Since God went out of his way to lovingly create us and take the effort to offer his life for us to redeem us, why do we still emphasize that we are ‘unworthy’? Did God create us just to seem generous, to be acknolwedged as merciful?2. As Saint Francis warns against, what would it look like if we were to humble ourselves and empty ourselves but not fully give ourselves to God?3. Why/how is it self-love when our acts of humility are done out of sadness and anxiety? What is the remedy for making it more pu

May 31, 7:15 PM

VisitationSiste: pure and authentic?
4. Why are acts of trust so important, especially during times of spiritual aridity?
5. What kind of prayers or parts of the Mass do you think would help us acknowledge our unworthiness and wait for God’s mercy?

May 31, 7:16 PM

VisitationSiste: SUN 730 PM EST CHAT

May 31, 7:22 PM

VisitationSiste: welcome viewers

May 31, 7:25 PM

VisitationSiste: HI MICHELLE

May 31, 7:26 PM

VisitationSiste: Blessed Pentecost!

May 31, 7:27 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Mother and Michelle

May 31, 7:28 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi S Jennifer and guest 8837

May 31, 7:29 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Rose Marie

May 31, 7:29 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): hi mother susan marie.this is bettychao happy puntcost day we already felt the holy ghost come togather to worship the lord and share the gaspel

May 31, 7:29 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Rose Marie!

May 31, 7:29 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Betty!

May 31, 7:30 PM

Rose Marie Jakubjansky, OCDS: Hello Mother and friends!

May 31, 7:30 PM

VisitationSiste: Glad to see you here!

May 31, 7:30 PM

Rose Marie Jakubjansky, OCDS: My first time

May 31, 7:30 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Betty

May 31, 7:31 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Welcome Rose Marie

May 31, 7:31 PM

VisitationSiste: q1 Since God went out of his way to lovingly create us and take the effort to offer his life for us to redeem us, why do we still emphasize that we are ‘unworthy’?

May 31, 7:32 PM

Rose Marie Jakubjansky, OCDS: I think our unworthiness stems from our “brokenness”.

May 31, 7:32 PM

VisitationSiste: Welcome Bill

May 31, 7:33 PM

bill harrison: Hello everyone and happy Pentecost

May 31, 7:33 PM

VisitationSiste: Thank you

May 31, 7:33 PM

VisitationSiste: When we compare our selves to the most pure God who is holiness itself we measure the distance and call it unworthiness

May 31, 7:34 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Bill

May 31, 7:34 PM

bill harrison: hello

May 31, 7:34 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Cathie

May 31, 7:34 PM

bill harrison: thought I would check your site out

May 31, 7:37 PM

VisitationSiste: The love of God for us is so infinite that we cannot comprehend that sometimes

May 31, 7:37 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): nicodemus a ruler of the jews and high priest. he went to jesus and him .Rabbi we are know you are Gods son and sent by God. unless the a man is born again from above. he cant see Gods kingdom. how can the man reborn again ask nicodemus. jesus say truly I tell you no one can enter Gods kingdom without be born through the water and holy ghost.God so love the world that he sent his son whatever they belive him will not die but have eternal life.God did not sent his son to the world to judge the world but that

May 31, 7:38 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): but save us away from our sins and we get save by jesus. the sacrement take away our sins and the sacrement bring us to jesus in holy baptism.bettychao

May 31, 7:39 PM

VisitationSiste: 2. As Saint Francis warns against, what would it look like if we were to humble ourselves and empty ourselves but not fully give ourselves to God?

May 31, 7:40 PM

bill harrison: God so loved us that He gave His only Son. AWESOME sentence.

May 31, 7:42 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes !

May 31, 7:43 PM

VisitationSiste: God wants to fill us with His Holy Spirit but if we are empty and don’t give ourselves to God, there is the danger that another entity might enter in

May 31, 7:43 PM

bill harrison: How precious is the Holy Spirit. May everyone here feel His presence

May 31, 7:45 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): we are always moving in one direction or another – even in standing still, we are choosing not to move in any other direction…

May 31, 7:46 PM

VisitationSiste: Good point

May 31, 7:46 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): if we are not moving toward God, then we are moving away from him

May 31, 7:46 PM

bill harrison: Like St. Francis’s Canticle, All Blessings, Honor, Praises, and Thanksgiving be to God.

