VisSr (Guest): What is the difference between having a temptation and giving in to a temptation?St. Francis quotes Romans 7:24 where St. Paul wishes to be delivered from his body. What does this mean? Is the body a bad thing?St. Francis said about writing that: “It is true that affectation sometimes slips into what we say so that we hardly notice what is happening; but if we do notice, we must at once change our style of speaking. But in letters this is really rather more intolerable, indeed much more so, because you can
see far better what you are doing, and if you notice some specially affected passage you must punish the hand that wrote it by making it write another letter in a different way.” In this age of social media, people communicate primarily through writing/typing, but why in those modes are people even more prone to vitriol and other uncharitable misuses of words?What is the difference between venial and mortal sins?Discuss this quote: “do not burden your poor body with any austerity beyond that enjoined by th
Nov 20, 10:44 AM
VisSr (Guest): that enjoined by the rule; keep your strength of body to help your soul to serve God whom we are often forced to leave when we have indiscreetly overburdened the body which must join with the soul in worship.” How can the body have any effect on the soul like this? Is our body merely an impediment to the spiritual life?St. Francis says that pride, vanity and self-esteem seep into nearly all of our actions. What can we do to keep these temptations in check? How do we judge whether we are too worried about t
Nov 20, 10:44 AM
VisSr (Guest): worried about them?
Nov 20, 10:45 AM
VisSr (Guest): Sun chat Nov 20 730pm est newsletter for chat:
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, 7:38 PM
VisSr (Guest): Q 1): What is the difference between having a temptation and giving in to a temptation
Nov 20, 7:39 PM
Simone (Guest): having a temptation is to know there is a tub of ice cream in my freezer – the other one is staring at the empty tub with a spoon in my hand
Nov 20, 7:39 PM
Carol (Guest): There is no sin in just having temptation
7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): and that would be the right spiritual answer Carol
Nov 20, 7:40 PM
Carol (Guest): I like your answer better
Nov 20, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): we complete each other in teaching
Nov 20, 7:40 PM
R uth (Guest): For !someone who is feeling depressed you came up with a very good example Simone
0, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks Ruth.. I am functional depressed .. in the right context.. I can be still OK
Nov 20, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): Because now I want ice cream too
Nov 20, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): well.. mine is all gone
Nov 20, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): I’ll bring you some
Nov 20, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): but seriously— it is so important to know when we are tempted – and when we resist to temptation
Nov 20, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): and HOW to resist to temptation. Having a plan – if there is habitual sin – is huge I find.
5 online
R uth
1 viewer
20, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): what is your experience with this? 20, 7:42 PM
Carol (Guest): I like to change the subject and think of Jesus0, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): in the wilderness? 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): standing against temptation with scripture?
Nov 20, 7:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, thats where I am
v 20, 7:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Or just holding His hand
Nov 20, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): holding His hand?
7:43 PM
Carol (Guest): I live Ignatian prayer
Nov 20, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): oh., .I see.. holding the hand of Jesus – in temptation?
20, 7:44 PM
Carol (Guest): Its all imaginative, prayer without words 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. I see.. like a Gospel contemplation with imagination and the senses? , 7:45 PM
VisSr (Guest): q St. Francis quotes Romans 7:24 where St. Paul wishes to be delivered from his body. What does this mean?
Nov 20, 7:45 PM
R uth (Guest): I think we call that Lectio Divina.
v 20, 7:45 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes Simone 7:46 PM
Carol (Guest): Except there’s no passage where He’s holding an umbrella over you in the rain 7 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry Sister.. back to question 2
Nov 20, 7:47 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh, He does indeed
Nov 20, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): sometimes it seems that our body is indeed our biggest enemy
Nov 20, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): with all its desires
Nov 20, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): it often seems to stand in the way of spiritual purity
Nov 20, 7:49 PM
Carol (Guest): And flaws
Nov 20, 7:49 PM
R uth (Guest): When I am ted tempted to feel angry because of the damage that several people did to my home I pray a hail Mary in the hope that she will help me find simply find a concrete solution and in the hope that the carelessness or disrespect that led to the damage well in the long run change so I’m looking for a change of myself and change in the people whoConsciously thought that they were helping
Simone (Guest): that is such a good strategy Ruth. And one that truly will lead to increased holiness. Not easy –
Nov 20, 7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): this is an interesting line in the letter: that the grace of God, through Jesus Christ, will save him, not indeed from fear, terror, alarm, nor from the fight, but from defeat and from being overcome.
:51 PM
Carol (Guest): That is an interesting line, because we seek to be saved from all of them
Nov 20, 7:52 PM
Simone (Guest): so – feeling the pain – is a sign that we are simply in the midst of the fight – which is bothersome and exhausting – but it does NOT speak about the outcome – defeat is not the end of the fight – God’s grace is
Nov 20, 7:52 PM
Carol (Guest): Amen!
