On May 1, 2023, in the monastery church of the Order of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Visitation Sisters) in Jasło, the jubilee ceremony of 50 years of religious profession of Sr. Maria Beata Olech VSD took place.

The Eucharist in the monastery church in Jasło was presided over by bishop Jan Wątroba. The Holy Mass was concelebrated by 10 priests.

In his homily, the bishop of Rzeszów, m.in. said: ‘People entrust their troubles, dramas and anxieties to the sisters, always asking for prayerful support, and the sisters, worried about human misfortunes, experience them together and in prayer they recommend to Jesus trusting that He will listen to the request… I am here and I am praying for you – this is the message addressed to us by the Venerable Mother Jubilarian… The inhabitants of Jasło, passing by the monastery, can be sure that they are covered by the prayer of the Visitation Sisters…”.

By virtue of their vocation, the Visitation Sisters are called to the contemplative life; Prayer is the center of their lives. Placed by their holy founder, Francis de Sales in the Mystery of the Visitation, they shape their contemplative spirituality in the image of Mary who, united to God, adores him with her whole life and joyfully shows the world the love of the Saviour.

The aim of the Sisters of the Order of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is “to strive for union with God, so that with prayer and the testimony of life they may assist Holy Church in the divine work of saving the world.” (jn)

See pictures at source here: 50 years of religious profession of Sr. Maria Beata Olech VSD – Portal of the Diocese of Rzeszów (diecezja.rzeszow.pl)