How can all the sufferings of Our Lord give us tranquility? Shouldn’t they give us a sense of sorrow? St. Francis also says that we should compare our sufferings to Our Lord’s sufferings and realize they are so little. Does this simply belittle the crosses we ourselves have to endures? St. Francis says that sharing even a little bit in Our Lord’s sufferings would be a great happiness. Why is this so? Isn’t this a great sorrow? Shouldn’t suffering be seen as an unfortunate necessity that we have to endure with charity? Why does St. Francis speak of it so? Why is it important to not exagerate our sufferings, such as when St. Francis warns us not to call a “few small pinpricks” a state of poverty? St. Francis mentions the fasting of Advent. Why has this aspect of Advent being like a “mini Lent” been lost?


SrSusan (Guest): It sounds contradictory to have tranquility over Jesus pain but it is not PM

Simone (Guest): It is not the pain – that causes tranquility but rather the self-emptying and the offering this to God, I find

Dec 12, 7:32 PM

Simone (Guest): self-emptying of Jesus


Simone (Guest): We have to look beyond the pain – without ignoring the pain –

Dec 12, 7:33 PM

SrSusan (Guest): and the comparison of our pains to His helps to put things in perspective


Simone (Guest): yes.. although to be honest… well.. I am not big in comparing pain… I am more big on comparing self- denying:35 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I think that is a good disposition to have  PM

SrSusan (Guest): 2. St. Francis also says that we should compare our sufferings to Our Lord’s sufferings and realize they are so little. Does this simply belittle the crosses we ourselves have to endures? M

SrSusan (Guest): any cross united to Jesus cross cannot be belittled I think 9 PM

Dawn (Guest): if a soul desires to become Holy it seems more suffering will come upon it. also I think the world, at this time, is approaching the cross and God is asking to turn to him there is no other way. sorry off topic but this came into my heart 1 PM

Simone (Guest): Dawn.. probably because suffering cleanses the soul best.. like ” holy bleach” :41 PM

Dawn (Guest): oh! I love bleach but holy bleach I shall not forget PM

Ruth (Guest): Makes a lot of sense to me, Dawn, and I think it is defintely related to the topic . c 12, 7:42 PM

Dawn (Guest): ok thank you all 3 PM

SrSusan (Guest): on the cross- I mean

Dec 12, 7:44 PM

SrSusan (Guest): in different ways, like the tornado for example

4 PM

Simone (Guest): but how can the world suffer on the cross – when they are not letting go of themselves? Isn’t the cross, letting go – and being ALL for GOD – including everything?

Dec 12, 7:45 PM

Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan you say in different way like tornado what do you mean can you tell us I don’t understand

Dec 12, 7:45 PM

Dawn (Guest): there were many who stood back from the cross or did not even go near at all. its like the same now

ec 12, 7:46 PM

Simone (Guest): Ok.. I think I see what you mean – the cross – brought on us — when I speak about the cross – I mean the acceptance of suffering for love for God and humankind

Dec 12, 7:47 PM

Dawn (Guest): I agree Simone.


SrSusan (Guest): I don’t understand

Dec 12, 7:46 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’ve been trying to find out how Whitesville, Ky got by. I was an Extension Lay Volunteer teacher there. They had a tornedo the year after I left. It wiped out one side of the main street and left the other side standing.

Dec 12, 7:46 PM

Simone (Guest): Ok.. I think I see what you mean – the cross – brought on us — when I speak about the cross – I mean the acceptance of suffering for love for God and humankind

Dec 12, 7:47 PM

Dawn (Guest): I agree Simone.

Dec 12, 7:48 PM

Simone (Guest): “The cross” – any cross- is the invitation – JESUS on the cross – and us on the cross – is the redemptive act

Dec 12, 7:48 PM

Simone (Guest): language misunderstanding in a way

Dec 12, 7:48 PM

Ruth (Guest): I think I understand. Some people — Christians — call every suffering a “cross” others say a “cross” is really only the hard consequence of doing the will of God in a broken world.

