Reflections:Why is fasting not a virtue in and of itself?What do we need to do in order to “fast well”?Why is it important that other parts (than just our stomach) should fast?What is the importance of humility in fasting?
Isn’t it simply enough to just be doing it?Does fasting have a benefit beyond being an act of penance and to strengthen us spiritually?How can we practice abstinence in the way that St. Francis suggests, “neither speaking nor hearing anything vain and useless”? What is vain and useless talk?
VisSr (Guest): First q Why is fasting not a virtue in and of itself?
eb 19, 7:30 PMCarol (Guest): Because then it’s just a diet
7:32 PMVisSr (Guest): People do sometimes secretly hope their fast reduces their weight, true yet we know that there is so much more to the motive
7:33 PMDawnTheresa (Guest): St F says the good and the bad, the Christians and the Pagans observe it. Fasting is a virtue only when it is accompanied by conditions which render it pleasing to God
19, 7:33 PMBarbara (Guest): Was St F de Sales was saying it’s neutral in itself, but could lead to virtue or vice, depending on the motives?
eb 19, 7:34 PMVisSr (Guest): That’s how I interpret what St Francis says
9, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): as for the question
Feb 19, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): a virtue is something ongoing – something I develop for a life time.
Feb 19, 7:34 PM
VisSr (Guest): but what is virtue, that needs to be clarified too
Feb 19, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): Fasting is for a specific time.
:35 PM
Elena (Guest): Other faith traditions also fast for the purpose of purifying their bodies and gaining some sort of access to the divine as they perceive that, but ultimately for self-improvement.
Feb 19, 7:35 PM
Simone (Guest): I read today – that some young people give up “swearing” for Lent — but does that mean that on Easter Sunday they joyfully go back to swearing?
Feb 19, 7:35 PM
VisSr (Guest): you answered my question Simone before I wrote it!
eb 19, 7:36 PMSimone (Guest): It’s just that this thought really helped me to understand Fasting better
eb 19, 7:36 PM
Elena (Guest): I think the idea is to help break the bad habit of swearing for the purpose of NOT going back to it.
Feb 19, 7:36 PM
Barbara (Guest): I think about the Pharisee in the temple, whose conversation was to himself about himself, lauding his fasting and looking down on the person to whom he felt superior
19, 7:36 PMCarol (Guest): I think Lenten practices are supposed to bring us closer tomGod. If we do them without that in mind it was really nothing
9, 7:36 PM
Simone (Guest): but then you have changed it into a virtue.. when we fast from something – it should be something that is hard to obtain for a while – and then we go back to it.
Feb 19, 7:36 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): lets don’t be him
7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): but you are right Elena – it actually can lead to a life style change.. just thought of another example– and there it fits perfectly
Feb 19, 7:37 PM
VisSr (Guest): I imagine we don’t fast always as we do in Lent but regular fasting is a part of Christian life
7:38 PM
Elena (Guest): I guess there are two ways of thinking about fasting: not having something we like as a form of mortification, that we are able to go back to, or trying to break something that has become a vice and change it to virtue in the long term.
Feb 19, 7:38 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): fasting from the things that prevent us from closeness to God. the distractions, other idols
9, 7:38 PMElena (Guest): DawnTheresa – that’s my way of thinking about it.
Feb 19, 7:38 PMSimone (Guest): Ya, I think you ladies are right
, 7:39 PM
Elena (Guest): On Friday in Religion classes I had the conversation with my middle school students about Lent, and I tried to get them to think about fasting in this way, not just “giving up chocolate.”
Feb 19, 7:39 PM
Barbara (Guest): When St F de Sales referred to the Beatitudes, I felt less burdened and overwhelmed by the other mortifications he talked about, rather to do the kind of fasting that the Lord asked for–like the spiritual and corporal works of mercy
9, 7:40 PM
Elena (Guest): They are at the age where they can think more deeply about these things.
Feb 19, 7:40 PM
Carol (Guest): So then, how to make that vice a virtue?
b 19, 7:40 PMSimone (Guest): can you elaborate a bit Carol please?
eb 19, 7:40 PMElena (Guest): Refraining from the vice and recognizing the temptations as opportunities for practicing virtue.
9, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): oh I see.. so a change of behaviour basically?
