What is the difference between having healthy self-esteem and esteeming yourself too highly?If God is our Father and Jesus calls us friends, how is it healthy to look at ourselves a “worthless reed,” as St. Francis describes in this letter?Is self-abasement the same as humility?How do we so easily set up people as idols in our lives? And how can we avoid it (especially if said person is a priest or religious)?St. Francis says that God is not offended by sins of the intellect and understanding.
Oct 28, 10:32 AM
If sin is itself an offense against God, how can this be? What does he mean?
Do you know any great men or women who are much admired by the public but who are humble with others? What can this teach us?
Oct 28, 10:33 AM
VisitationSr (Guest): Sun chat Oct 30 730pm est newsletter for chat: http://www.icontact-archive.com/archive?c=1029793&f=1988&s=2046&m=644252&t=44f0d18c19339967b1be43b205c1596fa07d3b2574e5f4560987969cb886fdda
3 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): First Q What is the difference between having healthy self-esteem and esteeming yourself too highly?
Oct 30, 7:33 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi “isa.
Oct 30, 7:33 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): That’s alot Lisa
Oct 30, 7:33 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Hi Ruth and Carol
Oct 30, 7:36 PM
Ruth (Guest): Oops I remember asking myself just this question when I was in eighth grade I think it was and had read the imitation of Christ in which there’s quite a lot of self- abasement.
Oct 30, 7:36 PM
Carol (Guest): Well, this is a hard question indeed. We hear so much about self esteem that I’m not sure any two people agree in what that means
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VisitationSr (Guest): Healthy self esteem would be intertwined with humility, not pride
Oct 30, 7:37 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Self esteem might be recognizing the dignity we have as children of God. Thinking too much of yourself is not being humble.
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Lisa C
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Ruth (Guest): I kind of decided that a humility meant being face-to-face with reality the reality of oneself and one’s place in society and one’s relationship with God that is pretty much seeing yourself as God sees you.Hi Dawn! 30, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): insightful answer Ruth, well all are
t 30, 7:40 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): Is self-abasement the same as humility
Oct 30, 7:40 PM
Lisa C (Guest): No
7:40 PM
Carol (Guest): I dont think so either
Oct 30, 7:40 PM
7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): I think it has to do with intent-is it false pride making you put yourself down?
Oct 30, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): its nearly the opposite of humility I think
7:42 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): But why would it be in the Imitation of Christ? PM
Ruth (Guest): Sometimes people put themselves down in order to be contradicted by others listening to them and they are by receive a compliment
Oct 30, 7:42 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Maybe acceptance of suffering to save souls is confused with self abasement
Oct 30, 7:43 PM
Carol (Guest): The two seem to be unrelated
Oct 30, 7:43 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Accepting what comes rather than asking for more
, 7:43 PM
Oct 30, 7:44 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Yes Carol, I think that they are unrelated 5 PM
Carol (Guest): Because accepting what comes and not always wanting more shows trust in God t 30, 7:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): Maybe I brought that term self-basement in to summarize the many expressions and reflection used to express humility, because some of them seemed to me to be too strong, not realistic.
VisitationSr (Guest): If God is our Father and Jesus calls us friends, how is it healthy to look at ourselves a “worthless reed,” as St. Francis describes in this letter? 7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Or contrary to a healthy self- esteem.
Oct 30, 7:48 PM
Carol (Guest): It is a knowing that by ourselves we are not strong enough
7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Or contrary to a healthy self- esteem.
Oct 30, 7:48 PM
Carol (Guest): It is a knowing that by ourselves we are not strong enough
7:50 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I did not read the letter sorry, but isn’t a reed hollow? If it is filled by water, like we can be filled with God, we grow and can be more than a hollow shell
Oct 30, 7:50 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): Many saints looked at themselves as mere “dust”
Oct 30, 7:50 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): Good Lisa!
Oct 30, 7:52 PM
Lisa C (Guest): A straw can be used to give nourishment….God passes through
Dawn (Guest): My daughter, I am full of vanity, and yet I do not esteem myself as much as you do. I wish you knew me well; you would not cease to have absolute confidence in me, but you would have no esteem. You would say: this person is a reed on which Our Lord wants me to lean; I feel quite safe because it is God’s will, but all the same, the reed is worthless…..stFdeS
Oct 30, 7:52 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Goes to someone else
Oct 30, 7:53 PM
Carol (Guest): Somif we are reeds, God passes through us into the world
4 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): q How do we so easily set up people as idols in our lives? And how can we avoid it (especially if said person is a priest or religious) 55 PM
Carol (Guest): Sometimes they possess a quality we wish we had ourselves
Oct 30, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): Because we are created to worship, but until it is God it is expressed in disordered way
Oct 30, 7:56 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think children look at people as idols, but as we get older we can see that people are not flawless and we get a more realistic picture
Oct 30, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Humility is not just intellectually knowing we are by ourselves not strong enough, I think. It is a habit of acknowledging and acting on that knowledge. Everything good that we are and do, even when it involves a lot of hard work on our part comes from od, isa gift of God. Even the ability to do the work, and the desire to.
