Why do you think St. Francis emphasized this difficulty of serving the Church while being entrenched in the world? How can we avoid letting the concerns of the world not hinder our spiritual lives and service to the Kingdom of God? St. Francis encourages meditation on, and prayer for a happy death. What exactly is a “happy death”? Did the martyrs die a “happy death”? How/why can meditating upon our own death be a great benefit to our spiritual life? Co

Aug 16, 10:28 AM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Considering the closing quote from St. Paul to Timothy (St. Francis references Acts 20:28): Is it selfish to think of ourselves first, then others? Often we’re told to consider ourselves as last: “Put Jesus and others first.” How do we reconcile the two? (For added context, you can consider 1 Timothy 4:16, where Paul writes a similar thing to Timothy)Preparing our thoughts and souls for our own death is rarely discussed, even in homilies. Why is this? What should we do to prepare for our own death – whether

Aug 16, 10:29 AM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): whether it comes unexpectedly, or after a long life?

Aug 16, 10:29 AM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Sun chat Aug 16 730pm est

Aug 16, 7:22 PM

VisitationSiste: welcome viewers!

Aug 16, 7:31 PM

VisitationSiste: Hello Sr Jennifer and Guest

Aug 16, 7:31 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hello Mother and Guest 6253

Aug 16, 7:32 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): Hi sr susan marie this is betty chao and Hi sr jennifer

Aug 16, 7:32 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hello Betty

Aug 16, 7:32 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Betty and all viewers

Aug 16, 7:33 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): sr susan marie I just finished all the novena sacred heart mass online in the morning and I learn alot from the bible reading what they say in mass.

Aug 16, 7:33 PM

VisitationSiste: That’s wonderful!

Aug 16, 7:34 PM

VisitationSiste: first question: Why do you think St. Francis emphasized this difficulty of serving the Church while being entrenched in the world?

Aug 16, 7:37 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): let us pray lord jesus I have faith and read and understanding through you helping gift alone .Please give us wisdom and light by knowing Gods word from the holy bible and live by faith from you teaching . jesus you are the way of truth and life and way to heaven you are the faith teach us how to live in you word and that we can love you more by faith . you are the life give me grace and eternal life alelluia Amen

Aug 16, 7:39 PM

VisitationSiste: I can remember living “in the world” but being very involved in my local parish I went from work to parish life and found that not too difficult tho it was like living a separate life in some sense

Aug 16, 7:41 PM

VisitationSiste: Did anyone else have that kind of experience?

Aug 16, 7:42 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Do you mean working life and parish life are separate life?

Aug 16, 7:43 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): sr susan marie when I been alter girl to serve the church I think I want to serve jesus alone and put all my life in the jesus and live by faith and I trust at the holy mass jesus love us so much that he die on the cross for our sins and raise from the dead and that is true sacrificed to God for our sins becuase he so love us we should love him and serve him back you serve the church is serve the lord

Aug 16, 7:44 PM

VisitationSiste: One should be integrated with the two ways but sometimes the circumstances make one feel different in different environments

Aug 16, 7:45 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Yes, that’s true

Aug 16, 7:45 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Ruth!

Aug 16, 7:46 PM

VisitationSiste: How can we avoid letting the concerns of the world not hinder our spiritual lives and service to the Kingdom of God?

Aug 16, 7:46 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Ruth

Aug 16, 7:47 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Guest 1908

Aug 16, 7:47 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): God also raise up the prophet to help his people .one of the prophet name samuel.

Aug 16, 7:47 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): Hello

Aug 16, 7:48 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): we should be like the prophet by living faith in jesus name and tell the people to understand jesus

Aug 16, 7:49 PM

VisitationSiste: It helps to remain focused by little prayers, like aspirations, that keep is in the Presence of God amid difficulties in our daily lives

Aug 16, 7:53 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): Sometimes I hold my rosary, and on each bead I say, ‘Jesus, I trust in you’. That helps me a lot.

Aug 16, 7:54 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): jesus was in jerusalem for the feast passover and he went to the pool of bethesda. it was crowed and so many sick people .they have crippled and blind lame and heavy sick.each person was hoping to be the first to plunge in to the pool when the water moved people get healed. i remember at the old testment when moses saw so many people sick in the desert moses ask God sent some miracle to help the sick people in desert God make a gold snake to healed people so they getting well again.

Aug 16, 7:55 PM

VisitationSiste: That’s a good practice guest 1908

Aug 16, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: There are probably as many ways as their are souls!

Aug 16, 7:56 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): Thank you ☺

Aug 16, 7:57 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): sister susan marie what do you think I tell you anything about healing by faith of God what do you think I read the bible and find out this messege.

Aug 16, 8:00 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes reading the Bible is a primary important way of learning about God

Aug 16, 8:01 PM

VisitationSiste: St. Francis encourages meditation on, and prayer for a happy death. What exactly is a “happy death”? Did the martyrs die a “happy death”? How/why can meditating upon our own death be a great benefit to our spiritual life?

