Why is it important for each vocation to have devotion that is befitting that vocation, even as specific to the individual?Is this just a concession? And does this mean, then, that lay people are capable of lesser degrees of holiness compared to religious and celibates?Why do we call devotion ‘devotion’? And does this always refer to certain prayers and rites?Reflect on 1 Corinthians 12:21, The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”What
Apr 23, 7:14 PM
Paula (Guest): Good Evening all….Sr Susan
Apr 23, 7:14 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Dear sr Susan hi how are you? I did email you have you see my email ? Bettychao
Apr 23, 7:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What are some specific types of devotions that people can consider for various vocations or if they are struggling to find a way to get some devotion into their daily rhythm?
Apr 23, 7:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hello Paula and Betty
Apr 23, 7:15 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan I did sent you email and tell you why I did not join the chat and my health problem I did sent you email let you know did you see my email?
4 online
SrSusan (Guest): Hello Paula and Betty
Apr 23, 7:15 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan I did sent you email and tell you why I did not join the chat and my health problem I did sent you email let you know did you see my email?
Apr 23, 7:15 PM
Paula (Guest): I used to say little affirmations or prayers as I used to work
Apr 23, 7:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That is wonderful Paula
Apr 23, 7:17 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan have you see my email.
Apr 23, 7:17 PM
Paula (Guest): It makes time fly and offers things up for poor souls, etc.
Apr 23, 7:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Betty I did I was in DC
Apr 23, 7:17 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I have 5disease that make me tired my health is not that good now in those days my blood sugar is killing me
Apr 23, 7:18 PM
Paula (Guest): Sorry I missed last week….I had to take a friend to surgery early Monday morning
Apr 23, 7:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): limited access to computer while I was at the meeting there
Apr 23, 7:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I was not here either because of the trip to DC
26 PM
Barbara (Guest): Sr. Susan, If there is time tonight & if it fits in the context of tonight’s excerpt, could you please “speak” to how the Holy Spirit’s Gifts of piety and fear of the Lord fit into St FdeS’ focus on the devout life?…For St FdeS, is fear of the Lord (foL) and/or piety a precursor to being devout—Does being devout take piety & foL up a notch? Is being ”pious” a synonym for being “devout”?
Apr 23, 7:26 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I been to st Patrick cathedral in broadway nyc
Apr 23, 7:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes piety and devotion are similar for him, also he uses devotion instead of holiness or striving for it
Apr 23, 7:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): devout is taking the spiritual life seriously
Apr 23, 7:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): first q Why is it important for each vocation to have devotion that is befitting that vocation, even as specific to the individual?Is this just a concession?
Apr 23, 7:27 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I been to their mass in cathedral is the cardinal bishop during mass I join his mass in broadway nyc st patrick
Apr 23, 7:28 PM
Barbara (Guest): TY!! Yes! I wondered if one were more bottom-line mandatory, and the other “higher” or “deeper”
4 online
Apr 23, 7:29 PMSrSusan (Guest): you notice that SFDS speaks of different devotions based on one’s call in life- I think he mens one practices spirtual exercises differently
:31 PM
Paula (Guest): Devotion is sort of like being career oriented but with a religious twist to it
Apr 23, 7:31 PM
Barbara (Guest): If I understand ST F deS, living a devout life is supposed to be evangelizing; being inappropriately devout in conflict with carrying out the duties of one’s state of life can be a “turn off” for others whom one is supposed to serve…
pr 23, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): both of these perceptions are good and valid I think
Apr 23, 7:31 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan did you talk to people in zoom I think I never meet you before. I really want meet you but we have no time to meet
23, 7:32 PMPaula (Guest): but devotion must fit the environment….what can be practically done at the career site so to speak
pr 23, 7:34 PM
Barbara (Guest): It’s a challenge to give up certain devotions out of deference to the others whom one serves while still keeping God in first place
Apr 23, 7:34 PM
Paula (Guest): a construction work can’t necessarily go to Mass everyday….although…I had cousins in painting high towers and they took the effort to go every day
r 23, 7:36 PMSrSusan (Guest): q 2 And does this mean, then, that lay people are capable of lesser degrees of holiness compared to religious and celibates?
Apr 23, 7:37 PM
Paula (Guest): no but sometimes lay people start as devout lay and end up religious
7:37 PM
Barbara (Guest): Less capable in terms of the kinds of devotions lay persons practice, but since God rewards intention of heart, probably not…
Apr 23, 7:37 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I do join mass and devotion in the Bible in afternoon
Apr 23, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I agree
Apr 23, 7:38 PMBarbara (Guest): Sorry–I missed saying less capable in terms of time constraints…
, 7:40 PMSrSusan (Guest): Lay people can be holier than a religious but the lifestyle and devotion is different
3, 7:40 PM
Paula (Guest): I had a cousin who painted high towers and said all of the Bridgetine Prayers and went to Mass every day before work….and when he was suffer from cancer later…dying …his dead mother (a Saint also) was appearing to him consoling him as he died
Apr 23, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Very special
42 PM
Barbara (Guest): Is it fair to say that b/c of the time & cost (energy & financial), the “causes” of lay people are not undertaken as are those of religious so that it seems as if only religious are “holy” in terms of canonization?
