: Reflections:What is time? If in heaven time is surpassed by eternity, is time important now?With how precious life is, why do you think God designed it to be so fragile?What do you think eternity in heaven will be like?If our true fulfillment is in God (who is infinite) and heaven (which is eternal), discuss then how trying to seek fulfillment in finite and temporal things will always leave us (ultimately) unsatisfied and longing for more.How can we use our time well? What is “time wasted”? Why does a saint
like St. Francis fret over time that he thinks he may not have spent well?
Apr 29, 10:55 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat apr 30 at 730pm est
Apr 29, 10:55 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2023/04/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-april-30/

Newsletter for Sunday Chat April 30 | Visita
pr 30, 7:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q 1 Reflections:What is time? If in heaven time is surpassed by eternity, is time important now?

Apr 30, 7:26 PM
Carol (Guest): I think in heaven it is always now.. We live in linear time.
30, 7:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes in fact they say there is no time in eternity
Apr 30, 7:26 PM
Paula (Guest): Yes each creature God created can only live so long
Apr 30, 7:27 PM
Paula (Guest): Sin caused time….decay
Apr 30, 7:27 PM
Steph (Guest): I was watching a seminar this weekend about how God created time for us to have some context; 24 hours in a day.
Apr 30, 7:27 PM
Carol (Guest): Were Adam and Eve created to be eternal, but then they sinned?
7:27 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I did listen to a sister talk about the Bible she say I am going to be finishing that is the title I join in the youtube her name is sr Micheal fox op
Apr 30, 7:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): where did you see that seminar Steph
7:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Patti!
Apr 30, 7:28 PM
Bettychao (Guest): She is from Dominican sister of st ciclia nashville
Apr 30, 7:28 PM
Patti (Guest): Time is important to the degree we spend it in God’s presence?
29 PM
Paula (Guest): I think God gives us time in order for us to grow to know Him and love Him
Apr 30, 7:29 PM
Barbara (Guest): Maybe StFdeS Article title gives answer to whether/why time is important now: God Gives His Eternity Only to Those Who Use Their Time Well
Apr 30, 7:30 PM
Steph (Guest): it was seminar with Chad Fr. Ripperger at St. John the Evangelist in Wisconsin
Apr 30, 7:30 PM
Steph (Guest): Topics covered evolution and time, interesting two day of discussion livestreamed on youtub
Apr 30, 7:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi dawn
Apr 30, 7:30 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan next time I will join sr Teresa forcades osb retreat 1 day retreat in zoom if I have time because that zoom is not free but I join her retreat before and she pay for the class let me join in zoom
Apr 30, 7:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Dawn
Apr 30, 7:31 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We know eachother for many years she is a spainish nun
Apr 30, 7:31 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Dawn!
:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes he said Everything passes, and after the few days of this mortal life, an infinite eternity will come. Little does it matter whether we have conveniences or inconveniences here, provided that for all eternity we are happy.
Apr 30, 7:33 PM
Barbara (Guest): At the start of that, Sr., I hear a little of St Teresa of Avila
Apr 30, 7:33 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan why God sent Noah stay in ark because he sent a rain and flood? Why
Apr 30, 7:34 PM
Patti (Guest): All things are passing, God never changes (St. Theresa of Avila)?
Apr 30, 7:34 PM
Carol (Guest): You’re right, it does sound like her
Apr 30, 7:34 PM
Steph (Guest): Amen Sister, I think Heaven is outside of time, and I cannot imagine how wonderful it is if I feel so peaceful during Holy Hour!
Apr 30, 7:34 PM
Carol (Guest): A little Catherine of Sienna too
Apr 30, 7:34 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! Patience wins everything
5 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr did you see my question about Noah and flood
Apr 30, 7:35 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello, Chatroll would not let me sign in as a guest EVEN after clicking ALLOW cookies, which I did not want to do. But by going to Duck, Duck Go I was able to get in as usual.
Apr 30, 7:35 PM
Barbara (Guest): When I worked, I had kept St T of A’s quoted posted on my phone…
7:36 PM
Patti (Guest): I had the book Introduction to the Devout Life years ago. Perhaps I will buy and read it again.
Apr 30, 7:36 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan where are you?
Apr 30, 7:36 PM
Ruth (Guest): Qcarol, glad to “see” you. I heard you had to move in a hurry.
