Why is it OK in God’s eyes that we simply work towards our plans, even if we do not achieve as much as we planned? In other words, why is it enough to be faithful, not successful?In this letter, St. Francis suggests that Mademoiselle Clement’s desire to become a nun might not be fulfilled. Looking at another saint, the mother of St. Therese of Lisieux, Marie-Azélie Guérin Martin, who before she was married, applied to enter the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. However, she was rejected due to re
due to respiratory difficulties and recurrent headaches. How then do we deal with the denial of our good intentions to serve God due to circumstances beyond our control?What does it mean to sacrifice our wills to God?Does God have a set plan for us that if we divert from it with sins and wrong turns that we can never fully achieve what God has in mind for us?Why does God deprive us of things? Isn’t there a better way to help us?St. Francis concludes this letter with “Thy will be done,” the memorable phrase
Sep 29, 11:16 AM
Vis Sr (Guest): from Our Lady to the Archangel Gabriel. Stemming from the lesson being taught in this letter, connect this with God’s promise to Abraham of having a child, but instead of initially saying “thy will be done,” he took it into his own hands by having a child with Hagar (instead of with Sarah). In the letter, St. Francis wrote, “he gives us greater blessings in doing without the desired object than we would have had, had we attained it.” It would have been a great blessing for Abraham to wait without the child
Sep 29, 11:16 AM
Vis Sr (Guest): until God’s timing, instead of simply trying to obtain it. Discuss.
Sep 29, 11:16 AM
Vis Sr (Guest): Sun Oct 2 at 730pm est newsletter for chat http://www.icontact-archive.com/archive?c=1029793&f=1988&s=2046&m=642972&t=44f0d18c19339967b1be43b205c1596fa07d3b2574e5f4560987969cb886fdda
Oct 2, 7:04 PM
Mary Ann (Guest): Hi all
Oct 2, 7:11 PM
Mary Ann (Guest): How often have i taken matters into my own hands think God helps those who help themselves
Oct 2, 7:13 PM
Mary Ann (Guest): Am i on line??
Oct 2, 7:18 PM
Mary Ann (Guest): I am not getting any messages so i think i am not in the right place
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Oct 2, 7:21 PM
VisitationSiste: We start in 10 minutes Welcome Maryann
t 2, 7:32 PM
VisitationSiste: q1 Why is it OK in God’s eyes that we simply work towards our plans, even if we do not achieve as much as we planned? In other words, why is it enough to be faithful, not successful?
Oct 2, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): oh good. I refreshed the page ct 2, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): He knows how little we are
, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): In a way it is a blessing, that we are not responsible for the outcome. So many factors contribute to success.. but only one to our faithfulness
Oct 2, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Ruth!
2, 7:34 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Ruth
Oct 2, 7:34 PM
Monica22: My own personal experience, I know that it’s more difficult to be faithful when you are not been successful.
Oct 2, 7:35 PM
Simone (Guest): I hear you Monica 7:36 PM
Simone (Guest): when the goal is to be faithful – I have more freedom to focus on what GOD wants me to do and to become in this task.. if the goal is success – then I leave behind my cooperation with GOD’s graces and just storm towards the outcome
Oct 2, 7:36 PM
VisitationSiste: St Mother Theresa of Calcutta always said to be faithful
2, 7:36 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Good Evening🙏
Oct 2, 7:36 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Anna-Marie!
Oct 2, 7:37 PM
VisitationSiste: Hello Anne-Marie
7:37 PM
Monica22: We must continue to be faithful in order to succeed to matter the outcome, but trust in the Lord that He will guide us
Oct 2, 7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): I think Mother Theresa really was a good example of this.
Oct 2, 7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): what is success anyways?
7:38 PM
Simone (Guest): I sometimes wonder – if we overestimate
Oct 2, 7:38 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Faithfulness is the fruit of virtue
Oct 2, 7:38 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello Everyone. A special greeting to Monica 22. Welcome! glad you are back with us Simone. HI Dawn and Sister.
, 7:38 PM
VisitationSiste: Success is seen by some as reaching one’s goals 2, 7:38 PM
Simone (Guest): …overestimate success – and overlook the journey that shapes us into godliness , 7:39 PM
VisitationSiste: Doing God’s will is success
ct 2, 7:39 PM
Monica22: Success is to do the will of the Father ct 2, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): God – often does not give goals – he did not say to Jonah – go and make everyone come back to me – he said.. go to Nineveh – preach … these are the things he could do faithfully. – the outcome was God’s…. :40 PM
Simone (Guest): that said.. I do not know the book of Jonah too well.. 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. Elena is here tonight too! Hi Elena!
