and in 2022, the 60th anniversary of the start of the Second Vatican Council.
St Pope John the 23rd took St Francis de Sales as his model very early in his life as a seminarian.
He wrote in his journal “As regards meekness, tranquility, gentleness, in short, all that shines in the gentle St Francis de Sales, my special protector and particular model, although there are no grave faults to deplore, there is still not all I would like to have…
(Journal of a Soul, Aug. 22, 1900)
On the Feast of St Francis de Sales, in 1903, St. John the 23rd wrote “Today was a perfect feast; I spent it in the company of St Francis de Sales,my gentlest of saints. What a magnificent figure of a man,priest and Bishop!If I were like him, I would not mind even if they were to make me Pope!I love to let my thoughts dwell on him,on his goodness and on his teaching. I have read his life so many times! His counsels are so acceptable to my heart. By the light of his example I feel more inclined to humility,gentleness and calm.My life, so the Lord tells me, must be a perfect copy of that of St Francis de Sales if I wish to bear good fruits. Nothing extraordinary in me or my behavior,, except my way of doing ordinary things, ‘all ordinary things but done in no ordinary way,”A great, a burning love for Jesus Christ and His Church: unalterable serenity of mind, wonderful gentleness with my fellow men,that is all.
O my loving saint, as I kneel before you at this moment, there is so much I could say to you!I love you tenderly and I will always remember you and look to you for help.O St Francis, I can say no more; you can see into my heart, give me what I need to become like you.”
(Journal of a Soul, Jan. 29, 1903)
The “Good Pope John” did become like his model and now joins him in the glory of the Church’s canonized saints