1. What does it mean when St. Francis says that their “vocations differ in rank”?
  2. St. Francis says, “Our Lord is a fountain from which our prayer can draw water to cleanse us, to cool us, to make us fruitful and fill us with sweetness.” We often think of the image of drinking when Jesus is described as the living waters. Discuss how this imagery can be deepened when we think about how much water is a vital part in everything, even for keeping us cool, as St. Francis describes.
  3. What could cause a monastery to go from being a house of prayer to a “community of prisoners,” as St. Francis mentioned?
  4. St. Francis presents this as a positive point when he says, “the gentle Saviour of your souls has deceived you with the cunning of love in order to draw you into a more special relationship with him.” How is this not negative to be described as “deceived”?
  5. St. Francis recommends Brother N. as one who is not learned, but “an ignorant man of the right kind.” How can we be like him, grounded in the spiritual life even though we might not have advanced degrees in theology?
  6. What is so important about a monastery or community in general? Isn’t it enough that we have a personal relationship with Jesus?

Dawn (Guest): is this our Ruth?

Aug 14, 7:34 PM

Carol (Guest): I think St Francis is in a higher rank of authority within his order

Aug 14, 7:34 PM

Simone (Guest): My first thought was – that he is a priest and bishop and she is a religious woman. once a priest has explained to me that priesthood and religious life are very different actually

Aug 14, 7:35 PM

Dawn (Guest): q1) a priest is higher in Hiarchy

Aug 14, 7:35 PM

Simone (Guest): Priesthood is a “service to the church” – whereas religious life is …. well. unfortunately I forgot that part. LOL. I can ask him again – it really spoke to me –

Aug 14, 7:35 PM

Simone (Guest): I don’t know – but I do not like the word “hierarch” in this

Aug 14, 7:35 PM

Simone (Guest): the kingdom has no hierarchy really – or does it?

Aug 14, 7:36 PM

Simone (Guest): And here she is! Hi Elena! Good to see you here tonight!

Aug 14, 7:36 PM

Elena (Guest): Helllooooo!

Aug 14, 7:36 PM

Dawn (Guest): really? what would would we use to discribe the hiarchy of Gods order?

Aug 14, 7:36 PM

Carol (Guest): You know, i’m not sure either. I think it reads we all shine.

Aug 14, 7:36 PM

Carol (Guest): Elena!

Aug 14, 7:36 PM

Simone (Guest): Explain about the hierarchy of Gods order please Dawn

Aug 14, 7:36 PM

Dawn (Guest): there is God then Angels then so on..

Aug 14, 7:37 PM

Elena (Guest): There is a hierarchy of angels, and a hierarchy in our Church. There are hierarchies all throughout nature, as God created it.

Aug 14, 7:37 PM

Simone (Guest): good point Dawn

Aug 14, 7:37 PM

Elena (Guest): Hi, Carol!

Aug 14, 7:37 PM

Simone (Guest): but these are different beings – bishops and laity are all humans

Aug 14, 7:38 PM

Elena (Guest): yes, but there is a hierarchy there. The Pope being the Vicar of Christ on earth, passing on the apostolic faith to bishops, who in turn ordain priests (who can become bishops), and without the priest, there are no sacraments.

Aug 14, 7:38 PM

Simone (Guest): Well, I guess you are somewhat right – but still – something does not fit too well with me – I think – we all have a vocation – even “normal laity- I don’t think that they are less than a priest or Bisho in the kingdom

Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.

Aug 14, 7:38 PM

Carol (Guest): A hierarchy establishes order. ;in Gods kingdom the “higher” have more responsibility to serve

Aug 14, 7:39 PM

Elena (Guest): Good way to phrase it, Carol!

Aug 14, 7:39 PM

Elena (Guest): (by the way… I’ve really missed all of you and being here…)



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St. Francis says, “Our Lord is a fountain from which our prayer can draw water to cleanse us, to cool us, to make us fruitful and fill us with sweetness.” We often think of the image of drinking when Jesus is described as the living waters. Discuss how this imagery can be deepened when we think about how much water is a vital part in everything, even for keeping us cool, as St. Francis describes.

Aug 14, 7:42 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Good to see you all!

Aug 14, 7:42 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Sr Susan!

Aug 14, 7:42 PM

Carol (Guest): Without water there is no life

Aug 14, 7:42 PM

r (Guest): Hello Sister Susan.

