St. Francis mentions in this letter to St. Jane de Chantal that her nephew has an issue that can only be corrected via experience. Why in life are some things able to be taught, but other things seem to only ever be learned “the hard way”?2. In today’s ears if someone were to say to someone “my heart always opens and pours itself out with complete freedom when it is near yours” it would most likely be seen as a romantic gesture. However, obviously this letter of St. Francis to St. Jane is not romantic in
Jan 17, 7:03 PM
VisitationSiste: in nature. How can we today regain such purity that a phrase like this can be used innocently?3. Understanding is a gift of the Holy Spirit, yet St. Francis tells St. Jane to not lean on her own understanding. How do we square the two?4. Consider the analogy of the status that St. Francis used above wherein he has the statue say, “I am where my master has put me, and the only thing that can make me happy is to do what he wants.” How can this help us in our pursuit of full surrender to Divine Providence?5. C
Jan 17, 7:03 PM
VisitationSiste: 5. Consider what St. Francis said regarding his thought that we are in the presence of God even while we are asleep. Why in God’s infinite wisdom did He design us with this reality of sleep? What can it teach us?
Jan 17, 7:04 PM
VisitationSiste: Sun Jan 17 730pm est
Jan 17, 7:04 PM
bettychao (Guest): Dear sr susan Hi how are you? how is the sr Anna marie and sr jennifer?
Jan 17, 7:37 PM
VisitationSiste: Hi Betty! All ok
Jan 17, 7:37 PM
Guest1084 (Guest): Hi Betty
Jan 17, 7:37 PM
VisitationSiste: Hi Kevin It is working now
Jan 17, 7:37 PM
Kevin Banet: Hi, Kevin Banet here.
Jan 17, 7:37 PM
bettychao (Guest): sorry sr susan I come late.Bettychao
Jan 17, 7:37 PM
VisitationSiste: It is working here so thank you for all your help!
Jan 17, 7:37 PM
Kevin Banet: Sorry for any inconvenience, folks. It’s working now. We are still looking into getting the website permanently fixed.
Jan 17, 7:38 PM
VisitationSiste: Welcome guest 1084
Jan 17, 7:38 PM
VisitationSiste: We can begin!
Jan 17, 7:38 PM
VisitationSiste: Q1: 1. St. Francis mentions in this letter to St. Jane de Chantal that her nephew has an issue that can only be corrected via experience. Why in life are some things able to be taught, but other things seem to only ever be learned “the hard way”?
Jan 17, 7:41 PM
VisitationSiste: Glad you all made it here!
Jan 17, 7:41 PM
bettychao (Guest): sr susan you know my sister monica chao try to apply the covid 19 shot for me and mom but they tell my old sister monica only for my mom not for me and i have to wait for another time but me and mom went to the downtown los angeles park we pray to jesus togather and the nurse help me and mom togather get the covid 19 susan is that wonderful miracle that jesus answer our prayer. for sr susan from bettychao
Jan 17, 7:42 PM
VisitationSiste: Jesus heard your prayer- I hope you will stay well after this.
Jan 17, 7:42 PM
VisitationSiste: Some things I learned the hard way were because I did not listen to advice
Jan 17, 7:43 PM
VisitationSiste: But the advice was correct and my choice wrong- I was blessed tol learn from the experience
Jan 17, 7:45 PM
VisitationSiste: anybody else have that kind of experience?
Jan 17, 7:45 PM
bettychao (Guest): sr susan why catholics has to go to confession why they have to confession with priest? only priest can listen our confession?
Jan 17, 7:46 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi, I finally found you all
Jan 17, 7:46 PM
VisitationSiste: It is a sacrament that Jesus instituted when He gave power to His apostles to forgive sins- but we know it is God who does the forgibving and priests acty in person of Jeus
Jan 17, 7:47 PM
VisitationSiste: Hi Simone! It was a little mixed up because of hackers but we are back here
Jan 17, 7:47 PM
VisitationSiste: We just started- first q
Jan 17, 7:47 PM
Simone (Guest): no problem. Thank you and and Kevin for fixing the problem
Jan 17, 7:47 PM
VisitationSiste: Hopefully there will be a permanent solution.
Jan 17, 7:48 PM
VisitationSiste: Thanks for persisting in looking for us
Jan 17, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): My computer totally crashed this week. It is a night mare. And tomorrow I am starting the course on Theology of the Body
Jan 17, 7:48 PM
VisitationSiste: Should I repeat the Question?
Jan 17, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): I saw it
Jan 17, 7:48 PM
VisitationSiste: Ok!