Nov 20, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): you are right Carol.. we seek to be saved from all of them – and yet- THAT was never the promise .. the promise is even greater – but we want the little conviniences rather
Nov 20, 7:55 PM
Carol (Guest): Because we are children really. All we can see is the fear
Simone (Guest): Lord deliver us from this unfruitful fear
Nov 20, 7:55 PM
R uth (Guest): Just Friday when I went to go cardiogram to the local hospital the registration person whom I’ve known for many years said something like it’s been along time since I’ve seen you. I said that’s probably a good thing because for a while I was here very frequently. I am grateful to be alive. He responded it’s better than the alternative anyway. I regret that I wasn’t very clear with my response, Something like: maybe. I think he thought I might be depressed and anxious to get rid of this troubled body on the
Simone (Guest): I can imagine that he understood very well what you meant though Ruth. You come across as a very “alive” person. Full of life to me
Nov 20, 7:57 PM
VisSr (Guest): St Francis de Sales always cautioned us about despair. and encourages us to always begin again
, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): Your life does not come from a fully functioning body – your life comes from a deeper well , 7:57 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, he’s thinking you prefer life
8 PM
Simone (Guest): Sister Susan.. I cannot tell you HOW much the teaching of “standing against despair” helps me in these days. It is so tempting to give in.
Nov 20, 7:59 PM
VisSr (Guest): Always think of this advice even when you cannot quite manage to overcome the moment He was so wise
Nov 20, 8:00 PM
Carol (Guest): Be ayse this moment is only temporary and He is eternal
Nov 20, 8:01 PM
Carol (Guest): Because
Nov 20, 8:01 PM
Carol (Guest): Phone call has come
Nov 20, 8:01 PM
Simone (Guest): good point Carol..
Nov 20, 8:01 PM
Simone (Guest): ok..
Nov 20, 8:01 PM
Simone (Guest): So, it’s you and me Ruth I guess/
Nov 20, 8:01 PM
R uth (Guest): I said that not out of dispair— my answer got cut off x too long — but Because I was imagining being face to face with my Lord in perpetual Adoration and that seemed more wonderful, even than the joys and fun this side of the great divide.
Nov 20, 8:02 PM
Simone (Guest): Thank you for your lovely email Ruth. I am planning to answer in depth later this week
Nov 20, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): so.. shall we go back to the question?
Nov 20, 8:04 PM
Simone (Guest): In this age of social media, people communicate primarily through writing/typing, but why in those modes are people even more prone to vitriol and other uncharitable misuses of words?
Nov 20, 8:04 PM
Simone (Guest): I guess, we are so used to communicate our first thoughts –
Nov 20, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): when you write a letter by hand – you usually take more time – consider better – what you want to say – how will your words received… etc
Nov 20, 8:05 PM
R uth (Guest): Exactly!
Nov 20, 8:06 PM
R uth (Guest): And online many people used pseudonyms and there’s no accountability.
Nov 20, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): oooh . I did not think about this.. probably because I have never used a pseudonym… but you are right
Nov 20, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): but I see it in the family chat with my sisters in law.. sometimes a quick answer can sound harsh – but
Nov 20, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): once it is written – it is written.. right?
Nov 20, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): I think St. Francis made such good use of his words. I think he used 90% of his words on encouraging others – to love God deeper or their neighbour better – what a role model
Nov 20, 8:08 PM
R uth (Guest): It may also have a lot to do with a changing culture if we can call it that Culture. Politeness has especially in the last several years even civility become less of an in the thing.
Nov 20, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): Well, in Canada. people are still polite – but without any kindness behind it.. and that is still hurtful
Nov 20, 8:10 PM
R uth (Guest): “In thing”. I am trying to use dictation more.
Nov 20, 8:10 PM
Simone (Guest): it’s these learned phrases they use with each other – they work like a buffer – but do not increase intimacy or genuine engagement between two humans
Nov 20, 8:11 PM
R uth (Guest): That is interesting, Simone.
Nov 20, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): how about we go to the next question Ruth?
Nov 20, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): Are you OK with this?
Nov 20, 8:12 PM
R uth (Guest): There are a lot of situation though where one is not necessarily seeking intimacy or deep relationship in which I a buffer is definitely to be preferred over acridity.
Nov 20, 8:12 PM
R uth (Guest): Ok
Nov 20, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. I totally agree Ruth.. I totally agree.. and that’s what I loved about Canada a lot when I came here 19 years ago
Nov 20, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): I think the difference is with friendships – that can become quite frustrating here.. but anyways..
Nov 20, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): so the next question is
Nov 20, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): What is the difference between venial and mortal sins?
