We are going back to our chapter 19

of Saint John which, I recall,

is the fundamental biblical passage

to better know

the Heart of Jesus which reveals to us the pierced side.

So today, we will start,

but we will not be able to do it

entirely in these few minutes.

Commenting on the quotes

actually that John gives us,

He tells us, it happened

so that the writing was fulfilled.

Not a bone will be broken.

This is a quote from Psalm 33.

In fact, in the Bible, it is 34

in the liturgy it is Psalm 33

and in this Psalm 33,

it is about a mysterious

just persecuted, unjustly

already a sort of figure

of a suffering servant.

on which misfortunes fall

while he is just and innocent.

And that’s how towards the end of the psalm,

it says: “woe upon woe for the righteous.”

But each time

the Lord delivers him.

No bone will be broken.

This is what is written

and then in fact, John, having seen

that the soldiers did not break

the legs of Jesus

while they broke the legs of his 2 companions of misfortune.

Well, he said to himself, there you have

it, this psalm is being fulfilled.

And the righteous persecuted

par excellence, obviously, is Jesus,

the suffering servant, unjustly condemned,

unjustly executed.

It is Jesus, not a bone will be broken in

him, no bone will be broken in him.

And so when he meditated

for decades and decades


later, I remind him:

This is a very important point:

Not everything came to him on Good Friday.

he meditated for decades.

I take a little parenthesis

to come back to this important point.

Moreover, I had said that I will speak about it.

It must be seen

that these meditations were very rich.

All the more so since he probably

made them at the school of the Virgin Mary


since he welcomed Mary to his home.

However, we are told of Mary that

she never ceased to meditate,

to retain all these things

in her heart, keeping

hem meditating … And at the school of Marie

Jean learned to meditate

particularly on this event there,

by the way. of the Scriptures,

therefore, of the Old Testament,

0nd he deepened them

more and more, and the Gospel

is the fruit of

these decades of meditation.

said to himself: here is the righteous one of whom the psalm speaks, I had him

before my eyes, it is Jesus.

but it doesn’t stop there

because we won’t break any bones in him.

This phrase does not exist

only in Psalm 33. It exists in an

extremely important


of the Old Testament.

In the book of Exodus.

Which we have certainly

heard in part during Lent

or around Easter.

It’s in the 12th chapter of the exodus.

God gives his instructions to Moses

for the celebration of the Passover.

In preparation for leaving Egypt,

he gives Moses instructions in advance

how, from generation to generation,

the Passover is to be celebrated.

So God said, you will choose a lamb.

Spotless, that is to say flawless,

immaculate, one year old.

You will slaughter it at dusk

on Easter evening.

You will slaughter it in the twilight,

then you will take the blood

and you will put it on your doors,

on the lintels of your doors.

There you have it, because of the 10th plague like that,

the exterminator will not enter your home

while he is going to strike

all the firstborn in Egypt.

So the lamb there,

and in the 46th verse of this long

chapter 12 just exactly,

what did he say?

Whatever remains

in the lamb, of the lamb,

you will burn it outside,

no bones will be

broken.And therefore Saint John understood

that the true paschal lamb,

He also had it, under his eyes, with Jesus.

Source: Fr. Kars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8UoQjr-Uhc&t=81s