Life is full of suffering/hardship/toil. Does it seem that being a Christian causes these things to increase, or is it something else?Is it wrong for us to desire consolations?Does God expect us to be superheroes?Discuss this line: “Our Lord is called in Scripture the Prince of Peace, and hence, wherever He is absolute Master, He preserves peace.”Talk about the virtue of humility. What does it mean to be humble? Are we simply supposed to be self-deprecating and think lowly of ourselves?St. Francis says, “He
“He first makes war there, separating the heart and soul from their dearest and most intimate affections, such as immoderate love of oneself, confidence and complacency in oneself, and other like evils.” What can we do to allow God to help us choose the high moral ground here?
May 18, 10:01 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat May 21 730pm est newsletter for chat

Newsletter for May 21 chat | Visitation Spirit
Evening, Sr. Susan—sorry for my incorrectly referring to the “Fundamental Option” as the “Preferential Option” in last week’s chat. I’ve since learned that in Veritatis splendor Pope St John Paul II debunked the radical 20C. interpretation of that moral theory (just as we ourselves debunked it last week)! What is true about the theory in accordance with Catholic teaching– as in the writings of St JPII and St Thomas Aquinas– is that we each make a fundamental choice or pattern of behavior to live in accord
May 21, 7:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Barbara and thanks for the correction!
May 21, 7:20 PM
Barbara (Guest): to live in accordance with God’s Holy Laws or not; what is not true from the post-Vatican II liberal extension of that Fundamental Option is that someone who chooses, on the whole, to obey God, could not end up in hell.
May 21, 7:20 PM
Barbara (Guest): Sorry I exceeded the characters at first!
May 21, 7:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes that would parallel “being saved” and therefore not able to go there as well
ay 21, 7:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes!
May 21, 7:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Paula!
5 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Life is full of suffering/hardship/toil. Does it seem that being a Christian causes these things to increase, or is it something else?
y 21, 7:27 PMPaula (Guest): Yes, and I think it’s because we try to heroically surmount our suffering or make meaning out of it and we fail miserably at times
21, 7:28 PMBarbara (Guest): In as much as Christians are baptized into His death & have the privilege and responsibility to share in redemptive suffering, and the Lord disciplines & prunes us..I guess: in some ways: Yes
21, 7:28 PMSrSusan (Guest): Perhaps we can recognize suffering for its value more than some others
y 21, 7:28 PMBarbara (Guest): But even Non-Christians suffer and without the consolation of serving and being comforted by Jesu
y 21, 7:30 PMPaula (Guest): Yes but they are not trying to make best use of it like we are….and can maybe just shrug it off
21, 7:31 PMBarbara (Guest): I can’t imagine bearing with grief without the Lord, His Body, His Word, His Church
1, 7:32 PMSrSusan (Guest): I can’t either but people do and maybe they harden or maybe they become compassionate even if they are not aware of the Lord
1, 7:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Is it wrong for us to desire consolations?Does God expect us to be superheroes?
May 21, 7:32 PM
Paula (Guest): I can’t either but some do…
May 21, 7:33 PM
Paula (Guest): Maybe that is why there are so many addictions…etc
May 21, 7:33 PM
Barbara (Guest): I don’t know that it’s “wrong,” per se, but per St. Bernard, in trying to be more mature, it’s better to seek the God of consolations than the consolations of God
21, 7:34 PMruth (Guest): That’s a good quote, Barbara.
ay 21, 7:35 PMBarbara (Guest): Ruth; I knew the quote, but had to look up who said it..
, 7:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Not superheroes but with the strength of God we can do anything
May 21, 7:36 PM
Barbara (Guest): Reminds me of our economics prof who said she didn’t assign “outside” reading since she would be happy if we would just do the assigned “inside reading.” I think God is pleased if we do our best to know, love, and serve Him —as modest and ordinary (un-superhero-like), the world might deem our efforts to be.