May 31, 7:46 PM

VisitationSiste: It is not easy to empty oneself- actually I think we need the Lord’s help to do it

May 31, 7:46 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): when jesus was twelve year old . strong in spirit and filled with wisdom and with the greace of God upon him .he went with parent up to jerusalem after the custom of the feast of the passover. and when they had fulfilled the days they set out to retirn to nazerenth .but the child jesus tarried behind in jerusalem and mary and st joseph find for him for they dont know where he is they found him mary ask him son where are you me and you father has worry about you .jesus say why you want find me dont y

May 31, 7:46 PM

Ruth (Guest): Sr. Charlotte told me one time when I was considering a “Centering Retreat” that that was a risk of that form of prayer/retreat.

May 31, 7:47 PM

VisitationSiste: WhY Ruth

May 31, 7:47 PM

bill harrison: May His Blessing be ever in our mouth

May 31, 7:47 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): dont you know I have to do my father work say child jesus.this gaspel is from st luke 2:40-52

May 31, 7:49 PM

bill harrison: Yes VisitationSiste we can do nothing without Him, the Lord.

May 31, 7:50 PM

VisitationSiste: and even with His help we need to continually give ourselves to God over and over

May 31, 7:50 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): Because he lives I can face tomorrow Because he lives all my worry is gone.Becuase I know he hold the future. the life of happy and joy becuase Jesus set me free.

May 31, 7:50 PM

VisitationSiste: Even when vowed one renews those vows

May 31, 7:50 PM

bill harrison: Yes in everyway and everyday

May 31, 7:51 PM

Cathie Pawlicki: Emptiness comes with our last breath

May 31, 7:51 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): The human mind is not wired to think of nothing – if you tell a person “don’t think of ice cream” then they do in that moment think of ice cream, but if you talk about something else, then the reality is that they are not thinking of ice cream. If we try to emplty ourselves, something will always seek to fill that void so I have found it easier to try to fill myself with the things of God to the point where other things simply have no room left.

May 31, 7:51 PM

Ruth (Guest): Sr. Susan Marie, As I understand it, it is because the exercises of first emptying oneself “center” too much on the SELF and the effort to CENTER on Christ — at least in some of those circles — becomes secondary, making room for OTHER spirits to enter and if not “possess” then at least harangue the participant.

May 31, 7:51 PM

bill harrison: What a Joy it is to know Him. What Love that surrounds us can we ever understand.

May 31, 7:52 PM

VisitationSiste: Interesting Ruth and yes I see the possibility there

May 31, 7:53 PM

bill harrison: And Mary His most Holy Mother. Golly, what else does one need

May 31, 7:53 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good insight Guest 2157.

May 31, 7:53 PM

VisitationSiste: One is truly gifted wjen one knows that Bill

May 31, 7:54 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): sr susan marie when I eat a lunch with my church father .father dominic su and our church friends staff and our church staff choose me to join them and pray for them .I say I promise them so everyday I hold my rosary and download holy euchrast pictures and play some hymns and study bible and pray for our church friend .one thing I belive jesus the sacred heart shine upond us can bring us to his letter to sister susan marie from Betty chao

May 31, 7:54 PM

bill harrison: Thanks for allowing me to visit. Bless each and everyone here. May all know the presence of the Lord, in the hearts and lives. Blessing all bye bye

May 31, 7:54 PM

VisitationSiste: Thanks Betty And the Feast of the Sacred heart is June 19

May 31, 7:55 PM

VisitationSiste: Thanks for stopping in and sharing

May 31, 7:55 PM

VisitationSiste: 3. Why/how is it self-love when our acts of humility are done out of sadness and anxiety? What is the remedy for making it more pure and authentic?

May 31, 7:57 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): If done out of sadness and anxiety, we are often seeking to comfort ourselves or draw affirmation from others on our goodness.

May 31, 7:57 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): when I was little I love the picture of the sacred heart of jesus and I always put the sacred heart of mercy jesus on to the top of the I have no bad voice and no bad dream when I sleep.and I have tell you something sister susan when I sleep I saw the picture of the chapled of the mercy of jesus and holy eucharist shine upond me and I pray when I sleep. this letter to sr susan marie from bettychao

May 31, 7:58 PM

Ruth (Guest): Bill, one moment. There was a Bill Harrison and his wife Evey and Daughter Arlene who lived next door to us on 73rd street in B’klyn. That Bill would be over a hundred years old now, but I’m just wondering if you might be a son or grandson.

May 31, 7:58 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): If we can forget about ourselves and look rather at the needs of others, then in giving what is needed to others, we will hopefully stop focusing on ourselves

May 31, 7:59 PM

Carol Ann: Hi everyone, happy Pentecost!

