: How can this short letter teach us something about the nature of the Church, about the importance of relying on each other?How might this little reflection on floating on some planks of wood teach us something about the theology of salvation by faith and works?St. Francis says that he was obedient to the boatman. We owe obedience to those who have authority over us. Why is obedience such a great virtue? Why is this virtue difficult to practice at times?Why is it important to be both Mary and Martha in our l

Jul 10, 6:48 AM

SrSusan (Guest): Why is it important to be both Mary and Martha in our lives? And why should “being Mary” be the underlying element in all of it?
When Jesus was asleep in the boat during the storm, what was he trying to teach us?
What are some other encounters with Jesus where a boat is involved?
Reflect on Noah’s ark being a symbol and type of the Church leading us through the saving waters of baptism. Even though these waters save us, they also destroy: what do they destroy?

Jul 10, 6:48 AM

SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat July 10 730 pm est

Jul 10, 6:48 AM

SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat http://www.icontact-archive.com/archive?c=1029793&f=1988&s=2046&m=639108&t=44f0d18c19339967b1be43b205c1596fa07d3b2574e5f4560987969cb886fdda

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0, 7:20 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): How can this short letter teach us something about the nature of the Church, about the importance of relying on each other

Jul 10, 7:20 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): the same?

Jul 10, 7:22 PM

Dawn (Guest): Yes. 1. How can this short letter teach us something about the nature of the Church, about the importance of relying on each other?

Jul 10, 7:23 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Hi Betty

Jul 10, 7:23 PM

Betty chao (Guest): Where is sr susan?

Jul 10, 7:24 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Here

Jul 10, 7:24 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): St Francis de Sales speaks of relying on planks of wood and the boatman

Jul 10, 7:25 PM

Betty chao (Guest): I will go to online church at 5pm los angeles time

Jul 10, 7:25 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): so perhaps we can compare that to depending on the Church and its leaderso the popes

Jul 10, 7:25 PM

Dawn (Guest): Im sorry I seem to be having problems

5 online


Betty chao


2 viewers

7:27 PM

Betty chao (Guest): We must know why the church need pope to leading us in to christ teachings

Jul 10, 7:27 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): good point

0, 7:29 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): the pope is given special grace

Please sign in

7:31 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): How to connect faith and works with planks of wood- that’s a challenge31 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes it is a challenge question

Jul 10, 7:32 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): I guess the faith is depending on the planks and the works is rowing or steering the boat to safety

0, 7:32 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): How do you both see it?

7:32 PM

Betty chao (Guest): We need bible and need jesus need us. 3 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Bible is the faith part?

Jul 10, 7:33 PM

Betty chao (Guest): We need jesus lead us that will be save

Jul 10, 7:33 PM

Dawn (Guest): Faith would be as St Martha having faith God was her pilot

0, 7:34 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): and St Martha was in a boat and went to France0, 7:34 PM

Dawn (Guest): But it was God that cast her upon the shores. not of her own works?

Jul 10, 7:34 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Yes

 10, 7:34 PM

Betty chao (Guest): Why the church respect saints because saints lead church to be faithful too

Jul 10, 7:35 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): yes true7:35 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): St. Francis says that he was obedient to the boatman. We owe obedience to those who have authority over us. Why is obedience such a great virtue? 0, 7:38 PM

Dawn (Guest): This is a difficult question for me to answer

5 online



Betty chao


1 viewer

8 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): obedience is a difficult virtue

Jul 10, 7:39 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): we all have wills of our own that we must surrender to another and to God

Jul 10, 7:39 PM

Betty chao (Guest): Not better she got terrible caugh

Jul 10, 7:39 PM

Dawn (Guest): Does this pertain to those in the church that have authority?

l 10, 7:39 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): yes I think so40 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): I think it is great because it is difficult but helps us realize our true standing before God0, 7:41 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): it also pertains to any legitimate authority, 7:41 PM

Dawn (Guest): I think this may be the last, if ever, virtue I acquire. I do submit to Gods authority but not so much man, 10, 7:42 PM

Carol (Guest): Oh thank you! I also have trouble with man’s authority

Jul 10, 7:42 PM

Dawn (Guest): Betty, here is our reading and questions

Jul 10, 7:43 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): but if you took a vow to do soyou would get grace

Jul 10, 7:43 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): I think! 3 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Why is this virtue difficult to practice at times?

