The faith

If our body lives on the food it assimilates, our soul, too, must live on a substance appropriate to the nobility of its nature, and that substance is faith. Faith must preside over all our judgments, inspire all our actions, dictate all our resolutions. Faith must therefore supernaturalize our life and make us already live a divine life. Every Christian is called to this elevation.

If God gave man the organ of sight to guide him through the visible world, He also gave him the eye of faith to light his way and direct his steps towards his destiny: Heaven! If our eyes darken, everything around us turns off. If the torch of faith dies in our soul, spiritual darkness spreads to all our faculties, then we lose our sense from above and are miserably blind.

In order for this not to happen, we must persevere in the faith. In the light of this, everything changes in appearance, everything becomes clearer, everything lights up: we are entering into the truth! We see the real purpose of life, the fragility and instability of beings, the vanity of all that is called honor, joy or pleasure. Moreover, faith is a sure counselor, a gentle comforter, an everyday friend. A soul of faith is a rock in the storms of our lives, a strength for our brothers in distress, a support for the weak, and above all the most beautiful spectacle that can be seen on earth as in Heaven!

What grace is the gift of faith! We are not always aware of this because it may seem natural to us or the little faith we have seems more than enough. Let us value it above any other gift received for it is the supreme gift. During this month, let us not hesitate to ask several times a day “Lord, increase our faith in us!” ยป(Luke 17,5) (Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)Visitandine