Today is the feast
of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
A fire witness too.
So we continue our theme
on the fire with a passage
that is very important, in connection
with the message of Paray-le-Monial.
This is the book of Malachi
in the Jerusalem Bible,
the book of the prophet Malachi,
of the prophet Malachi, chapter 3
is the very last book
of the Old Testament.
In other editions, I don’t know.
It is mostly about the Great Day of God.
“For, behold, the day cometh,
scorching like an oven.
They will be chaff,
all the arrogant and evil-
doers . The day that cometh will set them
ablaze, saith the Lord Sabbaot, so
that it will not
leave them neither. roots or branches.
But for you who fear my name,
the sun of justice
with healing in its rays.
so this fire, burning oven
that can be destructive
to those who
resist God’s grace.
But that is sun beneficent
for those who remain in this grace,
the sun of justice will shine
with healing in its rays
As this image is beautiful
and already very rich, prophetically
of the Eucharistic mystery.
This passage helps us
to live the Eucharistic adoration,
the Blessed Sacrament
can be looked like
a sun where we come the rays
that heal and purify.
Above all, remember
that Margaret Mary,
at the second major appearance,
had seen the wounds
of the Passion of Jesus,
which she describes
as shining suns.
We see it on the large
mural in the Chapel of the Apparitions.
It is in this same description
that the saint will speak of the open side
that she saw, like a fiery furnace.
The definitive link
between this passage of the prophet Malachi
and the revelations of Paray-le-Monial
is expressed in the words
of the Blessed Virgin herself
during the great vision
of July 2, 1688.
Vision which benefited,
of course, Marguerite-Marie …
In Marguerite-Marie’s time,
the feast of the Visitation
was celebrated on July 2.
Great solemnity at the Convent
of the Visitation.
That day,
in 1688
July 2, 1688,
the Virgin Mary appeared
to the young Visitandine during
an impressive vision,
and showing the heart of her divine son
who was enthroned in majesty.
She named him
as the sun of righteousness,
thus clearly referring
to Malachi’s prophecy.
Once again,
all of this encourages us
to be faithful to adoration
before the Blessed Sacrament,
which could be referred to as the sun
of the Eucharistic heart
of Jesus.
From tomorrow,
we remain in the theme of fire,
but by approaching the New Testament.
Source: Fr Kars, Sanctuaire Paray