SrSusan (Guest): What does it mean that we should only use imagination in prayer to move the will?What would the advantage be of not using imagination in prayer? Could we even pray the rosary?What do you make of St. Francis telling St. Jane to not take too rigorously his words. Does that undermine his teaching?St. Francis often offers counsel and advice and wisdom in his letters, but he rarely ever commands nor tells people what to do. Did you expect it to be the opposite of that (with him being more strict in his instructi
Apr 11, 8:01 AM
SrSusan (Guest): instructions)?The first intent of this letter might be to arrange a visit of St. Jane. However, St. Francis joins that invitation into an opportunity to give a little sermon. How can we put the same technique into effect among our friends and acquaintances?St. Francis signs off this letter with a simple “F.” We have somewhat discussed this before, but what would it be like being so close with a Saint on this side of heaven that they merely use a single letter in the closing? Now, think about how God has exp
Apr 11, 8:02 AM
Now, think about how God has expressed nearness to us through Scripture.
Apr 11, 8:02 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat April 11 730pm est
Apr 11, 7:31 PM
Betty (Guest): Dear sr Susan hi how are you? This is bettychao I am still in Kansas my mom has take view weeks and month let her leg take rest before we go to Los Angeles.
Apr 11, 7:33 PM
Betty (Guest): Dawn hi how are you? This is Betty Chao where is sr Susan?
Apr 11, 7:34 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Betty! how are you doing? I don’t know where Sr is right now
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Apr 11, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): I read you and your mother are going to Los Angeles. are you from there?
Apr 11, 7:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am here now!
: Sun chat newsletter April 11
Apr 11, 8:01 AM
SrSusan (Guest): What does it mean that we should only use imagination in prayer to move the will?What would the advantage be of not using imagination in prayer? Could we even pray the rosary?What do you make of St. Francis telling St. Jane to not take too rigorously his words. Does that undermine his teaching?St. Francis often offers counsel and advice and wisdom in his letters, but he rarely ever commands nor tells people what to do. Did you expect it to be the opposite of that (with him being more strict in his instructi
Apr 11, 8:01 AM
SrSusan (Guest): instructions)?The first intent of this letter might be to arrange a visit of St. Jane. However, St. Francis joins that invitation into an opportunity to give a little sermon. How can we put the same technique into effect among our friends and acquaintances?St. Francis signs off this letter with a simple “F.” We have somewhat discussed this before, but what would it be like being so close with a Saint on this side of heaven that they merely use a single letter in the closing? Now, think about how God has exp
Apr 11, 8:02 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Now, think about how God has expressed nearness to us through Scripture.
Apr 11, 8:02 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat April 11 730pm est
Apr 11, 7:31 PM
Betty (Guest): Dear sr Susan hi how are you? This is bettychao I am still in Kansas my mom has take view weeks and month let her leg take rest before we go to Los Angeles.
Apr 11, 7:33 PM
Betty (Guest): Dawn hi how are you? This is Betty Chao where is sr Susan?
Apr 11, 7:34 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Betty! how are you doing? I don’t know where Sr is right now
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Apr 11, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): I read you and your mother are going to Los Angeles. are you from there?
Apr 11, 7:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am here now!
Apr 11, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi SrSusan! glad you are here
Apr 11, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Brian!
Apr 11, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi everyone!
Apr 11, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!
Apr 11, 7:37 PM
Betty (Guest): Dawn I just got view gaspel music cd and two bibles and I just got out from the Chinese Emmanuel Christian church and I was join their bible sermon . Today we talk about ten comndments and five Books of Moses from the Old Testament.
Apr 11, 7:37 PM
Brian (Guest): Hi Sister Susan , Dawn , and Betty !!! God Bless You !!!
Apr 11, 7:37 PM
Betty (Guest): Hi brian
Apr 11, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Glad you’re here too Brian!
Apr 11, 7:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Betty and Dawn!
Apr 11, 7:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): Me too!