Jan 17, 7:48 PM
VisitationSiste: Who is giving that course?
Jan 17, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): Me
Jan 17, 7:49 PM
VisitationSiste: Oh!!!
Jan 17, 7:49 PM
VisitationSiste: I guess you have students then!
Jan 17, 7:50 PM
Simone (Guest): It is not related to a university though.
Jan 17, 7:50 PM
Simone (Guest): I am just offering it to people who are interested. I did my certificate in TOB 2 years ago
Jan 17, 7:50 PM
VisitationSiste: what is TOB?
Jan 17, 7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry. short version of Theology of the body
Jan 17, 7:51 PM
bettychao (Guest): sr susan the our church father priest and our church nuns we call sisters why they say protants bible and catholic bible they are the same just missing some books in the old testment but why some regular catholic people they not priest and nuns they say protanst bible and catholic bible is not the same . but when I ask the catholic bishops and catholic nuns and priest they say is the same bible? bettychao question for sr susan sr susan I want to hear what you going to say about this question. bettychao
Jan 17, 7:52 PM
VisitationSiste: There are several books different in the Protestant and Catholic versions but I do not know which ones Betty
Jan 17, 7:52 PM
VisitationSiste: Any comments on Q 1 or shall I move on to the next?
Jan 17, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): It is so complex
Jan 17, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): learning can happen on so many different levels
Jan 17, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): the word “knowing” in the bible often means a deep intimate embrace
Jan 17, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): like Adam “knew” Eve
Jan 17, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): or when it says in the Psalms.. “Be still and know that I am GOD”.. the word KNOW.. also means.. embrace fully
Jan 17, 7:54 PM
bettychao (Guest): like new international version and new american bible version? my church priest and bishops say they are the same bible just the translation becuase bible cant change becuase is God words they tell me.
Jan 17, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): so, I think even mistakes – we can “know” differently
Jan 17, 7:55 PM
VisitationSiste: Learning and knowing can imply different aspects too
Jan 17, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): learning means.. to integrate it in our whole being. If we just “know” something in our mind – we do not learn so well. But if we live it -and sometimes through mistakes.. real learning can happen often. I wonder if that is what SFDS meant
Jan 17, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): yes agree Sr. Susan
Jan 17, 7:56 PM
VisitationSiste: That’s a good explanation Simone. Thank you!
Jan 17, 7:56 PM
bettychao (Guest): sister susan you ask me which bible version I talk about I talk about the new international version bible and new american bible? for sr susan from bettychao
Jan 17, 7:57 PM
VisitationSiste: Thanks Betty I am only familiar with New American
Jan 17, 7:57 PM
VisitationSiste: 2. In today’s ears if someone were to say to someone “my heart always opens and pours itself out with complete freedom when it is near yours” it would most likely be seen as a romantic gesture. However, obviously this letter of St. Francis to St. Jane is not romantic in nature. How can we today regain such purity that a phrase like this can be used innocently?
Jan 17, 7:57 PM
VisitationSiste: This fits in somewhat with TOB
Jan 17, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): you mean this question?
Jan 17, 7:57 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes, in a distant way
Jan 17, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): yes. I would not have thought about it. But you are right
Jan 17, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): I think this is a beautiful wording of spiritual intimacy what Francis uses here.
Jan 17, 7:59 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes and to have a friendship like that is a wonderful gift
Jan 17, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): I have a soul relationship with a female friend, – with whom I am in no way at all romantically involved – but that’s how I feel when we share our hearts
Jan 17, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): It is like to find Jesus in another body
Jan 17, 8:00 PM
Simone (Guest): and Jesus in your own heart – shares Himself with the other heart
Jan 17, 8:00 PM
bettychao (Guest): I go to christian sermons online and catholic mass online everyday and I studied the protastand bible and catholic bible and I studied the books talk about gaspel everyday I did that I think bible is the same just translation but no matter they are all God teachings is the holy food and holy commuion for our lifes we need God word to live in the right life and right way. for sr susan from Bettychao
Jan 17, 8:01 PM
VisitationSiste: I agree Betty!
Jan 17, 8:01 PM
Simone (Guest): I just read this week parts of St. Jane’s biography. And I wonder – if this intimacy they both felt -even if it was on a soul level – lead them “to let each other go”.
Jan 17, 8:01 PM
VisitationSiste: Simone that is so special-
Jan 17, 8:02 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes they did need to let each other go at one point in 1616 but they continued their friendship
Jan 17, 8:02 PM
VisitationSiste: These things are hard to defing
Jan 17, 8:02 PM
VisitationSiste: define
Jan 17, 8:02 PM
bettychao (Guest): sr susan why the night of colombus community is so important to those catholics? bettychao
Jan 17, 8:02 PM
VisitationSiste: Knights of Columbus? Is that a men’s group?