Aug 14, 7:43 PM

Elena (Guest): I Loooove this image. Just today I was saying to my housemate that I have a “shallow well” and I really need to go to Christ every single day either to receive Him in Holy Communion or at least to sit in the chapel or Adoration. I went several days this week without this because I wasn’t feeling well, and boy, could I tell!

Aug 14, 7:43 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): hello Ruth?

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4 PM

Simone (Guest): Sorry.. I have to go back one more time .. I just need to say — yes – we need the priests – BUT – the priests also need the laity. Very much so. Actually COVID has shown that. When the churches were empty – and the laity at home – the priests felt abandoned too – We need each other – not just one sided I find

Aug 14, 7:44 PM

Dawn (Guest): St F explanation of water is quite beautiful

:44 PM

Elena (Guest): Truthfully, when I am perseverating on things and worry and fret, I need to be “cooled down” by Our Lord’s grace. It takes turning it over to him, but He is always there, always giving. :45 PM

Simone (Guest): I like that Elena. 14, 7:45 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes, we must surrender over and over PM

Elena (Guest): Somewhere recently (I forget where/who) – maybe Fr. Mark Goring? – I relished the image of the soul as a garden with a fountain in the center. IN fact, that seems to be a common feature of monastery courtyards.

Aug 14, 7:46 PM

Dawn (Guest): thoughtful responses!

Aug 14, 7:46 PM

Simone (Guest): Water is my favourite element. But interestingly I “feel: the Lord more as a “flame” within me -when His love grows in me. But water is such a life giving element

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Carol (Guest): I wonder if the difference is which Person of the Trinity is visiting

Aug 14, 7:47 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes, Simone love this

Aug 14, 7:47 PM

Elena (Guest): I get that flame notion too, Simone. When I try to do things on my own, there’s just a little pilot light in there, but when I let Jesus in and rely on Him to help me, there’s a real burning grace.

Aug 14, 7:47 PM

Elena (Guest): Carol… interesting notion!

Aug 14, 7:47 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): If water is the greatest percentage of what makes up our body then we must somehow be attracted to a similar element, other waters. And if Christ is “water” spiritually then we just flow into Him

Aug 14, 7:47 PM

Simone (Guest): YES, Elena, YES, 7:48 PM

Simone (Guest): Carol . how interesting – to connect this with the Trinity.. must think about this48 PM

Simone (Guest): Sister Susan – how interesting too – that we “flow into him” –

Aug 14, 7:48 PM

Carol (Guest): Because God is three persons, all one

Aug 14, 7:49 PM

Elena (Guest): Sister, I appreciate that idea very much. I love being in/on/around water – it’s easy to know this flowing of Christ into my soul.

Aug 14, 7:49 PM

Elena (Guest): Sorry – meaning, it’s easy to experience it that way.


Simone (Guest): It’s interesting – what an effect water has on me. I mean – just looking at water – there is a “holy peace” coming over me – that immediately can cam me down in a way – only deep prayer usually can calm me down7:50 PM

Carol (Guest): Me too. I can spend hours gazing at the ocean

Aug 14, 7:51 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): In some Churches the baptismal font is in the center aisle and has constantly flowing waters That must affect prayer of the congregation

Aug 14, 7:51 PM

Dawn (Guest): no body of water equals the ocean

:51 PM

Elena (Guest): I had a very notable experience when I was in the ocean last month. I felt as if my heart rate and my very being just slowed down. The peace was a kind of grounding. I always pray when I go into the ocean, so this was an especially beautiful experience.

Aug 14, 7:51 PM

Elena (Guest): Dawn – YES YES YES

 7:52 PM

Simone (Guest): Water is the “remedy” of ” thirst – and dirt – both things can become life threatening if water is not applied. The water from the eternal holy fountain – saves us from life-threatening conditions of our soul too

:52 PM

Elena (Guest): I’m surrounded by ponds and lakes with all that icky lake weed lol. I like fresh streams and clear rivers, or the ocean is best.

Aug 14, 7:52 PM

r (Guest): Simon, Thank you for your hospitality in SL, inviting me to the water’s edge.

Aug 14, 7:52 PM

Simone (Guest): that was nice, eh Ruth?

Aug 14, 7:52 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Life- threatening and life-saving, good aspects, yes

4, 7:53 PM

Carol (Guest): It’s interesting though that water can also destroy–flood, tsunamiug 14, 7:53 PM

Carol (Guest): It’s interesting though that water can also destroy–flood, tsunami

Aug 14, 7:54 PM

Dawn (Guest): good points here..

