- In spite of being known for his intellectual prowess and being a defender of the faith, St. Francis continually shows himself to be a great pastor, with concerns for a person’s particular struggles, as evident in this letter. Discuss.
- St. Francis mentions that the “contradictions” in life are greater among the laity than among religious. Were you surprised at this? Do religious experience fewer conflicts in life? How so?
- Discuss the effects of original sin as seen in the struggles of pregnancy and the pangs of labor.
- How can we make proper use of occasions of mortification, or particular difficulties, as shown in this letter?
- What does it mean to complain to God in a spirit of dependence? How can we find tranquility in times of complaint?
- Discuss this line: “You can only give what you have got.”Simone (Guest): As for St. Francis. Although I am very drawn to Carmelite teaching and readings – I keep coming back to the writings of St. Francis – because of his amazing love in his words. He had such a great gift in that. It reaches over centuries
- Jul 18, 7:34 PM
- Simone (Guest): Hi Ruth!
- 5 PM
- VisitationSiste: In this letter St Francis is giving spiritual advice to a pregnant woman and it seems like sensible advice to me
- Jul 18, 7:36 PM
- Simone (Guest): so so “sweet”. I was so touched when I read the grace he extended as a Spiritual Advisor. It must have set this woman so free to be “herself” in front of GOD – in this trying time.
- PM
- VisitationSiste: St Francis knew how to talk to anyone
- Jul 18, 7:38 PM
- Simone (Guest): Ruth, I also had difficulties signing in today. Sorry that you can’t have the proper eyeglasses tonight. Bummer. Glad you are here a little bit at least.
- Jul 18, 7:38 PM
- Simone (Guest): I think St. Francis truly carried God’s love in him. And God can talk to anyone
- Jul 18, 7:39 PM
- Simone (Guest): This love in St. Francis is so utterly attractive and always always wants me to get to know GOD and His love better
- Jul 18, 7:39 PM
- Bettychao (Guest): Sorry everyone I miss the chat by accident I am sorry
- Jul 18, 7:39 PM
- Bettychao (Guest): Bettychao
ruth (Guest): I suspect that maybe except for the superior, life is simpler and more clearly oriented toward becoming holy, and there are helps like the Blessed Sacrament more readily available. 6 PM
VisitationSiste: I think he means challenges by contradicitions
- Jul 18, 7:42 PM
- VisitationSiste: Probably that and more
- Jul 18, 7:43 PM
- Simone (Guest): can you explain “more” sister?
- Jul 18, 7:43 PM
- VisitationSiste: brb
- Jul 18, 7:43 PM
- Simone (Guest): ok
- Jul 18, 7:44 PM
- Bettychao (Guest): Sr susan I just went to mass yesterday there is a priest from Africa he tell us how he spread out his mission for Jesus to in Africa and he told us in mass that Jesus during his life time he give his bread and wine the holy Eucharist to us and he feed thousand people with the bread and fish for those who need
- Jul 18, 7:44 PM
- Simone (Guest): So, does anyone else sometimes fantasize to have a life as a religious where you are allowed to pray anytime you want? I sure did in the past. Until I talked to some religious sisters and saw that even amongst religious is sometimes a desire to have more time for GOD and less work by hand
- Jul 18, 7:45 PM
- VisitationSiste: I am back it was a phone call but looking for money
- Jul 18, 7:45 PM
- Bettychao (Guest): Jesus said I am the bread of life just come to me and never get hungry and thirsty .
- Jul 18, 7:46 PM
- Simone (Guest): I so long to have access to a chapel during the day
- :47 PM
- VisitationSiste: And yes unless one is a hermit there is lots to do in a monastery
- Jul 18, 7:48 PM
- Simone (Guest): I always underestimated the work in a monastery I think
- Jul 18, 7:48 PM
- Simone (Guest): Just because it looks so tranquil from the outside does not mean there is no work going on
- PM
- ruth (Guest): So do I. I moved into a house within walking distance of a Catholic Church but that church was closed, locked practically all the time. Now it is open for just an hour on Sundays, in the summertime anyway, when there are many vacation guests and the “snow birdsL have come back. M
- Carol (Guest): Hi Everyone!
