- n the opening paragraph, does it seem like St. Francis is excusing the young woman’s sins/faults because of her temperament?
- The first paragraph is reminiscent of these two Bible verses. Discuss in this context: “And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do'” (Luke 23:34). “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (Romans 7:15).
- St. Francis says that the girl’s hastiness and impulsiveness needs to be brought under control by keeping her spirit controlled, and slowing down her outward actions. How can this advice help us in our own lives?
- How can we take it easier on ourselves and others as we progress on the path of sanctification?
- St. Francis essentially likens our period of spiritual growth like being a toddler. Reflect and discuss the idea that we’re all just children toddling our way through the spiritual life with a loving Father there to dust us off when we fall.
- What is love?
- PM
- Sr Susan (Guest): Did you read tonights letter? the first q seems to be hard to grasp
- May 15, 7:31 PM
- Sr Susan (Guest): 1. n the opening paragraph, does it seem like St. Francis is excusing the young woman’s sins/faults because of her temperament?
- May 15, 7:32 PM
- Carol (Guest): Not so much excusing as asking for cooperation from the person he is writing yo
- PM
Dawn (Guest): yes I read it. I felt sympathy for the young woman who perhaps was receiving some unfair chaistisement from the Sisters 3 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Yes like a tough novice formator
May 15, 7:33 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): You can use regular rosary
May 15, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): For example, a person who is introverted can learn social skills but they will never be an extrovert
4 PM
Dawn (Guest): interesting term I will remember Sr Susan 7:35 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): this young lady seems to have anxiety issues 5, 7:35 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes :35 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): 2. The first paragraph is reminiscent of these two Bible verses. Discuss in this context: “And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do'” (Luke 23:34). “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (Romans 7:15).
May 15, 7:35 PM
Carol (Guest): And those you can learn to deal with, to give to Christ, but they are always with you
:35 PM
Carol (Guest): And those you can learn to deal with, to give to Christ, but they are always with you
May 15, 7:36 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I found a rosaries from my early church cure of ars catholic parish I was be a alter girl and Sunday school student in that church and in that church I got bible and large rosaries
May 15, 7:37 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Our temperaments hinder us sometimes but they are also our best tools for sanctity
May 15, 7:37 PM
Dawn (Guest): I needed to be reminded of second Scripture thank you
15, 7:38 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (This one speaks to me most
May 15, 7:38 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, Sr, they are St Paul’s thorn reminding us of how much we need Jesus
:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): and thank you Carol, we can learn to deal with and offer them up PM
Bettychao (Guest): But God know our actions he will show you the way and help you what you need to do his way is in the Bible just read bible find out
May 15, 7:40 PM
Carol (Guest): Beating yourself up for it just doubles the problem. And thats a bit prideful
May 15, 7:40 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Or one can do what one is asked but find it so difficult to do
, 7:41 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): q 3. St. Francis says that the girl’s hastiness and impulsiveness needs to be brought under control by keeping her spirit controlled, and slowing down her outward actions. How can this advice help us in our own lives? 15, 7:42 PM
Carol (Guest): I know I need to do this :43 PM
Dawn (Guest): I do as well. maybe in words I speak, if important to me topic, I can be inpulsive. mostly concerning the children 7:43 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I am puzzled by how one can control one’s spirit y 15, 7:44 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think I can do nothing on my own 7:44 PM
Dawn (Guest): control our spirit?
May 15, 7:44 PM
Carol (Guest): When I know I am becoming too anxious, sometimes I get the grace to know my emotions are controlling my actions and I can stop
May 15, 7:44 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): St. Francis says that the girl’s hastiness and impulsiveness needs to be brought under control by keeping her spirit controlled,
:45 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): yes grace is the answer 5, 7:46 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): grace is everything-God’s life in us 7:47 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Sometimes we have too much to do and that makes us hasty 5, 7:48 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, or someone pressures ys , 7:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): how good it could be if we could slow down enough to hear
:50 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): St Francis has a quote about hastiness but I cant recall it just now , 7:53 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): q 4. How can we take it easier on ourselves and others as we progress on the path of sanctification? 5 PM
Carol (Guest): To remember that in order to give mercy to others we must first receive it from Christ , I mean really accept it in our hearts. When we accept we can give 56 PM
Dawn (Guest): So true Carol
May 15, 7:57 PM
Carol (Guest): We can’t just say oh thanks and then continue to beat ourselves up
May 15, 7:57 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): being patient with others is a help
7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): it requires divine discernment , may we all pray for this
8 PM
Carroll V (Guest): Yes, self forgiveness is SO important… and something I’ve really struggled with. For me, Confession is key… accepting .. 7:59 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): very difficult sometimes to love oneself
, 7:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think sometimes the greatest of the Sacraments is Confession , tho they are all
May 15, 7:59 PM
Carroll V (Guest): truly accepting the Love and acceptance of Christ is, for me, a prerewquisite to authentic gentleness with others
5, 8:00 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, especially when you get a lot of negative feedback 8:01 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): need lots of prayer and attention to Jesus so He becomes one’s center
Sr Susan (Guest): q 5. St. Francis essentially likens our period of spiritual growth like being a toddler. Reflect and discuss the idea that we’re all just children toddling our way through the spiritual life with a loving Father there to dust us off when we fall. 15, 8:01 PM
Carol (Guest): When He corrects me it does not hurt 2 PM
Dawn (Guest): I have received much of this lately. I know God is allowing it but still it is difficult. Ive had ,recently , others verbally attacking yelling .