Apr 11, 7:38 PM
Betty (Guest): Hi sr Susan and how is sr Jennifer koo and sr Ana maria
Apr 11, 7:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How do you find the question about imagination and will?Tough one to start with, no?
Apr 11, 7:38 PM
Brian (Guest): Glad to be back with You All !!!
Apr 11, 7:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Ok Betty
Apr 11, 7:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What does it mean that we should only use imagination in prayer to move the will?What would the advantage be of not using imagination in prayer?
Apr 11, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): I hadnt really given it thought about imagination and prayer until reading F. letter
Apr 11, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): I like the initial!
Apr 11, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): well, I have but not in the way it is presented here
Apr 11, 7:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ??
Apr 11, 7:41 PM
Betty (Guest): I like the chaplet of divine mercy prayer and I always join the chaplet of divine mercy basilica daily mass I join that mass online everyday but sometime I listen to Christian Bible sermon.
Apr 11, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Ignatius Loyola encouraged imagination n prayer, the Greek Orthodox do not encourage it and St Jane talks about a simple gaze on God. Lots of ways to pray!
Apr 11, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): meaning , these are specific instructions. I am sure i need!
Apr 11, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Welcome Elaine
Brian (Guest): Maybe this could relate to interview I saw with Mother Theresa where she was asked how she got through long periods of not being able to feel the Lords direct presence !!! She Smiled and said Blind Faith is what Got her Through !!!!! She knew the whole time God was there for her !!!!!!
Apr 11, 7:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes and that is truer than most of us knew when she was on earth with us!
Apr 11, 7:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes. I do not always rely on how I feel, emotions. there is faith and trust
Apr 11, 7:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Imagination is an aid to prayer certainly but the point of prayer is to grow in love and union with God and His Will and so once we move in that direction, imagination is not needed at that moment
Apr 11, 7:45 PM
Betty (Guest): I got view gaspel music songs cd and bibles and I studied bibles and join mass online and listen to gaspel songs that help me a lot get closed and have friendship with Jesus and sr Susan I just got jesus life dvd that failming from the sightsound theater. Bettychao
Apr 11, 7:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): But every time we start a new prayer period we may need to start with imagination, meditation, etc until our heart moves towards love and His Will again
Apr 11, 7:45 PM
Brian (Guest): We have learned to Trust God no matter what circumstances surround us or are with us !!!!
Elaine (Guest): I think I use different ways of prayer. My most comforting is using imagination. I put myself in the Gospel story. 7 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Elaine, do you mean like being Mary or Magdelene?wonderful thoughts! :46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Beautiful- real meditation.
Apr 11, 7:46 PM
Brian (Guest): Hi Elaine !!!! God Bless You !!!! That is Soo Beautiful !!!
Apr 11, 7:47 PM
Elaine (Guest): thanks brian
7:48 PM
Elaine (Guest): When I teach Children about the Christmas story, I tell them to make believe they are at the stable, what would they be doing or who would they be, and then imagine making friends with the Holy Family. PM
Dawn (Guest): beautiful. we could do this also!
Apr 11, 7:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Lisa!
Apr 11, 7:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): Brian, did I say hello to you? Glad you are here my friend
Apr 11, 7:49 PM
Elaine (Guest): Yes, sometimes in the stable I choose different characters, or what am I doing. Also, when I do the stations of the Cross at home, I imagine who I would be on the road to Calvery.
Lisa C (Guest): Yes , you too 51 PM
Elaine (Guest): I don’t think so, I think he was leaving it open to her to choose what way she wanted to pray at any time. 2 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Jane had been sort of controlled by aprevious spiritual director so St Francis was opening her up to liberty of spirit.
Apr 11, 7:52 PM
Elaine (Guest): I believe the Holy Spirit leads us He knows what we need at different times.
Apr 11, 7:52 PM
Betty (Guest): Because mom say bible is the teaching of God because God say no one can change the Bible and no one can change my words mom always tell me. For sr Susan from bettychao
10 online
Lisa C
3 viewers
7:52 PM
Elaine (Guest): I believe the Holy Spirit leads us He knows what we need at different times.
