A year ends and once again, with a very uncertain future. To seek some comfort on the next political, ecological and even health issues, often appears to us very derisory and even disappointing. But one certainty, however, must be ours since we have Faith in God, it is that God is there, present in our upset world and that He is at work even if we do not understand him and that we do not see anything. . To keep hope, there is only one solution: surrender to his divine Will, not by remaining passive and waiting blissfully for help from heaven, but in this certainty pegged to heart, body and soul, that we must undertake everything assured of its Presence! Let’s take advantage of this Advent season to rediscover the joy of trust!
well in communion with each one
Geneviève Vignes, Headquarters coordinator
Divine Will
All human life is modeled on that of the Firstborn of all creatures, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. For each of us, God has laid out his program. If this one is varied in its form, it is however identical in the substance. We are all created to know God, to love him, to serve him and to deserve eternal happiness.
If at each of our hours, nowadays, we knew how to recognize his presence in each of the many small or large events that compose them and if we accepted them with a spirit of filiation, we would not be disturbed by anything. Alas, our nature makes us tremble in the face of the uncertain future, the difficulties to be overcome which never fail, the struggles to be sustained, the battles to be fought.
The Virgin Mary and St Joseph fully and filially submitted to the events that presented themselves to them. They welcomed their mission as adoptive parents with total abandonment to Providence. Following them, the saints imitated them and never ceased to say “yes to the will of God”. In trials as in consolations, they drew their joy by simply being in conformity with what Providence put in their way every day. It was without doubt the wonderful secret that gave them the serenity, peace and fulfillment that radiated around them. We cannot say how much these excellent dispositions please our divine Father: they seduce his Heart. It is therefore up to us to abandon ourselves and with Jesus, say “Heavenly Father, here I am to do your Will! »(According to Sister Marie du Sacré Cœur Bernaud)