St. Francis acknowledges that his reader is determined to live for God. However, he notes that, “your great natural activity harasses you with many restless impulses.” How can we calm those restless impulses within ourselves? Do these impulses decrease with spiritual growth, and with age itself?How does this contrast with St. Augustine’s phrase about “our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee?”How do we strike the balance between being like Mary and Martha?Why is a pre-occupation with doing things and
Sep 19, 7:18 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Why is a pre-occupation with doing things and getting things done detrimental to our spiritual life? On the flip side, how can doing things and getting things done be beneficial for our spiritual life?St. Francis used the analogy of the spiritual life contrasting the cherry tree and the palm tree. In relation to times of spiritual dryness, consider and discuss also the fact that when trees face a dry spell, it causes them to move their rooters deeper to seek water.What’s so important about gentleness, humil
Sep 19, 7:18 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): , humility and simplicity? Why should these be at the heart of all we do?
Discuss this line from the letter: “This country is my home according to my natural birth; according to my spiritual birth, my home is the Church. I shall willingly go or stay wherever I can best serve the latter without attaching myself to the former.”
Sr Susan (Guest): Peggy how did you find this chat?
Sep 19, 7:22 PM
Peggy (Guest): I get the invite every week in my email
Sep 19, 7:23 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Hi sr Susan how are you?
Sep 19, 7:23 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Wonderful Peggy
Sep 19, 7:23 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Hi Betty!
Sep 19, 7:24 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): We will start in a few minutes. How are your sisters feeling Betty
Sep 19, 7:24 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I am so miss you when I call you no one answer and I promise you before I will be with you in chat.
Sep 19, 7:24 PM
Peggy (Guest): I am in the Guard of Honor.
Sep 19, 7:24 PM
Bettychao (Guest): My sister is fine
Sep 19, 7:24 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): We have no one at the reception desk most hours of the day but in the morning only
Sep 19, 7:25 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Yes we had a chapter here of the Guard of Honor too
Sep 19, 7:26 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Tyringham Visitation is the National Headquarters now I think
Sep 19, 7:26 PM
Peggy (Guest): Yes-I live in Maine
Sep 19, 7:26 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I was only there once. I am in brooklyn NY
Sep 19, 7:27 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I will post the first question again: St. Francis acknowledges that his reader is determined to live for God. However, he notes that, “your great natural activity harasses you with many restless impulses.” How can we calm those restless impulses within ourselves?
Sep 19, 7:27 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan I was apply a catholic bible studied class from my church st Elizabeth Ann seton is a bible studied groups for mandiren Chinese.
Sep 19, 7:28 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I am glad you have that group!
Sep 19, 7:28 PM
Peggy (Guest): We can pray and ask the Lord to be with us.
Sep 19, 7:28 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Yes
Sep 19, 7:28 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): We can be open to His Presence within us and when we realize that maybe we can become more calm
Sep 19, 7:29 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): welcome viewer
Sep 19, 7:29 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan have you guide a group that has bible studie class and guide them to understand anything about bible and Jesus?
Sep 19, 7:29 PM
Peggy (Guest): I like the surrender novena and often say “oh, Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything/
Sep 19, 7:29 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): No Betty we do not have a group like that
Sep 19, 7:30 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): The surrender prayer is a good example and a practical way of praying for peace
Sep 19, 7:30 PM
Peggy (Guest): Yes, it is a big help to me right now.
Sep 19, 7:30 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I am trying to think of the name of the priest who wrote a special prayer/novena like that
:31 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I was open the Christian bible sermon and listen and studied bible and pray that is all I do everyday I have good time to enjoy my bible and chat with God.
Sep 19, 7:31 PM
Peggy (Guest): FR. Duotolo I think is his name. He was given it by Jesus.
2 PM
Peggy (Guest): I am ok, but some things are up in the air and that is hard. I must stay focused on God, not circumstances. PM
Sr Susan (Guest): q2 Do these impulses decrease with spiritual growth, and with age itself? M
Sr Susan (Guest): q2 Do these impulses decrease with spiritual growth, and with age itself?
Sep 19, 7:34 PM
Peggy (Guest): I think we still get tempted, but I know now more how to handle.
Sep 19, 7:34 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Hi Dawn!
