In the opening of the letter St. Francis refers to the ‘Holy Ghost’. These days we more often hear/use ‘Holy Spirit’ to refer to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Is there any difference in these terms, and why would we use one over the other?Why is it important to take time for discernment, but also to make haste (as St. Francis reminds us Our Lady did in fleeing to see her cousin Elizabeth)? How do we know when to deliberate and when to take action immediately?St. Francis refers to religious life a
as a “blessed and hidden forest you have chosen as a home where you will live and sing forever the glory of your soul’s savior and creator.” Are people who do not enter religious life unable to sing God’s glory? What makes religious life unique in this way? Does this mean non-religious have a harder time achieving holiness?Why and how do we need to put our feelings aside in following God? How do we do this while balancing the importance of our feelings as part of our human nature?How do we remain faithful
in small matters?
Why does it seem everything God asks of us is against our “natural” inclinations? What are these natural inclinations?
For those of us who are lay persons, how can we avoid what St. Francis warns us about: perpetual anxieties, vain pretensions, and a thousand useless cares?
Aug 6, 10:13 AM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Sun chat Aug 7 730pm est newsletter for chat:
Visitation Sr (Guest): In the opening of the letter St. Francis refers to the ‘Holy Ghost’. These days we more often hear/use ‘Holy Spirit’ to refer to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Is there any difference in these terms, and why would we use one over the other?
Aug 7, 7:26 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We need to talk about Jesus in you life
7 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): I remember I was about 13 when we switched from Holy Ghost to Holy Spirit
Aug 7, 7:28 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Hi Carol
Aug 7, 7:28 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Everyone!
Aug 7, 7:29 PM
Carol (Guest): Did we switch because ghost is so connected to paranormal?
Aug 7, 7:29 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Perhaps, they never really told us why
7:30 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Maybe it is closer to the Latin
Aug 7, 7:30 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Hello LuAnn
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan when I went to the Los Angeles queen of heaven angel cathedral for celebration mass the cathedral manager give me the rosary that pope John Paul I blessed that rosarie she give me that rosary
Aug 7, 7:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh thats more likely. We seem to be cleaning up all our Latin translations
:31 PM
LuAnn (Guest): Hello, I always thought they were synonymous and interchangable
Aug 7, 7:31 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Yes I imagine they are
Visitation Sr (Guest): Hi Simone
Aug 7, 7:32 PM
Bettychao (Guest): And she give me a greeting gift of Mary hold the baby Jesus that golden middle is the archbishop Jose go as anniversary
Aug 7, 7:33 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Sister
Aug 7, 7:33 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): But I think Ghost vs Spirit has a different feel to the words
ug 7, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Simone!
Aug 7, 7:33 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Bishop gomaz anniversary gift
Aug 7, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): For me too, Sister
Aug 7, 7:33 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Carol
34 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): What anniversary Betty
Aug 7, 7:34 PM
Bettychao (Guest): When he be a bishop anniversary
Aug 7, 7:35 PM
LuAnn (Guest): I do a lot of singing so in music, it is often simply a matter of which fits the meter and flow of the song.
Aug 7, 7:35 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): I would only use Ghost now if the prayer contains it
Aug 7, 7:35 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): That’s a good point LuAnn
5 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): That’s a good point LuAnn
Aug 7, 7:36 PM
Simone (Guest): in German Ghost and Spirit are the same word.. just noticed
Aug 7, 7:36 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I meet archbishop during mass and he blessed my things holy Bible and rosaries
Aug 7, 7:36 PM
Carol (Guest): Ghost feels more ancient
6 online
1 viewer
:37 PM
Simone (Guest): what I like about Holy Ghost – is that it is closer to the fact that the Holy Ghost is a Person. Sometimes, I think it is hard for people to connect the “Holy Spirit” with a person7 PM
Simone (Guest): But personally I definitely prefer Holy Spirit
Aug 7, 7:37 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): That’s a good insight- beause we think of ghosts as persons or former persons?
38 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Holy Spirit is much powerful that let us closed to jesus7, 7:38 PM
LuAnn (Guest): I think the Holy Spirit gets more to the essence of love and power between the Father and Son7, 7:38 PM
Simone (Guest): I think so too LuAnn 7, 7:39 PM
LuAnn (Guest): and I agree that Holy Ghost lends itself more to the personage of the Trinity9 PM
Bettychao (Guest): My mom went to mass in the church I already finished the mass in the morning
Aug 7, 7:40 PM
Carol (Guest): I have heard it said that the Holy Spirit is the embodiment of the love between the Father and the Son. Definitely a person!
