St. Francis leads with the ubiquitous: “All things work together for good to those who love God.” How can we defend this in the light of suffering? Are we supposed to allow misfortune merely at the prospect of “at least we’ll be in heaven one day?”Reflect on the fact that Jesus does not promise to replace sorrow with joy, but that He will transform our sorrow into joy. What is the difference between replace and transform?What does it mean that God is our Father? And how can people properly see this as a properly see this as a positive thing who have negative experiences with earthly fathers?How can we have “perfect confidence” to accept whatever may come, the good and the bad?St. Francis says a true servant of God “unites his will, not to the means of serving God, but to the service and good pleasure of God.” What is the difference between these two?How can we “seek first the Kingdom of God”? What does this mean exactly?We are not to worry about what to eat or wear, but what are we responsible for doing to
Mar 31, 9:34 AM
SrSusan (Guest): for doing to obtain these things? In other words, what does God expect us to do to gain these things? How does our state in life determine this?
Mar 31, 9:35 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sunday chat April 2 Sun at 730 pm est
Mar 31, 9:35 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat

Newsletter for Sunday chat April 2 | Visitation Spirit
8 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis leads with the ubiquitous: “All things work together for good to those who love God.” How can we defend this in the light of suffering? Are we supposed to allow misfortune merely at the prospect of “at least we’ll be in heaven one day?”
Apr 2, 7:29 PM
Barbara (Guest): Reminds of Serenity Prayer… …God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change…Courage to change the things I can…And Wisdom to know the difference. e.g. context/nature of each “misfortune” determines our called-for reaction in accord with God’s Will—no matter what, we are not called to indifference to suffering—esp. to the suffering of others–Like what Paula is going to work toward for her friend!
Apr 2, 7:30 PM
Barbara (Guest): What a blessing for both of you, Paula!
Apr 2, 7:30 PM
Paula (Guest): Sometimes after we suffer a misfortune such as a broken bone….it turns out feeling better than before
Apr 2, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I had that experience a year and a half ago, broken foot I walk ok now
Apr 2, 7:31 PM
Barbara (Guest): Praise God for His healing!
Apr 2, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Suffering is a spiritual experience and if Jesus suffered we must too as His disciples
Apr 2, 7:31 PM
Steph (Guest): Hello all! God bless you!
Apr 2, 7:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Welcome Steph!
Apr 2, 7:32 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s a learning experience spiritually to suffer
Apr 2, 7:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): It does not always feel spiritual, that is suffering
Apr 2, 7:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Ruth
pr 2, 7:33 PMBarbara (Guest): Greetings, Steph! …Yes, Sr. Reminds me that what is “suffering” to one person might not be perceived as such to another.–depends on what we perceive as a cross, right?..
2, 7:33 PMSteph (Guest): I think suffering can be offered up – not that we are asking for misfortune but accepting and trusting in the Lord
7:34 PM
Paula (Guest): When I had my foot surgeries, it was difficult being at home with no one. I was climbing the walls with cabin fever….now it doesn’t bother me being alone with the Lord
Apr 2, 7:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Sometimes we console ourselves with the thought of heaven
pr 2, 7:35 PMSrSusan (Guest): That is a grace Paula!
7:35 PM
Barbara (Guest): Amen!
Apr 2, 7:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Reflect on the fact that Jesus does not promise to replace sorrow with joy, but that He will transform our sorrow into joy. What is the difference between replace and transform?
Apr 2, 7:36 PM
Steph (Guest): I imagine heaven like adoration. So peaceful and serene. I am always joyful when I leave
pr 2, 7:37 PMBarbara (Guest): “Transform” acknowledges that first sorrow will exist–we will experience sorrow (which He will not remove/replace with joy); transform also acknowledges that instances of sorrow will not always remain “sorrowful.” If we love God, in His time and in His way, the sorrow will be changed into joy—as a process that might not be complete until Heaven, which as you said, Sr, is a consolation!
2, 7:38 PMPaula (Guest): Aren’t we supposed to suffer with joy and love? Just like Jesus who consoled the women of Jerusalem on the way of the cross
, 7:39 PM
Steph (Guest): I agree Paula. Suffering can be offered up with joy and love
Apr 2, 7:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes
Apr 2, 7:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): replace vs transform takes some thinking about, for me
Apr 2, 7:39 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes, Paula! I love meditations on Our Lady of Sorrows and of Joy–like the mysteries of the Rosary that mix both together–even when focused on one set mysteries or another
Apr 2, 7:39 PM
Steph (Guest): for example holy souls in purgatory, we are showing love of neighbor and compassion for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ
, 7:40 PMSimone (Guest): When suffering gets transformed – the circumstances of the suffering might still be the same — but now experienced without pain -but rather with joy. if suffering would be replaced with joy – then the circumstances would have to be changed too. does that make sense the way I write it?
r 2, 7:41 PM
Barbara (Guest): Paula–I find myself thinking that Jesus counseled the women of Jerusalem
Apr 2, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes thank you Simone!!!
