A prayer was composed by the Sanctuary on the occasion of the centenary of the canonization of Saint Marguerite-Marie:
Saint Margaret -Mary,
Beloved and Confident Disciple of the Heart of Jesus, we greet you in joy and thanksgiving in this centenary year of your canonization.
You who have been made “Heiress” of the treasures of Love which abound in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we have recourse to your intercession and your protection. May our hearts and our entire lives be kindled with the fire of his Divine Love.
You whose heart was immersed [for a time] in His, obtain for us by your ardent prayer the conversion, the sanctification, the purification of our hearts still so wounded.
You, the messenger of the Heart of Jesus, “fiery furnace of charity”, make us feel the thirst to make Him known to our contemporaries, to quench his own thirst.
You, the adorer of this Divine “Heart which loved men so much”, draw us into your adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, so that, like you, we allow ourselves to be consumed like a candle under the burning flame of his Eucharistic Love .
You, the comforter of her Heart wounded by so many ingratitudes, coldness and infidelity on the part of her disciples, obtain for us by your prayer a renewed, restorative ardor, so that we become living witnesses of this Heart so “passionate of Love ”for each of us and for all.
And when the time of our Easter approaches, let us enter this Heart as in our eternal abode, “exulting with joy”; this Heart “delight of all saints”, from which the “waters of Salvation” eternally flow.
Saint Margaret Mary, pray for us.