0 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s what I have also learned Carol. And I love it
5 online 7:41 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): q Why is it important to take time for discernment, but also to make haste (as St. Francis reminds us Our Lady did in fleeing to see her cousin Elizabeth)?
Bettychao (Guest): Sr susan why the Catholic Church say rosaries and honor mary but why the Protestant say Catholic Church worship mary in Catholic saints more then jesus
Aug 7, 7:43 PM
LuAnn (Guest): discernment is something that needs to be gien time to find God’s calling for our lives, but it is part of the journey – not the destination, so we should not linger there
Aug 7, 7:43 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): I was never Protestant so I don’t know but maybe someone heer does Betty
Aug 7, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): I think that a good decision always has two components. 1) the actual choice – 2) the timing – … the right choice with the wrong timing is still a wrong choice – and the right discernment of the timing – but going in the wrong direction is obviously also wrong
g 7, 7:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Discernment helps us to know what is from God and what God’s will is PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): how do we get the timing right
Aug 7, 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): Betty – Protestants ONLY worship Jesus. There is no concept of Saints and Mother Mary is only viewed as a normal human, who happened to give birth to Jesus. Very different concept
7, 7:45 PM
LuAnn (Guest): that is the question I struggle with on a regular basis
Aug 7, 7:45 PM
Simone (Guest): I think – the timing needs extra discernment. Is there peace if I implement the new Choice NOW? Is there peace if I wait – but still feel committed to the choice for example?
7, 7:46 PM
Simone (Guest): peace – added grace to transition – grace in circumstances — these are all signs of ” godly timing”. 48 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Not to procrastinate once we made our decision is important so we dont lose grace
8 PM
Carol (Guest): Simone, I think I understand what you are saying. I have a big decision to make, and ive tried to make it several times. But then I get sick and can’t implement 9 PM
Simone (Guest): sometimes the Lord prepares a heart for a long, long time – before we actually get into action
Aug 7, 7:49 PM
LuAnn (Guest): I typically find the most peace in continuing forward in the last direction I was certain of until I feel God is telling me to change course…I think this keeps me from darting back and forth with whims and uncertainties.
Aug 7, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): But Sister Susan. .you also have a good point
, 7:50 PM
Simone (Guest): When my husband and I were dating – and he conveniently “forgot to propose” before he moved to Paris — I told him that ” not deciding is also a decision” – sometimes – we can get so stuck in “perfect discernment” that we miss “the hour of grace”.
7:51 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): How do we know when to deliberate and when to take action immediately?
Aug 7, 7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): LuAnn – that is exactly what we are supposed to do. Like Mary – going back to the temple – where she saw Jesus the last time – before “he was lost”
3 PM
Simone (Guest): Well Sister – there is really no cookie- cutter answer for this. Maybe we measure – what is more the “way of love”? we need some criteria – and sometimes it is just to go forward. We need to be very, very honest with ourselves. We can justify usually everything in front of ourselves. It is good to have someone who reflects our thoughts in this time 7, 7:54 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Yes this is a good place for a spiritual director
Aug 7, 7:54 PM
7, 7:54 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, and a soul friend as well :54 PM
Simone (Guest): St. Ignatius recommended – to live a couple of days ( 1-2 weeks) – as if we had decided already – and see how that feels like. It would be still possible to turn around -if peace does not follow at all , 7:55 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan please pray for our church friend his name is embrass he died pass way and he go to meet Jesus from heaven he die yesterday
Aug 7, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): Some things feel so great and right – BEFORE we do them — but when we actually enter it – it feels not at all as we had anticipated .. and some things feel so right only AFTER we committed. So – Ignatius method – is kind of nice of checking this out in a safe place.
Aug 7, 7:56 PM
Visitation Sr (Guest): Oh I will Betty but what is his name again
7, 7:57 PM
Carol (Guest): I like that Simone. behave as though you acted and see what happens g 7, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): This method has helped me twice mightily to hold me back from a big mistake. PM
Carol (Guest): The trouble is for me that I know I need to act and everything is coming back no
Aug 7, 8:00 PM
LuAnn (Guest): I have also found in some decisions, God seemed to be asking only for my willingness to step out in trust and when the consent or willingness was given, the step was not asked of me…but sometimes it is so the willinness needs to be sincere.