Oct 2, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): Full house. Love it!
Oct 2, 7:41 PM
VisitationSiste: Great! Hi Elena!
Oct 2, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Elena!
Oct 2, 7:41 PM
Ruth (Guest): It may depend upon how you define success.
Oct 2, 7:41 PM
Elena (Guest): Greetings!
Oct 2, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): I was thinking same, Ruth
:42 PM
Ruth (Guest): The little flower chose at age 9 to become a saint, a great Saint. and she did.
Oct 2, 7:43 PM
Ruth (Guest): hi Elena!
Oct 2, 7:43 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): She considered herself faithful in prayer but at times unsuccessful in staying awake
Anna-Marie (Guest): She considered herself faithful in prayer but at times unsuccessful in staying awake
Oct 2, 7:44 PM
Elena (Guest): My remembrance of Jonah is that he complained and tried to hide from God’s instruction. When he finally did go to Ninevah, he was annoyed that God spared them after he preached what God had commanded.
Oct 2, 7:44 PM
VisitationSiste: q2 In this letter, St. Francis suggests that Mademoiselle Clement’s desire to become a nun might not be fulfilled. Looking at another saint, the mother of St. Therese of Lisieux, Marie-Azélie Guérin Martin, who before she was married, applied to enter the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. However, she was rejected due to re
due to respiratory difficulties and recurrent headaches. How then do we deal with the denial of our good intentions to serve God due to circumstances beyond our control?
Oct 2, 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Elena, that is also how I remember the story of Jonah
2, 7:46 PM
Elena (Guest): I can speak to this one from direct and present circumstances: we accept what God wants to do, even if it doesn’t seem to fulfill what we THINK he’s doing or asking of us. Letting go of the things we think he’s placed in our heart, we are able to accept what he truly is giving us.
Oct 2, 7:46 PM
Simone (Guest): I found the readings from Habakuk interesting today in this regards. There is a difference – if God has “revealed to us something ” like a promise – or if it is a desire of ours.
Oct 2, 7:46 PM
Elena (Guest): Exactly — is it our wanting or is it His leading.
Oct 2, 7:46 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Recently I lost three people very close, somehow I with the grace of God’s I surrendered to the Father’s Will.. then came grace… it would not be what I chosen for myself…
Oct 2, 7:47 PM
Elena (Guest): But I also believe that God is pleased with us when we do our best in the present circumstance, even if it doesn’t seem “fruitful” to us. He makes it fruitful beyond what we might understand.
Oct 2, 7:47 PM
Simone (Guest): I thought of you too Elena – if I may say so – when I read this letter.. and I thought of my circumstances too. You are right.. We do have to accept God’s will. and at his timing he might reveal WHY he chose this path for us –
Oct 2, 7:47 PM
Elena (Guest): Anna-Marie, I’m very sorry to hear of your loss. Your trust in the Lord is beautiful.
7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): Not to bargain with God in grief – is truly a sign of surrendering to God’s will.
Oct 2, 7:48 PM
Elena (Guest): TBH I’m not looking for the “why” anymore. I used to ask him to show me that. But now it’s more about leaning into the present and accepting the opportunities and gifts and graces he is bestowing, rather than trying to strain to look “past” Him to the future or the explanation.
Oct 2, 7:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): Insightful words SImone!
Oct 2, 7:49 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): So true
Oct 2, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): That sounds so good Elena. You sound so peaceful about it now.
Oct 2, 7:49 PM
Monica22: God had better plans for Marie-Azelie… she gave us St Therese of Lisieux and more
Oct 2, 7:50 PM
Elena (Guest): for now, I am, at any rate. He has brought many other good things into my life once I stopped gripping onto what I thought he wanted from me (that was impossible).
0 PM
Elena (Guest): Monica22, how perfect is that?
Oct 2, 7:50 PM
Simone (Guest): I am so happy for Elena.
Oct 2, 7:50 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): It’s hard to live in God’s divine providence..
Oct 2, 7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): Can you say more about this Anna -Marie please?