Apr 30, 7:37 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Paula do you know where is sr Susan?
Apr 30, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): here back now
r 30, 7:38 PM
Paula (Guest): Because the earth (mankind) was so wicked He decided to destroy it
Apr 30, 7:38 PM
Ruth (Guest): Even native Americans had a saying. “This,too,shall pass.”
Apr 30, 7:38 PM
Carol (Guest): Ruth, it was a matter of days really. God handled it all in spectacular ways
Apr 30, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Steph
I think that’s what the story says Paula. He said that about Sodom and Gomorrah too
Apr 30, 7:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q With how precious life is, why do you think God designed it to be so fragile?
Apr 30, 7:40 PM
Ruth (Guest): Mass is a foretaste of heaven.
Apr 30, 7:40 PM
Barbara (Guest): In His Mercy, to keep us dependent on Him to remind us that this mortal life will come to an end and to be prepared for that to happen at a moment’s notice
r 30, 7:40 PM
Patti (Guest): I think we value life more because it is so fragile.
Apr 30, 7:40 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Still people created sins not obey Gods law for sin against God and people.
0 PM
Barbara (Guest): In His Mercy, to keep us dependent on Him to remind us that this mortal life will come to an end and to be prepared for that to happen at a moment’s notice
Apr 30, 7:40 PM
Apr 30, 7:41 PM
Steph (Guest): for us to have a relationship with Him, He loves us, so we can be grateful and follow his commandments so we can unite in His glory in Heaven
Apr 30, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): So we would find our dependence on Him and seek Him?
Apr 30, 7:42 PM
Steph (Guest): life is like a test with challenges, but we must have faith, hope, charity and love our neighbors
Apr 30, 7:42 PM
Paula (Guest): Maybe Heaven is fragile tooo……fragile things are usually very beautiful
Apr 30, 7:42 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan I am miss you and I always think about God and you.
Apr 30, 7:42 PM
Ruth (Guest): He
Apr 30, 7:43 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan where are you?
Apr 30, 7:43 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello Dawn.
Apr 30, 7:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Sorry I had to step away
Apr 30, 7:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): “The more persihable our excistance, the more amiable ought it to be to us, since this life being full of miseries, we should have no consolation than to know that itrapidly vanishes to give place to a holy eternity…..”
Apr 30, 7:43 PM
Barbara (Guest): Patti–Is this the same version of the Devout Life that you had as a hard copy? https://www.catholicspiritualdirection.org/devoutlife.pdf
r 30, 7:44 PMPaula (Guest): Life is really quite beautiful…..it speaks of God’s goodness and beauty….even if sin is in the world and the world is not as pretty as it could be
30, 7:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): sorry for the mispelling….
Apr 30, 7:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes fragility can be beautiful, ephemeral things are valuable because they pass
0, 7:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): He was faithful to God
Apr 30, 7:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Ruth
, 7:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What do you think eternity in heaven will be like?I
Apr 30, 7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Paula I like your remark about the beauty of fragile things.
Apr 30, 7:47 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Not this question this question is about aberham.
r 30, 7:48 PMPaula (Guest): a beautiful china shop where nothing ever gets broken
r 30, 7:48 PMDawn (Guest): I believe there can be no words to discribe it
0, 7:50 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Paula I am Chinese born in Taiwan and I baptized in queen of rosarie Catholic Church in Taiwan my church father name is Father Chao his last name same as i
Apr 30, 7:50 PM
Patti (Guest): Will eternity in heaven be timeless? I find meditation to seem timeless. It is my “happy place” so to speak.
Apr 30, 7:50 PM
Bettychao (Guest): He help me baptized because I was sick almost near death
Apr 30, 7:50 PM
Paula (Guest): ooooo yes there are ……on fire….with God’s love and dazzling to behold
Apr 30, 7:50 PM
Steph (Guest): I picture eternity like a wonderful spring day, neverending, basking in the glow of the Father, a picnic surrounded by our family friends, in peace and happiness
Apr 30, 7:50 PM
Barbara (Guest): No time = no change = no anxiety or regrets or disappointments; perfect peace!