Aug 7, 8:00 PM
Bettychao (Guest): My second sister serve Jesus for many years she is faithful Protestant Christian and she do the volunteer in the United Christian church of reserccution and Sunday school
Aug 7, 8:00 PM
Simone (Guest): hmm. .that is interesting Carol. Definitely worthy to talk to your spiritual friend or guide/director
:02 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): I guess Carol it is like our discernment in the Monastery so many signs show diminishment and yet we cant let go of hope 7, 8:03 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): St. Francis refers to religious life a
as a “blessed and hidden forest you have chosen as a home where you will live and sing forever the glory of your soul’s savior and creator.” Are people who do not enter religious life unable to sing God’s glory? What makes religious life unique in this way? Does this mean non-religious have a harder time achieving holiness? 7, 8:03 PM
Carol (Guest): I feel like I just need to be ready because it will happen fast, and I cannot make it happen 03 PM
Simone (Guest): yes LuAnn, I agree.. I remember a similar scenario – although we followed through.. when GOD called us into the Catholic Church – which meant that we had to turn away from our financial security and the common ground with family and friends – that we kept discerning and discerning – until it felt like disobedience in my heart – we realized it is really only “human fear” that is holding us back.. and that we would like to be free of this fear to respond to the invitation of GOD – once – we embraced faith – 04 PM
Simone (Guest): GOD opened the door to mighty provision… but the decision had to be made in “dark faith” :06 PM
Simone (Guest): As for the new question. I think, that is the ideal – scenario – we all think of – when we think about life as a nun or religious sister. Eternal and heavenly bliss – here on earth – but I think, it is a little bit like marriage. There are days like this —- and days like that.
Aug 7, 8:06 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I think I am a fortune that I enter religious life with God and I hear God say when I sleep in my words have a real love peace that is share the word of Jesus to people who never heard about Jesus before specially people have no religion or believe nothing
8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): Dark faith. In trust 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): I think it is harder in a “non- religious” setting to carve out time for contemplative prayer. But not necessarily holiness. At least not in the way St. Francis defines holiness 08 PM
LuAnn (Guest): is holiness harder for lay people than religious? Yes and no. We bring ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses with us in any state of life. In community, there is a common goal and the expectation of faith with time for prayer and such. As lay people, there are many more distractions and more discipline needed to make the time needed to be alone with God, but there are also many opportunities to make all the little difficulties an offering of faith.
Aug 7, 8:08 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): He believed all are called to holiness
Aug 7, 8:09 PM
Carol (Guest): It is what we do in iur Domestic Expression, our homes are our monasteries, our hearts are our hermitages
Aug 7, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): Personally, I know that I would love to have access to a chapel (with Eucharist) during the day.
0 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too!
Aug 7, 8:10 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): Yes His Presence is such a Gift!
11 PM
LuAnn (Guest): I love St Francis’ advice to steal away into the sanctuary of our heart to pray in the midst of our duties – that this may only take a moment, but can add such grace to the day.
Aug 7, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): It was so easy to stay in God’s presence all the time – the Lord was revealing Himself so beautifully to me. I have hit quite a dry spot – for some months now.. and I am not panicking – but now – in this dry time – it would be a great support to be in community and have the “body of Christ” – in both ways closer to me
Aug 7, 8:11 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): Do any of you live near a church that is open during the day
7, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): I live very close to a church – but it is not open during the day 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): What I can do – is – to go to daily mass- at the church where it is at 12:30 in the afternoon – then they have the doors open 30 minutes after mass. 2 PM
Carol (Guest): No
Aug 7, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): My daughter is moving out in the next days – and I am planning to get rid of the bed in the guest room – and make this a prayer room now. That might be helpful too.
Aug 7, 8:14 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I near st Elizabeth Ann seton Catholic Church that we going for the mass we join the Chinese mass
Aug 7, 8:14 PM
LuAnn (Guest): Our church is open during the day and has nearly perpetual exposition of the Eucharist, but with working during the day I seldom have more than a few moments on my way home to stop into the chapel. Even 5 minutes is a blessing.
, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): Your church sounds great LuAnn. May I ask what your profession is?
Aug 7, 8:15 PM
LuAnn (Guest): currently a factory worker
Aug 7, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): you seem to be one of these souls, St. Francis was talking about – when he spoke about holiness in daily work..
g 7, 8:17 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): years ago Catholic Churches were alwyas open
1 viewer
7, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): I know Sister- it is so sad that the doors are closed now so often
Aug 7, 8:17 PM
LuAnn (Guest): previously I was a case manager with the family court and had much opportunity to meet those who needed prayer as well as my professional help and I was able to go to the adoration chapel for a half hour nearly every lunch time
Aug 7, 8:17 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): Why and how do we need to put our feelings aside in following God? How do we do this while balancing the importance of our feelings as part of our human nature?
8 PM
Carol (Guest): I remember that. Sometimes I stop between appointments and sit outside the church
Aug 7, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): You LuAnn and Carol – are what I call ” hidden heroes” … We so need more women like you two.
9 PM
Carol (Guest): I just need to be near Him physically sometimes, even though I know He is in my heart
Aug 7, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): awww Carol
, 8:19 PM
Carol (Guest): Do you need a kleenex?