- Jul 18, 7:50 PM
- Simone (Guest): Same here Ruth. I literally live 2 minutes away from a Catholic Church but it is never open. Only on Sunday for mass.
- Jul 18, 7:51 PM
- Simone (Guest): Hi Carol
- Jul 18, 7:51 PM
- Carol (Guest): A licked church just seems so wrong
- Jul 18, 7:51 PM
- VisitationSiste: I think we all have our individual challenges gauged by God as to what we can handle
- Jul 18, 7:51 PM
- Carol (Guest): Oops, locked
- Jul 18, 7:51 PM
- VisitationSiste: Hi Carol
- Jul 18, 7:51 PM
- Bettychao (Guest): There is a Catholic Church closed my home in Kansas City name ca
- PM
- Bettychao (Guest): Name call church of the holy cross
- Jul 18, 7:52 PM
- VisitationSiste: His Presence makes all the difference in each of our lives
- 7:56 PM
- LuAnn (Guest): Sorry – joining late, but looking at above comments, for any who have locked churches, sometimes you can speak to the priest or the office that cares for it and get a key and permission to enter.
- Jul 18, 7:57 PM
- Simone (Guest): Thanks LuAnn.. not a bad idea
- Jul 18, 7:58 PM
- Simone (Guest): I am really glad for this woman who so joyfully could give birth. Sure not my story
- Jul 18, 7:58 PM
- ruth (Guest): Does God curse anyone, Simone?
- Jul 18, 7:59 PM
- Simone (Guest): What a great question Ruth..
- Jul 18, 7:54 PM
- Carol (Guest): We are struggling to give birth to eternal life?
- Jul 18, 7:54 PM
- Simone (Guest): When I read this question in the newsletter – I thought.. “what can one discuss on that? It is a curse.. but then I thought.. hmmm.. struggle to give life.. I wonder if there is a parallel thought
- Jul 18, 7:54 PM
- Simone (Guest): YEs .. Carol.. same thought here
Simone (Guest): also for me pregnancy always means – to lay one’s life down – so someone else can live.. In some ways.. it is not the full life – but we enter significant pain during pregnancy and birth PM
Simone (Guest): Yes, it does.
Jul 18, 7:52 PM
ruth (Guest): Hi Carol
Jul 18, 7:53 PM
VisitationSiste: anyone ready for this Q: 3. Discuss the effects of original sin as seen in the struggles of pregnancy and the pangs of labor.
Jul 18, 7:54 PM
Carol (Guest): We are struggling to give birth to eternal life?
Jul 18, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): When I read this question in the newsletter – I thought.. “what can one discuss on that? It is a curse.. but then I thought.. hmmm.. struggle to give life.. I wonder if there is a parallel thought
Jul 18, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): YEs .. Carol.. same thought here
Jul 18, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): also for me pregnancy always means – to lay one’s life down – so someone else can live.. In some ways.. it is not the full life – but we enter significant pain during pregnancy and birth
Jul 18, 7:56 PM
VisitationSiste: Hi Luann
Jul 18, 7:56 PM
ruth (Guest): Hmmm. I’ve seen a woman actually enjoying giving birth. she compared it to paddling a canoe! And it was her first pregnancy in her thirties!
- M
- LuAnn (Guest): Sorry – joining late, but looking at above comments, for any who have locked churches, sometimes you can speak to the priest or the office that cares for it and get a key and permission to enter.
- Jul 18, 7:57 PM
- Simone (Guest): Thanks LuAnn.. not a bad idea
- Jul 18, 7:58 PM
- Simone (Guest): I am really glad for this woman who so joyfully could give birth. Sure not my s
- Jul 18, 7:59 PM
- Simone (Guest): What a great question Ruth..