Oct 2, 7:51 PM
Elena (Guest): It is. It hurts a lot sometimes, the constant conversion (daily).
Oct 2, 7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. Elena.. sorry that it is still a sting. I will keep your “sting” in my prayers, sister :52 PM
Elena (Guest): For now, the sting is not so much. But in the past… it was more like torture lol
Oct 2, 7:52 PM
Simone (Guest): hornit sting, eh Elena?
Oct 2, 7:52 PM
Monica22: Once we understand that we are a small part of God’s plan, we let God do with us as He pleases
Oct 2, 7:52 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I trust in God’s divine plan for me and it is difficult at times when my plans get diverted
Oct 2, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): oh I see Anna-Marie. It is the “gap” that confuses us often.. right?
Oct 2, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): to conquer confusing with trust in His divine providence is wonderful
Oct 2, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): confusion
Oct 2, 7:53 PM
Elena (Guest): Monica22 — yes, and I think the key is believing that we actually are a part of God’s plan.
ct 2, 7:53 PM
Elena (Guest): Even if it makes no sense to us or isn’t what we thought. ct 2, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): “let GOD do with us as he pleases” … I like that. It sounds like Mary ” I am the handmaid of the Lord”
Oct 2, 7:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): I agree.
7:54 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I am discovering more about agape love and this helps to know the Father’s Will is out of love for me♥️
Oct 2, 7:55 PM
VisitationSiste: I might have said this before but in my life when i did not know to ask God His will he worked out His plans for me anyway, thru mine.
Oct 2, 7:55 PM
Ruth (Guest): Grant that I may love you always, then do with me what you will! 7:56 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr, this is like true surrender to his will
Oct 2, 7:56 PM
Elena (Guest): Sister, could you speak more about that?
ct 2, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): beeeeaauuutiful Ruth. Is that from the suspice prayer?
Oct 2, 7:56 PM
Elena (Guest): Ruth — YES!
2, 7:57 PM
VisitationSiste: well I did not know I was to be a nun. I moved to a neighborhood I liked, got involved with a new Church, met a fine group of people who I began to pray with, discovered I liked prayer, and this led to a Monastery for retreat and then i knew I was supposed to be there
Oct 2, 7:58 PM
VisitationSiste: God was leading all along
ct 2, 7:58 PM
Elena (Guest): So you were living your life, taking one step at a time, saying yes to the small moments and movements of the Holy Spirit, and then you were able to see where he was leading you. Is that right?
Oct 2, 7:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): i don ‘ t know. It is part of a longer prayer that I have been saying often for many hears.
Oct 2, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): it is beautiful Ruth..
Oct 2, 7:58 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes that was pretty much it except in the beginning I did not know I was saying yes to the Holy Spirit
Oct 2, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): I love how you worded that Elena.. well summarized , 7:59 PM
Ruth (Guest): Beautiful, Sister.
Oct 2, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): I would love to see that prayer one day Ruth..
Oct 2, 7:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): It is like…surrendering to his will may not always be a conscious effort of something WE are doing
8:00 PM
Simone (Guest): good point Dawn.. when we stay close to His heart.. the next step.. should always be in the right direction.. 2, 8:01 PM
VisitationSiste: q What does it mean to sacrifice our wills to God?Does God have a set plan for us that if we divert from it with sins and wrong turns that we can never fully achieve what God has in mind for us?
Oct 2, 8:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): like Sr explained very well
Oct 2, 8:01 PM
Monica22: Dawn, that sounds right; Mother Angelica used to say, “if it’s happening, it’s God’s will”
Oct 2, 8:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): Monica…I do love her advice
Oct 2, 8:02 PM
Simone (Guest): so.. if it is not happening.. does that mean it is “not his will”?
Oct 2, 8:02 PM
Elena (Guest): Yeah this question is a big one for me. And I like that quote rom Mother Angelica. His permissive will as well as active will.
Oct 2, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): I think sometimes we “interpret” God’s gentle leading also wrongly. We are often right in the nudging we feel – but we interpret it wrongly then. At least that’s what I did sometimes in the past I think
Oct 2, 8:03 PM
Elena (Guest): But his permissive will scares me — look at all the horror going on in the world. I know there’s free will, but then when children are brainwashed in schools to believe something that is absolutely not true, and then are encouraged and empowered to do evil things, how can this be God’s will? Hmmm…..