Aug 14, 7:54 PM

Simone (Guest): Yes, it can – everything out of control can destroy

Aug 14, 7:54 PM

Simone (Guest): maybe that leads us actually to our next question

Aug 14, 7:54 PM

Simone (Guest): What could cause a monastery to go from being a house of prayer to a “community of prisoners,” as St. Francis mentioned?

Aug 14, 7:54 PM

Elena (Guest): Water is yielding and takes the form of whatever container holds it. But it can also be a powerful force that can erode or destroy. But this is life-giving water, the purest, the most delicious and nourishing water.

7 online:54 PM

Carol (Guest): Sometimes when I am cleansed it’s like being blasted with a fire hose

Aug 14, 7:54 PM

Simone (Guest): Me too Elena,

Aug 14, 7:55 PM

Elena (Guest): Carol — haha yes

:54 PM

6 PM

Elena (Guest): I can take it from my own experience – when I ignore prayer because I’m busy or I’m whatever, the rest of my life is affected. Virtue is harder to keep steady, and things are eroded little bit by little bit. I can imagine if this goes on in a monastery full of women, it would be a recipe for very bad things indeed.

Aug 14, 7:56 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Prisoners in a monastery concept can develop from lack of love among the members

Aug 14, 7:56 PM

Elena (Guest): Not to mention they’d be abandoning their stations as consecrated women, to pray for the Church and the world!

Aug 14, 7:56 PM

Carol (Guest): Prayer must always be first. We must be Mary before we can be Martha


Elena (Guest): Lack of love… and how important it is to love! We cannot do it on our own for very long or in a pure way.

Aug 14, 7:57 PM

Simone (Guest): I thought – that some people feel trapped in their marriage – so monasteries or marriages – when we leave the ground of mutual love – it becomes a prison.

Aug 14, 7:57 PM

Dawn (Guest): Prayer is main way to keep spiritual attacks away

Aug 14, 7:57 PM

Elena (Guest): Simone – yes

Aug 14, 7:57 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): criticism and gossip also makes one prisoner in a monastery


VisitationSr (Guest): criticism and gossip also makes one prisoner in a monastery

Aug 14, 7:58 PM

Simone (Guest): and both – criticism and gossip – are usually not rooted in love. right?

Aug 14, 7:58 PM

Elena (Guest): Sister, I think this is true for any organized group of people, like a school community or an office, for example.

Aug 14, 7:58 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): I agree Elena

Aug 14, 7:58 PM

Dawn (Guest): thank you!

Aug 14, 7:58 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): yes Simone definitely not loving actions

Aug 14, 7:58 PM

Simone (Guest): If I remember correctly – then the vision for the Visitation order – was specifically to live the love of GOD amongst the women.

Aug 14, 7:59 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Yes!

Aug 14, 7:59 PM

Simone (Guest): other – than focus on prayer for the world-

Aug 14, 7:59 PM

Carol (Guest): I agree, Sister. Too much of the wrong kind of talk destroys vocation and relationships

Aug 14, 7:59 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): it would spill out mystically to the world

Aug 14, 7:59 PM

Elena (Guest): I admit I can be very critical – of others and myself. I struggle with this tendency.

Aug 14, 7:59 PM

Simone (Guest): I think – that was St. Francis’ reaction to the monastic “distortions” he might have observed

7 online


Aug 14, 8:00 PM

Simone (Guest): He wanted to LIVE the love for GOD mostly. among people –

Aug 14, 8:00 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): yes and a real ascetical practice- loving truly is

4, 8:00 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): yes and a real ascetical practice- loving truly is

Aug 14, 8:01 PM

Elena (Guest): Denying oneself.

Aug 14, 8:01 PM

Simone (Guest): Sister, do you mean ascetically practices in the Visitation order?

Aug 14, 8:01 PM

Simone (Guest): I am afraid.. I do not understand your post . but I am interested

Aug 14, 8:01 PM

Elena (Guest): Like me putting the blinds down for my housemate and cleaning the stove every time I cook because she’s asked me to. 

Aug 14, 8:01 PM

Carol (Guest): In some of my experiences during search, it was hard to find the love

Aug 14, 8:02 PM

Simone (Guest): Elena – you are a “house Saint” 

Aug 14, 8:02 PM

Elena (Guest): Not a saint (yet)! I find plenty to grumble about lol

Aug 14, 8:02 PM

Simone (Guest): Carol, I understand. I also did not notice a lot of the love among the nuns in my elementary school.