- Jul 18, 7:59 PM
- Simone (Guest): Well, I thought that “removing” the blessing of eternal life – is considered a curse. Not sure.. am I wrong? Please help me out here
- Jul 18, 7:59 PM
- Bettychao (Guest): Jesus say to us I already forgive you sins and I did die on the cross for the sins of the world. Jesus tell us love you enemies and help people need the lord and use the love of God to forgive people but sometime is hard for us . Like mom get hit the car by a stranger man and the stranger man is accusing mom and abused her say I going to kill you by this accident and he is say alots of swear words to her and hurt mom. And I was so angry that time because I am in the same car with mom but sometime is hard
- Jul 18, 7:59 PM
- LuAnn (Guest): Catching up to question 2, I would presume that there will always be personality conflicts, but it must be helpful to live with people with the common goal of loving and serving God which is not always the case for the laity
- 0 PM
Jul 18, 8:02 PM
ruth (Guest): S
Jul 18, 8:02 PM
Simone (Guest): I think.. as a alyity you usually choose the people you live with. In a religious setting you have to live together without your initial choice. I can imagine major personality clashes sometimes
Jul 18, 8:02 PM
Carol (Guest): I think it’s safe to say that people in monasteries have the sane faults and failings we all do, but are still set apart for God
Jul 18, 8:02 PM
ruth (Guest): I one, your English is excellent.
Jul 18, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): Thank you Ruth.. but once in a while.. I just completely blank on something
Jul 18, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Carol
Jul 18, 8:03 PM
VisitationSiste: q4 4. How can we make proper use of occasions of mortification, or particular difficulties, as shown in this letter?
Bettychao (Guest): This accident not only hurt mom but also hurt her heart and the police listen to that man and give mom a ticket and make mom paid money but we have God and Jesus be our judge and he will judge who is right and who is wrong . I tell mom don’t be worry just pray And Jesus will help us all to deal that problem. For sr Susan the testimony from bettychao
Jul 18, 8:04 PM
ruth (Guest): Simone, your . . The translation from the French often uses words in ways that are not ordinary English.
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VisitationSiste: You are a great support to uur mom Betty
Jul 18, 8:05 PM
Carol (Guest): Mortifications are a source of grace if united to Jesus
Jul 18, 8:05 PM
VisitationSiste: What mortification for ex this accident is for your family
Simone (Guest): “dispose yourself to meet your suffering with love.” – is that what St. Francis answers here?
Jul 18, 8:06 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes I think so
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Simone (Guest): “dispose yourself to meet your suffering with love.” – is that what St. Francis answers here?
Jul 18, 8:06 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes I think so
8 online
1 viewer
:06 PM
Simone (Guest): Carol, can you explain a little bit more on that?
Jul 18, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry.. do not want to put you on the spot.. so just pass.. if you want, OK?
Jul 18, 8:07 PM
Bettychao (Guest): God is the greatest helper. We must trust him. Bettychao no one is greater then God help. Sometime our love has a management and control but God always help us when we need his help.Bettychao
Jul 18, 8:08 PM
ruth (Guest): Simone I have one poem that I wrote in German, when I saw it just recently I thought of you and your course. Wanna find a way to get it to you. that is “I want to” ( slang I think, or a common contraction.
Jul 18, 8:08 PM
Carol (Guest): If we do not give our mortifications to Jesus then we are just suffering. If ee do surrender them then He transforms them and us
Jul 18, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): well said Carol.. thanks.. great thought
Jul 18, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): And RUTH.. I would LOVE to read your poem. I send you my email in the private chat here.
Jul 18, 8:09 PM
LuAnn (Guest): I am still a bit shaky on “mortifications” but if they are basically any occasion which we would have preferred to be different, but accept them as being at least the permitted will of God and offer at least our willingness to accept this, then God’s grace can enter into the occasion…
:10 PM
Simone (Guest): Love the way you define ” mortifications” LuAnn
Jul 18, 8:10 PM
VisitationSiste: You can aso look at it like discopline with love of God as motive
0 PM
Simone (Guest): I love that too
Jul 18, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): The Holy Spirit is giving everyone such great thoughts tonight
Jul 18, 8:12 PM
ruth (Guest): I agree Carol.