Dec 12, 7:48 PM

Simone (Guest): Yes, Ruth.. thank you

Dec 12, 7:48 PM

Simone (Guest): that’s what I meant

9 PM

Dawn (Guest): thank you Ruth. clarity 50 PM

SrSusan (Guest): 3. St. Francis says that sharing even a little bit in Our Lord’s sufferings would be a great happiness. Why is this so? Isn’t this a great sorrow? Shouldn’t suffering be seen as an unfortunate necessity that we have to endure with charity? Why does St. Francis speak of it so?

Dec 12, 7:50 PM

Bettychao (Guest): Those religious saints and holy people they help and take care of poor and regular people won’t do. That is mom tell me

51 PM

Dawn (Guest): I will save this Ruth…the hard consequence of doing the will of God in a broken world. thank you

Dec 12, 7:52 PM

Simone (Guest): If I can share in the Lord’s suffering – then this means, that I put GOd’s will higher than mine – that I even accept things in my life that do not feel good – in order so that GOd can do His Holy Will here on earth . in that regards– I would be very happy to be able to share in the Lord’s suffering

Dec 12, 7:52 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, I agree. The suffering, NOT CHOSEN, CAN become a kind of redemptive, freely accepted, cross, however. E.g. cancer and the handicaps brought on by the chemo.


Ruth (Guest): Today is Gaudate (Rejoice!) Sunday. Death and Resurrection can live side by side in us during this life when we choose to offer the suffering for others.

Dec 12, 7:54 PM

Dawn (Guest): this is a good discussion on suffering tonight

Dec 12, 7:54 PM

Simone (Guest): sorry, but speaking about CHOSEN.. there is a you tube video now – the Christmas special from THE CHOSEN… just in case you like the CHOSEN series

Dec 12, 7:54 PM

Simone (Guest): Ruth.. you are on a spiritual high tonight. Love it




Simone (Guest): and here we are – back to my favourite them.. offering up the suffering for others. I am happy to say, that I understand it already quite a bit more – than last year at this time.. God is revealing slowly this beautiful truth to me

Dec 12, 7:55 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Hi Elena

Dec 12, 7:55 PM

Dawn (Guest): The show Chosen, you notice Jesus is Catholic love that

Dec 12, 7:55 PM

Simone (Guest): Hi Elena

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Why is it important to not exagerate our sufferings, such as when St. Francis warns us not to call a “few small pinpricks” a state of poverty PM

Ruth (Guest): It would be mean or stupid to tell someone who is feeling miserable, in pain, abandonded: “Rejoice!” (a command) But joy is not just a feeling that “things are going well” It is being CENTERED in WITH Christ. So it is indeed possible to Rejoice Always!, as the Scripture says, by keeping our lives centered on Christ.

Dec 12, 7:58 PM

Simone (Guest): Another highlight tonight Ruth!

Dec 12, 7:59 PM

Bettychao (Guest): I did been a alter server in 1991 or 1992 in cure of ars Catholic Church in Kansas City I was work for fr Charles Mcglen and fr Brian. Now I retired because my health not good and I move to Los Angeles

Dec 12, 7:59 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes!

Dec 12, 7:59 PM

Elena (Guest): I think self-pity is a dangerous thing, always complaining about every little thing and making a mountain out of a mole hill. Then when real suffering comes in, one has no practice for turning to Christ in the midst of it.


Elena (Guest): And the sufferings we have can become little flowers to offer to God, who in turn strengthens and sweetens things for us. Those are wasted opportunities, at that point. Playing the victim doesn’t get us anywhere, and also denies the fact that other people are suffering too.

Dec 12, 8:00 PM

Simone (Guest): when we exaggerate our sufferings, we bring the attention to us – not the movement of the soul, suffering should have – Christian suffering is looking away from us

01 PM

Elena (Guest): Yes, Simone.

Dec 12, 8:01 PM

Bettychao (Guest): In their are some people they be

Dec 12, 8:01 PM

Elena (Guest): I have a question in this very topic.