Aug 14, 8:02 PM

Elena (Guest): St. Benedict says about 37000 times in his Rule “no grumbling” haha.

Aug 14, 8:02 PM

Simone (Guest): But, I think they were also another generation

Aug 14, 8:02 PM

Carol (Guest): I think we all do, as we struggle to grow in virtue

Aug 14, 8:03 PM

Elena (Guest): Hmmm that’s a good point – the lack of love in the community spills out to whatever the apostolates are.

Aug 14, 8:03 PM

Carol (Guest): And sometimes things are rule oriented. The why is forgotten

Aug 14, 8:03 PM

Simone (Guest): My husband says that “when I grumble to “myself” in German, that’s the most dangerous” 

Aug 14, 8:03 PM

Elena (Guest): And if it’s a cloistered community or monastic, anyway, I suppose that would mean the prayer warriors for the rest of us would be highly distracted and unable to pray.

Aug 14, 8:03 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Not too many ascetical practices in Visitation

Aug 14, 8:03 PM

Carol (Guest): For him? Lol

Aug 14, 8:04 PM

Elena (Guest): HAHA I can only grumble in English. Haha Carol!

Aug 14, 8:04 PM

Simone (Guest): For him.. and for my soul maybe Carol 

04 PM

Simone (Guest): For him.. and for my soul maybe Carol 

Aug 14, 8:05 PM

Elena (Guest): Sister, so do you mean simply the asceticism of denying oneself for the other?

Aug 14, 8:05 PM

Simone (Guest): Thanks Sister – I am not good with ascetically practices. More and more I realize how my ADHD brain effects my prayers. But I can love.. Well, I try

Aug 14, 8:05 PM

Carol (Guest): The Lord’s School of Patience

Aug 14, 8:06 PM

Simone (Guest): Self – denying can have so many forms. I see some – like my husband for whom it is so easy – to overcome – and then there is me .

Aug 14, 8:07 PM

r (Guest): Maybe the reason Jesus chose Peter t o head the Church was because he was a passionate lover

Aug 14, 8:07 PM

Carol (Guest): Maybe–he was so passionate in everything

Aug 14, 8:07 PM

Simone (Guest): A passionate lover of the Church and the Eucharist for sure

Aug 14, 8:08 PM

Simone (Guest): But, I sometimes wish, I could be so disciplined like him.

4, 8:08 PM

Simone (Guest): He just decides. ” OK, I fast for one day”.. and here he goes.

Aug 14, 8:08 PM

Simone (Guest): He decides – I am praying for a day – and here he goes

Aug 14, 8:08 PM

Elena (Guest): I love St. Peter because he’s the perfect example of letting the Lord mold those passions into ordered passion and zeal for God and for the Church.

Aug 14, 8:09 PM

Simone (Guest): Yes – molding passions -:09 PM

Simone (Guest): You have great ” molding” answers today Elena – first the molding of the water in the container – and now molding passions

Aug 14, 8:09 PM

Elena (Guest): He takes who we are and redirects all that energy, passion, talents, wildness, or whatever and turns it into a blessing for the Kingdom, for others.

 14, 8:09 PM

Elena (Guest): Watering us … He’s the gardener. 

Aug 14, 8:09 PM

Simone (Guest): That is my biggest desire.

, 8:10 PM

Carol (Guest): He knows I like to fight perceived injustice. He’s convinced me to allow Him to choose the injustice

Aug 14, 8:10 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): How do you know what He chooses?

Aug 14, 8:10 PM

Elena (Guest): Simone – your husband is very disciplined, is that what you’re saying?

11 PM

Simone (Guest): yes, that’s what I am saying. He can so easily “overcome” his natural desires – and just puts them on the back burner.. This is so hard for me

Aug 14, 8:11 PM

Elena (Guest): Sister, what do you mean? I don’t understand your question..

Aug 14, 8:11 PM

Carol (Guest): I could fight it all really, but I am aimed at affordable Healthcare and helping people deal with their plans

Aug 14, 8:12 PM

Carol (Guest): I let go of politically charged squabbling

Aug 14, 8:12 PM

Simone (Guest): so, you pray Carol and sense which case the LORD wants to take care of? Is that what you mean?