Apr 11, 7:52 PM
Betty (Guest): Because mom say bible is the teaching of God because God say no one can change the Bible and no one can change my words mom always tell me. For sr Susan from bettychao
Apr 11, 7:54 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr Jennifer, hello! glad you are here
Apr 11, 7:54 PM
Brian (Guest): I think they knew each other well and maybe he was encouraging her too learn the lesson that God was teaching her not get carried away with just what he was saying !
Apr 11, 7:55 PM
Betty (Guest): Hi sr Jennifer. Bettychao
Apr 11, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): good insight Brian, them knowing each other well
5 PM
Betty (Guest): Hi sr Jennifer. Bettychao
Apr 11, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): good insight Brian, them knowing each other well
Apr 11, 7:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Good point Brian and not to get scrupulous either
Apr 11, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): especially as he was a Bishop and she mite have put even more wight on his words
Apr 11, 7:56 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Betty
Apr 11, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and she admired his obvious sanctity so who would not pay spercial attention to a saint?
Apr 11, 7:56 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Brian
Apr 11, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): weight on his words – see above
Apr 11, 7:57 PM
Lisa C (Guest): testing
7:58 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis often offers counsel and advice and wisdom in his letters, but he rarely ever commands nor tells people what to do. Did you expect it to be the opposite of that (with him being more strict in his instructi
: instructions
Apr 11, 7:59 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Like in Romans, St. Paul says Jesus fulfills the Law and so we are no longer constricted by it as the Jews were
Apr 11, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Personally I never had a strict spiritual director
Apr 11, 7:59 PM
Betty (Guest): Sr Jennifer I was listen to a gaspel sermon teaching by Su shao ping our preacher and I listen to his bible sermon all the time when I in Los Angeles and he did go to st Elizabeth Ann seton Catholic Church to preach and I have a his information is a Chinese catholic sermon talk about catholic bible teaching
9 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We cannot totally fulfill it and have to depend on Jesus
7 o
, 8:00 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It is not that the Law is wrong, it is that we cannot keep it alone
Apr 11, 8:01 PM
Elaine (Guest): I agree Lisa
:03 PM
Brian (Guest): He is a Good Teacher !!! His Humility and Trust in God prevents Him from temptation to be a know it all or extremely strict which would prevent the growth of himself and those he is teaching in getting closer too God !!!
Apr 11, 8:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): True- we cannot do much without His grace
7 online
Sr Jennifer
Lisa C
, 8:04 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think God also looks at our intent
Apr 11, 8:04 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Thank you Betty
Apr 11, 8:05 PM
Brian (Guest): The Best Teachers Learn Soo Much from their Students
SrSusan (Guest): The first intent of this letter might be to arrange a visit of St.Jane. However, St. Francis joins that invitation into an opportunity to give a little sermon. How can we put the same technique into effect among our friends and acquaintances?
Apr 11, 8:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): discussing prayer and Jesus I am thinking of the Lords Prayer!
Apr 11, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Why did God pick St. Paul who was killing Christians? Because He knew Paul was intending to help God, but hit him with lightning to correct him. God used St. Paul’s intentions and then made them His work.
Apr 11, 8:08 PM
Betty (Guest): And just thinking divine jesus and take refuge to his divine mercy and say alelluia Jesus I trust you.
Apr 11, 8:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): He does, he expands on what he is talking about!
Apr 11, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Re question: We can always steer a conversation toward God.
Apr 11, 8:09 PM
Dawn (Guest): and it becomes a teaching or sermon
Apr 11, 8:09 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): That’s good Betty
, 8:10 PM
Lisa C (Guest): If we are talking with God all day and thinking of Him, our conversations will likely steer to Him.
Apr 11, 8:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): The Holy Spirit can begin to direct our words
Apr 11, 8:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That is how Introduction to the Devout Life was written- it was letters to a penitent and she showed them to another priest who said they should be published
7 online
SrSusan , 8:10 PM
Lisa C (Guest): If we are talking with God all day and thinking of Him, our conversations will likely steer to Him.
