What sweeter way than to live this season of Advent under Mary’s gaze! In her, with her, let us renew our hope and our faith so that at Christmas the Divine Child may find our hearts quick to welcome him in order to pursue a true journey of interior conversion.
Currently, if the word “refuge” is conjugated in many ways, the safest refuge can only be the Heart of Mary! Didn’t God Himself choose him to incarnate there? This is what our founder already invited all the guards of honor to do in her time!

Geneviève Vignes, Coordinator

Sweet mother!

St. Francis de Sales said: “Let us be children by our tenderness towards Mary, the most loving, the most beloved and the most loving mother who ever was.” Indeed, the Mother of God is our mother. What a sweet truth to ponder. Mary is our mother by the heart that God has made her, a heart incomparably more maternal than all mothers, by the love she gives us and that we share with her divine Son Jesus.

Contemplating her near the manger, from our lips to her mother’s heart, mounts a name that moves her, a name that the most beautiful angel will never address to her, that of Mother! What a grace for us to be able to invoke her under the title of “Mother, O my Mother!” No appellation is more powerful or sweeter. St. Francis de Sales added: “Every time I enter a place dedicated to this august Queen, I feel with a trembling of heart that I am at my Mother’s house.” In this month when we celebrate the birth of Jesus and consequently the divine motherhood of Mary, let us think especially of praying to her, honoring her, and paying homage to her. As children rush with simplicity and abandonment into the arms of their mother of the earth, let us go to our Heavenly Mother. Let us join the sweet Child in his humble cradle, and close to him, let us rest under the maternal gaze of Mary, her mother’s heart will lift us up and console us! ( Sister Marie du Sacré Cœur Bernaud)