Nov 20, 8:16 PM
R uth (Guest): Venial sins are unintentional or mild offenses. Mortal sins involve a serious matter and full consent of the will. That is deadly!
Nov 20, 8:16 PM
Simone (Guest): I wish I would remember an example a priest just mentioned recently. It was something like this.. Imagine you have a boyfriend.. and one day you see your boyfriend sitting with another girl in a cafe.. you will go over.. and find out – what is going on.. you hear that they study in the same class and decided to do a study time together.. It would have been better to inform you – but the boyfriend did not think much about it. You talk about it.. and then you move in your relationship
Nov 20, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): as for mortal sin.. if the same boyfriend – spends half of his holiday with this other girl- and gets introduced to her family .. then something has happened that makes it impossible to just pick up the relationship and move on as before..
Nov 20, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): You nailed it Ruth.
Nov 20, 8:19 PM
R uth (Guest): Good example of a venial sin. It’s often a matter of leaving something out or delaying perhaps or doing a lesser good or a good that is not the one that should be done at this particular moment.
Nov 20, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): yes.. good point.
Nov 20, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth.. I don’t want to rush.. but I promised Peter to be with him at 8:30 tonight to watch something together.. I am interested in your answer to the next question though
Nov 20, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): Discuss this quote: “do not burden your poor body with any austerity beyond that enjoined by the rule; keep your strength of body to help your soul to serve God whom we are often forced to leave when we have indiscreetly overburdened the body which must join with the soul in worship.” How can the body have any effect on the soul like this? Is our body merely an impediment to the spiritual life?
Nov 20, 8:20 PM
R uth (Guest): that may be why Bishop Barron often refers to us as “fellow sinners.“
Simone (Guest): good one …”fellow sinners”.. I always hear him saying “friends” 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): the connection between body is soul is closer than I thought for a long time
Nov 20, 8:21 PM
VisSr (Guest): In the Visitation we are not too austere but internally we are supposed to make up for that
ov 20, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s what I love about this order :22 PM
Simone (Guest): but ADHD does not hinder me to grow in humility.. well,, at least it should not
Nov 20, 8:22 PM
VisSr (Guest): I also would not be able- but grace no doubt would assist
Nov 20, 8:22 PM
Carol (Guest): Please pray for me
R uth (Guest): For a while I thought it would be impossible to commit a mortal sin and I still claim to be a believing Catholic. But one day the fellow who had pretty much taken over in organizing things in my house, his way, Told me about a past mortal sent that he had committed.
Nov 20, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): oh Carol.. so sorry.. are you still on the phone?
Nov 20, 8:23 PM
VisSr (Guest): yes Carol are you ok
:23 PM
Simone (Guest): Lord, you know what Carol needs right now .
Nov 20, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): Clothe her with love Lord – and grace her with special wisdom that will reach the hearts of her family members
Nov 20, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): Lord, protect Carol of any word spoken over her that does not align with the truth that she is your beloved daughter
Nov 20, 8:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Give Carol strength to say – what she has to say now
Nov 20, 8:25 PM
Simone (Guest): and open the ears of the others to truly hear what Carol is communicating
Nov 20, 8:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Please.. everyone — join in this prayer if you want
Nov 20, 8:25 PM
VisSr (Guest): yes thank you Simone= beautiful prayer , saying it now
8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): Sister.. before we end tonight.. could you quickly let us know.. what the Salesian Spirituality has to say about the connection between body and Spirit?
Nov 20, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): or is that too much of a topic? Then maybe, you just can let us know what comes to your mind spontaneously
Nov 20, 8:27 PM
VisSr (Guest): St Francis said it well when he said he was as human as one could possibly be
Nov 20, 8:28 PM
VisSr (Guest): and we know he was very spiritual so in our humanity body and soul are together in unity

Nov 20, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): yes, I guess.. that automatically involves the body.. you are right.
:28 PM
Simone (Guest): that is my core belief that a human person is indeed = body and soul together forever.
Nov 20, 8:29 PM
VisSr (Guest): last q- want to hold for future? St. Francis says that pride, vanity and self-esteem seep into nearly all of our actions. What can we do to keep these temptations in check? How do we judge whether we are too worried about t
Nov 20, 10:45 AM
Nov 20, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): well.. except for the part – when the body and soul get separated at death – but they will be united again
Guest): I think growing i humility covers it all- and God provides the opportunities to grow in humility basically thru others
Nov 20, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): I love question 6 Sister.. but I promised my husband to close on time today. Please decide if we look at this question next week – or not. I know you all have a special week ahead of you – THANKSGIVING. I hope that you all feel sit around a table with at least one other person – to experience community and provision
Nov 20, 8:31 PM
VisSr (Guest): Yes Happy Thanksgiving to all! and Carol, write if you need anything- by e mail