, 7:44 PM

Carol (Guest): For me it’s because authority over me has been used in wrong ways and now I’m not so trusting

Jul 10, 7:45 PM

Dawn (Guest): Yes , if one takes vows then it is different. and you would acquire graces.I believe our own will , sisters and lay alike, is strong

, 7:45 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): yes opur nexperience colors our ability to be trusting and to listen

Jul 10, 7:45 PM

Dawn (Guest): good point Carol. when we have been wounded by submitting

0, 7:46 PM

Dawn (Guest): and can become more discerning

Jul 10, 7:46 PM

 10, 7:47 PM

Carol (Guest): But obedience can be difficult anyway. We are children again, learning a new way of life

Jul 10, 7:47 PM

Betty chao (Guest): Sr susan how is sr jennifer koo

, 7:48 PM

Dawn (Guest): thank you for this gentle reply Carol

Jul 10, 7:48 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): and we can take on childish ways rsather than adult obedience

9 PM

Dawn (Guest): and Sr Susan. thinking of ourselves as the children we are…

Jul 10, 7:49 PM

Carol (Guest): Well we are childrenâ˜ș

Jul 10, 7:49 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Why is it important to be both Mary and Martha in our lives?

:49 PM

l 10, 7:51 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): for good spiritual balance

Jul 10, 7:50 PM

Carol (Guest): Action and contemplation are both foundational to Christian life

0, 7:50 PM

Dawn (Guest): to fullfill Gods plans for our lives

, 7:52 PM

Dawn (Guest): both replies are helpful! 52 PM

Betty chao (Guest): I respect st mary magdelen because jesus come to her home mary wash jesus feet and martha besy but mary listen jesus teaching we must learn like mAry to listen to jesus

Jul 10, 7:52 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): very good Betty

 10, 7:53 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): and Martha had to do some real important things too 4 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): And why should “being Mary” be the underlying element in all of it?

Jul 10, 7:54 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes Dawn, I think so. In the story, Martha wasn’t balanced

 7:55 PM

Dawn (Guest): because without him we can do nothing

Jul 10, 7:55 PM

Betty chao (Guest): Today i will join chiness christian zion church sermon their sermon topic call holy spirit

Jul 10, 7:55 PM

Carol (Guest): Because Jesus will is most important and we must take time to get to know Him and to discern , 7:56 PM

Betty chao (Guest): I have to go online church prayer service i must go

Jul 10, 7:56 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): being Mary means listening, or being obedient

Jul 10, 7:56 PM

Dawn (Guest): ah!

Jul 10, 7:56 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Have a good Mass Betty

0, 7:57 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Even St Martha “listened” while she worked and Jesus spoke to her

0, 7:55 PM


VisitationSr (Guest): When Jesus was asleep in the boat during the storm, what was he trying to teach us?

Jul 10, 7:58 PM

Dawn (Guest): so being obedient has to do more with interior moves and less to do with practical life duties

Jul 10, 7:58 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): another good point

9 PM

Carol (Guest): That it might seem like He’s sleeping and we’re on our own. But He’s not sleeping 8:01 PM

Dawn (Guest): to trust he is always with us and do not depend on obvious outward signs. its about trust 8:02 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): that He may not seem like He is listening to us but He is ul 10, 8:03 PM

Carol (Guest): He is the Captain of our boats 8:04 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): that is one of my favorite Bible stories

06 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): What are some other encounters with Jesus where a boat is involved? 0, 8:06 PM

Carol (Guest)https://www.pinterest.com/pin/549579960789408276/

Jul 10, 8:06 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): got it

 10, 8:07 PM

Carol (Guest): When He tells Peter to cast the nets again after catching nothing all night :08 PM

Dawn (Guest): beautiful image, thank you ! , 8:08 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): when Peter walks on water is another 08 PM

Carol (Guest): I have whole collections of Jesus and Mary pictures there

Jul 10, 8:08 PM

Carol (Guest): And horses 

, 8:09 PM

Carol (Guest): I wish I could!

