart Shield, don’t be indifferent! Meditate on the immense Love that Jesus Christ has for you, and receive this gift as a great expression of His Love. Guard it with care and seriously commit yourself to honor the Sacred Heart by asking it to help you live a holy and Christian life.
Another sister of Santa Margherita Maria, Sr. Anna Maddalena de Remusat, religious of a monastery of the Visitation, saves Marseille from the plague, with the help of Msgr. De Belzunce. She propagates the SAFEGUARDS, images of the Sacred Heart, with the inscription: “STOP! THE HEART OF JESUS IS WITH ME. His confidence was rewarded: more than once the plague stopped before the Holy Image. Thus she asks for the effective consecration of the faithful to the Sacred Heart. Mons de Belzunce consecrates Marseille to the Sacred Heart in 1720 and saves it from the plague.
Our Lord waits for our good, that we make an effective consecration, not only in words, but also by getting used to reparation, love and sacrifices.
He recommends gluing the safeguards (or shields of the Holy Heart) on all the doors of the house, inside the machines …
Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Maria, Sr. Anna Maddalena de Remusat, said to the superior of the monastery: “Mother, you asked me to pray to our Lord so that he may deign to let us know the reasons. He wants us to honor His Sacred Heart to end the plague that has ravaged the city. Before Communion, I asked him to bring out from his adorable heart a virtue that would not only heal the sins of my soul, but that would inform me of the request that I forced him to make.
He indicated that he wanted to purify the Church of Marseille from the errors of Jansenism, which had infected it.