 8:02 PM

Elena (Guest): What can we do for someone (or with someone) who consistently plays this role? I suppose the answer is prayer. But dang, it’s hard when someone has placed her pain above everyone else’s. :04 PM

Simone (Guest): that’s a hard one. depends on the relationship. Confronting a person with this behaviour might not always fit 5 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Sometimes a story of some real life tragedy can touch the heart of a somewhat self centered person , 8:05 PM

Dawn (Guest): good idea Sr.

Dec 12, 8:05 PM

Simone (Guest): genuine pain makes lonely sometimes – and I think – some people try to break – or avoid this – by constantly talking about the pain

Dec 12, 8:05 PM

Ruth (Guest): Agree.

6 PM

Bettychao (Guest): So not only go to church and bible and pray but you need to have loving heart to treating you friends and family and help them to serve Jesus in you own action behavior just keep you mouth say I believe Jesus is not innough

Dec 12, 8:06 PM

Ruth (Guest): Interesting insight, Simone.

Dec 12, 8:06 PM

Simone (Guest): Betty Chao you just beautifully summarized Salesian Spirituality

Dec 12, 8:06 PM

Dawn (Guest): good insight Simone

8:07 PM

Bettychao (Guest): Is not only me but God tell you the truth through I believe and I saw and I pratice 07 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, Betty, belief AND good actions go together.

Dec 12, 8:07 PM

Simone (Guest): what a beautiful slogan Betty.. I call it the Betty slogan now. I believe – I saw – I practice

Dec 12, 8:08 PM

Dawn (Guest)

Dec 12, 8:08 PM

Bettychao (Guest): Where is sr Susan where is she?


SrSusan (Guest): 5. St. Francis mentions the fasting of Advent. Why has this aspect of Advent being like a “mini Lent” been lost? PM

Bettychao (Guest): I am always see you interview online line pray and love it is talk about artist Anne goetz

Dec 12, 8:10 PM

Bettychao (Guest): She is a wonderful artist

Dec 12, 8:10 PM

SrSusan (Guest): yes her next showing is St Louis in 2023 or earlier if possible

, 8:11 PM

SrSusan (Guest): actually advent is still a time for some penance

Dec 12, 8:11 PM

Dawn (Guest): Does it have to do with many things in the Church being watered down? Less Catholic

Dec 12, 8:11 PM

Simone (Guest): Elena – I wonder.. if you could mention to this person ” I hear you talking about your pain for a long time now. Do you sense God is working in some areas?” That might help them to see the progress in their pain journey

:12 PM

Bettychao (Guest): I did painting the passion of Jesus bloody face and precious blood holy communion picture in long time ago

Dec 12, 8:12 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, Betty. I watched that twice. Not sure I would have remembered the Name of the artist, like you do. Very good.

, 8:12 PM

Bettychao (Guest): Thanks ruth 13 PM

Elena (Guest): This person hasn’t gone to Church is years. Has admitted “anger issues” and refuses eve to go to church on Christmas. She’s beyond any help I can give her. i’m just frustrated and a bit worried for her. She’s refusing to put up Christmas decorations, even.

Dec 12, 8:13 PM

Simone (Guest): Can anyone post a link to the artist. I am so curious now

Dec 12, 8:13 PM

Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan is that monastery you monastery open for public to see the sisters or visit them because the COVID is back again and New York City is now become COVID states more then other states of america

8:14 PM

Simone (Guest): oh Elena.. I see.. there is a whole lot other issues here.

Dec 12, 8:14 PM

Ruth (Guest): Maybe if the pain is social, relational, problems, not just physical pain, the person is seeking help on how to deal with it.

Dec 12, 8:14 PM

SrSusan (Guest): we are accepting one retreatant at a time Betty but may need to suspend again we are watching closely

Dec 12, 8:15 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I am not sure which video of anne goetze Betty means but i can look for one


Elena (Guest): On another note — yeah, I never ever learned Advent as a penitential season. It has been presented as a warm, cozy, “getting ready for baby Jesus” for as long as I can remember. Only this year did I begin to understand the penitential aspect, and have been trying to live that way. I gave up something, and God’s seen fit to throw several areas for serious penance in my life, so I didn’t really have to go seeking anything lol

Dec 12, 8:15 PM

Elena (Guest): Yeah she’s Catholic Yeah sorry she’s very complicated. I’m just frustrated and am looking at spending Christmas with this person. Never mind.

