The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus falls on Friday June 19, 2020. Expect special grace during this Jubilee Year of St. Margaret Mary.

Let St. Margaret Mary’s words prepare your heart for this great Feast!
June 11: “Our Divine Lord assured me that He takes a singular pleasure in being honored under the figure of His Heart of flesh, the image of which He wished to be exposed in public in order to touch the unfeeling hearts of men. He promised that He would pour out in abundance into the hearts of all those who would honor His Heart all the gifts with which It is filled, and that everywhere this image is exposed and honored, it would draw down all minds of blessings.”
June 12: Our Lord wishes through this Devotion to His Divine Heart to rekindle the charity that has grown cold and has almost been extinguished in the hearts of the greater part of Christians; He wishes to give us a new means of loving God by His Sacred Heart, as much as He desires and merits, and of making reparation for their ingratitude.
June 13: Let us renew often our consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and let us live that consecration faithfully. The Sacred Heart takes a singular pleasure in it
June 14: The Divine Heart of Jesus gave me to understand and assured me that the pleasure which he takes in being known, loved and honored by his creatures is so great that He promised me that none of those who practice this devotion and are devoted to His Heart will ever perish.
June 15: If we are cold, cowardly, imperfect, the Sacred Heart is an ardent furnace in which we must purify and perfect ourselves like gold in the crucible.It will purify all that is imperfect in our actions; it will sanctify those that are good.
June 16: He promised that he would pour out the sweet unction of His ardent charity on all those communities in which this divine image would be honored.
June 17: The adorable Heart of Jesus has shown inexpressible favor to our Holy Founder St Francis de Sales because the devotion has been established in our Institute.Never has his accidental glory been so much increased as by this means.
June 18: Let religious embrace this devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for they will draw from It such help that no other means will be needed to reestablish in their first fervor and in the most exact observance of their rule those communities that have become lax, and to bring to the height of perfection communities that are already fervent.
The Devotion to the Sacred Heart: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion
By Rev. Fr. Jean Croiset