Why does St. Francis instruct his reader to take things at a slow pace ( ” spin just a little every day” ) ? Does his advice conflict with the opening prayer for Liturgy of the Hours: ” God, come to my assistance. Lord, make haste to help me” ?:39 PM
VsSR (Guest): Well I think the prayer asks God to be quick, not us. So we go slow but God can rush!
Jan 1, 4:39 PM
Simone (Guest): There is a time for ” haste” – specially when in relation to obedience – and a time to slow down. . this is more when we want to make sure that our ” impatience” is not working against God’ s time line or purpose
Jan 1, 4:39 PM
Ruth (Guest): Did you get it?PM
Lisa C (Guest): I do not think it conflicts. We ask for God’ s help right away all the time, but we learn slowly over time. We do not have infinite capacity like a God does0 PM
Simone (Guest): God is not in need to learn patience
Jan 1, 4:40 PM
VsSR (Guest): true, 4:41 PM
VsSR (Guest): plus spinning vs praying is a bit different anyway
How is helplessness a good thing?:41 PMSimone (Guest): true – but both can be done with a ” time expectation” or an ” outcome in a special time” .:41 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Helplessness drives us to God.1, 4:42 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We have no choice, but to go to HimPM
Simone (Guest): St. Francis talks about ” spiritual helplessness” . I guess – that’ s the moment when you realize that your efforts in Spiritual Exercises are not directly having the outcome you expect.PM
Simone (Guest): Lisa. . I think we do have one more choice. . . and that would be complaining. . and not going to Him. . but hanging around and waiting that things turn around without His help
Jan 1, 4:43 PM
VsSR (Guest): yes or even just trying to pray even that requires the Holy Spirit’ s action4 PM
VsSR (Guest): when one has experienced helplessness like in sorrow, depression or handicap one knows God will be the One to help, or sometimes thru aloved one
Jan 1, 4:44 PM
Simone (Guest): it is quite a painful feeling when your effort to commune with GOD are not at all ” visibly” answered. . all is left – is to trust that His grace is enough
Even Jesus did that. . . . Into your hands I commend my Spirit.
Jan 1, 4:45 PM
Simone (Guest): I think it is a long, long journey – until we truly arrive at the state of ” helplessness” . I don’ t know why it is that hard – to fully surrender sometimes. Different areas are different difficult I find.4:46 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes, Jesus was perfectly spiritually helpless. . . out of love4:46 PM
VsSR (Guest): How is the innocent, helpless Christ- child also the epitome of God’ s power?
Jan 1, 4:46 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Jesus was on the cross 4:47 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God could save us through a baby8 PM
VsSR (Guest): We learn alot about God’ s power in the cross- I mean much teacjhing focuses on that- but not as much on Him as a baby
Jan 1, 4:48 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God became man so many could be saved by God who was a man. He kept the covenant, 4:48 PM
VsSR (Guest): It is something to meditatae on this season
Jan 1, 4:48 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Not many. . . I typed man. . . it changed to many
Jan 1, 4:48 PM
Simone (Guest): His ” essence” – his God- nature – did not need to be in a powerful human being. It was powerful enough – to be worshipped – even in the weakest form of human being. . a Baby:49 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Baby is a target for love
Jan 1, 4:49 PM
VsSR (Guest): it took power to become a baby- this Almighty God 4:49 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Everyone loves babies
Simone (Guest): it takes Power – to bridge from the invisible to the visible world
Jan 1, 4:50 PM
VsSR (Guest): yes
Jan 1, 4:50 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Lisa, everyone loves babies – but they are usually not worshipped.50 PM50 PM
50 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God babies are
Jan 1, 4:50 PM
Lisa C (Guest): A baby teaches you to care for someone and not be selfish 4:51 PM
Lisa C (Guest): You have to take care of a baby even when you are tired
VsSR (Guest): Discuss what St. Francis described, contrasting the experience of the shepherds at Christ’ s birth, hearing the angels singing with that of Mary and Joseph in the cold, dark silence with a crying and needy baby. Where would you rather be?
4:53 PMLisa C (Guest): In a family with them
4:54 PMVsSR (Guest): though the shepherds seemed to be in overwhelming joy and they were so were Mary and Joseph despite the cold
4 PMSimone (Guest): That was SUCH a good insight. Loved it. Having been in desolation for some time, I must say- that being with the shepherds – and hearing all the angelic songs does sound intriguing. . but when I think, that I actually can be skin to skin with my Lord – then I know where I would finally settle
one (Guest): good point Sister . . they were not left out of the joy
Jan 1, 4:54 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Of all the things I have done in my life, the best was being a Mother
:55 PM
VsSR (Guest): A joy I did not have but you and Simone do
VsSR (Guest): every week at 8P I have to go give a Sr meds so i will be back but need to leave now for a while
Jan 1, 4:56 PM
Simone (Guest): it’ s a special form of martyrdom – on both sides
Jan 1, 4:56 PM
Simone (Guest): want to lead Lisa?
Jan 1, 4:56 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I can say none of the other things come close. . . but imagine a perfect Baby Jesus
VsSR (Guest): thank you
Jan 1, 5:08 PM
Simone (Guest): Well. . since no- one is talking. . I do some loud thinking here09 PM
Simone (Guest): St. Francis writes in his letter – that Mother Mary was not on the Mountain of Transfiguration ( the ultimate consolation) . . . but she was at the cross. So, she did come close to the messiness – like Jesus did with his birth – he came into the ” mess” of life
09 PM
Simone (Guest): St. Francis writes in his letter – that Mother Mary was not on the Mountain of Transfiguration ( the ultimate consolation) . . . but she was at the cross. So, she did come close to the messiness – like Jesus did with his birth – he came into the ” mess” of life
1 PM
Simone (Guest): When I was sick in the last weeks – I found it interesting how people – even subconsciously- try to avoid suffering. They want to help – but they want to avoid to sit close to your suffering. And I do not blame them at all. I noticed that I have a special relationship with those – who actually sat on my bedside in these days ( weeks)
Jan 1, 5:11 PM
VsSR (Guest): how was Christmas messy- like the stable etc?