May 21, 7:36 PM
Paula (Guest): God allows us our consolations…but He really doesn’t want us to use them because He wants us to use Him as our one and only consolation
1, 7:37 PM
ruth (Guest): Hi Lisa, Sr.Susan, Barbara and Paula. sorry I didn’t respond to your greeting right away. I was too busy reading and thinking about what you had already written.
May 21, 7:37 PM
Barbara (Guest): I felt convicted by StFdeS’ quote: We would wish to say our prayers in a region of eau de cologne, and practice heroic virtue eating sugar cake;
May 21, 7:38 PMBarbara (Guest): (Except I’m allergic to colognes…but mildly fragrant flowers are appreciated! and anything dark chocolate…)
7:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Discuss this line: “Our Lord is called in Scripture the Prince of Peace, and hence, wherever He is absolute Master, He preserves peace.”T
May 21, 7:40 PM
Paula (Guest): At times…I think God wants to be super heroic when it’s called for …and that is when He deems it is necessary and not when we think it so
May 21, 7:40 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God is a great consolation. An agnostic without faith said he wished he had faith, because it would be a consolation.
May 21, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi everyone – sorry for the delay – my dog needed a walk
:40 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi everyone – sorry for the delay – my dog needed a walk
May 21, 7:41 PM
Barbara (Guest): If we totally surrender to God’s Will we will be at peace, even in the midst of sorrow—just as Jesus was during His Agony in the Garden
May 21, 7:41 PM
Lisa C (Guest): How does someone without faith who wants faith not get it?
May 21, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Simone
21, 7:41 PMBarbara (Guest): Lisa C: That is a Mystery….
May 21, 7:41 PMPaula (Guest): No one to pray and support him with it
May 21, 7:41 PMPaula (Guest): No one to pray and support him with it
1, 7:42 PM
ruth (Guest): I found those expressions funny. Hyperbole, but it makes the point clearly. I still miss my “prayer room” which was badly damaged, as well as art books and other precious things, when the heating pipe burst during a power failure. Was I more attached to that special place — since I could not be in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament — than to the God I chose to worship in the most comfortable room in my house?
May 21, 7:42 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Maybe he did not really want it, he may have just been jealous of it
May 21, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): IShe said to me that she is said – and envies people about their faith.
21, 7:42 PMBarbara (Guest): I sat next to someone on a plane once who “wished” he could have the faith that he saw in others…I thought about him and his “wish”…
2 PM
Barbara (Guest): I sat next to someone on a plane once who “wished” he could have the faith that he saw in others…I thought about him and his “wish”…
May 21, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): Sometimes I get convicted that I do not thank GOd enough for having faith
y 21, 7:43 PMLisa C (Guest): Bill would see my daughter and me go to Church and say he wished he had faith
7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): there are so many variables in play — identity – angst of loss of deep values,
May 21, 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): etc…
May 21, 7:44 PM
Barbara (Guest): I think about all the generations who had to be faithful so that I was baptized Catholic…if they didn’t keep and pass on the faith, I might not have it
ay 21, 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): good point Barbara
, 7:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes. even if my ancestors were converted en masse I am grateful
May 21, 7:45 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Trusting God does bring peace. It lets us realize we do not have control of some things and we can say to God that it is in His hands. He will give us peace.
May 21, 7:45 PM
Paula (Guest): It’s funny….people wish they had faith and admire others but have no interest in trying to gain it and work at ….it takes work …hard work and prayer to keep your faith too
May 21, 7:45 PM
Barbara (Guest): A Jewish friend commented that my Rosary, like her stand of pearls, reminded her of the connectedness of the generations of her Jewish ancestors who passed on the faith…made me think of mine…
May 21, 7:45 PM
Carol (Guest): Sorry I’m late, no internet
1, 7:46 PMSimone (Guest): still Paula, I consider my faith not a sheer output of my “work”. Rather an active collaborating with God’s grace
y 21, 7:47 PM
Simone (Guest): in the end – one has to let go – to sit yourself on the throne… and allow GOD to be on the throne.. that seems to be the hardest step for most. The loss of control
May 21, 7:47 PM
Barbara (Guest): God’s ways are not our ways…Faith, like everything else He gives us is pure gift; gift He can give to whomever He wills…He told us to go make disciples and Baptize; if everyone had Faith, that would not ne
May 21, 7:47 PM
Paula (Guest): It is….but collaborating with God is work
May 21, 7:47 PM
Carol (Guest): My faith is a gift–from my family, from my parishes, and from Jesus Himself
ay 21, 7:47 PMLisa C (Guest): If faith is a gift, I am not sure that people can just get it when they wish for it. I think we who have it have to pray for the ones who do not, and God will work on them in a way He understands and we do not
May 21, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): yes Paula, you are right.. it is work. but work as a response – if you do not hear the invitation – you are not compelled to work I think
May 21, 7:48 PM
Barbara (Guest): not be necessary…maybe some have no Faith for their sake & ours, so both are enriched
7:48 PMruth (Guest): Lisa, I think the person seeking faith Will get it; it may take a long time. God is generous I. giving grace, but there are also some huge obstacles.
