In all the great things we are encountering in our world lately, how can the Cross give us the necessary perspective on how to view it all? Saint Francis encourages us to embrace the cross. Is this, as some claim, masochistic? What is meant by a healthy embrace of the cross? Is all of this to say that being a Christian is a depressing obsession with suffering and death? How do we strike the balance between accepting the passing nature of this world and embracing the good of this world? What

Aug 9, 6:58 PM

VisitationSiste: What do you think it means to have “a clear apprehension of eternity”?

Aug 9, 6:59 PM

VisitationSiste: Tonite chat 730PM Sun Aug 9 730pm est

Aug 9, 7:17 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): HI mother susan marie this is bettychao

Aug 9, 7:23 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Betty

Aug 9, 7:27 PM

VisitationSiste: welcome viewers

Aug 9, 7:28 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): psalm 144 blessed be the lord my rock who train my hands for war and my finger for the battle my loving kindness for and my fortress my tower and my deliverer my shield and the one whom i take refuge .who subdues my people under me

Aug 9, 7:31 PM

VisitationSiste: Tonight we are discussing the depth of meaning of the Cross

Aug 9, 7:31 PM

VisitationSiste: First Q: In all the great things we are encountering in our world lately, how can the Cross give us the necessary perspective on how to view it all?

Aug 9, 7:33 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): psalms 33 greatness and goodness of God.rejoice in the lord o your goodness.praise the befits the upright praise the lord with the harp and lyre and make melody to him with the instruments of ten strings sing to him a new song of praise and play skilfully on the strings with loud shouts for the word of the lord is upright Amen.

Aug 9, 7:35 PM

VisitationSiste: welcome guest 5640

Aug 9, 7:35 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): sister susan when you go to mass when you see jesus die on the cross you will know how to forgive eachother who sin against you .

Aug 9, 7:36 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes and we sacrifice ourselves for others too in many ways depending on the grace of Jesus

Aug 9, 7:36 PM

VisitationSiste: welcome guest 3420

Aug 9, 7:37 PM

VisitationSiste: What is meant by a healthy embrace of the cross?

Aug 9, 7:40 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): the bible say when king david kill sheba first husband and married sheba and king david broke God first rules and God sent a prophet nathen talk to him and david bow to the lord and confess his sins and God forgive him. if you see jesus on the cross you sin will be forgiven when you come to the cross and his holy communion.

Aug 9, 7:41 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Ruth!

Aug 9, 7:41 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): HI ruth this is bettychao

Aug 9, 7:41 PM

VisitationSiste: Some of us here have embraced the Cross many times in our lives not because we wanted to suffer in particular but because Divine Providence led us to it and we accepted it

Aug 9, 7:44 PM

VisitationSiste: What does the cross mean to each of you

Aug 9, 7:44 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): the cross is tell all the christian the divine loving kindness of Jesus when i offered to God his death as sacrificed this is my answer sr susan marie

Aug 9, 7:46 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): when jesus offered his death on the cross to our father that he get punnished for us our sins we must thank jesus for his loving death for us so we can get free from sin and satan

Aug 9, 7:47 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hi Sr. Susan and BettyJo and guests and viewers. It is hard to keep track of who’s who when we sign in through Guest, so I highlight it, and then type in my name.

Aug 9, 7:47 PM

VisitationSiste: Why is the Cross a sign of contradiction do you think

Aug 9, 7:48 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): the holy cross is showing God mercy and loving goodness to us Sister susan

Aug 9, 7:50 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): how to understand about the meaning of the holy cross by ask holy spirit show you the way how to studied bible and listen to the mass and sermons and get sacrement of the mass that you know what is the meaning of the cross

Aug 9, 7:51 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): sister susan that is how I think

Aug 9, 7:52 PM

VisitationSiste: The Cross was so loved by all the saints

Aug 9, 7:53 PM

Ruth (Guest): There is one particular, literally physical cross I think of when I hear “It is hard to embrace the cross.” It is huge, bronze I think, cross that stands in the cemetery where deceased missionaries of a particular order in Switzerland are buried. The base of it is much bigger than any one person could embrace, literally. And we were talking about a very, very difficult and painful undertaking that was clearly within the Will of God. I ran over to the cross and tried to embrace it.