Jan 1, 5:11 PM
Ruth (Guest): Never having been a biological mother, although I delivered more than a hundred babies, and used to get “Mother’ s day cards, and have often observed how much becoming a mother changes a woman, I don’t think I have a right to say anything on this aspect of the question.
5 online
PMSimone (Guest): Well. . I think life generally here on earth is messier – than a well- ordered heaven
2 PM
Simone (Guest): with Christmas – Sister Susan – he stepped into the realm of ” not perfect” – that’ s what I call ” messy”
Jan 1, 5:12 PM
VsSR (Guest): and it is so about suffering- it is hard to see someone suffer
13 PM
VsSR (Guest): it is sometimes easier to accept one’ s own suffering than to watch another suffer
Jan 1, 5:13 PM
Simone (Guest): it really is. . I got a whole new perspective on the profession of nursing. I understand now why so many nuns were called to this. It needs a YES to a ” holy nearness” – to be around suffering.
3 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Sister
Jan 1, 5:13 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I do not know how separate BVM was from Jesus. She was always as close as possible. When she knew the Father, she knew Him. When she knew the Holy Spirit, she knew Him. She was always close to Him.
:14 PM
Lisa C (Guest): When you read about her life through the mystics, God was preparing for her by having her come from a holy family that prayed and sent sacrifices to God for generations
Jan 1, 5:14 PM
VsSR (Guest): filled with compassion, the sword that pierced her soul
Jan 1, 5:14 PM
VsSR (Guest): which mystic
5:14 PM
Lisa C (Guest): When you read about her life through the mystics, God was preparing for her by having her come from a holy family that prayed and sent sacrifices to God for generations
Jan 1, 5:14 PM
VsSR (Guest): filled with compassion, the sword that pierced her soul
Jan 1, 5:14 PM
VsSR (Guest): which mystic
Jan 1, 5:15 PM
Simone (Guest): One more word on nursing quickly. . in the hospital I noticed that nursing has become – at least where I was – mostly a ” job to be done” . . The last time I was in a hospital before that – it was in Austria – and run by nuns. . their visits in the bedroom – were so much more often than just their nursing duties. I missed that truly here
Jan 1, 5:15 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Ann Emerich
Jan 1, 5:15 PM
VsSR (Guest): great one
5 online
Lisa C (Guest): When you read about her life through the mystics, God was preparing for her by having her come from a holy family that prayed and sent sacrifices to God for generations
Jan 1, 5:14 PM
VsSR (Guest): filled with compassion, the sword that pierced her soul
Jan 1, 5:14 PM
VsSR (Guest): which mystic
Jan 1, 5:15 PM
Simone (Guest): One more word on nursing quickly. . in the hospital I noticed that nursing has become – at least where I was – mostly a ” job to be done” . . The last time I was in a hospital before that – it was in Austria – and run by nuns. . their visits in the bedroom – were so much more often than just their nursing duties. I missed that truly here
Jan 1, 5:15 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Ann Emerich
Jan 1, 5:15 PM
VsSR (Guest): great one PM
Lisa C (Guest): Her whole life
Jan 1, 5:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): But I was thinking of how Jesus as an adult knew how much we need that closeness, why he gave us the Eucharist. It’s been hard since I depend on others to get to Mass, and they go only on Sundays.
1 PM
VsSR (Guest): Contemplatives are those who sit by the bedside of the patient and hold their hand, while the doctors and nurses are running in and out doing the medical practice
Jan 1, 5:21 PM
Simone (Guest): I guess. . it makes a difference – if you are called to be a nurse – or if you are working for your pension
Jan 1, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): WOW Sister. . I have never heard about this.
Jan 1, 5:22 PM
VsSR (Guest): so that is the nearness part for contemplatives and the apostolic religgious are like the doctors and nurses- all in regard to the Lord
Jan 1, 5:22 PM
VsSR (Guest): We sit and hold Jesus haND while apostolics serve Him
Jan 1, 5:22 PM
VsSR (Guest): that was my meditation
Jan 1, 5:23 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I do not agree, Mother. . . . in my case the Dr. is praying while she runs around practicing
Jan 1, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): but isn’ t Salesian Spirituality exactly – to bring ” nearness” into the world – also while we serve in professions?
Jan 1, 5:23 PM
VsSR (Guest): that’ s possible too of course!
Jan 1, 5:23 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God can clear my mind
:23 PM
VsSR (Guest): that’ s possible too of course!
Jan 1, 5:23 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God can clear my mind
Jan 1, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I mean. . I am familiar with the contemplative vocation – but what drew me so much to St. Francis de Sales, was his bridging of these two worlds
Jan 1, 5:24 PM
VsSR (Guest): yes he did do tha24 PM
VsSR (Guest): yes he did do that
Jan 1, 5:24 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Sr. MM used to tell us to make every action a prayer
Jan 1, 5:25 PM
Ruth (Guest): Good observation, Simone.
Jan 1, 5:25 PM
Ruth (Guest): Beautiful, Lisa,
Jan 1, 5:25 PM
VsSR (Guest): but we were talking in a way I was, I mean about stillness vs action hit is hard to run around and pray and hold the patients hand while they are in bed all at the same time
Jan 1, 5:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth, I am sure that you have a lot to say to this too. Having been so long in the medical field
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