Jan 17, 8:03 PM
VisitationSiste: I think good spiritual direction can also eable a person to pour out theur heart easily
Jan 17, 8:04 PM
VisitationSiste: And at some point it is possible that only the Lord is needed or the one closest to one’s heart, so many different ways in our human experience
Jan 17, 8:04 PM
Simone (Guest): yes. absolutely. I know, that I am in some ways for my directees this kind of heart. And I am not bragging here. I just feel it – in our talks -and this grace lifts immediately for me after I close the session
Jan 17, 8:04 PM
VisitationSiste: Happens in counseling sometimes too
Jan 17, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): I actually enjoyed the time most in my life -when only the Lord was my soul mate really – this sweet dance with Jesus in prayer – hearing His voice – just smiling – when you know He is here…I do think we have to always keep this place for meeting Jesus in our hearts open
Jan 17, 8:07 PM
VisitationSiste: He guides us and knows what we need at all times in our lives- sometimes Him exclusively, other times the sharing with another for a different kind of growth
Jan 17, 8:07 PM
bettychao (Guest): sr susan when I bring the my own protistant bible to show our catholic church bishop he say they are all God words no matter is so important for you you must pratice them and studied the words of jesus and learn from him. and my sisters nuns from spain they speak english and spainish they are tell me read bible no matter is a bible Gods word read closely that is important then anything becuase the teaching of the gaspel is the same becuase jesus do and say no one can change. for sr susan from bettychao
Jan 17, 8:08 PM
VisitationSiste: Sounds like you have alot of advice on this Betty!
Jan 17, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): Betty.. may I say something to your question? The protestant bible is exactly the same as the Catholic Bible.. it is just missing 7 books ( sorry it might be six).. these books are Tobit, Sirach, Wisdom, Baruch, and tow or three more..
Jan 17, 8:09 PM
VisitationSiste: 3. Understanding is a gift of the Holy Spirit, yet St. Francis tells St. Jane to not lean on her own understanding. How do we square the two?
Jan 17, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): You can pick up any NIV bible and you are safe to know that you will read GOd’s word. That said.. often bible readings at mass are from the books that the protestant bible does not offer.. so I would opt for the New American Bible – so you always have all the books.. Hope that was helpful
Jan 17, 8:10 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry.. I am trying to find the passage where St. Francis writes this
Jan 17, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): ok found it
Jan 17, 8:12 PM
bettychao (Guest): everyday during the morning I listen to the christian hymns and I bow to the sacred heart of jesus. but now i listen to the chaplet of the divine mercy in songs and I holy my rosary and studied catholic bible and protatanst bible and I bow to the eucharist and secred heart of jesus I do that everyday during morning
Jan 17, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): I wonder, if St. Jane wrote about a peace in prayer about something – but it did not make sense- when she used her intellect.
Jan 17, 8:13 PM
VisitationSiste: I reread your letter late last night. Go on doing just as you say in your letter: avoid forcing yourself to use your understanding, because this is harmful to you, not only in general but especially in prayer; let your affections dwell as simply and as gently as possible on the object of your desire. The understanding will of course make efforts to apply itself from time to time; this cannot be avoided, and you should not be anxious to guard against it as this would serve as a distraction. When you become a
Jan 17, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): I think- the confusion might come -because understanding can happen on different levels.
Jan 17, 8:13 PM
VisitationSiste: this is part of the passage
Jan 17, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks for writing it out.
Jan 17, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): the understanding that comes from the Holy Spirit – is often a way of deep understanding things that are normally a mystery to the mind
Jan 17, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): but then we try to make sense of it all.. in our human intellect
Jan 17, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): and often these two collide..
Jan 17, 8:15 PM
VisitationSiste: I think 2 understandings are being juxtaposed. The Gift of the Holy Spirit andf then perhaps human understanding based on reason, experience etc
Jan 17, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): Exactly. That is also what I thin
Jan 17, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): think
Jan 17, 8:15 PM
bettychao (Guest): sr susan when I sleep I saw the picture of the crucifix shine upond me like sun in one day when I sleep I saw it this is the version of God tell me that no matter what I want talk to you something important by the holy spirit and holy crucifix that tell you betty how much I love you and care about you. for sr susan from betty
Jan 17, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): like the word “juxtaposed”, never heard it before
Jan 17, 8:16 PM
VisitationSiste: So better to lean on the gift of the Holy Spirit when it comes and not try to fu=igure verything out on our own steam
Jan 17, 8:16 PM
VisitationSiste: figure
Jan 17, 8:16 PM
VisitationSiste: did I spell it correctly- juxtaposed?