Aug 9, 7:53 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): the cross not only loved by the saints but all the christian people who want to Come to God mercy and divine mercy jesus

Aug 9, 7:54 PM

VisitationSiste: Exrtaordinary Cross

Aug 9, 7:54 PM

VisitationSiste: There is a special one in Medjugorje too I believe

Aug 9, 7:54 PM

VisitationSiste: And in Lithuania there isa hill of crosses

Aug 9, 7:55 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): I have seen the big crucifix cross and holy eucharist alter in mexico when I go to mexico with my parents long time ago

Aug 9, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: To embrace the cross in our life is to accept all that God sends

Aug 9, 7:59 PM

VisitationSiste: Any other comments?

Aug 9, 8:00 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): dear sr susan I just got new bible a catholic bible that is nrsv that my older sister sent me. that bible is have the sacred heart of jesus open his arms to let all the people come to him specily sick and poor and sinners .jesus say come to me all you people and I will refresh you take my yoke and be follow me you will get saved

Aug 9, 8:01 PM

VisitationSiste: Wondrful

Aug 9, 8:02 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Carroll

Aug 9, 8:02 PM

Carroll V (Guest): ALL that God sends- even the little ( or not so little) things that cause grief or remind us of past sadness… all these serve to draw us more closely to Our Lord- Amen!

Aug 9, 8:03 PM

Carroll V (Guest): Hi- That sounds beautiful Betty.

Aug 9, 8:04 PM

Ruth (Guest): It is hard to embrace the cross. But together we can do it! The prayers, the help, the counsel of others often can make the sense of godforsakenness a little less unbearable. Together we can embrace the cross. We have now, from afar, for over fifty years. Even Christ in the Garden asked to have the cross “the fourth Cup” taken from him, “but not my will, but yours be done” he prayed. And an angel came to help him. Veronica wiped his face on the Way of the Cross, and his mother and the women and expre

Aug 9, 8:05 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): the bible is large print edition we buy it from online ebay you can order from ebay. let me give you the name the revised standard version catholic bible you can buy in any catholic store and online too and ewtn catalog they sale that bible avaliable you can check out

Aug 9, 8:06 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): life without sermons and mass and holy bible and Gods words is blind faith we have live by the word from jesus.

Aug 9, 8:07 PM

Ruth (Guest): expressed their love. Simon was made to help Jesus physically, but the fact that his sons were known by name to the early Christian community suggests that the Simon experienced a “conversion” during the hard task or afterward. What he did at first because he HAD to became, in some way, a sweet burden.

Aug 9, 8:07 PM

VisitationSiste: Thanks Betty!

Aug 9, 8:07 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): jesus say you must carry the cross and follow me so you can be my friend

Aug 9, 8:08 PM

VisitationSiste: Good insight Ruth for me to think about helping one another carry the cross

Aug 9, 8:10 PM

VisitationSiste: How do we strike the balance between accepting the passing nature of this world and embracing the good of this world

Aug 9, 8:10 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): we need to work for jesus like take care and help the church and serve the church that is carry the cross and follow jesus the same.

Aug 9, 8:10 PM

Carroll V (Guest): Yes, Ruth- good to be reminded that none of us are meant to do so alone… even when another person here on earth is not handy, we ALWAYS have Our Blessed Mother and the Communion of Saints… the Christian life is not lived in isolation.

Aug 9, 8:11 PM

Carroll V (Guest): Thus, we never bear the cross alone.

Aug 9, 8:11 PM

Ruth (Guest): And I am hopeful that whatever suffering is entailed in my diagnosis and treatment will also be a means of growing closer to my obedient, patient Savior and a means of witness, giving glory to God.

Aug 9, 8:12 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): sr susan when I become the alter girl in cure are of ars catholic church I was carry my cross and work for the church parish too by help the priests and sister julie to serve the church and show the love of the cross of jesus to all the people we need to do in action no by words

Aug 9, 8:12 PM

Ruth (Guest): So true Carroll V!’