Feb 19, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): Well, we’ve talked about how Lenten practices that are not Gid centeredvare just self improvement resolutions
Feb 19, 7:41 PM
Elena (Guest): For example, instead of getting angry at other drivers and calling them names, I pause and ask for the grace to practice patience. So, in once sense, I’m “giving up swearing at other drivers” but really I’m cultivating patience with God’s help. Both/and.
Feb 19, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): it’s a virtue – when it is pursued long- term.. well that’s how I understand it
7:41 PMCarol (Guest): Then, whether or not the change is permanent
b 19, 7:42 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): good point Carol, to make it lasting
Feb 19, 7:42 PM
Elena (Guest): Well the intent is to make a permanent change, not just for the 40 days.
19, 7:42 PMVisSr (Guest): What do we need to do in order to “fast well”?Why is it important that other parts (than just our stomach) should fast?
eb 19, 7:42 PMElena (Guest): But I think there is also value in choosing to give up something we really enjoy as a form of mortification and identifying with our Lord’s Passion.
Simone (Guest): like warm showers?
Feb 19, 7:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes
19, 7:43 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): I have found fasting from food does increase spiritual awareness after a few days
Feb 19, 7:43 PM
Elena (Guest): Giving up coffee.
Feb 19, 7:44 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): this could be the main reason to fast
Feb 19, 7:44 PM
Elena (Guest): I’m not sure I’m strong enough to do that. I need that jolt to get my going when those kids walk in at 8:15 hahaha!
Feb 19, 7:44 PM
Barbara (Guest): The hardest fast for me–other than the physical one–is to give the Lord a sacrifice of praise when I am feeling upset or betrayed–even by or with myself
Feb 19, 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): COFFEE! A priest said – never fast of something that makes others around you suffer.. So.. I better stay with coffee
Feb 19, 7:44 PM
Elena (Guest): Yeah… it can increase spiritual awareness – other religions do it for this reason too.
Feb 19, 7:44 PM
Elena (Guest): Hahahaha Simone! Yeah… that might be bad.
Feb 19, 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): interesting Barbara.
Feb 19, 7:44 PM
Carol (Guest): Lol Simine. Me too
eb 19, 7:45 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): lol. coffee necessary
Feb 19, 7:45 PM
Elena (Guest): Barbara — yes I’m with you there.
19, 7:45 PMElena (Guest): I never thought of it as a “sacrifice of praise” until now.. I get it. Praising God even when things seem awful. It IS a true sacrifice.
eb 19, 7:46 PMSimone (Guest): For me fasting has a lot to do with overcoming – leaning into the pain – sacrificing comfort – and ease –
7 PM
Barbara (Guest): If rejoicing in the Lord is to be our strength, I’m grateful for the counsel to not do what you’ve been talking about: not sacrifice that which makes us grumpy or as the Lord said to look like we’re in agony while fasting
Feb 19, 7:47 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): that would be fasting interiorly?
7:47 PM
Carol (Guest): others should not be able to tell we are fasting
Feb 19, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s also includes – not pronouncing to the world – what you are giving up – as a sign of spiritual superiority
Feb 19, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): on that note.. what is everyone giving up
Feb 19, 7:48 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! I love the idea, too, of “setting aside” as the Lord did in sacrificing what is good and proper for the sake of encouraging others
Feb 19, 7:48 PM
Elena (Guest): “Miss Cambio must be fasting from coffee…she’s extra mean today!” XD
Feb 19, 7:48 PM
VisSr (Guest): What is the importance of humility in fasting?
Feb 19, 7:49 PM
Carol (Guest): You are so funny Elena
Feb 19, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): oh no.. I am so sorry. I really did not want to be mean. Did anyone say what they give up?
Feb 19, 7:49 PM
Ruth (Guest): Maybe fast from business. Get to bed on time and up on time—time enough for . . .
Feb 19, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): I really had no-one in mind — well maybe my Sister in law
, 7:49 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): I have been practicing staying with my temporal suffering and not announcing it, tho I dont often do that. but you know, murmuring and complaining
Feb 19, 7:49 PM
Elena (Guest): I think what we just hit on — being humble about our fasting rather than boasting or trying to draw attention to it.
eb 19, 7:50 PM
VisSr (Guest): and not thinking we are doing this fast without grace
Feb 19, 7:50 PM
Elena (Guest): question: is it okay to share with others what you’re doing for Lent as a means of both accountability and mutual support?