Dec 12, 8:15 PM

SrSusan (Guest)



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Simone (Guest): In the last year, I always ended up with some kind of fast in Advent. And I am NOT a fasting person. But every December either health – or inner conviction – has lead me to a very simple eating style. Strange 8:16 PM

Simone (Guest): thanks for the link Sister Susan.. you are so fast with these things

Dec 12, 8:17 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Anne Goetze has been here on chat occasionally

Dec 12, 8:17 PM

Simone (Guest): oh wow..

7 PM

Simone (Guest): oh wow..

Dec 12, 8:17 PM

Ruth (Guest): It’s on Visitation Spirit, I believe. You, Sr. Susan, interviewing the artist, and some of the paintings are shown.

Dec 12, 8:17 PM

Dawn (Guest): she is amazing artist!

Dec 12, 8:17 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I can ask her to join us sometime or maybe even the zoom possibility

 8:19 PM

SrSusan (Guest): This link may still work- not sure Video online:

Artist Captures Sisters’ Experience – NET TV

Dec 12, 8:20 PM

Elena (Guest): That video is very sweet.

Dec 12, 8:20 PM

Simone (Guest): I just opened it, but wait to watch it until we are over her

Dec 12, 8:20 PM

Simone (Guest): here

Dec 12, 8:21 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Yes that one is at our Monastery here

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1 viewer

2, 8:21 PM

Dawn (Guest): beautiful, thank you 2 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Advent is joyful as we prepare our hearts and that can be penitential if we are trying to grow in a particulaR way  Advent is joyful as we prepare our hearts and that can be penitential if we are trying to grow in a particulaR way

Dec 12, 8:23 PM

Simone (Guest): Ladies.. I just received a very disturbing message from a friend of mine. Please pray for her family. Sorry cannot disclose more. But the best I can do here right now is to reach out for prayer for her and her family. Thanks for considering

Dec 12, 8:23 PM

Elena (Guest): Will absolutely pray. God be with her.

Dec 12, 8:23 PM

Simone (Guest): her name is Kirsten

Dec 12, 8:24 PM

Simone (Guest): I think I have to leave now.. I try to contact her. Hope to see you all next Sunday.

Dec 12, 8:24 PM

Elena (Guest): God bless you, Simone.

Dec 12, 8:24 PM

Dawn (Guest): Elena, I have someone close to me similar situation. I can get caught up trying to fix things for her. then I recall St Bernadette….it is my job to inform not to convince. I also remember its is God that calls a soul, we can only do what he asks in that regard.

Dec 12, 8:24 PM

Ruth (Guest): I looked at the YouTube and have so many tabs open I had a hard time finding my way back to the chat! 

Dec 12, 8:24 PM

Elena (Guest): haha Ruth. 

Dec 12, 8:24 PM

Dawn (Guest)

Dec 12, 8:25 PM

Elena (Guest): Dawn yes…

Dec 12, 8:25 PM

Dawn (Guest): it can be a rabbit hole!

Dec 12, 8:25 PM

SrSusan (Guest): We will be praying Simone for her


Elena (Guest): I’m not try to fix things, but I cannot continue to be in the wake of negativity and anger. I have my own grief to contend with, which she doesn’t recognize in the least. Anyway, thank you for listening, and for your prayers for her, too. her name is Donna.

8:26 PM

Ruth (Guest): Will pray for Kristin.

Dec 12, 8:26 PM

SrSusan (Guest): and for Donna

26 PM

Elena (Guest): Thank you! 6 PM

Dawn (Guest): also, sometimes a shock can help. like a truth shock. I have received some. I think Peter Kreeft wrote a book called Jesus Shock

Dec 12, 8:27 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I am so glad to be back with you all. I will be going now. Have a blessed week!