Sr Susan (Guest): I agree I was much more emotional when younger but maybe the temptations are different now
6 online
Peggy (Guest): Some of my temptations to worry are the same. M
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan there is a catholic (a nun) name call mother Dolores hart she is also meet fr Mitch pacwa before and she is a actress from Hollywood but now Jesus call her to take her vow to Jesus and become a nun and she wrote this book name call God is big Elvis.
Sep 19, 7:36 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Yes some Srs in our Monastery met her when they went on retreat to her monastery
36 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan there is a catholic (a nun) name call mother Dolores hart she is also meet fr Mitch pacwa before and she is a actress from Hollywood but now Jesus call her to take her vow to Jesus and become a nun and she wrote this book name call God is big Elvis.
Sep 19, 7:36 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Yes some Srs in our Monastery met her when they went on retreat to her monastery
Sep 19, 7:37 PM
Peggy (Guest): I have heard of her. She wanted a more meaningful life I think
Sep 19, 7:37 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Have you meet mother Dolores hart? Sr susan
Sep 19, 7:37 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I was thinking of St Paul with the thorn in the side so to speak that God would not remove to keep him humble
Sep 19, 7:37 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): No not me but 2 other Sisters did :37 PM
Peggy (Guest): That is such a good reminder for me right now. Thank you
39 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Q3 re impulses: How does this contrast with St. Augustine’s phrase about “our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee?”
:39 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Q3 re impulses: How does this contrast with St. Augustine’s phrase about “our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee?”
Sep 19, 7:39 PM
Peggy (Guest): We can ask ourselves “where am I restless right now?”
Sep 19, 7:40 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Great question!
Sep 19, 7:40 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): My answer: trying to know God’s Will for us here
Dawn (Guest): for Q 3 I think of young mothers, littles ones. how they learn to balance their vocation and become holy. I believe God grants these a certain grace to do this :41 PM
Dawn (Guest): good question Peggy 41 PM
Peggy (Guest): I have been restless a bout money-but PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan when I see you interview online with fr Mitch that is really touched my heart to know we have to humble ourselves in the name of the lord. Our lord Jesus open his hands and welcome us and he tell us come to me and I will make you have inside peace and joy alelluia.Bettychao
Sep 19, 7:42 PM
Dawn (Guest): alelluia
Sep 19, 7:42 PM
Peggy (Guest): I have been restless about money-but God has promised to supply all our need. Phil.4:19
Sep 19, 7:42 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sorry I’ve been so crazy since 7:15 to sign in And then to correct errors caused by speech recognition software. I’m not sure if this is any faster than trying to type. But I guess it doesn’t help that I’m lying in bed how having just slept over three hours after parish picnic.
Sep 19, 7:42 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Thank you Betty. That interview sure has reached many people over the past 9 years
6 online
Sr Susan
1 viewer
3 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Whatever works best for you Ruth. I have not been to a parish picnic in years and years but we had great ones growing up
Sep 19, 7:44 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): St Augustine also spoke for me except I did not know when young what kept me restless until I found the Lord and began to calm down
Sep 19, 7:44 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I think protanstant and catholic they believe the same bible and we preach the same bible is the word of life from God.
45 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): St Augustine is quoted often with that phrase because it must apply so much to so many 5 PM
Peggy (Guest): Not exactly the same Bible. Catholic has 7 more books,
5 PM
Peggy (Guest): Many people are restless for one reason or another. There is peace only in God. :48 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): q: ?”How do we strike the balance between being like Mary and Martha? 7:49 PM
Peggy (Guest): Hopefully our actions are rooted in our faith.
Sep 19, 7:49 PM0 PM
Dawn (Guest): some of this may be practical time management. time for work and time for prayer, time of Mary and time of Martha
Sep 19, 7:50 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): True both Mary and Martha were faith filled but practised it differently somewhat
:50 PM
Peggy (Guest): We are all different and some are more contemplative and some of us more active.
Sep 19, 7:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): it just came to me within our busy vocation, there God will be
Sep 19, 7:51 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I wanted to be like Mary when I came to the Monastery but in many ways I am like Martha9, 7:51 PM
Peggy (Guest): I think I am more a Mary2 PM
Dawn (Guest): some of the Saints spoke of this, st Teresa Avila, and Brother Lawrence. so perhaps it is not exclusive, or either orPM
Sep 19, 7:52 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): like a balance Dawn?