4 online




1 viewer

8:10 PM

Carol (Guest): If I somehow get too far from Jesus, He will give me another horse. He’s done it twice

Jul 10, 8:10 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): ?

8:11 PM

Dawn (Guest): interesting …how does a horse help you spiritually? l 10, 8:11 PM

Carol (Guest): The first time I was not going to Church and the second I was going through my inner work. The love of horses is astoundingly therapeutic 0, 8:11 PM

Carol (Guest): It opened me up to hear Him 0, 8:13 PM

Carol (Guest): Whole books are written about the relationship between Men and horses. They reflect ourselves back to us, an unfailing mirror. The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man 8:14 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): so a car may have interfered with this when it was invented 14 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes!

Jul 10, 8:14 PM

Dawn (Guest): Was just thinking of a therapist that used horses

8:14 PM

Dawn (Guest): so much in our modern world is unnecessary 

Jul 10, 8:14 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): do you know name of one of those books

0, 8:15 PM

Carol (Guest): You can lie to people about how you feel, but not to your horse l 10, 8:15 PM

Carol (Guest): They work for therapy when people dont know how they feel

 6 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Reflect on Noah’s ark being a symbol and type of the Church leading us through the saving waters of baptism. Even though these waters save us, they also destroy: what do they destroy? 7 PM

Carol (Guest): The first one that comes to mind is The Tao of Equus by Linda Kohanov, but you would want to skip the beginning as she talks about some interesting religious theories

Jul 10, 8:17 PM

Dawn (Guest): I love StF saying ” these are just imaginary little virtues which serve to deight my heart…”

Jul 10, 8:17 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): There waas aplay called Equus on Broadway in the 70’s I saw it 8 PM

Carol (Guest): I never did. I probably should

Jul 10, 8:19 PM

Carol (Guest): If this life is Noah’s ark, then God sends us out in community, two by two, as with the first disciples

, 8:19 PM

Dawn (Guest): Ive thought of the ark being like the church at times, noisy stinky, but it still gets us all to shore safely :20 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): waters of baptism destroy sin

 0, 8:21 PM

Carol (Guest)https://www.amazon.com/Life-Lessons-Heart-Horses-Relationships/dp/1510762833/ref=sr_1_10_sspa?crid=3FVWXRT69IL68&keywords=Horse+therapy+for+humans&qid=1657498866&s=books&sprefix=horse+therapy+for+humans%2Cstripbooks%2C223&sr=1-10-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExNjU0N0ZaVlU5U1EzJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzYzOTgzMTIxRTBVSk9TN1RJNSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODE4MzEwMjBSNVc4WFFMVTFBNCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

:23 PM

Carol (Guest): The physical church building is built to resemble a boat. If you look up, the ceiling is theckeel

0, 8:25 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Noah’s ark tried to save all thru representatives like a remnant of all species

:26 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): I hope Simone is ok have not heard from her

Jul 10, 8:26 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Maybe vacationing?

Jul 10, 8:26 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): and Ruth

Jul 10, 8:26 PM

Dawn (Guest): what I wrote on the ark is incomplete, perhaps misleading. I see it as a collection of all humanity, both good and not, where we can go to be healed and purified.

Jul 10, 8:27 PM

Carol (Guest): I haven’t either. She might be, she had company last week

Jul 10, 8:27 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): That sounds complete now Dawn

, 8:28 PM

Dawn (Guest): thinking of obedience to Gods call to the church

Jul 10, 8:04 PM