Aug 7, 8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): I think,Jesus might
Aug 7, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): I am doing some thinking on ” the role of feelings in a holy life” lately. I am very interested in all your answers here
Aug 7, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): lol Carol
Aug 7, 8:20 PM
LuAnn (Guest): Our feeling are often more of a reflection of our own fears and hopes. We need to hold fast to God regardless of what the emotions may feel like.
Aug 7, 8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): My feelings can be a huge distraction
8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): U often ask Him to,explain myself to me
Aug 7, 8:20 PM
Bettychao (Guest): God know what we doing and what behaviors we have we are in his hands and he watch us so he can messure that what deeds we do in his judgement
Aug 7, 8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Oops, i
Aug 7, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): So.. why do you think God has given us emotions ( feelings)? 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): that’s a great prayer Carol.
Aug 7, 8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Fear used rightly tells us to turn back to God,
Aug 7, 8:22 PM
Bettychao (Guest): You will meet God and his judgement when you die
2 PM
Simone (Guest): I think that emotions are like little “warning signs” in a car. you should pay attention – and interpret them rightly – but you don’t have to make the whole journey around the signals 23 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I have seen some people when to heaven and hell and went back to life and they talk about their testimonies about things between Jesus and heaven and hell 3 PM
Simone (Guest): Long ago – someone has introduced me to “transform my feelings- into prayers” – I found that very helpful. It forced me to look deep and honest within me – and knowing that I will bring this feeling to GOD, it was easier to accept it – and name it – cause I was handing it over – and allowing GOD to deal with it.
Aug 7, 8:23 PM
LuAnn (Guest): Feelings are not bad – God has given them to us for our good – to bring us happiness and yes to keep us seeking Him, but they again are part of the journey, not the destination. If we are praying in order to “feel” happy, then we are missing the point.
25 PM
Simone (Guest): I just realized… that when I speak of “feelings’ .. I never think of “happy feelings”.. shall I be worried
Aug 7, 8:25 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): only 5 min left so choose which to respond to: How do we remain faithful
in small matters?
Why does it seem everything God asks of us is against our “natural” inclinations? What are these natural inclinations?
For those of us who are lay persons, how can we avoid what St. Francis warns us about: perpetual anxieties, vain pretensions, and a thousand useless cares?
25 PM
Carol (Guest): The Holy Spirit let me find this on a feelings day :26 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh dear Simone, wevare sisters
Aug 7, 8:26 PM
Bettychao (Guest): And I saw a black man I don’t really know his name this is his testimonies when he is Christian he died and the angels take him to heaven and he saw heaven and he saw Jesus mound all his servant Angels and saints and angel take him to the hell he saw so many church preachers and pastors went to hell for they do the bad deeds in their life’s and they went to hell and he went back to life
Aug 7, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks for the link Carol. already copied and pasted.
Aug 7, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): Sister, this is a constant struggle for me, but I am learning to surrender and forget
Aug 7, 8:27 PM
LuAnn (Guest): ‘small matters’ make up the majority of my life so trying to get these right according to God’s will is my primary focus.
Aug 7, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): can someone give an example of a small matter?
7, 8:28 PM
Carol (Guest): You are late for workman’s realize you forgot to stop for gas 8 PM
Carol (Guest): Late for work, silly google
Aug 7, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): funny – I also thought – of “being on time”
Aug 7, 8:29 PM
Carol (Guest): Or if someone passes a hurtful remark
0 PM
Simone (Guest): for me it is “my YES” to housework too. to make an effort to do it better than just “surviving”. Lately I have started making lunches for my husband again. He so loves this – and it is a little thing – but I want to show up as a supportive wife
Aug 7, 8:30 PM
LuAnn (Guest): whether to eat only one cookie or several – whether to respond to the person at work who is complaining or simply pray for them – whether to do the dishes after one meal alone or wait until tomorrow…anything can be done for love and offered as a gift to God if it is unpleasant or difficult to do.
Aug 7, 8:31 PM
Carol (Guest): The Little Way
Aug 7, 8:31 PM
Simone (Guest): oh LuAnn — you hit all my weak spots in one sentence.. OUCH
1 PM
Carol (Guest): Cookies, most definitely cookies…
Aug 7, 8:31 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): great contributions tonight- keep on chtting if you want I have to leave
Aug 7, 8:31 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): God bless each of you!
1 PM
Carol (Guest): Thank you Sister!
Aug 7, 8:31 PM
Simone (Guest): can’t even read the word cookie without saliva running down my chin
Aug 7, 8:31 PM
Carol (Guest): Lol