ay 21, 7:49 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We are given more so more is expected
May 21, 7:49 PM
Carol (Guest): The people who wish they had faith can have faith. They have to choose to accept the gift, and then live the way faith entails
May 21, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Lisa.. praying for those who struggle “for faith” is really powerful.
21, 7:49 PMPaula (Guest): Nope….according to the Catechism …man gropes for an understanding and relationship with God
ay 21, 7:49 PMSimone (Guest): Yes Ruth. I had the same thought. There are huge obstacles sometimes.. and highly nourished by the enemy too by the way
ay 21, 7:50 PMBarbara (Guest): Isn’t it that we take only charity with us to Heaven? …So can we get there without Faith or Hope? Do they only help or are they requisite?
ay 21, 7:51 PMSimone (Guest): oh Barbara.. you really want us to think tonight. o la la.
, 7:51 PM
Barbara (Guest): LOL
May 21, 7:51 PM
Carol (Guest): I think we need all three
21, 7:52 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The workers who started at the last minute got the same pay as the ones there all the time. God will save the ones who have faith at the last second.
May 21, 7:52 PM
Barbara (Guest): The Lord’s line about Faith that really makes me ponder is When the Son of Man returns, will He find Faith on Earth
May 21, 7:52 PM
Carol (Guest): Faith is that God is there, hope is for eternal life with Him, live is how we get there
May 21, 7:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean to be humble?
May 21, 7:52 PM
Simone (Guest): I think, charity is built on a relationship with GOD in Faith and Hope. By trusting and believing in the invisible – we surrender deeper and deeper – and open ourselves to acts of charity as we grow in understanding the one who calls himself LOVE
May 21, 7:53 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The thief on the cross next to Jesus went to paradise that day.
May 21, 7:53 PM
Paula (Guest): Like they say in exercise,..etc. either you use it or you lose it…I think the same with faith,…you have to practice it…etc.
May 21, 7:53 PM
Carol (Guest): Humility is knowing the truth about oneself
ay 21, 7:53 PMSimone (Guest): I agree Paula – faith is not something passive
1, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Carol, I agree
May 21, 7:54 PM
Lisa C (Guest): James… without works is dead
y 21, 7:54 PMBarbara (Guest): Yes, Carol, and realizing that every good thing we have comes from Him and giving Him praise & thanksgiving for who we are in Him
ay 21, 7:54 PMLisa C (Guest): Praying is a work
May 21, 7:55 PMLisa C (Guest): A person who prays at the last second can be saved
1, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): which is part of knowing the truth about ourselves Barbara – because we know – the truth that we are NOT the beginning and end of life
May 21, 7:55 PM
Carol (Guest): Praying is a work! As is gratitude
ay 21, 7:55 PMSrSusan (Guest): humble prayer is best
21, 7:56 PM
Barbara (Guest): Sometimes I wonder who was the first ancestor of mine to accept the Catholic Faith–some “day” in Heaven, please God, I hope to meet that person and hear his/her time, place, circumstance Baptism story–and say THANKS to that person and all the others after him/her
May 21, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): I think Carol has the right theological answer, but I still want to throw in the very well known popular definition too
May 21, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.
