December 8, 1602: Episcopal ordination of Saint Francis de Sales, in the church of his baptism, in Thorens.
December 13, 1641: Birth in Heaven of Saint Jane de Chantal at the monastery of the Visitation of Moulins, at the age of 69.
December 17, 1887: Birth of the Servant of God Mother Maria-Angélica Alvarez Icaza (Religious of the Visitation) in Mexico City. Her beatification process is underway.
December 18, 1593: Priestly ordination of Saint Francis de Sales.
December 27, 1673: 1st of the three great apparitions of Our Lord to Saint Marguerite-Marie (Religious of the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial). Jesus, as he did for Saint John, the beloved Apostle whom the Church celebrates on this day, makes her rest for a long time on his breast, then reveals to her the inexplicable secrets of his Sacred Heart.
December 27: Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist, celestial patron of the Guard of Honor.
On this day the Apostolic Penitentiary grants plenary indulgence to members of the Guard of Honor on ordinary terms. See the Spiritual Roots page for more information.
December 28, 1592: Marriage of Saint Jeanne-Françoise Frémyot (future founder of the Order of the Visitation) with Christophe de Rabutin, baron de Chantal.
December 28, 1622: Birth in Heaven of Saint François de Sales in the house of the gardener of the Visitation of Lyon.
December 31, 1678: Our Lord constitutes Saint Marguerite-Marie heir to her Heart and to all her treasures.
End of December 1862: A letter from the Visitation of Annecy invites the whole Order to display more zeal to spread devotion to the Heart of Jesus. Shortly after, at the Visitation of Bourg-en-Bresse, the Community mandates Sister Marie du Sacré-Cœur Bernaud to find out how to respond to this call from the Lord: she will soon found the Guard of Honor.