Peggy (Guest): Yes, Brother Lawrence had a big effect on me the first time I read it. It seemed God was in the room. Incredible peace. 4 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, a balance. Oh this is your question… how do we do this? it would take time to learn. first would come the awareness that we can learn to do this?
Sep 19, 7:54 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): That is powerful witness to the book Peggy55 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Yes I guess we need to know our patterns and see if God wants more of us one way or the other and ask His help to grow that way 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): good point Sr, that we pray and seek
Sep 19, 7:56 PM
Peggy (Guest): Yes, God is faithful when we ask
Ruth (Guest): Oh my! This is not a good idea for me, using voice recognition software on my I pad. How does “trying to sign in since 7:15” get changed to “been so crazy since 7:15” and I don’t see it when making corrections? Sorry. I think I”ll go downstairs and then up to my office to the computer.
Sep 19, 7:58 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan my mom tell me you have studied catholic bibles and protanstand bible and you understand the every truth about bible why you don’t chat with sr Susan about anything Bible tell you. I say I will chat with mother Susan about the anything about I have pratice from the Bible I say I will do you wish and chat with sr Susan but sometime I am go outside with my family but I am happy to chat with sr Susan anything about word from Jesus.
Sep 19, 7:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): Betty, I think we as Catholics can learn some things from our Proestant brothers and sisters…
Sep 19, 7:58 PM
Peggy (Guest): Yes, I was a
Sep 19, 7:59 PM
Peggy (Guest): Protestant most of my adult life.
00 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): q: Why is a pre-occupation with doing things and getting things done detrimental to our spiritual life?
Sr Susan (Guest): q: Why is a pre-occupation with doing things and getting things done detrimental to our spiritual life?
Sep 19, 8:00 PM
Peggy (Guest): I have only been a Catholic for ten years-am 75.
Sep 19, 8:01 PM
Peggy (Guest): We may skimp on the time with the Lord, being so anxious to “do”
Sep 19, 8:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): it can be a great distraction to be overly busy
Sep 19, 8:01 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): That must be a powerful witness story in nitself. Many blessings for your courage and response
6 online
Sr Susan
1 viewer
02 PM
Peggy (Guest): I was brought up Jewish and became a CHristian in my 20’s
Sep 19, 8:03 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): It is detrimental because we are concerned with the temporal to excess and not on the eternal and spiritual- that is what busy ness does to us
2 PM
Peggy (Guest): I was brought up Jewish and became a CHristian in my 20’s
Sep 19, 8:03 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): It is detrimental because we are concerned with the temporal to excess and not on the eternal and spiritual- that is what busy ness does to us
Sep 19, 8:03 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Very special journey Peggy and you probably have deep understandings from that path He gave you
:04 PM
Peggy (Guest): It hasn’t been easy
Sep 19, 8:04 PM
Bettychao (Guest): When I call the good shepherded monastery the convent from the my country Taiwan and I talk to a Irish nun sister she is 87 now and she share with my anything about Jesus.
Sep 19, 8:04 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): No matter what temporal things may have distracted you you remained with this great spiritual journey
Sr Susan (Guest): No matter what temporal things may have distracted you you remained with this great spiritual journey
Sep 19, 8:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): Peggy have you ever shared your whole story or written about it?
Sep 19, 8:05 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Betty you know lots of nuns
:05 PM
Peggy (Guest): No
Dawn (Guest): nuns are some of the best people to know! :06 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Is not my wisdom is under Gods love to help me have a relationship with those nuns that want me share his love to eachother.
Sep 19, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): but it wonderful Betty that you are open to these friendships
Sep 19, 8:06 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Yes He has you in His hand and is giving you wonderful friends
Sr Susan (Guest): On the flip side, how can doing things and getting things done be beneficial for our spiritual life? 8 PM
Peggy (Guest): When some things are out of the way the way is open to concentrate on God
08 PM
Dawn (Guest): perhaps living a life of obedience to your vocation, being self disiplined, these would be helpful for our spiritual life
Sep 19, 8:09 PM
Peggy (Guest): Yes, I think so
Sep 19, 8:09 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Ah yes we are freed up for Him when we accomplish our tasks or list of things to do. They don’t distract us if the tasks are completed 0 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): and yes obedience is a calming virtue as well as one of discipline- good point about obedience
Sep 19, 8:10 PM
Peggy (Guest): But we must not think that we have to do EVERYTHING
1 PM
Dawn (Guest): St Terese spoke of everything we do, do it for the Love of God. so a simple thing could become a spiritual practice
Sep 19, 8:11 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): that would be approaching something like compulsion?