1 PMPaula (Guest): Transform happens after or as you suffer….you come to a realization to have charity in your suffering …it is not that bad in comparison to Christ’s suffering….then you have joy, 7:42 PM
2, 7:42 PM
Paula (Guest): He did Barbara. Jesus consoled them.
Apr 2, 7:42 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): I like the distinction between transforming and replacing suffering.
7:42 PMSimone (Guest): I loved the question too Ruth when I read it.
Apr 2, 7:43 PMBarbara (Guest): Only the Lord could enable us to feel joy in the face of sorrow
, 7:43 PMSimone (Guest): I also think that we are often granted “double grace” when we go through severe suffering
2, 7:44 PMRuth 2nd device (Guest): Simone, that makes sense to me.
, 7:46 PMPaula (Guest): It’s having a positive perspective which is difficult with long illnesses or limited sacraments, ability to pray, etc.
r 2, 7:48 PMSrSusan (Guest): What does it mean that God is our Father? And how can people properly see this as a properly see this as a positive thing who have negative experiences with earthly fathers?
pr 2, 7:49 PMBarbara (Guest): When you feel the Lord’s deep abiding peace & joy in the face of suffering, it’s a beautiful GIFT from the Lord…which, when withheld, can lead to more suffering and a self-quesitonning if you are suffering well, when the Lord might be gifting the chance to trust more and to suffer more for Lord of Him for a greater reward
r 2, 7:50 PMBarbara (Guest): Fathers love–protect, generate, counsel, educate, discipline
7:51 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): It helps to allow Jesus to reveal what the Father is like.
Apr 2, 7:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jesus called God His Father and we are adopted into Him so he is our Father whether we understand that fully or not
7:51 PMSimone (Guest): I see it again and again – that people cringe to call God Father – because it immediately brings a negative connection to them. One of the reasons I think why it was always so easy to love God and accept Him as my Father – was because I had the privilege to have a Father – who gave me the gift to feel unconditionally loved. No matter what. He loved me and would have done anything for me. Was he perfect? Sure not. But his love for me seemed to be perfect
pr 2, 7:52 PMPaula (Guest): Our Father loves us and wants the best for us. God is perfect what He gives is the best for us even if it doesn’t seem so.
, 7:52 PMSimone (Guest): When we call God Father – it means we carry His DNA in us
, 7:52 PM
Simone (Guest): the Holy Spirit – is his DNA
Apr 2, 7:52 PM
Barbara (Guest): You were greatly blessed by that human father’s gift, Simone!
pr 2, 7:53 PMSimone (Guest): Thank you Barbara, I really was
7:54 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): That is an interesting analogy Simone – HIS DNA!
Apr 2, 7:55 PMRuth 2nd device (Guest): We are made in the image and likeness of God.
, 7:55 PMRuth 2nd device (Guest): And called to become more and more like our Father.
6 PM
Barbara (Guest): Having been originally catechized back in the 50’s, what blocked my relationship with our Heavenly Father was the early childhood mis-understanding that the Father condemned Jesus to death–and if He would do that to His PERFECT SON–what would He do to me?
Apr 2, 7:56 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
6 PM
7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): oh Barbara – I can totally understand that this brings confusion.
Apr 2, 7:56 PM
Paula (Guest): Even if people have a negative experience with their earthly dad’s still at times you find out even though they faultier they still want the best for us….whichis what God wants
Apr 2, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): perfect means holy – and we can be holy – because the HOLY Spirit is in su
Apr 2, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): us
r 2, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): By the way — the new book from Scott Hahn on holiness is really really good
Apr 2, 7:57 PM
Barbara (Guest): And, perfect means merciful, too!
:58 PM
Simone (Guest): I think that everything that is drenched with GOD is perfect
Apr 2, 7:58 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): Barbara, that IS a tough one. Have you figured it out yet?
pr 2, 7:58 PM
Barbara (Guest): PRaise God! Thanks to that car
Apr 2, 7:58 PM
Barbara (Guest): “accident,” the Lord led me to a different understanding!
7:58 PM
Barbara (Guest): TY for asking, dear Ruth!
Apr 2, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How can we have “perfect confidence” to accept whatever may come, the good and the bad?
, 7:59 PMPaula (Guest): Jesus came not only out of obedience to His Father but out of love….for us and His Father
r 2, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): perfect confidence comes out of trust in a God who is perfect
Apr 2, 8:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): growing in trust helps
8:00 PMBarbara (Guest): Because the One Whom we trust is Infinitely Perfect and Loving, His promises –like to transform sorrow into joy if we love Him, are TRUE
:00 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): It is the same issue we have with the Abraham & Issac story. I struggled with how to present it to 2nd graders.