Jul 18, 8:12 PM
LuAnn (Guest): discipline as in correction? or as in exercise or practice?
Simone (Guest): I thought as in exercise or practice originally – but I can also see it in the other way
Jul 18, 8:12 PM
Carol (Guest): Both
ruth (Guest): There are blessings even in suffering. 4 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes – on some days we might need a magnifying glass to find them.. but they are always there
Jul 18, 8:16 PM
Bettychao (Guest): My mom got three car accident the first car accident is from the highway second is from my dad before he pass away the second car accident is from the road street that we are arrived to church from home and the third car accident is from the street of metcalf when my old sister Monica live between the Olive Garden and her home mom is in the middle of the street between those two places that is why she got hit by another strange man. Bettychao so I tell mom do not drive just call taxi to take us if you want
Jul 18, 8:16 PM
ruth (Guest): At least that is so when we offer them up are of them a kind of prayer FOR OTHERS, for people who have asked us to pray for them and even some — God knows who they are – who do not even realize that they need prayer.
Jul 18, 8:16 PM
Bettychao (Guest): To drive pray first then drive.
8, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): I am making progress in understanding the ” offering up” – but there are still some corners of this teaching – where I stumble.
Jul 18, 8:18 PM
VisitationSiste: q5 What does it mean to complain to God in a spirit of dependence? How can we find tranquility in times of complaint?
8 PM
VisitationSiste: q5 What does it mean to complain to God in a spirit of dependence? How can we find tranquility in times of complaint?
Jul 18, 8:18 PM
ruth (Guest): Good practice Betteychoa
Jul 18, 8:19 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sister what is that mean complaint can you explain to us so we can understand.
Jul 18, 8:20 PM
LuAnn (Guest): Even with our human friends, some simply incite more discontent while others provide good counsel – God is always the best
Jul 18, 8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): God also can solve what we cannot
Jul 18, 8:21 PM
VisitationSiste: sometimes Betty we complain to God about things that happen like in the psalms
Jul 18, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): Ladies, I have to leave. I am not feeling to well. Have two infections going on right now in my body. Your prayers for me this week, but be so very appreciated. Sending you my love from Canada! Simone
Jul 18, 8:22 PM
VisitationSiste: We will pray See a doctor ?
Jul 18, 8:22 PM
Carol (Guest): God bless you Simone!
Simone (Guest): have been twice in hospital last week.. hopefully not seeing another doctor soon . I am ok.. on the mends… just really weak. I have time to pray for you as I lay down. You are all very special women.
Jul 18, 8:23 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I have to exercise and God bless you all
Jul 18, 8:24 PM
ruth (Guest): It is ok to cry out to God about what one finds disturbing or what hurts seemingly beyond the bearable. Even Jesus in his human person did, and felt abandoned by the Father.
Jul 18, 8:24 PM
Carol (Guest): Good night Betty
VisitationSiste: I think it is so unless God gives extra grace
Jul 18, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): If we don’t go to Him first we will have nothing to give
Jul 18, 8:28 PM
LuAnn (Guest): As a single mom, I was very aware of this reality. If I did not take the time to take care of myself, there was nothing left to give to others. This is true spiritually as well as physically. We need to take the time to renew and refresh ourselves with God and be gentle with ourselves to understand when we simply have less ability to give.
VisitationSiste: last q 5. Discuss this line: “You can only give what you have got.”
Jul 18, 8:26 PM
VisitationSiste: I think it is so unless God gives extra grace
Jul 18, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): If we don’t go to Him first we will have nothing to give
Jul 18, 8:28 PM
LuAnn (Guest): As a single mom, I was very aware of this reality. If I did not take the time to take care of myself, there was nothing left to give to others. This is true spiritually as well as physically. We need to take the time to renew and refresh ourselves with God and be gentle with ourselves to understand when we simply have less ability to giv