Apr 23, 7:42 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I meet Jesus in sleep when I in my California home
Apr 23, 7:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Probably in the past that was true Barbara but I think the Church is changing
3, 7:44 PM
Barbara (Guest): The dioceses, not the families, are underwriting the costs and doing the paperwork, right?
Apr 23, 7:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes but even for lay people the diocese does it
pr 23, 7:44 PMBarbara (Guest): Yes…sorry that’s what I meant to say
pr 23, 7:47 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Why do we call devotion ‘devotion’? And does this always refer to certain prayers and rites?
pr 23, 7:48 PMRuth (Guest): I think not, Sr. Susan.
7:49 PM
Barbara (Guest): “Devotion”= ever-ready Spiritual Potential Energy; Devotions = manifested “Spiritual Kinetic Energy”
Apr 23, 7:49 PM
Ruth (Guest): You k woof the St. Gianni? Physician,mother, who refused to abort her daughter even though it would cost her life.
Apr 23, 7:49 PM
Paula (Guest): Devotion implies a benevolent constancy like praying
7:52 PM
Ruth (Guest): No Betty. I think devotion can take any forms. It is all about obedience to God and Love. St. Gianni showed both heroically.
Apr 23, 7:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes there are devotions and there is devotion- devotions are prayers, devotion is a more general a state of being
pr 23, 7:52 PMPaula (Guest): Devotion can be meditative like prayer ……ora…labora
pr 23, 7:55 PMPaula (Guest): devotion is dedication to your work for the love of God and the talent that He has given you and doing your best at it for His honor and glory
Apr 23, 7:56 PMRuth (Guest): Paula, are you Benedictine?
pr 23, 7:58 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Reflect on 1 Corinthians 12:21, The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.
Apr 23, 7:58 PM
Paula (Guest): No I’m a child of SFDS
Apr 23, 7:59 PMSrSusan (Guest): all parts work together and we need each other
Apr 23, 8:00 PMPaula (Guest): We all have different job, works, careers in life and we all work together for the good of all
pr 23, 8:01 PM
Barbara (Guest): Be grateful for the multiplicity of ways God call us to love Him …Don’t envy & don’t be dismissive of devotions that you are not called to use.
Apr 23, 8:01 PM
Paula (Guest): if we are all connected to Christ as different parts of His body we should all be holy as we can in what part we are given
Apr 23, 8:01 PMBarbara (Guest): Amen!
pr 23, 8:02 PMRuth (Guest): One friend — God rest his soul — who saw how I worked and lived said, “Ruth, with you Medicine is not just a profession;it is a vocation.” I took that as a complement.
pr 23, 8:03 PMBarbara (Guest): Right, Ruth…the seeds of ministry are available in every work God calls us to do!
23, 8:04 PM
Ruth (Guest): Amen,
Apr 23, 8:04 PM
Barbara (Guest): I knew a mail carrier who prayed over all the mail she delivered, feeling humbled and privileged to glean from the mail who was facing what kind of joyful and sorrowful circumstance…
pr 23, 8:04 PMPaula (Guest): That is great!
Apr 23, 8:05 PMBarbara (Guest): And surprising about the opportunity to pray in specifics via mail til I thought about it…
Apr 23, 8:06 PMBarbara (Guest): She said she dreaded delivering certain kinds of legal and financial letters, and rejoiced at a happy birthday or new birth..
Apr 23, 8:06 PMPaula (Guest): Everyone can be devoted in their career/calling in life it is just a matter of find out how….to apply your faith and prayer
, 8:07 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Ruth and Barbara and sr Susan I have to leave and devotion and pray I will let you know if I have time to chat next Sunday I will let you know bye and I will pray for you all bettychao
Apr 23, 8:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ok and thank you Betty for your prayers
Apr 23, 8:07 PM
Bettychao (Guest): God love you all
Apr 23, 8:07 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes–and it’s a matter of being “devoted” to what or Whom…to more money and prestige or to doing the Will of God…AMDG
Apr 23, 8:08 PM
Barbara (Guest): take care, Betty; TY
pr 23, 8:08 PMRuth (Guest): Yes! I had the privilege one, to accompany a retired mail delivery man, thefatherofoa Swiss missionary priest on a walk through his village once and as a guest to lunch. What a joy to see how he interacted with the people in his village, and they with him!
