Dear Faithful Friends, Guards of Honor,
Today begins the great Novena to the SACRED HEART of JESUS which we will solemnly celebrate on June 11. We are offering you the novena of the Monastery of the Visitation of Paray le Monial to walk together until this great feast which delights all lovers of the Heart of Jesus and especially all honor guards around the world! be blessed, well in communion, Geneviève Vignes, Headquarters coordinator
1 ° Day: “I find in the Sacred Heart of Jesus all that is lacking in my poverty, because it is filled with mercy.” (Ste Marguerite-Marie)
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father ….
O most merciful Heart of Jesus who said: “Come to me, all of you who suffer, who are burdened and I will relieve you”, your mercy is greater than my misery, and it is to her that I turn for obtain the graces that I ask for during this novena. By your infinite mercy, do not reject my humble prayer, O beloved Heart, but deign to answer it. You who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen
2 ° Day: “God is an incomprehensible abyss of all good … As long as he makes a heart conceive how good and lovable it is, is it possible that this heart could prevent itself from loving him?” (Ste Marguerite Marie) Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father …
. O infinitely good Heart of Jesus, who want to be overcome by the inconvenience of our prayers, I throw myself in all confidence into the ocean of your goodness; it is from her that I await the help I need and the strength that I need. O very sweet and very lovable Heart of Jesus, bow down to me and pour out in my soul your heavenly favors. You who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. So be it. *********
3 ° Day: “If we find ourselves in an abyss of privation and desolation, this divine Heart is an abyss of consolations in which we must lose ourselves without wishing to feel its sweetness.” (Saint Marguerite Marie)
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … O very compassionate Heart of Jesus, who wanted to know all our anguish and all our bitterness, I beg you, have mercy on my distress, come to the aid of my misfortune, raise me up, protect me, console me, save me. I bring up to you my ardent and confident prayer, listen to it, O Sacred Heart, and hear it. You who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. So be it. *********
4th Day: “Jesus told me to look at the opening of his sacred side, which was a bottomless abyss that had been made of an arrow without measure, which is that of love …” (Saint Margaret Mary)
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father ..
. O wounded Heart of Jesus torn for love for me, remember that the soldier’s spear opened for me the entrance to this mysterious asylum where I must find salvation. Let me penetrate your sacred wound, and in the name of this divine wound, always open to speak to me of your love, O so tender Heart of Jesus, hear my pleas and grant all my wishes. You who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. So be it. *********
5th Day: “It is here in Gethsemane where I suffered the most than in all the rest of my Passion, seeing me in a general neglect of heaven and earth …” (Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary)
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father …
O dying Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with sadness and fear in the Garden of Olives, watered with ignominy in your Passion and abandoned by your Father on the tree of the Cross; by these inexpressible pains which you endured for me, purify, sanctify and save all those who hope in you, all those who are far from you. By your cruel agony, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have pity on my anguish and put an end to it. You who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. So be it. *********
6 ° Day: “Go and sink into the firmness and stability of the Heart of Jesus, our true and faithful Friend, he will teach you to be faithful and constant to him as he has always been to love us.” (Saint Marguerite Marie)
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father …
O very faithful Heart of Jesus, true friend, Heart who promised to help those who hope in you, be touched by the confidence I have in your ineffable tenderness. Oh ! Let it not be said that I invoked you in vain, and that you rejected the prayer of a trusting heart that implores you. It is with lively faith and deep humility that I pray to you, O divine Heart, who gave for me even the last drop of your blood! Give me help and consolation. O You who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. So be it.
********* 7th Day: “Jesus discovered me to be his all loving and all lovablehe Heart … and the inexplicable wonders of his love, and to what excess he had carried him to love men … “(Sainte Marguerite Marie)
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father …
O very loving Heart of Jesus, adorable Heart so worthy to be loved, by this immense love that you have shown me through your life, your passion and your death, set my soul ablaze with the sacred fire of your charity. By this immense love which you constantly testify to me by remaining night and day in the Eucharist, O Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, make me love you in truth. You who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit now and in the ages. So be it. *********
8 ° Day: “When I presented my requests to Jesus, I seemed to hear these words:” Do you believe that I can do this? If you believe it, you will see the power of my Heart … “(Saint Marguerite Marie)
Our Father … Hail Mary … glory to the Father
O very powerful Heart of Jesus, nothing happens except what you want, nothing happens except what you allow. In ending this novena which I made with boundless confidence in your power and your goodness, what can I do better than to surrender myself entirely to your divine will, so that your adorable Heart is at this moment my refuge. assured and my supreme consolation. You who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit now and in the ages. So be it. *********
9 ° Day: “I promise you that my Heart will dilate to spread with abundance the influences of his love on those who will give him some honor …” (Jesus to Saint Marguerite Marie)
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father …
O most glorious Heart of Jesus, Magnanimous Heart, Heart overflowing with all the riches of the Trinity, I beg you, proportion your gifts to my poverty; imprint on me your likeness, vivify me with your eternal light, instruct me of your heavenly counsels; grant my ardent desires the bounties which establish me in the joy of your peace. You who reign and the Holy Spirit now and in the ages. So be it.