Aug 14, 8:12 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Which injustice God chooses for Carol to fight

8:13 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes, part of my vocation is to find affordable medications and “battle” orporate

Aug 14, 8:13 PM

Dawn (Guest): injustice, I would say life and freedom

14, 8:14 PM

Elena (Guest): Ah I see. Yes, that’s important, Carol. Thank you for answering the call!

Aug 14, 8:14 PM

Dawn (Guest): injustices that take either away. Im way off topic!

Aug 14, 8:14 PM

Carol (Guest): To make sur the poor have equal access. And to never hear another person say I can’t afford my medication so I’ll just die

g 14, 8:14 PM

Simone (Guest): That sounds horrible Carol. Have you actually heard someone saying this? 5 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes! All too often

Aug 14, 8:15 PM

r (Guest): Carol is that related to preapproval for medications?

Aug 14, 8:15 PM

Simone (Guest): WOW.. what a place of despair that must be. Lord have mercy

Aug 14, 8:15 PM

Dawn (Guest): there ARE great injustices in the medical field I agree

Aug 14, 8:15 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Our medical system is broken

Aug 14, 8:15 PM

Carol (Guest): So every morning I ask Jesus who He wants me to see before I go tilt at windmills

Aug 14, 8:15 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes very broken16 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): That is a so admirable service Carol

Aug 14, 8:16 PM

Simone (Guest): Carol, it must be to some degree so rewarding to know how you can affect lives so positively – well even saving lives probably in some cases

4, 8:16 PM

Simone (Guest): March out in confidence, that you are doing the LORD’s work. 4, 8:17 PM

Simone (Guest): Let us go to the next question now. 14, 8:17 PM

Carol (Guest): I get to tilt at windmills every day4, 8:17 PM

Simone (Guest): I take the liberty to skip one question – and queue it to the end.. because I want to make sure we cover the last question

Aug 14, 8:17 PM

7 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): ok

Aug 14, 8:17 PM

Simone (Guest): thanks Sister

Aug 14, 8:18 PM

Simone (Guest): so here is our next question

Aug 14, 8:18 PM

Simone (Guest): 5. St. Francis recommends Brother N. as one who is not learned, but “an ignorant man of the right kind.” How can we be like him, grounded in the spiritual life even though we might not have advanced degrees in theology?

8 PM

Dawn (Guest): By Gods grace and his plan

Aug 14, 8:18 PM

Carol (Guest): It is the power of grace working in us. Brother N’s egomwas not in the way

4, 8:19 PM

Elena (Guest): Humility, right, Carol? It opens the door to holiness.

Aug 14, 8:19 PM

Simone (Guest): I remember when I attended seminary – and this by the way was my long time dream come true – to go to seminary and study theology and Christian counselling – the Lord started to talk to me – and she said ‘ I do not want you to go out in the power of knowledge. I want you to go out in the power of love. Do not rely on knowledge – rely on my love and wisdom

Aug 14, 8:19 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): thru humility yes

Aug 14, 8:20 PM

Simone (Guest): It scared me soooo much – to show up without any degree in the future –

, 8:20 PM

Carol (Guest): Humility here is knowing that you dont know and living the present moment

Aug 14, 8:20 PM

Dawn (Guest): was that a typo

Aug 14, 8:20 PM

Simone (Guest): But he took me through his “Little School of Holiness” – and it strengthen me and now – I show up with so much joy – knowing that I had the best teacher of all

Aug 14, 8:20 PM

Carol (Guest): Simine, you do need some knowledge?

 14, 8:21 PM

Simone (Guest): yes – but not academical knowledge

Aug 14, 8:21 PM

Simone (Guest): I already had my Masters degree –

21 PM

Simone (Guest): What the Lord wanted to teach me – was not to be found in a seminary

Aug 14, 8:21 PM

Carol (Guest): Oh, I see. Yes, being in His school is best

4, 8:22 PM

Simone (Guest): And I have nothing agains education of courseg 14, 8:22 PM

Simone (Guest): But I value the Lord’s school of the heart a lot PM

Carol (Guest): Sometimes He wants us for His very own only

Aug 14, 8:23 PM

Simone (Guest): there are some Saints – well most of them to be honest- who had little to no schooling – why do we always think that someone needs to go to an university to be able to teach others about God?

Aug 14, 8:23 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Maybe we hear God more clearly in spiritual matters if knowledge does not block the way

14, 8:23 PM

Carol (Guest): And sometimes it’s, oh this one will drive everyone nuts, I’ll take her

Aug 14, 8:23 PM

Simone (Guest): I so agree Sister. I really do

Aug 14, 8:23 PM

Elena (Guest): Perhaps relying on our own knowledge keeps us from relying on God.