Aug 16, 8:01 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): sister susan marie when I read the bible I was holding the rosary and listen to the chapled of divine mercy song and join the holy mass online that is help me getting closed to the secred heart of jesus alot alot. when I was little I love secred heart of jesus alot and put the this picture in my bed and I pray and I have no bad dream bother me

Aug 16, 8:02 PM

Susan Athaide: Hi

Aug 16, 8:02 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): A happy death meant that one died in good moral and religious circumstances.

Aug 16, 8:03 PM

Susan Athaide: From Melb Australia

Aug 16, 8:03 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hello Susan Athaide

Aug 16, 8:03 PM

Susan Athaide: πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’sorry I’m late my first time god bless you all

Aug 16, 8:03 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): sr susan what do you think about my pratice of faith ?

Aug 16, 8:03 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Welcome

Aug 16, 8:05 PM

Susan Athaide: Thankyou everyone

Aug 16, 8:06 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Alice

Aug 16, 8:06 PM

Susan Athaide: Lots of love n peace πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

Aug 16, 8:06 PM

VisitationSiste: welcome Alice and Susan

Aug 16, 8:06 PM

VisitationSiste: Excellent Betty!

Aug 16, 8:06 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Thank you Susan

Aug 16, 8:07 PM

VisitationSiste: St Joseph is a good intercessor for a happy death

Aug 16, 8:07 PM

VisitationSiste: and for many other things as well

Aug 16, 8:07 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): sr susan I love to down load the secred heart of jesus and holding the holy eucharist cross picture and get my bible and rosary and listen to the gaspel hymns and worship I do that everyday that make me only thinking about jesus and his holy eucharist. I remenber when I went to the holy mass I bow down to the holy eucharist and I raised my hands up and pray all the people raised their hands and pray and that is guide all the people worship only jesus alone and he is the most high that we worship through the

Aug 16, 8:08 PM

VisitationSiste: happy does not always mean pleasant- for martyrs did not experience a physical peace, but probbaly a spiritual one

Aug 16, 8:08 PM

VisitationSiste: Do you think so?

Aug 16, 8:08 PM

Guest9616 (Guest): Hello Sisters and everyone

Aug 16, 8:09 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): When I pray the 4th Glorious Mystery, the Assumption of our Blessed Mother Mary into Heaven ( which we celebrated yesterday), the fruit of the mystery I ask for is Grace for a Happy Death. For me it means to be prepared having made a good confession, receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, and living a holy life.

Aug 16, 8:09 PM

VisitationSiste: Many martyrs were very eager to meet the Lord and bear testimony to Him, and hopefully others were converted by their witness

Aug 16, 8:09 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Guest 9616

Aug 16, 8:09 PM

VisitationSiste: That’s a very thoughtful intercession, guest 1908

Aug 16, 8:10 PM

VisitationSiste: Considering the closing quote from St. Paul to Timothy (St. Francis references Acts 20:28): Is it selfish to think of ourselves first, then others? Often we’re told to consider ourselves as last: “Put Jesus and others first.” How do we reconcile the two?

Aug 16, 8:10 PM

Guest9616 (Guest): Its Alice sorry im late. Unable to enter message under my name

Aug 16, 8:10 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): we getting happy and smile and got peace through the Gods word and teaching of jesus and his words of life and he guide us to be going to happy paradise that is have faith in him and go to him alone. bettychao

Aug 16, 8:12 PM

Carol Ann: Hello! We’ve been running late in formation these last few weeks

Aug 16, 8:13 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Carol Ann

Aug 16, 8:13 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Carol Ann

Aug 16, 8:13 PM

Susan Athaide: What are some practices you do daily sisters to open your hearts to accepting current difficulties in daily life like your founders did

Aug 16, 8:14 PM

VisitationSiste: Prayer is our mainstay, Liturgy of the Hours and Mass, private meditation before the Blessed Sacrament

Aug 16, 8:17 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): Sr susan when I want to join our church father father peter chang funeral I want mom take me but mom say too far and weather is hot but when I call our parish sister a chinese catholic nun sister wu she know me and very closed to me and she say pray to secred heart of jesus and went to mass and read bible and pray and I did I went to pray to jesus and our church father father dominic su call mom he say we can take you to the father peter chang funeral I drive you there when I pray jesus show me the way

Aug 16, 8:17 PM

VisitationSiste: May he rest in peace, Betty

Aug 16, 8:18 PM

VisitationSiste: Other practices are more general; we are supposed to keep silence and to keep in a contemplative spirit of prayer

Aug 16, 8:18 PM

VisitationSiste: Does this answer your question at all Susan?