Aug 9, 8:13 PM

VisitationSiste: yes!

Aug 9, 8:13 PM

VisitationSiste: Great Betty

Aug 9, 8:14 PM

VisitationSiste: This week will be the Feast of St Jane de Chantal aug 12 She had many crosses

Aug 9, 8:14 PM

Ruth (Guest): And many of the saints, if they did not come from saintly families at least had a friend or two spiritual companions.

Aug 9, 8:16 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): sr susan why they become a saint because saints in heaven saints on earth because they love jesus and help people to believe in jesus because his love they become christian and saintshood

Aug 9, 8:16 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, the witness of the letters St. Jane Frances de Chantal and St. Francis de Sales exchanged is a good indication of the depth of their friendship.

Aug 9, 8:17 PM

Carroll V (Guest): We embrace the good of this world by “suiting up and showing up” and doing our part to show the Love of God to others as we walk through each day surrendering each moment to God… remembering that there is always a bigger picture than we can see, and remaining confident in His Love and mercy.

Aug 9, 8:18 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): ask jesus and blessed mother to help you get in to saintshood when you want become trust jesus

Aug 9, 8:19 PM

VisitationSiste: I think we use the goods of this world with a sense that they are from God and not really ours

Aug 9, 8:20 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good insight, Carroll V. A FB friend who is dealing with a re-occurrence of breast cancer, summarized similarly how she copes: “Get up, dress up, show up.”

Aug 9, 8:20 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): become a saints you must offered sacrificed you selfness and offered you self to God as you loving gift to jesus and follow jesus and listen and obey when he tell you

Aug 9, 8:21 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): sr susan where are you?

Aug 9, 8:23 PM

Guest8645 (Guest): good night I have to exercise and walk and I must go

Aug 9, 8:23 PM

VisitationSiste: Good night and thank you!

Aug 9, 8:23 PM

Carroll V (Guest): Good night!

Aug 9, 8:23 PM

VisitationSiste: What do you think it means to have “a clear apprehension of eternity”?

Aug 9, 8:23 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good night, Betty.

Aug 9, 8:25 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’m not sure, Sr. but even if we cannot “picture” heaven or our “pictures” are little more than similes, it sure helps put everything else in proportion.

Aug 9, 8:27 PM

Carroll V (Guest): You never know how your quiet, prayerful presence may affect others- even if you are a pt getting diagnostic tests or a traveller waiting for a plane or a shopper standing in line… When we can patiently accept the sacredness of the present moment, the Holy Spirit spreads the sacred…

Aug 9, 8:29 PM

VisitationSiste: GReat thought- Holy Spirit spreads the sacred

Aug 9, 8:30 PM

VisitationSiste: All sacredness!

Aug 9, 8:30 PM

VisitationSiste: I must leave now. Many blessings and prayers!

Aug 9, 8:30 PM

Carroll V (Guest): Clear apprehension of eternity: Are we being urged to always keep our eternal salvation as our top priority?

Aug 9, 8:30 PM

Ruth (Guest): The word “apprehension” has two very different meanings, the first — anxiety – I do not think is what is meant but the second —
understanding, grasp, comprehension, realization, recognition — is not entirely possible in this life. However we can hope. . .

Aug 9, 8:31 PM

Carroll V (Guest): Yes, Ruth, that second definition fits…

Aug 9, 8:32 PM

Ruth (Guest): And yes, Carroll, make eternal salvation our top priority.

Aug 9, 8:32 PM

Carroll V (Guest): Amen!

Aug 9, 8:33 PM

Carroll V (Guest): I should also say goodnight. Thank you, Ruth, for your fidelity to this group. You are truly a blessing. Good night.

Aug 9, 8:35 PM

Ruth (Guest): It fits, Carroll, but we cannot grasp or comprehend heaven any more than we can grasp or comprehend God. And yet, he does give us glimpses — such precious glimpses — of the LOVE. the GOODNESS that God is and the Cross FREELY accepted SHOWS us how very much God Loves us.

Aug 9, 8:35 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good night Carroll and viewers.