St. Jane de Chantal, the Foundress of the Visitation Order, gave an exhortation in 1629 about the Sisters’ disposition in renewing their vows on the Feast of the Presentation on November 21st.
She encouraged, ” Look again at the recompense which follows the observance of these vows; the eternal glory of Paradise, the company of all the blessed, and, what is more, the perpetual enjoyment of God, to Whom we have voluntarily bound ourselves by these vows.
I beseech you, dear Sisters, not to do this act in a hurry. Let us well understand its dignity; let us do it with heart rather than with mouth; let us renew our vows with a true and cordial affection of binding ourselves again to God, to our vocation and Rules.
If you do so, I can assure you that Our Lord will receive your oblation and sacrifice with a propitious eye and will fill us with many favors,with His grace, with the sweetness of the union of our souls with Him, and with glory after our death.”
Source:St Jane de Chantal, Exhortation XXI, 1629