0, 7:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): continual deep love
Apr 30, 7:51 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I am live again because Jesus help me when I was baptized in church
Apr 30, 7:51 PM
Steph (Guest): nice Barbara, yes, perfect peace, love
pr 30, 7:51 PMDawn (Guest): there are many Bible Scriptures which describe heaven
30, 7:52 PM
Paula (Guest): Sorry Bettychao…..I referred to a china shop as a wonderful place as somewhere where everything is beautiful, fragile, delicate and precious to behold
Apr 30, 7:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): Rev 21:1-27
:53 PM
Barbara (Guest): Steph–I like your spring day, but sometimes a spin on the ice rink would be nice…
Apr 30, 7:53 PM
Ruth (Guest):
Apr 30, 7:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): In my Fathers house are many mansions …Jn 14:2-3
30, 7:54 PMBarbara (Guest): Hmmm…Maybe no change does not mean no variety…maybe there’s infinite variety that we can count on!
30, 7:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): Looking into the eyes of Jesus.
Apr 30, 7:55 PM
Paula (Guest): Heaven is what you love
Apr 30, 7:55 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! And seeing if our mental image of Him matches the Reality!
pr 30, 7:55 PM
Patti (Guest): Ruth, have you seen that painting called “Forgiven”?
Apr 30, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): Heaven will be a City Built for Worship Hebrews 12:22. and from the cross Jesus said it was paradise
30, 7:56 PM
Paula (Guest): i think Heaven will be variety ….do and being with what you loved on earth too
Apr 30, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Good Dawn. I had not thought of that. So, maybe that’s how Catholics think they are the only ones there! We do not see those in Other mansions!
0, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q If our true fulfillment is in God (who is infinite) and heaven (which is eternal), discuss then how trying to seek fulfillment in finite and temporal things will always leave us (ultimately) unsatisfied and longing for more.How can we use our time well?
Apr 30, 7:57 PM
Barbara (Guest): There will never be lack or competition –no zero sum games; we’ll all be totally content
30, 7:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): By living our vows, our vocations, loving others and helping them to Christ, and growing in holiness
Apr 30, 7:58 PM
Patti (Guest): “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you”
0, 7:58 PM
Paula (Guest): Working for God well while temporarily here
Apr 30, 7:59 PM
r 30, 7:59 PM
Barbara (Guest): Only God can perfectly fill our heart’s desire to be known & understood totally and to be loved unconditionally
Apr 30, 7:59 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Why Jesus gave Mary to us and ask her respect her
Apr 30, 7:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Sr!
0, 8:00 PM
Steph (Guest): Pray always, listen to Jesus, as Blessed Mother said that the Wedding of Cana, follow commandments
Apr 30, 8:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): Good Barbara. Even when I thought my turn was near, I felt I did not have to worry what heaven would be like, because God knows do what we are made and how to fill that “God shaped hole” in each one of us with HIMSELF.
Apr 30, 8:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): Do whatever he tells you
r 30, 8:00 PMBarbara (Guest): Amen, Ruth!
r 30, 8:01 PMBarbara (Guest): Have a blessed new month!
8:04 PM
Bettychao (Guest): God love you all amen
Apr 30, 8:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): We use our time well by seeking or being with God while on earth in prayer thought and action
Apr 30, 8:04 PM
Barbara (Guest): Amen!
r 30, 8:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you Sr, clear answer!
Apr 30, 8:05 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! TY!
Apr 30, 8:05 PM
Carol (Guest): Yay! Internet’s back
Apr 30, 8:05 PM
Ruth (Guest): OF whatwe are made
Apr 30, 8:05 PM
Steph (Guest): Oh yes, sister, forgot, good deeds, prayer, fasting, love each other
30, 8:05 PM
Paula (Guest): and doing what is for His greatest glory with what we are given and helping Him to save souls
Apr 30, 8:06 PM
Steph (Guest): like st therese, the little flower, all she did, laundry, cleaning was offered up
r 30, 8:09 PMCarol (Guest): In prayer and contemplation of course, but also by doing God’s will in the moment
0, 8:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): hi Carol. yes your answer
Apr 30, 8:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): reading spiritual books and Holy Scripture
0, 8:11 PM
Steph (Guest): prayers, good deeds, being good disciples for Christ, pray Rosary daily
Apr 30, 8:11 PM
Paula (Guest): KINDNESS!
30, 8:11 PMDawn (Guest): Yes, Rosaries!