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Lisa C
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7:56 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes
Oct 30, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Nice images, Lisa.
:58 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): I think we need to see the humanity in each one of us as well as the Christ light usually God helps us not to idolize if we are aware of it , 8:00 PM
Carol (Guest): In the eyes of God the poorest is the same as the wealthiest)?St. Francis says that God is not offended by sins of the intellect and understanding.
Oct 28, 10:32 AM
If sin is itself an offense against God, how can this be? What does he mean?
01 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): )?St. Francis says that God is not offended by sins of the intellect and understanding.
Oct 28, 10:32 AM
If sin is itself an offense against God, how can this be? What does he mean?
Oct 30, 8:03 PM
Ruth (Guest): Good question!
Oct 30, 8:04 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Maybe errors in conclusions because of mistaken premises because of inadequate information leading to the wrong conclusion, but with the best of intention…..
Oct 30, 8:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): if she was setting up an idol in her heart, unknowingly? would this be the occasion where God would not be offended?
Oct 30, 8:05 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God looks at our hearts more than anything.
Oct 30, 8:05 PM
Ruth (Guest): MAYBE he means: If you did not know better, you are not guilty. E.g. A child . . .
Oct 30, 8:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Lisa, God knows our hearts maybe better than we do. so he would have empathy for us
Oct 30, 8:06 PM
Carol (Guest): If we are honestly seeking Him, we will find Him
Oct 30, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Ruth, as a child!
Oct 30, 8:06 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Why did He pick St. Paul? He was persecuting Christians as a Jew, because he loved God. KThen God zapped him.
Oct 30, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest):
7 online
Lisa C (Guest): God loved his intention to try to do what he thought was right and then straightened him out.
Oct 30, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God took St. Paul’s bad actions with the right intentions and made him a super Saint.
Oct 30, 8:08 PM
Carol (Guest): I wish we knew more of Paul’s story. He studied under Gamaliel. He would have gone to Passover the same years Jesus did.
10 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): There are fiction books of St Paul but as for the New Testament we do know little. Did Eusebius mention St paul?
Oct 30, 8:10 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, Carol, that is scriptural. He who seeks me will find me.
Oct 30, 8:11 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God saw his heart and his love for Him and shaped him into someone who not only had good intentions , but good actions. So originally St. Paul had a sin of intellect. Oct 30, 8:11 PM
Dawn (Guest): good example!
Oct 30, 8:11 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): Yes!
ct 30, 8:11 PM
Carol (Guest): I’m not sure if Eusebius didOct 30, 8:12 PM
Ruth (Guest): Good observation, Lisa. Sin of intellect. ct 30, 8:13 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We know about Jesus, because of St. Paul. We can conclude that he became humble, because with all the epistles we know little of him. t 30, 8:13 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): TrueOct 30, 8:13 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, the purpose of his letters was to,instruct the community 30, 8:14 PM
VisitationSr (Guest): Q Do you know any great men or women who are much admired by the public but who are humble with others? What can this teach us? 8:14 PM
Lisa C (Guest): He wrote so much, but not much about himself. We know he became a great Saint because of all the revelations he had.
Oct 30, 8:15 PM
Lisa C (Guest): St JP II
Oct 30, 8:15 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes! And St Maximilian Kolbe, Fr Jerzy Popiulesko (so)
Oct 30, 8:16 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I hear JP I was very great with his local people too, and humble and kind
Oct 30, 8:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): Good selection
Oct 30, 8:17 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes. and Mother Teresa.
Oct 30, 8:17 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Jesus is admired by people of faith and is humble. He is God and became human and lowered Himself to be with us and save us.
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Lisa C
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0, 8:22 PM
Carol (Guest): You too,Sister, thank you!
Oct 30, 8:23 PM
Ruth (Guest): God bless you and all the sisters.
Oct 30, 8:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Sr! God bless
Oct 30, 8:24 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God bless you all
Oct 30, 8:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): Good night Lisa God bless, thank you
Oct 30, 8:26 PM
Carol (Guest): Have a good week everyone!
Oct 30, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): you too Carol. Good night
Oct 30, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): and Ruth, stay warm. its cooing off at night. thank you, God bless
Oct 30, 8:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is down to 27 nights here
Oct 30, 8:30 PM
Ruth (Guest): I am apparently dyslexic, and I remember one of my profs reading very hesitantly from the Bible. I remember thinking, “If he cam be a professor, I should be able to become one, too. the semester was at least half over before I realized that the text he had in fromt of him was the original Greek and he was simultaneously translating what je saw on the page into English!
Oct 30, 8:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): amazing
Oct 30, 8:32 PM
Ruth (Guest): Cooling where you are, too, Dawn? We had frost as thick as snow!
Oct 30, 8:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes it is. at night. afternoons are pleasant. I noticed frost on roof tops! are you prepared for winter?
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