Sep 19, 8:11 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Yes Dawn, that is what makes a saint doing all for Love of God
Sep 19, 8:11 PM
Peggy (Guest): We must discern what really needs to be done
2 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I wonder if some people are better than others at discernment 2 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan, then this is the answer to Q 3. 3 PM
Peggy (Guest): Yes, but we can learn as we deepen out relationship
4 PM
Peggy (Guest): That is hard for me.
Sep 19, 8:14 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Ah yes Dawn
9, 8:15 PM
Peggy (Guest): I do things for me too many times 16 PM
Peggy (Guest): Need to be reminded that all can be for HIm
Sep 19, 8:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): me too Peggy.
Sep 19, 8:16 PM
:17 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): try a direction of intention in the morning and if you forget later you at least set a spiritual tone for the day in terms of doing all for God Betty I am amazed you have found ways to speak to so many people, religious, online. you are a testament to there is no one to speak to! thank you
Sep 19, 8:18 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): St. Francis used the analogy of the spiritual life contrasting the cherry tree and the palm tree. In relation to times of spiritual dryness, consider and discuss also the fact that when trees face a dry spell, it causes them to move their rooters deeper to seek water.What’s so important about gentleness, humil
Sep 19, 7:18 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): , humility and simplicity? Why should these be at the heart of all we do?
Sep 19, 8:18 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I agree Dawn Betty finds holy resourceful people!
Bettychao (Guest): Is not come from me is from God spirit St. Paul tell us living The spirit of God through Jesus we can serve God and speak out the word from the Bible Jesus . 20 PM
Peggy (Guest): It is nice to see how God is guiding you Betty
Sep 19, 8:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): The Holy Spirit reminds us of everything Jesus said to us PM
Peggy (Guest): WE must be listening-even if busy , 8:21 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Jesus is more important than anything in God we praise alelluia. Bettychao PM
Peggy (Guest): I have seen from this chat where I have been off today
Sep 19, 8:23 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Spiritual dryness can cause us to spend more time with the Lord hoping to relate more deeply with Him
23 PM
Peggy (Guest): He calls us to grow then 24 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): even if we do not perceive the growth PM
Bettychao (Guest): We must prepare ourselves and accept Jesus Christ coming to us and meet us we are all waiting to meet Jesus version the Bible revelation say behold I am come soon I want reward those who prepare the way for me to come to them and I will reward those people who accept me and accept my commdements . For sr Susan from Bettychao
Sep 19, 8:25 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): and Jesus is meek and humble of Heart so we strive to be like Him in that
Sep 19, 8:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, Peggy I am often convicted in chat.
26 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I dont underrstand the use of this word convicted :26 PM
Bettychao (Guest): You are very welcome we need to prepare our hearts to trust in Jesus he is a big mercy to us.
Sep 19, 8:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): in here I am able to see things that live in me that cause trouble. I use the word convicted because……this is good Q Sr. I mean it as I am made aware of
Sep 19, 8:27 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): ah ok!
Sep 19, 8:27 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Last q: Discuss this line from the letter: “This country is my home according to my natural birth; according to my spiritual birth, my home is the Church. I shall willingly go or stay wherever I can best serve the latter without attaching myself to the former.”
8 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan now is my dinner time for Kansas City time thanks I have to leave and I will chat with you next week and if I don’t have time or out of town I will email you let you know. God bless bye. Bettychao
Sep 19, 8:28 PM
Peggy (Guest): He wants to be primarily attached to the church but he will do as God ask.
Sep 19, 8:28 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): For me that might mean leaving one Monastery for another if God so called but serving Him and praying wherever that might be
Sep 19, 8:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is another distraction to become overly attached to memories of where we were born or experiences weve had. this is how I read this
Sep 19, 8:29 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Ok yes it is almost 830 and time for me to go as well. I wish all of you a blessed week with much grace!
Sep 19, 8:29 PM
Peggy (Guest): Thank you and God bless
Dawn (Guest): thank you Sr.
Sep 19, 8:30 PMRUTH2 (Guest): Thank you, Sister. Good chat.