Apr 2, 8:00 PM
Steph (Guest): Good question Sister, I pray to Our Lady to keep me under her mantle, and I do hang on tight believe me, and just trust in God for outcome as He wills it
:01 PMSimone (Guest): I find that the more I learn and meditate on the nature of GOD and what Jesus reveals about this nature- the easier it becomes for me to trust and grow in perfect confidence
, 8:02 PM
Paula (Guest): Because All Things Works for Good!
Apr 2, 8:02 PM
Barbara (Guest): YES, PAula!!!
Apr 2, 8:02 PM
Steph (Guest): Yes Paula exactly!
Apr 2, 8:02 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): Trust is hard to learn, especially if you have had bad experiences: including betrayal or abuse by your own father.
Apr 2, 8:02 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): or mother.
2, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): And SFDS says be in the present moment
Apr 2, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): I think that often the “wonky trust” comes in – when we try to close holes in our understanding of GOD – with our own explanations – for me it often were psychological assumptions about GOD. But God is other. utterly other than us – and yet -we still can understand HIM and His being -when we search Him in Spirit and Truth
r 2, 8:03 PM
Barbara (Guest): We need so much healing!
Apr 2, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): do we ever
4 PM
Simone (Guest): I had difficulties with Mother Mary – when I came into the church. My negative experiences were all more with my mother – so I had to lean into standing against these thoughts, as I opened myself to the intercession of Mother Mary
Apr 2, 8:04 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): True Simone.
Apr 2, 8:04 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ruth, can we “learn” to trust with our minds, or “will” to trust and let the Lord gift us with it?
Apr 2, 8:04 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): We need to internalize those words, Paula.
r 2, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): I think that trust is growing also in correlation as we surrender – the more we surrender – the more we get on “trusting ground”
Apr 2, 8:06 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): Good observation, Barbara.
8:07 PMPaula (Guest): We need to trust in what God has revealed to us through the Bible and His Son….God is so great and awesome….who could know everything about HimRuth 2nd device (Guest): YES, Simone.
, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): luckily we do not need to know everything about Him here – one day we will know that.. What a day that will be! HALLELUJAH!
Apr 2, 8:07 PM
Barbara (Guest): Maybe trust is a “no matter what” attitude or thought–no matter how it looks, or seems, or appears, of feels–if we love God, as Paula said earlier–all things work for good & we can trust that ultimate happy ending!
pr 2, 8:08 PMSimone (Guest): holy indifference
2, 8:08 PMRuth 2nd device (Guest): It helps to have other PEOPLE in our lives, too, who are, for the most part, trust-worthy.
Apr 2, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): how does that help you Ruth?
Apr 2, 8:09 PM
Barbara (Guest): aka, Simone, holy detachment
Apr 2, 8:09 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Not sure why my texts are not posting
Apr 2, 8:09 PM
Paula (Guest): And we may not know everything one day as God is so awesome and boundless…endless…infinite
Apr 2, 8:09 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Oh it worked
Apr 2, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): I can read it Lisa
Apr 2, 8:09 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Lisa
8:10 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): Paula and Paul — in the letter to the Romans.
Apr 2, 8:10 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Hi Mother good news …my Sister is having a Granddaughter in July, and I have my Nephew convinced to send her to VA
Apr 2, 8:11 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Can you apply as a 25 week Fetus?
Apr 2, 8:11 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Too young! But soon
12 PM
Lisa C (Guest): 😁
Apr 2, 8:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis says a true servant of God “unites his will, not to the means of serving God, but to the service and good pleasure of God.” What is the difference between these two?How can we “seek first the Kingdom of God”?
13 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): Ah, now I remember, Lisa. You had so many good experiences at Visitation
Apr 2, 8:13 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): Acadamy
8:14 PM
Barbara (Guest): The words of the Lord to those who contend that they “did” things in His Name—I never knew You are scary!!! His words remind us that when we DO things that please us, BUT we don’t have a loving/obedient relationship with the Lord as the source from which the acts spring—those actions are not to the Lord’s service and good pleasure.
Apr 2, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): this question is a little bit confusing for me.. does it mean that we should not just will to serve God how we want – but rather attach our will to the will of good pleasure of God – and accept what He brings along?
8:14 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Uniting your will to the service of God means you are deciding what to do for God which may not be what He truly wills
Apr 2, 8:15 PM
Steph (Guest): we are disciples, God uses our hands and feet to serve others
pr 2, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): yes Lisa – that’s how I understood it too
Apr 2, 8:15 PM
Paula (Guest): Accept what He brings along
2, 8:15 PMLisa C (Guest): Service and good pleasure of God is accepting what God sends us to do in the situations in which He puts us
2, 8:16 PM
Barbara (Guest): in the present moment–being available at a moment’s notice…?