Apr 23, 8:10 PMRuth (Guest): Thank you Bettchao
pr 23, 8:11 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What are some specific types of devotions that people can consider for various vocations or if they are struggling to find a way to get some devotion into their daily rhythm?
Apr 23, 8:12 PMRuth (Guest): Yes. It was software that changed “many” to “any.”
Apr 23, 8:12 PM
Paula (Guest): Saying short prayers….sort of like affirmations
Apr 23, 8:13 PM
Barbara (Guest): Interior devotions/spiritual works of mercy if they are housebound
Apr 23, 8:13 PMBarbara (Guest): Or if they can afford to do so, sponsor corporal works of mercy
r 23, 8:15 PMBarbara (Guest): It’s still not easy for me, but trying to pray during “dead” –mind wandering time…waiting for green lights, doctor appointments etc.
Apr 23, 8:15 PM
Paula (Guest): Praying the rosary
Apr 23, 8:16 PM
Barbara (Guest): yes…and the various chaplets
pr 23, 8:16 PMBarbara (Guest): turning phone calls into works of charity–doing everything as a prayer, for love of God
pr 23, 8:17 PMBarbara (Guest): btw, in terms of integrating devotion…Thurs (Apr 27th) is National Poem in Your Pocket Day…Good day to carry/share a favorite Psalm, and maybe even read as a celebratory gift to the Lord
Apr 23, 8:18 PMPaula (Guest): or as SFDS says doing a direction of intention as you do actions
r 23, 8:18 PM
Barbara (Guest):
Apr 23, 8:18 PM
Ruth (Guest): Rosary or even just PART a of a rosary. Affirmations, e.g. when frightened by the possibility of missing, loosing the “prize” — eternal life with our Lord — “I love you, Jesus, my love. I repent of ever having offended you. Grant thatImay love you always, then do with me what you will.”
Apr 23, 8:19 PMBarbara (Guest): Turning off the tv in lieu of doing spiritual reading before bed
pr 23, 8:20 PMBarbara (Guest): If only I could be more intentionally mindful of my guardian angel, I think it would me MUCH EASIER to be more devotional throughout the day…how much mindless time I waste…
Apr 23, 8:21 PMSrSusan (Guest): Very true
pr 23, 8:22 PM
Paula (Guest): it takes practice to offer every task to God
Apr 23, 8:22 PM
Ruth (Guest): Lots of good ideas Barbara and
Apr 23, 8:22 PMRuth (Guest): Paula
:23 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sorry that was meant to be on ONE line.
Apr 23, 8:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Not so many questions tonight so we had the last one already
Apr 23, 8:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): Pray always and all ways…and not just ceaselessly in time, but in all circumstances and “seasons”–especially when anything negative and complaining would be the opposite of devotion
pr 23, 8:24 PMPaula (Guest): sometimes it’s hard being devotional when the task is difficult
pr 23, 8:24 PMSrSusan (Guest): yes
Apr 23, 8:25 PM
Barbara (Guest): On a human level, sometimes being devout seems simply impossible…
Apr 23, 8:25 PM
Paula (Guest): takes a lot of fervor and charity and inventiveness
pr 23, 8:25 PMBarbara (Guest): and humility and patience
pr 23, 8:25 PMPaula (Guest): yes
Apr 23, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Dawn where have you been?
Apr 23, 8:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): Was it Grease that had the song “Hopelessly devoted to you?”…We need to be absolutely HOPE-fully devoted to Him–with His HELP!
Apr 23, 8:26 PM
Paula (Guest): but heaven and the LOVE of God is worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 23, 8:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): Indeed!
pr 23, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): sorry I missed tonight, just stopping in to say hello. Ive been down at park helping to move snow so kids can start softball. so much snow!
Apr 23, 8:27 PM
Ruth (Guest): hello Dawn!
Apr 23, 8:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): still snow!!
Apr 23, 8:27 PMBarbara (Guest): Make any snow angels along the way?
r 23, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, still snow. we got so much there are still piles, but its warming up so melting. the kids are anxious to play
Apr 23, 8:28 PM
Paula (Guest): the kids will love you for it!
23, 8:29 PMRuth (Guest): Wow! Ours is almost all gone now. eve of though after a hot spell we had three more days of snow. It was light and melted quickly.
r 23, 8:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hope you all had a good chat tonight. Gods blessings…! g night Sr Susan and the sisters. hope you are enjoying some spring weather
Apr 23, 8:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes and thank you! and God bless each of you! Good night!
Apr 23, 8:30 PM
Paula (Guest): Good night! God bless you all!
Apr 23, 8:30 PM
Ruth (Guest): Soon o. Very soon!
, 8:30 PMBarbara (Guest): TY, Dawn & Sr. Susan! Blessings!