May 15, 8:03 PM
Bettychao (Guest): She can communicate to the US Catholic sisters
May 15, 8:04 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh Dawn, i’m so sorry. I can barely stand it. When it happens inask Him how he bore it
:06 PM
Carroll V (Guest): Dawn, when that happens to me I think of the sorrowful mystery of Crowning With Thorns and the meekness of Christ…
May 15, 8:06 PM
Bettychao (Guest): She is live in the same convent with sr Anna nubiola
May 15, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): good idea. I think it is the primary means Satan employs is to find no small list of willing persons to put volume to his accusing voice
May 15, 8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): It is natural to want to fight back, but that can be a trap 8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): You have a chorus too?
May 15, 8:08 PM
Carol (Guest): That would be the chorus like in Greek tragedies
May 15, 8:08 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I think St Therese would agree we are toddlers!
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5, 8:09 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes. but it occurred to me we are to not be silent either, I mean perhaps I need to learn to reply assertively with Gods word.
8:09 PM
Carroll V (Guest): …kind of nice to think of “toddling” versus ” stumbling” :09 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes…..
May 15, 8:10 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes Dawn, I am too silent
1 PM
Carroll V (Guest): I don’t remember where to find it, but St Francis de Sales definitely wrote about speaking one’s truth- speaking up for oneself simply, then letting it go… , 8:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): Carroll, this would be good to read. I dont believe we are to simply be submissive . well I think it also depends on circumstances
May 15, 8:12 PM
Elena (Guest): I was just catching up on this week’s reading.
Sr Susan (Guest): How does the Father dust us off when we fall do you think
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Carol (Guest): Hugs and kisses
May 15, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): Carol – bouncing on what you said earlier about speaking up for oneself and then letting it go. How true it is that we must let it go.. and so hard to do. I think the Father dusts us off by giving us the grace to let go of our mistakes after we’ve confessed them, and gives us grace to do better in similar situations.
May 15, 8:14 PM
Carroll V (Guest): Sr. Susan- do I remember correctly that he was once falsely accused of something and wrote about his response? … or maybe it was a letter counseling someone else being accused… sorry if that’s off topic, just thinking of his example for Dawn
May 15, 8:14 PM
Carol (Guest): That is true Elena
8:15 PM
Elena (Guest): St. Therese wrote about being a tiny tot who can’t even climb the stairs to reach her Father. He has to carry her. I love that! Utter submission and admission that we must make our best effort, but we ultimately rely on God’s Providence to ascend to holiness. 15, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): being falsely accused can be helpful to our spiritual growth I think. How Jesus was so falsely accused, I think of this, also I remind myself often Jesus says if we want to follow him we must pick up our cross. this seems different….
May 15, 8:17 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I might be mistaken
Bettychao (Guest): I think st Francis de sales will ask the secred of of Jesus to forgive those who tell lies about his teachings because Jesus die on cross and forgive our sins when we have done
May 15, 8:19 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Very good thought
20 PM
Elena (Guest): I find it very difficult to let go and forgive when I’m falsely accused. It comes across as such an enormous injustice.
May 15, 8:20 PM
Carroll V (Guest): Sometimes it seems that God ” dusts us off” by giving us little graces we don’t deserve.
May 15, 8:20 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan I got a rosaries that blessed by the pope John Paul ii from the manager of the our lady of angels cathedral
May 15, 8:20 PM
Elena (Guest): I had to deal with that a bit this year and it was very hard.
21 PM
Carol (Guest): It seems like I am going through it now, very hard to stand up vs strike back PM
Carroll V (Guest): …maybe an indescribably beautiful stillness in prayer or what seems to be a little ” sign” of his Love in nature…
May 15, 8:22 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Have you hear about bishop Jose Gomez sister Susan do you know him
May 15, 8:22 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): no
May 15, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): Carol – I’m so sorry to hear this. it’s a difficult situation when you are in the midst of that.
, 8:23 PM
Elena (Guest): to stand up and not strike back.. a fine line 4 PM
Carol (Guest): Like the karate kid when he is injured all he can do is stand on one leg and kick
May 15, 8:25 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We stand up for jesus 8:24 PM
Carol (Guest): Like the karate kid when he is injured all he can do is stand on one leg and kick
May 15, 8:25 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We stand up for jesus
May 15, 8:26 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): last q is simply: 6. What is love?
May 15, 8:26 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): not so simple tho!
May 15, 8:26 PM
Carol (Guest): No the kid nearly knocked himself over
5, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): Jesus
May 15, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): I must go right at 5:30 today. God bless you everyone!
May 15, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): Goodnight Carol! thank you
May 15, 8:28 PM
Bettychao (Guest): You know Katy perry supposed the two Catholic sisters want to sale a convent to her with thousand dollars but when those two Catholic sisters find out Katy perry worship witch craft and believe black magic from the witch craft and devil so they confused to sale a convent to her but the archbishop Gomez sale convent.
May 15, 8:28 PM
Bettychao (Guest): To Katy perry but he also guide her to trust and back to jesus
May 15, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): only in California
May 15, 8:28 PM
Bettychao (Guest): That is only in Los angeles
May 15, 8:29 PM
Carroll V (Guest): Blessings Carol- thank you!
May 15, 8:29 PM
Bettychao (Guest): What would you think sr Susan about this situation
May 15, 8:29 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Good night!
May 15, 8:30 PM
Dawn (Guest): good night Sr Susan. thank you and God bless you and the sisters
May 15, 8:30 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Bettyy I dont understand it but it sounds creepy somehow
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