Apr 11, 8:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): The Holy Spirit can begin to direct our words
Apr 11, 8:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That is how Introduction to the Devout Life was written- it was letters to a penitent and she showed them to another priest who said they should be published
Apr 11, 8:10 PM
Betty (Guest): I didn’t go back to Los Angeles because mom want to get rest and relax more in Kansas then after that we go to California but mom want go to my country Taiwan we have house in Taiwan.
Apr 11, 8:11 PM
Brian (Guest): People really learn Soo much from hearing your Story !!! The Word of Your Testimony of How God has Worked in Your Life is Soo Powerful !!!!
Apr 11, 8:11 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Betty, you are from Taiwan
Apr 11, 8:11 PM
Brian (Guest): Share Your Story when You Can and be a Good Listener
7 online
Lisa C
Sr Jennifer
Sr Jennifer
Lisa C
4 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think we need to listen deeply to others and pick up clues as to what they are really saying and then we can witness in a way that the person can receive it and yet be true to our understanding
Apr 11, 8:15 PM
Brian (Guest): Amen !!!!
, 8:15 PM
Elaine (Guest): Yes beautiful Sr.
8 online
Sr Jennifer
1 viewer
8:15 PM
Betty (Guest): Yes say Betty to sr Jennifer and I have some sisters nuns are in my own church they are all come from Taiwan my friend sr Wu is come from the Taiwan catholic monastery now she go back to Taiwan we chat with her and talk to her. Her convent name call sisters of immaculate heart of Mary in Taichung Taiwan and I have two nuns in Spain they live in monastery of Saint benet Montserrat Barcelona their name is sr Teresa forcades osb and sr anna nubiola osb sr anna nubiola is 91 year old. To sr Jennifer from betty 16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis de Sales had sio many directees because he probably was a genius at listening and gently bringing people around to the TRUTH
8 online
Lisa C
Sr Jennifer
1 viewer
:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): amazing. it is a gift he left writings for us 18 PM
Dawn (Guest): are there Holy Bishops Priests like this today? the world is different. But God does not change
Apr 11, 8:18 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The Dubia Cardinals
Apr 11, 8:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Bishop Strickland
Apr 11, 8:19 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The ones who are left
8 online
Sr Jennifer
Lisa C
1 viewer
Lisa C (Guest): The Dubia Cardinals
Apr 11, 8:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Bishop Strickland
Apr 11, 8:19 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The ones who are left
Apr 11, 8:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): !
Apr 11, 8:19 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Cardinal Burke
Apr 11, 8:20 PM
Betty (Guest): The our church preacher teach us the human people change and world changed but Gods word and his teaching never changed and his words will not pass way. Bettychao
Apr 11, 8:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis signs off this letter with a simple “F.” We have somewhat discussed this before, but what would it be like being so close with a Saint on this side of heaven that they merely use a single letter in the closing?
Apr 11, 8:20 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Cardinal Muller
Apr 11, 8:20 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Pope Benedict PM
Elaine (Guest): I love Pope Benedict
Apr 11, 8:20 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Bishop Schneider
Apr 11, 8:21 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Cardinal Sarah
Apr 11, 8:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): creating list
Apr 11, 8:22 PM
Lisa C (Guest): All faithful and good
Apr 11, 8:22 PM
Lisa C (Guest): They are also brave
Apr 11, 8:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): praise be to God for them today!
Apr 11, 8:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): I have read some things from them and think they are the messengers for us right now
1, 8:24 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think all the Saints are close to us, praying for us all the time
1, 8:24 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think all the Saints are close to us, praying for us all the time
Apr 11, 8:24 PM
Lisa C (Guest): But it would be very cool to have one write a letter
Apr 11, 8:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes!\
26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): His Living Word to us
Apr 11, 8:26 PM
Lisa C (Guest): ….and Communion
Apr 11, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and the Word became Flesh!
Apr 11, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and dwelt among us!
Apr 11, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and still does in the Eucharist!
9 online
Sr Jennifer
Lisa C
3 viewers