May 31, 7:59 PM

VisitationSiste: true- self focus can get in the way of clear vision of the Lord

May 31, 7:59 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Carol Anne!

May 31, 8:00 PM

VisitationSiste: Pouring ourselves out for others or God is authentic love

May 31, 8:00 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): hello, happy Pentecost!

May 31, 8:01 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): Dear sacred heart of mercy from the light of jesus I trust you I thankyou you die for me on the cross for our sin.I open my heart door to you and accept you as my guider and savier .please protect me away from sin and let me enter to you love.through jesus the lord I pray amen alelluia sacred heart of mercy jesus I accept you.this prayer for sr susan and every one from Bettychao

May 31, 8:01 PM

Carol Ann: This sounds so much like pure contemplation

May 31, 8:02 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, 2157, but “sheltering at home,” alone, with no patients, and so many who once were close now deceased, I do a lot of praying and a good deal of telephoning, but I wonder how else I can be giving . . . I am now, mostly trying to prepare my home to offer a place more hospitable for future guests . . .

May 31, 8:02 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hi Carol Anne, glad you could make it.

May 31, 8:03 PM

Carol Ann: It is hard to be so physically separated and find that all we can do is pray. Maybe on the whole we were not praying enough before.

May 31, 8:04 PM

VisitationSiste: Prayer is powerful!

May 31, 8:05 PM

VisitationSiste: 4. Why are acts of trust so important, especially during times of spiritual aridity?

May 31, 8:05 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): ruth when I hear today news about a one police try to catch the black man and almost catch his neck and dont let him breath and almost kill him.see the evil of the world is not listen to jesus I think jesus will be sad becuase the devil lucifer control the world so I think the christian must pray for the world getting closed the chapled of divine mercy jesus becuase only jesus has no sin.bettychao

May 31, 8:05 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): Yes Ruth, I agree that this is difficult as I am home with no other personal contacts for so long, but being able to do some work from home allows me phone communication with others and I try to make that as sincere and helpful as is possible – but I agree…difficult…

May 31, 8:05 PM

Carol Ann: We are instructed to pray without ceasing, but how many if us were lukewarm about it? Now we are virtually forced to it, as it is Jesus who makes the answer happen

May 31, 8:07 PM

Carol Ann: And now many if us can do nothing but pray

May 31, 8:08 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): Acts of trust are important because they force us to make our faith real – do we believe it enough to act on it, or did it just sound good…

May 31, 8:09 PM

Ruth (Guest): Betty Choe — the man was killed. Not almost. And many people are so angry that they are doing bad things. Your response, praying “Jesus Mercy!” is good.

May 31, 8:09 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): and in the mystery that is faith, when we put our faith into action, it also activates and deepens our faith

May 31, 8:09 PM

VisitationSiste: Trust is not always easy either

May 31, 8:10 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): we must guide the world to know the merciful of God and ask God to save their souls .only God can bring them in to his holy spirit and listen to his comndements. it is hard but you must follow one step by step just like jesus say carry the cross one by one step to follow me .I saw people knell to the church one by step by step and pray to the passion station of cross of jesus .bettychao

May 31, 8:11 PM

Carol Ann: A person I know recently told me about the Litany of Trust. Extremely powerful, especially when said with the Litany of Humility

May 31, 8:13 PM

VisitationSiste: I don’t know that litany

May 31, 8:14 PM

Carol Ann: Let me see if I can find the link. It is new to me too

May 31, 8:14 PM

Rose Marie Jakubjansky, OCDS: In the litany of Divine Mercy the response to each invocation is “Jesus, I trust in You.” Is that the litany you mean?

May 31, 8:15 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): jesus say whoever drink this water shall thirst again.but whoever drink of the holy water which I give them will not water is eternal life.bettychao to sister susan marie

May 31, 8:15 PM

Ruth (Guest): I find myself praying almost constantly but perhaps a bit less intensively; in some ways it is very much harder to pray because I feel like I am STARVING for the Eucharist and government officials and even bishops seem to relegate Eucharistic Celebrations to a “NON ESSENTIAL! If grocery stores and liquor shops, Walmart, and the Dollar Store can be open — with precautions — why not, with similar precautions, the means of grace which Jesus Himself gave us and urged us to DO?

May 31, 8:15 PM

Carol Ann:

May 31, 8:16 PM

VisitationSiste: Thank you!

May 31, 8:17 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): Ruth, I find myself asking the same question, and try to offer this as a sacrifice of obedience even when I want it to be different.

