We continue our Advent series with thoughts by St. Francis de Sales on the Incarnation, from his sermons.


What is the Incarnation? It is what we call the hypostatic union, the union of the human nature with the divine, a union so close that although there are two natures in this little newborn infant, yet they constitute but one Person.  St Francis de Sales(Dec 24, 1620)


Why did the Incarnation occur? It occurred in order to teach us to live no longer like brute animals, but with and according to reason. St Francis de Sales(Dec 24 1620)


The Savior also became incarnate to teach us spiritual sobriety which for Him consisted in a detachment from and a voluntary privation of all the delightful and agreeable things He could have had and received in this life. St Francis de Sales (Dec 24, 1620)


At the moment of His Incarnation our dear Savior saw all that He was to suffer. St Francis de Sales(Dec 24 1620)


In the Incarnation the two natures having once been united are never separated. St Francis de Sales(Dec 24 1620)


The Eternal Father, when he built the world, intended to create it for the Incarnation of His Son, the Eternal Word. The end of His work was thus the beginning, for Divine Wisdom had foreseen from all Eternity that His Word would assume our nature in coming to earth. St Francis de Sales(Dec 25 1622)

Saturday At the very moment of His Incarnation, Our Lord’s divine nature descended from heaven onto this blessed flower, the most holy Virgin Our Lady where human nature gathered it and preserved it in the hive of the Virgin’s glorious womb for nine months. St Francis de Sales (Dec 24, 1613)