Oct 2, 8:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): agree much Elena
Oct 2, 8:04 PM
Ruth (Guest): I have heard that too, but I have a problem with it. SFdS helps somewhat by specifying the difference between Gods Active will and his PERMISSIVE will.
Oct 2, 8:04 PM
Elena (Guest): I just remember Christ’s words ( paraphrasing) … woe to those who lead these little ones astray…
Oct 2, 8:04 PM
Simone (Guest): God is not the CAUSE of everything that happens.. but everything that happens can be brought under the “redemptive power” of GOD
Oct 2, 8:04 PM
Monica22: Simone; It might not be the place or the right time… we must patiently wait and continue to be faithful
Oct 2, 8:04 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Monica.. you are right.. patiently waiting.. like God spoke to Habakuk as we heard today in the first reading
Oct 2, 8:05 PM
Elena (Guest): Yeah I remember hearing that and thinking that I want to go read all of Habakuk and pray about that.
, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): you are so zealous Elena.. love it 06 PM
Elena (Guest): My family and friends of mine have children who are being impacted in a very negative way… It makes me very angry. Zealous, yes.
Oct 2, 8:06 PM
Monica22: Sister: I believe that God is always looking for us, and if we made the wrong turn and lived a sinful life, God will
Oct 2, 8:06 PM
Monica22: sorry, my car is getting on the way and did not finish my sentence
Oct 2, 8:06 PM
VisitationSiste: yes SFDS talks about perceiving God’s Will in 2 ways; his signified will thru commandments Church teaching etc and permissive will which are circumstances of life
8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): is the second one – the will of God’s good pleasure Sister?
Oct 2, 8:07 PM
VisitationSiste: yes
8:08 PM
VisitationSiste: some people ask why good as sometimes it does not seem good Oct 2, 8:08 PM
Elena (Guest): I still struggle with this idea that it’s God’s permissive will to allow children to be harmed – those who are innocent and whose free will is not in play. I know that he will redeem all things… but this is still a hard thing for me.
Oct 2, 8:08 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Throughout history this has been the case… we are taking a very long time to get with the program and trusting in the Lord… we continue to want to do things ‘our will’..then we need to endure the consequences- ripple effect of sin.. in the end God will turn all to the good
2, 8:08 PM
VisitationSiste: That’s it I think Anne Marie ct 2, 8:09 PM
Dawn (Guest): It is hard for me as well Elena. So hard to understand…
Oct 2, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): I hear you Elena. I struggle too with some scenarios in the world
2, 8:10 PM
Simone (Guest): but I only can see.. as Anna – Marie said it– as the ripple effect of sin – our broken hearts over this – can be the first turn around
Oct 2, 8:10 PM
VisitationSiste: q Why does God deprive us of things? Isn’t there a better way to help us?
1 PM
Ruth (Guest): I have the same problem, Elena.
Oct 2, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): The latest revelation about that bishop… this is still happening, in the Church, and where’s the supposed reform and transparency… I don’t mean to drag this off topic. But especially when the innocent are victims of servants of the Church…
Oct 2, 8:11 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes, his better way is for us to listen and be obedient to his commands?
Oct 2, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): To the question — I think God deprives us of things simply because He knows much better than we do what we actually need to get to heaven!
Oct 2, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): agree Elena.. he works on bigger goals than we do..
Oct 2, 8:12 PM
Ruth (Guest): I have even cried out to Him. If I a weak and sinful person wou
Oct 2, 8:12 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): God only wants one thing from us.. trusting in Him and His love so we can be with Him throughout all eternity.. He know what things would stand I. The way of us teaching this end.
Oct 2, 8:13 PM
Monica22: To make us strong in our faith? Just like the athletes, they are deprived of good food, sleep, etc in order to make it to the Olympics?
Oct 2, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): interesting comparison Monica.
Oct 2, 8:14 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I like that analogy Monica
Oct 2, 8:14 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Life is a marathon… one step at a time.. with total abandonment to God’s will
Oct 2, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): I’m hoping when I get to heaven (hopefully!!!) I will see a) all the time my Guardian Angel kept me safe and b) What would have happened if I had gotten things MY WAY, and how bad off it would be not only for me but others. Sort of wanting to see “behind the scenes.” I know how bad off I was when I was far from the Lord and doing things “my way.” , 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): Also.. sometimes – actually often – it is not about us — sometimes we do not see how the things we would like to have in our lives. – would be bad for others?