Jan 17, 8:16 PM
VisitationSiste: One against another so to speak I can look it up
Jan 17, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes, when there is peace on the understanding of the heart – then we should not try to mold it – so it fits into our intellectual understanding.. To live with the tension is often the best we can do
Jan 17, 8:17 PM
VisitationSiste: Definition of juxtaposition
: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect an unusual juxtaposition of colors also : the state of being so placed contrasting shapes placed in juxtaposition to each other
Jan 17, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): don’t worry Sr. Susan.. I am sure you spelled it right. I just have never heard the word.. Don’t forget English is my second language. My mother language is germa
Jan 17, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): german
Jan 17, 8:18 PM
VisitationSiste: oh that’s right!
Jan 17, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks for the explanation. I will integrate this word in the future. It sounds so beautiful and creative
Jan 17, 8:18 PM
VisitationSiste: I only took one year of German a long time ago
Jan 17, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): Guten Abend
Jan 17, 8:18 PM
VisitationSiste: Is that good evening?
Jan 17, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): YES. 100% on this little German test
Jan 17, 8:19 PM
bettychao (Guest): sister susan have you seen the nrsv catholic bible before I have new american bible that is both chinese mandiren and english lunguage togather and protastand bible that is mandiren and english togather and nrsv catholic bible I use those bible all the time. but sometime I use chinese and english both lunguage bible. mom want me studied both english and chinese togather not only just one lunguage.for sr susan
Jan 17, 8:19 PM
VisitationSiste: Thanks! But now I must study to get any further good marks!
Jan 17, 8:20 PM
VisitationSiste: Betty it is good to know more than one language!
Jan 17, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): Will love to see your progress soon Sister
Jan 17, 8:20 PM
VisitationSiste: 4. Consider the analogy of the status that St. Francis used above wherein he has the statue say, “I am where my master has put me, and the only thing that can make me happy is to do what he wants.” How can this help us in our pursuit of full surrender to Divine Providence?
Jan 17, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): oh my.. this really was a humbling passage
Jan 17, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): I so hope that I am willing to stay where my Master puts me and that this is the foundation of my joy
Jan 17, 8:21 PM
VisitationSiste: nebeneinander
Jan 17, 8:22 PM
bettychao (Guest): even I listen the christian sermon from the los angeles chinese christian zion church I was join the sermons that is have mandiren and english both in the their church and online too for sr susan from bettychao
Jan 17, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): wonderful! Now I really understand the word. You are so good with looking things up so fast Sr. Susan
Jan 17, 8:22 PM
VisitationSiste: You can be sure I did not know that word!
Jan 17, 8:23 PM
VisitationSiste: St Francis talks of being in a niche and just being there for the King without being noticed
Jan 17, 8:23 PM
VisitationSiste: Just stay where one is put
Jan 17, 8:23 PM
VisitationSiste: But it is to be ready for whenever the King calls
Jan 17, 8:24 PM
VisitationSiste: Sometimes though we don’t know what the Lord wants so we move around and try to find out
Jan 17, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): I often think as the Kingdom of GOD and the Church here on Earth. a little bit like a chessboard. If all the figures are willing to be in the right spot- and are moving how they are moved by the player – the game can be won. Not that the invisible fight between Good and Evil is a game.. but I think many Catholic people do not know their Charism, do not know how the Master wants to place them on the divine chess board.. so they run around on the board.. or hide beside it
Jan 17, 8:26 PM
VisitationSiste: But it does help us to accept certain basic situations in our life if we consider that the Lord placed us where He wanted us
Jan 17, 8:26 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes exactly Simone. And it is difficult for so many to understand God’s Will
Jan 17, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): absolutely.
Jan 17, 8:27 PM
bettychao (Guest): the lord jesus christ announced us not only say lord lord we want to enter you kingdom that means heaven but jesus announced us if anyone trust my mercy and do what anything good deeds for my sake I will accept them go to heavenly kingdom and they will have live in good life with my angels and saints togather they are my kingdom people who do what I say and commend them to do to live in holy life.for sr susan
Jan 17, 8:28 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes exactly Betty We must do what the Lord wants
Jan 17, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): As for knowing God’s will.. I find so many people think it has to be something so extraordinary.. but becoming fully HIS.. His beloved daughter or son.. and avoid anything that would endanger that identity to be lived.. is sometimes the only thing God really wants from us
Jan 17, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): Thanks Betty.. that is beautiful
Jan 17, 8:29 PM
VisitationSiste: That is well put and reassuring Simone and true. But we must have a real relationship with Him to accept it
Jan 17, 8:29 PM
VisitationSiste: Some people don’t know how rich that relationship can be
Jan 17, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): There is such a hype in the world about being noticed, being the best, being the most creative, etc… we can be so powerful by allowing God to place us. and no danger for burn out in this niche for the Statue often too
Jan 17, 8:29 PM
VisitationSiste: so true
Jan 17, 8:30 PM
VisitationSiste: last q 5. Consider what St. Francis said regarding his thought that we are in the presence of God even while we are asleep. Why in God’s infinite wisdom did He design us with this reality of sleep? What can it teach us?