, 7:50 PM
Simone (Guest): of course. for accountability
Feb 19, 7:50 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, Sister — like I can do it all myself — without God’s help!
Feb 19, 7:50 PM
Simone (Guest): of course
Feb 19, 7:50 PM
VisSr (Guest): I think so for that good purpose
Feb 19, 7:50 PM
Carol (Guest): I’m still thinking. But in do need more spiritual reading
Feb 19, 7:50 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): thank you most important point Sr, for we can do nothing without him
Feb 19, 7:50 PM
Simone (Guest): have to step out quickly.. need to talk to the bank here
b 19, 7:51 PMElena (Guest): Okay, good, thank you. there are usually a couple people I do share with
eb 19, 7:51 PMBarbara (Guest): Not judging, criticizing, or COMPLAINING–at least, with God’s Grace, not as much
7:51 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, in the Salesian spirit of not being hyper-critical of ourselves if we fall or fail in our fasting.
Feb 19, 7:52 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): we can tell Jesu about it tho, just talk to him
Feb 19, 7:52 PM
Carol (Guest): Thats a hard one. That behavior is all around us
7:52 PMDawnTheresa (Guest): it is Carol! may God use this to his benefit and glory
eb 19, 7:53 PMElena (Guest): You mean the behavior of complaining and criticizing?
eb 19, 7:54 PMBarbara (Guest): When I think about the Israelites wandering in the desert and complaining and complaining to and about God, and the Lord letting us know we will account for every idle word, Lent becomes a sobering opportunity to fast from self-indulgence
b 19, 7:54 PMCarol (Guest): Yes, it’s in every form of media
eb 19, 7:55 PMCarol (Guest): That is a good way to look at it Barbara.
b 19, 7:55 PM
VisSr (Guest): Does fasting have a benefit beyond being an act of penance and to strengthen us spiritually?
Feb 19, 7:55 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): in complaining there must be some lack of trust. and fear
, 7:56 PM
Carol (Guest): And pride
Feb 19, 7:56 PM
Barbara (Guest): A priest recently said he feels called by the Lord NOT to immerse himself in the news unless he intends to pray about it
Feb 19, 7:56 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh my word… ladies I just learned that Bishop David O’Connell of AD of Los Angeles was shot and killed in his home yesterday. May he rest in Christ’s peace.
b 19, 7:56 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): it has great physical benefits
Feb 19, 7:56 PM
Barbara (Guest): Amen
eb 19, 7:56 PMCarol (Guest): Yes, it is terrible. We have lost a great man
eb 19, 7:57 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): Amen. Carol did you ever have opportunity to see him, being near?
Feb 19, 7:57 PM
Elena (Guest): Speaking of not reading the news… I haven’t seen any news in two days. Someone just texted me this information.
19, 7:57 PMCarol (Guest): In our Archdiocese fir 45 years and not one person ever said anything bad about him
, 7:57 PM
Elena (Guest): DawnTheresa – yes I agree that complaining has its root in lack of trust, and of fear. I never thought of it before, but I think you’re right.
Feb 19, 7:57 PM
Carol (Guest): I did not, my my friend attended his healing Mass last weekend
19, 7:58 PMVisSr (Guest): I think fasting is also a way of being in solidarity with the hungry of the world
eb 19, 7:59 PMCarol (Guest): Yes and we can give what we would have spent on ourselves to them
Feb 19, 8:00 PMBarbara (Guest): When I used to get upset (and still do unfortunately) when “bad things happen to good people,” I religious sister explained to me the difference between God’s ordaining and permitting Will, and that helped to say that God is Good all the time and in control no matter what
eb 19, 8:00 PM
VisSr (Guest): Yes St Francis de Sales also talks about Will in this way
Feb 19, 8:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): Maybe a warning of persecutions to come, not of those who go along with the WOK. U
8:02 PM
VisSr (Guest): How can we practice abstinence in the way that St. Francis suggests, “neither speaking nor hearing anything vain and useless”?
Feb 19, 8:02 PM
Barbara (Guest): TY, Sr, I read that St F de Sales is a kind mentor for the soul; I am so grateful to be able to learn (and practice, with God’s help) your spirituality
eb 19, 8:03 PMCarol (Guest): Walk away from gossip or silly talk
19, 8:03 PMSimone (Guest): Barbara – it always makes me so happy when someone leans into Salesian Spirituality. You will love it.
19, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): You actually sound so Salesian already
Feb 19, 8:03 PM
Elena (Guest): Don’t watch or listen to stuff that promotes immorality, vanity, crassness, language, etc.
Feb 19, 8:03 PM
Barbara (Guest): I’m open & receptive!
Feb 19, 8:03 PM
Ruth (Guest): culture but of the devout who but obedience to natural law, God and the Church in high priority. Some think that the FBI has already begun that persecution and give examples. . .
b 19, 8:04 PM
Elena (Guest): *bad language
Feb 19, 8:04 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): they have begun
8:05 PM
Carol (Guest): It is in every day life too. Too long to tell the story here but I did have an experience like this last week
Feb 19, 8:05 PM
VisSr (Guest): It is good we have the ability to strengthen ourselves here with one another
Feb 19, 8:05 PM
VisSr (Guest): How Carol
Feb 19, 8:05 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): yes it is Sr!
Feb 19, 8:05 PM
Barbara (Guest): What convicts me is that the same tongue, as the Scripture says, that praises God, curses neighbor…And that same tongue receives the Lord in Holy Communion…St James is my hero for what he says about the tongue being a small but fiery member
Feb 19, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): a safe place here – where we are reminded we are not alone
9, 8:06 PM
Elena (Guest): I JUST read that passage from St. James to my students this past week! The Fifth Commandment.
Feb 19, 8:06 PM
Carol (Guest): Its a very long story with explanation of all the people who got involved. I was classified with those on the extreme
7 PM
VisSr (Guest): Regular Catholics are now extreme it seems
Feb 19, 8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): I need to stay with that thought Barbara
Feb 19, 8:07 PM
Barbara (Guest): I’m convicted, too, by the way the Lord expressed to St Bridget of Sweden that when we think of how the Lord’s Body was violated in His Passion–what His ears had to listen to etc, it should compel us to be more vigilant and “holy” in the use of our senses
Feb 19, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): that’s true Sister
9 PMElena (Guest): There is persecution, no doubt. However, it doesn’t help that there actually is a cult-ish “Traditionalist” group that is in schism with Rome and seems to have become the extremist face of anything resembling Traditionalist yet not extreme.
eb 19, 8:10 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, and it is not good to divide our own Church
Feb 19, 8:10 PM
Ruth (Guest): I’m not sure what regular Catholics are. A survey of “atho
Feb 19, 8:10 PM
VisSr (Guest): Ones that follow the Catechism?
:10 PM
Simone (Guest): ok.. before I forget.. please let me tell you that your prayers for Sam – my daughter’s boyfriend are mighty fruitful – He is in a state of grace – where all he wants now is to find truth.. he watched the whole week movies on the Catholic faith.. and my daughter said, that she can tell- that he is getting softer in many areas – actually starting to defend the Catholic faith to his room mates- and inviting his family to the Catholic teachings. PLEASE, please please – keep praying – he has not surrendered yet
Feb 19, 8:10 PM
Barbara (Guest): uh-oh–Elena, what “Traditionalist” group?
Feb 19, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): Praise God, Simone! Prayers continuing!!
Feb 19, 8:11 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): Ruth did your sentence cut off? would like to hear your completed thought
Feb 19, 8:11 PM
VisSr (Guest): Praise God for Sam’s journey- prayers continue
Feb 19, 8:11 PM
Carol (Guest): Simone, that is beautiful
:11 PM
Ruth (Guest): I Catholic parents indicated that only 1/3 considered it a high priority that their children come to have beliefs like their own.
Feb 19, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): SSPX (Society of Saint Pius X). But I don’t want to derail the conversation into that territory. Look up Bishop Lefebvre on National Catholic Register or The Pillar and you can read about it.
Feb 19, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): the visible turn really started 2 days after I asked for prayer here with you all. I am so very thankful for your support in this
19, 8:12 PM
Elena (Guest): Wow, that’s so amazing and wonderful, Simone!
