You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might. »
Dear friends, To love Jesus is surely the first mission of the disciple of the Heart of Jesus: to love Jesus for Himself even before loving Him for all those who do not love Him. Love in deeds and in truth. To love with all one’s heart, with all one’s soul and with all one’s strength…
In the Gospel, beautiful figures give us this testimony of a generous and disinterested love for the Lord: Mary of Bethany anoints the feet of her Lord who has risen his brother Lazarus; Véronique wipes the face of Jesus soiled by insults, sweat and spitting; Mary Magdalene inquires about the body of her Lord one beautiful Easter morning.
With the Virgin Mary, who begot and cherished this beloved son, all these women who accompanied the Lord with his disciples showed us this love for Jesus. In turn, we want to love Jesus, celebrate Him, adore Him. Our gestures, our devotion want to be the sign of our great love, of our gratitude for such a Master and Lord.
While during this month of the Sacred Heart, we are going to contemplate how tradition has received and meditated on this Heart burning with love, let us in turn write the page of our century. Let us lay our head on the holy breast of Jesus and with fervent love adore this pierced, gentle and humble Heart.
I pray for you, Fr. Benoit Guédas+