Oct 2, 8:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): would not allow that to happen to an innocent child, how can YOU who are Love and power permit , , ,
ct 2, 8:15 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): BTW… Happy feast day of our guardian angels🙏♥️
Oct 2, 8:15 PM
Elena (Guest): Yeah, Simone – that’s what I was trying to allude to. How would it affect others if I did get what I wanted or did things my way?
Oct 2, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): a fair cry Ruth .. a fair cry to heaven
Oct 2, 8:15 PM
Monica22: St Mother Theresa of Kalkutta deprived herself and her sisters of so much, in order to suffer with the poorest of the poor? In order to sacrifice all for them?
Simone (Guest): there is a difference though– if we CHOOSE to deprive ourselves from things- or if GOD holds things back to happen and therefore deprive us
Oct 2, 8:16 PM
Simone (Guest): the pain is different
Oct 2, 8:16 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): She also endured dark night of soul for many years… talk about trust..
Oct 2, 8:17 PM
Elena (Guest): True — if God deprives us of something we are clinging to, it will hurt a lot.
Oct 2, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): Can we offer our suffering for the innocent babies and children, I mean I do. and for conversions.
Oct 2, 8:17 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh yes, Anna-Marie, how amazing when I think of how she endured in the dark. Such incredible faith.
Oct 2, 8:18 PM
Elena (Guest): God even depriving her of the sensibility of His Presence… I don’t think I could endure that!! I’m weak.
Oct 2, 8:18 PM
Elena (Guest): Dawn – yes indeed. That’s what we can do. Our suffering has meaning.
Oct 2, 8:19 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I read today spirituality of Opus Dei offering every deed for some good
2, 8:20 PM
VisitationSiste: q St. Francis concludes this letter with “Thy will be done,” the memorable phrasefrom Our Lady to the Archangel Gabriel. Stemming from the lesson being taught in this letter, connect this with God’s promise to Abraham of having a child, but instead of initially saying “thy will be done,” he took it into his own hands by having a child with Hagar (instead of with Sarah). In the letter, St. Francis wrote, “he gives us greater blessings in doing without the desired object than we would have had, had we attain
Oct 2, 8:20 PM
VisitationSiste: attained it.” It would have been a great blessing for Abraham to wait without the child
until God’s timing, instead of simply trying to obtain it. Discuss.
Oct 2, 8:21 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Mother Theresa prayed at length in mornings before setting out to work. She received grace to continue to do the Father’s will
ct 2, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): as for the question.. I can only pray that God keeps me away to “produce a spiritual child” with a Hagar in my life.
Oct 2, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): holy indifference is what helps most in these situations I find
t 2, 8:22 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): We have desires in our hearts and we often don’t listen to God on His timing. Taking to prayer and listening or looking for signs
Oct 2, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): So specific intrinsically good things may not be God’s will for us, even if it seems like a good we think we should have. But waiting for God to do all things… today my priest said something about this.
t 2, 8:23 PM
Elena (Guest): He said that “when we are children, we are dependent upon our parents, and then we grow up we are responsible for ourselves. but in the spiritual life, we are to be as children always, completely dependent upon God for everything.”
Oct 2, 8:23 PM
Simone (Guest): not just waiting for something good. but waiting for HIS PROMISE. that’s the worst.. when you received a promise in your heart – and nothing in the visible world goes in this direction
Oct 2, 8:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): there may have been some in Gods plan for that child borne of Hagar, I can not say
, 8:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): I can say and do believe a child conceived and borne is never a mistake
Oct 2, 8:24 PM
Elena (Guest): He is the ultimate Good, right? So stay with Him and let him provide what He wills, our hearts desiring only Him. He’ll supply everything and will accomplish everything according to his will.
Oct 2, 8:24 PM
Monica22: Sometimes it’s so difficult to know God’s will and we try to accommodate things to expedite the process…
Oct 2, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): well – Ishmael’s descendants are not the friend of the children of GOD now.
, 8:24 PMSimone (Guest): yes Monica.. that’s exactly what we are doing.
2, 8:25 PMElena (Guest): Yeah… being “God’s little helper” trying to expedite… and instead just burning ourselves out trying to make something happen.
, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): I do agree with you Dawn though – that GOD has a plan for every child that was conceived. Totally with you on that.
Oct 2, 8:26 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I am thinking about people who give their ‘yes’ and are amazed at what and where the Lord brings them… fishing out in the deep..
Oct 2, 8:26 PM
Monica22: We try hard and it doesn’t work out; we try again and we fail. Then what? Remain faithful and wait, and try again. And as the letter says, we might please God just by accepting His will
Oct 2, 8:26 PM
VisitationSiste: sometimes it is best to just “be” and that is actually doing something- loving God
Oct 2, 8:26 PM
Elena (Guest): Okay, but in the case of Abraham and Hagar — so God let that happen, his Permissive Will, and the descendants of Ishmael too.
Oct 2, 8:26 PM
Ruth (Guest): Elena that wish reminds me of The Christmas Carol and Scrooge’s dream.
8:26 PMElena (Guest): Sister — YES!! “to be” and trusting that it is enough.
Oct 2, 8:27 PMElena (Guest): Ruth – how so?
, 8:27 PMSimone (Guest): again.. God is not the cause of everything…otherwise there would not be a free will.
2, 8:28 PMDawn (Guest): just to be…loving God
2, 8:28 PM
Elena (Guest): Right… but getting back to the innocents, and souls potentially lost at the hands of indoctrination (sorry, I keep beating that drum, LOL. I’ll stop now.)
Oct 2, 8:28 PM
VisitationSiste: no it is important Elena
, 8:29 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): When we are ‘being’ we
, 8:29 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Sorry for incomplete sentence
Oct 2, 8:29 PM
VisitationSiste: indoctrination is the word
:29 PM
Elena (Guest): I suppose it is all the more important for us to pray for those innocents, for the conversion of souls (which I do daily). In particular, I feel called to pray for the conversion of China. Cause yeah… they are totally indoctrinated and have little understanding of what’s really going on.
Oct 2, 8:30 PM
Ruth (Guest): Love that, Sister!
Oct 2, 8:30 PM
Dawn (Guest): There are people not speaking up, going along with it. I think if God has placed a fire in your heart to speak out this is also Gods will
8:30 PM
Elena (Guest): And those who do rise up and brutally squashed.
Oct 2, 8:30 PM
Elena (Guest): are*
Oct 2, 8:30 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Like early Christians
Oct 2, 8:30 PM
Elena (Guest): I suppose by allowing certain things, God opens the door for us to pray and offer fasting and sacrifice for those situations and people.
Oct 2, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): Every era needs the voice of prophets Elena
t 2, 8:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): there is plenty of evil going on here in Ca, we must speak
Oct 2, 8:31 PM
Simone (Guest): He also allows us to see the consequences of our hardened heart
Oct 2, 8:31 PMSimone (Guest): this is a sacred invitation to conversion too
2, 8:32 PM
Elena (Guest): Dawn — no doubt about it. God bless you for staying. A lot of Catholics I know have moved and are moving out of state because NYS is just a few steps behind CA (not much).
Oct 2, 8:32 PM
VisitationSiste: Today is Carol Anne Profession so please remember her-
32 PM
Simone (Guest): I did not want to interrupt.. but thanks for reminding us
Oct 2, 8:32 PM
Elena (Guest): God bless Carol Anne! Mary Most Holy, pray for her and the Visitation Sisters! Amen
Oct 2, 8:32 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): God bless and good night to all🙏
Oct 2, 8:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you for reminding Sr
Oct 2, 8:32 PM
Simone (Guest): It would be lovely if we could find out her address and send her a card- each
, 8:33 PM
VisitationSiste: I think I have it someplace
3 PM
VisitationSiste: if I find it I will send it to you Simone and Ruth
Oct 2, 8:33 PM
Monica22: Just a thought. I have learned so much by listening to the Catholic content from the app Hallow, currently talking about St Mother Teresa and her experiences with the poor. I cried and cried, and I understood that what I can do from my own home is to be hungry so that they can have food, to deprive myself from from heat so that they can be warm.
Oct 2, 8:34 PM
Dawn (Guest): a lovely idea to send her cards. me too Sr, please
Oct 2, 8:34 PM
VisitationSiste: God bless you all! Wonderful and deep chat tonight.
Oct 2, 8:34 PM
VisitationSiste: ok Dawn
Ruth (Guest): So happy for her.