May 31, 8:17 PM

Carol Ann: That response us part of it Rose Marie, but it is a new litany created by Sr Faustina Pia

May 31, 8:17 PM

Rose Marie Jakubjansky, OCDS: Yes, Ruth, we are all starving for sacramental Eucharist. I find myself making many more spiritual communions and regretting that I sometimes took Communion for granted.

May 31, 8:19 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): jesus said ,trust me the hour come when ye shall neither in this mountain. not yet at jerusalem and worship and worship ye know what.we know what we worship for salvation of the jews but the hour has come,now is all true,the christian shall worship father and pray by his real heart and pray and listen to the word of the father by truth.bettychao so sr susan marie

May 31, 8:20 PM

VisitationSiste: He is creating a deep hunger for Himself!

May 31, 8:20 PM

VisitationSiste: and people will respond- somehow these times are very spiritual

May 31, 8:21 PM

Carol Ann: In the introduction to the Cloud of Unknowing, the editor draws many parallels between that time and oyrs

May 31, 8:22 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): this gaspel tell us if we getting one baptism and recieve holy sacrement and bless ucharist and eat his body and drink his blood we will have eternal life in him.bettychao

May 31, 8:22 PM

Carol Ann: That plague was followed by an explosion of mystics and a renewal of the Church. Could we be in for the same?

May 31, 8:23 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): Remembering that Jesus deprived himself of heaven in order to come to earth helps me to put my own deprivations into perspective – along with the reminder that while he was not in heaven, he was still able to converse with God and so am I.

May 31, 8:23 PM

VisitationSiste: I would not be surprised if this were the case

May 31, 8:23 PM

Ruth (Guest): “Spiritual Communion” is not enough for we are body and soul as a unity; that’s how He made us. To pray “AS IF” he were already present makes no sense to me: He IS present, but not in the same way . . .

May 31, 8:25 PM

Ruth (Guest): Thank you 2157

May 31, 8:25 PM

Carol Ann: Maybe it’s the physical aspect Ruth?

May 31, 8:27 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): sister susan is a prayer for can say this prayer after you pray the rosary.dear holy communion of jesus I love you becuase you break the bread and offered sacreficed for us and take way our sins lord we trust you holy communion is much powerful can kill all the devil away from us. lord please teach us how to have faith in you and pratice the chaplet of divine mercy .please help us to know all you words from the bible and follow you true word.through jesus the lord I pray alelluia Amen.

May 31, 8:27 PM

Ruth (Guest): Would he have chosen a way of being present to us that is so repulsive to the Jewish mind were it not important — central to our earthly life. We ARE a EUCHARISTIC People.

May 31, 8:27 PM

VisitationSiste: YES!

May 31, 8:28 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): this prayer is I make by my own but not only me but by the word and teaching of jesus.bettychao

May 31, 8:28 PM

VisitationSiste: May the Eucharistic Jesus bring each of you back to HIM to receive Him Body Blood Soul and Divinity!

May 31, 8:28 PM

VisitationSiste: Thank you Betty.

May 31, 8:29 PM

Carol Ann: God bless you Sr Susan Marie!

May 31, 8:29 PM

VisitationSiste: May you all receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, tonight!

May 31, 8:29 PM


May 31, 8:30 PM

Carol Ann: Enkindle in us the fire of your love

May 31, 8:30 PM

Guest2157 (Guest): Amen

May 31, 8:30 PM

Guest8837 (Guest): sister susan I going to be take break now I going get off the computer and I will pray for all of you bye bye God bless you all.please pray for our sisters mother susan marie her work and her job always in christ jesus may jesus give her strengh and work for him .let sent our prayer and blessing to her and pray for her.bettychao

May 31, 8:31 PM

Carol Ann: God bless you Betty

May 31, 8:31 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good night, all. Love is what it is all about. And love hurts — even though it is simultaneously the source of joy.

May 31, 8:32 PM

Carol Ann: So true Ruth. It is not a Hallmark card. God bless you

May 31, 8:32 PM

Ruth (Guest):

May 31, 8:33 PM

Ruth (Guest): God bless you, too.

Jun 1, 6:19 AM

Ma lourdes Opeda: happy feastday to all!

Jun 1, 6:24 AM

Ma lourdes Opeda: hello Sr. Susan!Atlast I was able to access the chat room. I hope all things going fine with there. Here in the Phils we are still in crisis. We are praying that this pandemic will end soon. Thnks Sr. Susan for the sunday reflection. it is really help me deepening my spiritual life.god bless