14, 8:24 PM

Simone (Guest): YES, Elena.. that is it. It is the “relying”part I found PM

Simone (Guest): YES, Elena.. that is it. It is the “relying”part I found

Aug 14, 8:24 PM

Elena (Guest): St. Thomas Aquinas, after he wrote the Summa and all the other masterpieces of theological writing, had a vision after which he said that everything he’d written was “as straw.”

Aug 14, 8:24 PM

r (Guest): Makes good sense. I remember two housekeepers/cooks n

Aug 14, 8:24 PM

Simone (Guest): I would have “relied” so much on my learned knowledge – if I had finished seminary schooling –

 14, 8:25 PM

Dawn (Guest): what kind of seminary school were you in? , 8:25 PM

Simone (Guest): Tyndale seminary in Toronto4, 8:25 PM

Dawn (Guest): TY! 14, 8:26 PM

Simone (Guest): And here is my last – and favourite question for tonight. cause I really want to know all your answers on this one.

Aug 14, 8:26 PM

Simone (Guest): 6. What is so important about a monastery or community in general? Isn’t it enough that we have a personal relationship with Jesus?

:26 PM

Elena (Guest): Friends, ladies, sisters… I’ve got to sign off. I won’t be here next week but I’ll shoot for the following week. Please have a blessed rest of your summer. Peace in Christ! , 8:26 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): good night and blessings Elena

Aug 14, 8:26 PM

Dawn (Guest): G’night Elena! God bless you

Aug 14, 8:27 PM

Carol (Guest): Bless you Elena!

Aug 14, 8:27 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): I think this chat itself answers nthe question Dont we all have a personal relationship with Jesus? yet dont we profit from being here

 8:27 PM

Simone (Guest): exactly – Sister.. I thought the same actually

Aug 14, 8:27 PM

Carol (Guest): We are made for community. Even hermits have community

Aug 14, 8:28 PM

Simone (Guest): I would so desire a community in which we all grow together closer to God

14, 8:29 PM

Simone (Guest): Like – having the same “themes” – and leaning in – to grow. g 14, 8:29 PM

Simone (Guest): also — only in community can we “love one another” – you cannot do that alone

Aug 14, 8:29 PM

Simone (Guest): you can love – but not ” one another”

g 14, 8:30 PM

Dawn (Guest): q6 it could be that entering a monastary would help one to draw closer to Jesus . less distractions and everyone going in same direction

Aug 14, 8:30 PM

Simone (Guest): There are so many ” another” sayings in the letters of St. Paul..

4, 8:30 PM

Simone (Guest): Less distractions is definitely part of it Dawn4, 8:31 PM

Dawn (Guest): insightful answer Sr!  8:31 PM

Dawn (Guest): insightful answer Sr!

Aug 14, 8:31 PM

Carol (Guest): Thats why discernment of Order and particular place is so importanr

Aug 14, 8:31 PM

Simone (Guest): Sister – may I ask – are the Sisters in your convent having a mutual spiritual development. somehow? are you reading the same books for example?

Aug 14, 8:31 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): we listen every day to spiritual reading together or a cd and grow from that

Aug 14, 8:31 PM

r (Guest): Good night Elena

1 PM

Simone (Guest): Sister – may I ask – are the Sisters in your convent having a mutual spiritual development. somehow? are you reading the same books for example?

Aug 14, 8:31 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): we listen every day to spiritual reading together or a cd and grow from that

Aug 14, 8:31 PM

r (Guest): Good night Elena.

Aug 14, 8:32 PM

Simone (Guest): Are you talking about the readings or the CD too?

Aug 14, 8:32 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): sometimes we have shared prayer and share insights

Aug 14, 8:32 PM

Dawn (Guest): I have this thought , in monastarys you could find the many different worlds…or mansions …

Aug 14, 8:32 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): both- right now we are on cd’s but also we read at meals

Aug 14, 8:32 PM

Simone (Guest): can you explain a little bit more Dawn?

2 PM

Simone (Guest): can you explain a little bit more Dawn?

Aug 14, 8:33 PM

Simone (Guest): Is it all Salesian material Sister?

Aug 14, 8:33 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): Not all some now on Eucharist

Aug 14, 8:33 PM

VisitationSr (Guest): I have to go now Blessings to all

Aug 14, 8:33 PM

Simone (Guest): thanks