Apr 2, 8:16 PM
Paula (Guest): yes
pr 2, 8:16 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): That, Sister, is the important thing to discern. Sometimes we have invested so very much in a particular service “plan” even after careful discernment, but events may demonstrate that God has another plan, at least for hear and now.
Apr 2, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): so true Ruth
:17 PMSimone (Guest): I remember my Spiritual Director saying – when he heard about my plans. ” Simone – this sounds that you have a chance to do something really big here. But could it be that GOD wants to do something GREAT instead? Something of eternal value?” That made me think for several weeks
r 2, 8:18 PMPaula (Guest): Seeking God’s Kingdom is doing HIS Will as, how, when He presents it
r 2, 8:19 PMSrSusan (Guest): Yes His Whole Will
2, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): seeking opportunities how HiS kingdom can grow – not mie
Apr 2, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): mine
Apr 2, 8:19 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): here and now. Continue to be attentive! Listening prayer. Responding to the needs as we see them.
8:20 PMBarbara (Guest): We can seek His Kingdom first by prioritizing our time, talent and treasure in accord with God’s Holy Will
0 PM
Simone (Guest): seek his kingdom first — my motivation to do the Liturgy of the Hours first thing in the morning
Apr 2, 8:20 PM
Paula (Guest): that means responding to the person who taps you on the shoulder randomly and asks you for something
Apr 2, 8:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What does this mean exactly?We are not to worry about what to eat or wear, but what are we responsible for doing to
SrSusan (Guest): for doing to obtain these things? In other words, what does God expect us to do to gain these things? How does our state in life determine this?
pr 2, 8:21 PMLisa C (Guest): Trust Him
pr 2, 8:22 PMBarbara (Guest): Ora & Labora….e.g. the famous quote…Pray as if everything depends on God. Work as if everything depends on us. Trust in the Lord to show us the difference if we ask Him—back to the Serenity Prayer–serenity, wisdom, courage through the Holy Spirit!
8:22 PMSteph (Guest): we should be in union with God, follow his commandments, love our neighbor, pray daily
, 8:22 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): AND listening to one another — because SOMETIMES a person outside the situation may see how we are deceiving ourselves.
Apr 2, 8:22 PM
Paula (Guest): using our talents and time to labor for what we need but do it for His honor and glory in all that we do
pr 2, 8:23 PMSteph (Guest): our state in life is strive to be as holy as we should, or something like that is stated in Litany of Humility
r 2, 8:23 PM
Simone (Guest): If we have a holy detachment to the way we eat and look – we will be always content with what we have. God feeds his children. In every state of life – we can let go of expectations on our life circumstances.
Apr 2, 8:23 PM
Lisa C (Guest): “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Apr 2, 8:23 PMLisa C (Guest): Trust Him
r 2, 8:24 PM
Steph (Guest): Pray, hope and don’t worry – said Saint Padre Pio
Apr 2, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): God will always give me enough to have the strength to do HIS will
Apr 2, 8:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): an aside- today is 18 years since St John Paul 11 died
Apr 2, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): maybe not enough to do my own will – but always for His will
r 2, 8:24 PMPaula (Guest): plus be grateful for what God does give us….living within our means
r 2, 8:24 PMLisa C (Guest): JPII. Be not afraid
r 2, 8:25 PMBarbara (Guest): Yes, Sr.! The Lord Graced him to die on First Sat, but at () or so in the evening, which then was the vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday!
pr 2, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): oooh. that is special
Apr 2, 8:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): 9 o’clock
pr 2, 8:26 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): So many good priest were inspired by JP II.
Apr 2, 8:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Not sure about newsletter yet
Apr 2, 8:27 PM
Lisa C (Guest): He and Benedict XII were such great Popes
Apr 2, 8:27 PM
Barbara (Guest): What a wonderful confirmation of his Totus Tuus and his pontificate devoted to Divine Mercy
Apr 2, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): his teaching on Theology of the Body was life changing for me
r 2, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): I wish everyone a meaningful Holy Week.
Apr 2, 8:28 PM
Ruth 2nd device (Guest): So important.
Apr 2, 8:28 PM
Paula (Guest): And Holy Hours & Confession
Apr 2, 8:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes a very blessed Holy Week
r 2, 8:29 PMRuth 2nd device (Guest): A blessed week and Easter to all of you.
PMBarbara (Guest): Blessed Holy Week & Easter, Everyone!! See” you all, by God’s Grace, for the “regular” chat on Divine Mercy Sunday—and if possible for an informal chat connect Easter Sunday!
2, 8:29 PM
Paula (Guest): Good Night
Apr 2, 8:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Good night and God bless!
pr 2, 8:29 PMSteph (Guest): Good night all, thank you for interesting session!