dear faithful friends, guards of honor,
On the eve of the holiday season, the Sisters of the Visitation and I extend our best wishes to you. May the graces of the Nativity give everyone the peace, joy, hope and strength necessary to live 2022 … without forgetting Zeal to make our Savior known and loved !!!

A little ahead of time, here is the tip for January!
Well in communion with each one
Geneviève Vignes,
coordinator for International Headquarters
Zeal is to love what flame is to fire! Only the heart that loves ardently is devoured by this beautiful flame of zeal. If therefore we really loved the Heart of Jesus, we would burn with the desire not only to make it known but to make it loved. Love cannot stand idle any more than fire, so the zeal which is its flame always needs nourishment.
Zeal is exercised first of all on oneself, being faithful to do everything, endure everything for love and for the greater glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Are we even capable of it? Once we have practiced, we can by our example rekindle the flame of our loved ones. It is also good to talk among ourselves about the subject of our love and to excite the passion that should drive us.
Wasn’t Jesus himself burning with love for us? Passionate about the glory of his Father and our salvation, he was truly devoured by zeal. In his school, in fidelity, we can be transformed into apostles, for zeal is the most beautiful, the highest expression of love. Let us work to extend by all possible means, the reign of Jesus, by winning him hearts, by propagating his devotion and above all, give him yours without reserve!
And if we can’t act, let’s pray! This apostolate is not the least fruitful! (after Sister Marie du Sacré Cœur Bernaud, our founder)