Aug 16, 8:19 PM

VisitationSiste: Perhaps Carol Ann of Sr Jennifer can add some other practices

Aug 16, 8:19 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): if you read the bible and listen to peaceful hymns and say a silence rosary you will hear God words from the bible and you heart tell you what to do.

Aug 16, 8:20 PM

Carol Ann: I am learning to use the breath prayer, Breathe in and say Jesus, Son of the living God, and when breathing out say Have mercy on me a sinner

Aug 16, 8:21 PM

Carol Ann: I am also reading spiritual books in addition to prayer and Liturgy of the Hours

Aug 16, 8:22 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): sometime we can do meditation and think about only jesus put the sacred heart of jesus picture in the front of you and put the bible in front of you and holding rosary and take deep breath and do the meditation and think only about jesus and his words through bible

Aug 16, 8:22 PM

Ruth (Guest): Adore! Adore God present in every thing, every happening, every person, even in oneself.

Aug 16, 8:22 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes spiritual reading- essential!!

Aug 16, 8:22 PM

VisitationSiste: yes and adoration -!!

Aug 16, 8:22 PM

Carol Ann: That’s it Ruth!

Aug 16, 8:23 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes deep meditation, Betty

Aug 16, 8:24 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): sister jennifer and sr susan my liver is bad and I keep pray to God to healing my liver please pray for me sr susan and sr jennifer

Aug 16, 8:24 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes of course – we will pray

Aug 16, 8:24 PM

Sr Jennifer (Guest): I will pray for you

Aug 16, 8:24 PM

Carol Ann: We will all oray

Aug 16, 8:25 PM

Guest6253 (Guest): thanks and I must go and exercise thankyou bye and jesus love you all AMen

Aug 16, 8:25 PM

VisitationSiste: God bless you!

Aug 16, 8:25 PM

Carol Ann: God bless you, Betty

Aug 16, 8:25 PM

VisitationSiste: I think re the other question- we sometimes need to take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others

Aug 16, 8:26 PM

VisitationSiste: That might not hold in every situation but it can in some

Aug 16, 8:26 PM

Carol Ann: That’s true, and we must take care not to slide into self focus rather than self care

Aug 16, 8:26 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): If I’m dying to myself, my old nature, and by the grace of God, I am taking on our Lord Jesus’ nature, then that puts me first in my conversion, so that I can be a witness to others, for the glory of God Most High.

Aug 16, 8:28 PM

Ruth (Guest): Like on an airplane in danger of crashing, the pilot announces: when the masks come down, put on your own BEFORE you attend to your children, partner, etc. That is probably so that you will be ABLE to attend to their needs.

Aug 16, 8:29 PM

VisitationSiste: Great examples

Aug 16, 8:31 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): Sister Susan Marie, this is my first time in this chat. Thank you for the invitation

Aug 16, 8:31 PM

VisitationSiste: You are welcome! Are you Anna?

Aug 16, 8:31 PM

VisitationSiste: Last Q: it’s already 830: Preparing our thoughts and souls for our own death is rarely discussed, even in homilies. Why is this? What should we do to prepare for our own death – whether
it comes unexpectedly, or after a long life?

Aug 16, 8:32 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): … And thank you all for this very good first time experience.

Aug 16, 8:32 PM

VisitationSiste: I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Aug 16, 8:32 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): Yes, it’s me, Anna 😊

Aug 16, 8:32 PM

VisitationSiste: I think every day as we grow closer to Jesus, or try to, we are preparing for our last day on earth and first in eternity

Aug 16, 8:33 PM

VisitationSiste: Thanks for being here!

Aug 16, 8:33 PM

Carol Ann: It is frightening to think of your own death, even though ee are told we don’t have to. It is our final battle

Aug 16, 8:33 PM

Ruth (Guest): And, in the last analysis, we are responsible for — by and with God’s graces — our own salvation. No one gets to heaven alone but no matter HOW one dies, who is near or absent, we each die alone. No one can cross that boundary FOR us. Christ went BEFORE us. But to follow him we have to do the work ourselves — with help, but ultimately alone.

Aug 16, 8:33 PM

VisitationSiste: One can call on Blessed Mother, the saints, and have our friends do so- if it is not sudden

Aug 16, 8:33 PM

VisitationSiste: for intercession

Aug 16, 8:35 PM

VisitationSiste: May each of you receive special grace this week- and let’s keep each other in prayer. Many blessings

Aug 16, 8:36 PM

Carol Ann: Thank you Sister Susan Marie!

Aug 16, 8:36 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, Sister, and Mary gives us (with her Divine Son) HOPE. Each time we ask her to “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.)

Aug 16, 8:37 PM

Guest1908 (Guest): Thank you Sister Susan Marie. Thank you to everyone. Blessings. Peace.

Aug 16, 8:40 PM

Ruth (Guest): God bless each of you. So glad you joined us “new” people from around the world. Glad you made it Carol Ann. Thank you everyone.