Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, Superior of the Visitation Monastery in both Paris and Troyes, France in the mid-1800’s, was also the inspiration for the foundation of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales through Blessed Louis Brisson.
Her wisdom was profound and influenced many people in her day.
While her Advent talks were addressed to her Visitandine daughters, many may profit by her insightful words.
From a conference Mother Chappuis gave:
” The Son of God became man for us and we may indeed subject ourselves to the faithful practice of the Rule, to testify to Him our happiness at His coming, our gratitude for His benefits and our correspondence to His designs.
Our Lord came to save the world, to save all, but we have been especially privileged, for He not only wished us to be saved, but also to give us a more copious Redemption, calling us, for this purpose, to so beautiful a vocation. He even chose it for us, so that by our vocation we follow the choice of God, the choice of His love for us.
We will take for a Challenge, from now until Christmas, to say nine times a day, “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” and to make nine practices of the Rule, for instance, to be careful to ask for what we need at the Obedience and to keep silence well.”