8:13 PM
Dawn (Guest): St Francis seems to be concerned on how he spent his time. or more so, spending it as God would want. even he, a Saint
Apr 30, 8:13 PM
Barbara (Guest): Using time to make good use of our gifts, talents, and treasures for reasons God entrusted them to us
Apr 30, 8:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What is “time wasted”? Why does a saint
like St. Francis fret over time that he thinks he may not have spent well?
30, 8:14 PM
Ruth (Guest): Appreciate God’s gift of life and “give” it to the one from whom it comes “surrender” ourselves to Him because he is ALL GOOD and wants to share HIS LIFE with us.
Apr 30, 8:14 PM
Steph (Guest): we never know when our time will end, every moment is a gift
8:14 PM
Ruth (Guest): That is what makes us Joyful
Apr 30, 8:15 PM
Dawn (Guest): His humility allowed him to see this. a grace from God
Apr 30, 8:15 PM
Barbara (Guest): Maybe this is hair-splitting, but “wasted time” (missed opportunities to do good) seems different from “mis-used” time (doing something evil)…like a passive & active way of not using time well
Apr 30, 8:15 PM
Carol (Guest): We can always do better since we are not yet perfected
30, 8:15 PM
Steph (Guest): God loves us so much, he wants us to love in return freely, but many ignore him or use him like ATM (father Mike Smitz said it like that or something like it)
Apr 30, 8:15 PM
Paula (Guest): time wasted is souls not saved…in heaven God loves EVERYONE and wants EVERYONE in heaven with Him….
r 30, 8:16 PM
Barbara (Guest): If God holds us accountable for every word ever spoken, surely we will need to account for the time He has entrusted to us
Apr 30, 8:16 PM
Steph (Guest): so true Paula, he wants all souls
Apr 30, 8:17 PM
Paula (Guest): time wasted is our time wasted not helping Him to save souls
Apr 30, 8:17 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, we will account for all of it
Apr 30, 8:18 PM
Paula (Guest): the more souls saved….the more God is glorified
8 online
30, 8:19 PMBarbara (Guest): No matter what our vocation, guess we all must help to make disciples of all nations..missionary territory starts in our hearts and extends everywhere outside ourselves
30, 8:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): I believe we need to live a disiplined life in order to live life well. to have order, prayer times, work times.
Apr 30, 8:19 PM
Steph (Guest): wow nicely stated Barbara
r 30, 8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Because prayer and discipline are what allow us to hear God’s voice
Apr 30, 8:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): I cant seem to spell tonight
r 30, 8:21 PM
Barbara (Guest): Spent some time as part of a diocesan generalization team, Dawn…guess I learned the message…Now I need to better live it!
Apr 30, 8:21 PM
Barbara (Guest): Sorry: evangelization
r 30, 8:21 PM
Steph (Guest): yes carol true, we hear God’s voice as we draw closer in prayer, good deeds, adoration
Apr 30, 8:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): was this recent?
r 30, 8:22 PMBarbara (Guest): Not recently
8:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Many saints could not stand to waste a second
Apr 30, 8:25 PM
Ruth (Guest): Seems to me that we have to be willing to “waste” some time, unplanned leisure, to make the connection with Him and eternal things. SFdS alternates back and forth between chronos and kiros. Chronos measurable time. Kiros – the Lind of time we experience even here and now as endless or going by in a flash. “Time flies when you are having fun.”-
Apr 30, 8:25 PM
Carol (Guest): I think as we grow closer to Jesus we will be like that too
pr 30, 8:25 PM
Carol (Guest): I think as we grow closer to Jesus we will be like that too
Apr 30, 8:26 PM
Paula (Guest): Well…..gotta go….everyone have a great week! V + J !
Apr 30, 8:26 PM
Carol (Guest): Have a blessed week! I must go too
Apr 30, 8:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes, Paula, a great new month!
Apr 30, 8:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): good point Ruth. we can not always occupy our time. The Holy Spirit ….
Apr 30, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): God bless each of you!!
Apr 30, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): Good night everyone!
Apr 30, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): So glad to be back!
0, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): Glad you are too Carol
Apr 30, 8:27 PM
Steph (Guest): Yes, great discussion and points by all, thank you Sister! God bless you all too
Apr 30, 8:27 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ruth–you’ve given us lots to think about..TY!! …Sometimes we act as if it’s “our time,” when really we’re on God’s time loaned to us to do His Will