Jan 17, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Sister. a lot of people do not know how rich that relationship can be. To be honest – I do not think that a lot of people feel that they are invited in such a relationship with GOD.
Jan 17, 8:30 PM
VisitationSiste: There is a kind of holy sleep- I think of St Therese who did not scorn sleeping in the presence of God
Jan 17, 8:31 PM
bettychao (Guest): sr susan I must leave becuase I will be besy I will not chat with you in next suday becuase I have to go to mass in my chruch. but I will chat with you in next next sunday and I will get more information about the bible and church to share with you in chat. bettychao for sr susan . and sr susan if their is any change the schedule I email you and let you know if I have time to chat with you.
Jan 17, 8:31 PM
VisitationSiste: True- I did not always know this
Jan 17, 8:31 PM
VisitationSiste: Ok Betty- I have to leave now soon too. Just e mail me and let me know!
Jan 17, 8:31 PM
Simone (Guest): I did not know that about St. Therese. interesting.
Jan 17, 8:31 PM
bettychao (Guest): ok
Jan 17, 8:32 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes I wish I knew exactly where she said it.
Jan 17, 8:32 PM
Simone (Guest): I know that I once read that our morning prayer picks up the praise that was interrupted by sleep.
Jan 17, 8:33 PM
Simone (Guest): We usually pray before we sleep that God will guard our soul. The enemy loves to attack, when our mind is not on top and can stand against his influence.
Jan 17, 8:33 PM
VisitationSiste: [St. Therese of Lisieux] had a problem in her mental prayer: she used to fall asleep! … But she wasn’t overly upset by this weakness: I think how little children please their parents just as much when they are asleep as when they are awake; I think how doctors put patients to sleep in order to do operations. And finally, I think how “the Lord sees our weakness, he remembers that we are but dust” (Autobiography, manuscript A)
Jan 17, 8:33 PM
Simone (Guest): lovely. thanks for quoting this.
Jan 17, 8:34 PM
Simone (Guest): I love what St. Francis wrote about the sleep -because it is a really good reminder, that it is not all our activity that unites us with GOD. God is active on His side too – so even when we let go -He is here.. He sees us
Jan 17, 8:34 PM
Simone (Guest): Sister Susan.. I know you have to leave soon now..
Jan 17, 8:34 PM
Simone (Guest): Can I quickly ask you one question please?
Jan 17, 8:35 PM
VisitationSiste: God rested on the 7th day, that can be seen as contemplation but also perhaps that is why sleep is also important- it lets our unconscious wander over the day and review it i
Jan 17, 8:35 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes
Jan 17, 8:35 PM
Simone (Guest): I feel that the Lord is asking me to explore ” the Sacred Heart of Jesus”. Can you guide me to some literature – where I can read on that? I think it was Sr. Margret Mary
Jan 17, 8:36 PM
Simone (Guest): but if there is any book you would find particularly helpful I would be very thankful for that hint
Jan 17, 8:36 PM
Simone (Guest): you can easily email me later .. does not have to be right nw
Jan 17, 8:36 PM
Simone (Guest): ow
Jan 17, 8:36 PM
Simone (Guest): now
Jan 17, 8:36 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes I thought I found something one day oh I know- the program I was invited to- you can listen to that on this website. Also read her autobiography
Jan 17, 8:36 PM
VisitationSiste: Ok I will do that!
Jan 17, 8:36 PM
Simone (Guest): Well… I let you go.. It was lovely to read all your thoughts.
Jan 17, 8:37 PM
VisitationSiste: I will be leaving now. Have a blessed week- and let us keep each other in prayer
Jan 17, 8:38 PM
Simone (Guest): Thank you so much for taking time to do this. It means a lot to me …and many others. Yes, you are in my prayers..I specifically feel the Lord inviting me to pray that you can ” float” in His grace through those very busy days you have. May your body do the duty, while your spirit enjoys God.