Feb 19, 8:12 PM
VisSr (Guest): Back to vain and useless talk I suppose we all might engage in that at times
Feb 19, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Elena. SSPX even sounds to me a little bit too far.V
8:13 PM
Barbara (Guest): Just read a great book on intercessory prayers–in addition to offering our prayers during the Prayers of the Faithful, the author suggested offering them in the water that the priest drops into the chalice
Feb 19, 8:13 PM
Elena (Guest): There’s also that fine line between healthy venting or thinking out loud and speaking meanly or harshly about someone else.
Feb 19, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): well.. it is easy for me to say away from vain and useless talk.. since NOONE talks to me anyways
b 19, 8:14 PMElena (Guest): Simone! haha
8:14 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): Vain and useless talk, sometimes it is a stress release. LOL Simone, no one talks to me either. Lol
Feb 19, 8:14 PM
Carol (Guest): But mostly people should vent only to one close advisor
Feb 19, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): I talk to myself. Does that count?
Feb 19, 8:14 PM
Barbara (Guest): What about the idle talk we do in our own heads–distractions, complaints etc
Feb 19, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): do I sound bitter? just kidding.. but there is some truth in that. Every since my years in silence and solitude.. I do not communicate a lot with others. well – not on a regular base.
Feb 19, 8:14 PM
Carol (Guest): Aah Simine!
8:15 PM
Carol (Guest): Hey, wait, at work, no one talks to me either!
Feb 19, 8:15 PM
Barbara (Guest): Elena–yes! I think the self-talk does count, and in some ways can be as deadly as talking about others
Feb 19, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): Barbara.. I am in menopause..I cannot keep an interior dialogue get going. Constantly forget what was said last
Feb 19, 8:15 PM
Elena (Guest): Carol yes you’re right. Rather than spewing to anyone and everyone – that is vain and gossipy.
Feb 19, 8:15 PM
Carol (Guest): What are we all doing right?
b 19, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): ok.. back to serious now.
Feb 19, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s a good point. actually – out thoughts
19, 8:16 PMBarbara (Guest): Simone, I’m smiling…even past menopausal–in fact, it gets worse…TOO BAD WE CAN”T FORGET PAST HURTS
9, 8:16 PM
Elena (Guest): The freight train of my own inner-monologue. It gets heavy. I’m constantly asking my Guardian Angel to help me avoid the really dark or negative stuff and give those fears to Christ.
Feb 19, 8:16 PM
Simone (Guest): I have one person in my life – and I do not know why I have such bad feelings towards her – it totally ruins my hope that I actually could be a Saint – but what I tried recently – I bless her – whenever I think of her – and my thoughts start to get sour
19, 8:17 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): when I feel like talking to someone, more and more it is Jesus. he really does hear us.
Feb 19, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): what a good idea.. to refer to the Guardian Angel. .I like that Elena
8:17 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): when I feel like talking to someone, more and more it is Jesus. he really does hear us.
Feb 19, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): what a good idea.. to refer to the Guardian Angel. .I like that Elena
Feb 19, 8:17 PM
Barbara (Guest): That’s a good reminder to self…I neglect “using” my GA in a way that would be so glorifying to God for the gift
Feb 19, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): Barbara- you are right – we cannot forget hurts -unless we ask Jesus to make us forget them maybe?
Feb 19, 8:17 PM
Carol (Guest): I believe they like it when we do
Feb 19, 8:18 PM
Elena (Guest): Simone – I have someone like that too. It’s a constant battle to bless and not complain or think darkly of her. I see behaviors from her that are not virtuous or helpful to students… it’s hard to watch but I have to surrender it all to Jesus.
b 19, 8:19 PMBarbara (Guest): I know angels are neither male nor female, but am I the only one who thinks of my GA in the feminine? Although lately I’m thinking having a STRONG “brother” might be better
Feb 19, 8:19 PMSimone (Guest): My problem is – that I truly think that “my person” is probably quite similar to me. That is even more upsetting to me
19, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): My problem is – that I truly think that “my person” is probably quite similar to me. That is even more upsetting to me
Feb 19, 8:19 PM
Carol (Guest): I usually think of mine as masculine. And that tending me is giving him gray hair
Feb 19, 8:20 PM
Barbara (Guest): For a long time I couldn’t “get” how criticizing someone else is really a condemnation of ourselves
8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Often we dislike in others what we dislike in ourselves
Feb 19, 8:20 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): God is revealing so much , it seems, both interior and around us in the world. the sense I have lately
Feb 19, 8:20 PM
Elena (Guest): I don’t mean disrespect to my guardian angel – I see my angel as being huge and super strong but also sensitive. also with a sense of humor, like face-palming when I do/say something stupid.
19, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): I am not very advanced in Guardian Angels.
Feb 19, 8:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone, that is what I was thinking, too. I love alone. And of I communicate mostly in writing I can take time to Think about what I write.
eb 19, 8:21 PMCarol (Guest): Lol Elena. Mine helps me find lost things
19, 8:21 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh yes mine does, too, Carol
Feb 19, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes – you are all right.. I have to look into the mirror myself.
Feb 19, 8:21 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): writing is a wonderful way to think Ruth, thanks for mentioning this
Feb 19, 8:21 PM
Barbara (Guest): St Michael is my hero; wish we went back to praying his prayer after Mass. If the Pope (Leo XII????) thought we needed his help “then,” imagine now!
Feb 19, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): And I love your writings Ruth.
Feb 19, 8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): I’ve given up promising to never lose anything agsin
Feb 19, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): I agree we criticize what is a reflection of ourselves. Then it’s like “yeeowww really?”
b 19, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): Our Diocese prays the St Michael prayer after Mass
Feb 19, 8:22 PM
VisSr (Guest): we do here in our Monastery
eb 19, 8:22 PMCarol (Guest): You can Barbara. People are doing it after recessional
9, 8:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): Thanks for the reminder…Plus, now that we have a new bishop, maybe I should write again requesting it
Feb 19, 8:23 PM
VisSr (Guest): Which Bishop
b 19, 8:23 PMCarol (Guest): Yes. If the priest doesn’t lead it you can certainly say it
25 PMDawnTheresa (Guest): I’m glad you do in the Monastary. beginning to read a little on how prayers from a monastary , nuns and monks, the graces the prayers all day how more powerful they are when you pray for the world or others. I think I said this completely backwards, but I want to understand it more deeply
, 8:25 PM
Ruth (Guest): Kind of you to say so, Simone.
Feb 19, 8:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Before everyone leaves.. Just wanted to let you know ladies, that Peter got a phone call from the Bishop this week . and he wants to see Peter on Wednesday. We both know that this is about a new placement for Peter. Please pray that we find both acceptance with love for the decision the Bishop has made for Peter. It could mean leaving our house here.
9, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): Sorry, if I come across so prayer needy today –
Feb 19, 8:26 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh, Simone! Certainly will be praying for God’s will to be done and for peace in this.
Feb 19, 8:26 PM
VisSr (Guest): Yes Simone, it must be important!
b 19, 8:26 PM
Elena (Guest): Don’t be sorry~ that’s what we’re here to do for each other!
Feb 19, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks for your grace Elena
Feb 19, 8:26 PM
Carol (Guest): I will Simone change can be so hard
:27 PM
Simone (Guest): that’s why I really prepare my heart for a full YES -at the moment I will hear the decision
Feb 19, 8:27 PM
VisSr (Guest): Each of you please have a blessed beginning of the Lenten season!
Feb 19, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): You are not codependent Simone. Human
, 8:27 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): Prayers for everyone’s intentions here, and Simone for you and your husband esp . for all the Visitation sisters God bless you all!
Feb 19, 8:27 PM
VisSr (Guest): Prayers for all, yes
Feb 19, 8:27 PM
Barbara (Guest): I’ve read that the best way to have your own prayer-needs met is to pray first for others who have the same needs as yours Praying for you and others
Feb 19, 8:28 PM
Carol (Guest): I have special intentions too
Feb 19, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): let us know Carol
Elena (Guest): Blessed Lent!
Feb 19, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): It was so lovely to see so many of you today again. so so lovely
Feb 19, 8:28 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): thank you, good night everyone. have a blessed beginning of Lent. this was helpful letter from St F to discuss tonight….will read it again!
9 PM
Carol (Guest): Blessed Lent!
Feb 19, 8:29 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! Fruitful Lent, by God’s Grace and St F de Sales counsel, for others and ourselves!
Feb 19, 8:29 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes
Feb 19, 8:29 PM
VisSr (Guest): Will be praying! God bless!
Feb 19, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): For you Carol, change would bring peace it seems.