May 21, 7:56 PM
Carol (Guest): This makes me think of the corporal works of mercy
May 21, 7:56 PM
Barbara (Guest): Go, Simone!
May 21, 7:56 PMCarol (Guest): By all means Simone!
May 21, 7:57 PMSrSusan (Guest): Hi Steph
ay 21, 7:57 PMBarbara (Guest): No matter how we pray, we need to pray to the Lord, not to ourselves as the first-row Pharisee did compared with the last row penitent in the temple
y 21, 7:58 PM
Steph (Guest): Good evening Sister and everyone, apologize for tardiness
May 21, 7:58 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think God will save people because I ask Him to do it. He told St. Faustina He would do that.
y 21, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Steph, I am not sure if we have met here yet.
May 21, 7:58 PM
Steph (Guest): Humble like St Joseph, quiet, but strong
ay 21, 7:58 PMPaula (Guest): True humility is to remember that God is the source of everything …always…every breathe we take…every move we make…
May 21, 7:58 PMCarol (Guest): He did Lisa, and He said the greater the sinner the more right s/he has to merch
May 21, 7:59 PM
Steph (Guest): Hello Simone, I am in and out of chat, but enjoy the topics!
May 21, 7:59 PM
Barbara (Guest): Paula, Sounds like a good song lyric
ay 21, 7:59 PM
Carol (Guest): Lol, it is a song lyric
May 21, 7:59 PM
Steph (Guest): I agree Paula, all glory to God for everything!
ay 21, 7:59 PMPaula (Guest): it is but is still approp
1, 8:00 PMSimone (Guest): sting with THE POLICE right Paula?
ay 21, 8:00 PM
Simone (Guest): the artist for the song..
May 21, 8:00 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Separating the sheep and the goats is a bit hard to understand if God will save anyone if we ask. If we ask him to save everyone would there be any goats to separate?
y 21, 8:01 PM
Paula (Guest): God is in charge…in us..with the Holy Spirit…it is no me …but thee
May 21, 8:01 PM
Paula (Guest): *not
ay 21, 8:01 PMCarol (Guest): Lisa, unfortunately there will be goats who refuse the gift
ay 21, 8:01 PMSimone (Guest): Lisa – even St. Francis de Sales wrestled with this big question quite a bit
ay 21, 8:01 PMSimone (Guest): free will can make us goats
y 21, 8:02 PMLisa C (Guest): If He will save someone because I ask, and I ask Him to save everyone. Then He will get to them. I think he will.
21, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): Not if they say no
May 21, 8:03 PM
Carol (Guest): But we are not called to judge others but to meet them where they are and help them
May 21, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): coming back to humility.. For me a big break through was to always think – when emotions were rising ” it is a lie to think that I deserve better”. cause this deep deep underlaying belief has often catapulted me out of a life of humiltiy
May 21, 8:03 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Why would they say no
May 21, 8:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis says, “He
“He first makes war there, separating the heart and soul from their dearest and most intimate affections, such as immoderate love of oneself, confidence and complacency in oneself, and other like evils.” What can we do to allow God to help us choose the high moral ground here?
ay 21, 8:03 PM
Carol (Guest): Lisa, you are right to never discount the miraculous
May 21, 8:04 PM
Barbara (Guest): Simone–Agreed! Someone pointed out that we say “why me?” when something “bad” happens, but not when something good…
y 21, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): This ” I deserve better attitude” had a lot to do with my impatience in daily life too, I noticed
May 21, 8:05 PM
Barbara (Guest): for Sister’s question…maybe Cultivate a “Job-ian” holy detachment/gratitude-attitude—the Lord gives & the Lord takes away. Blessed be the Lord.
y 21, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): good foundation
May 21, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): Barbara
May 21, 8:06 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We can accept what God does to separate us from our affections by realizing that when something uncomfortable is happening He is doing it for our good
May 21, 8:06 PMSteph (Guest): for next question: I think trust in the Lord, we need to say Thy will be done. Pray for guidance from Holy Spirit, Guardian Angel, Our Lady, St Joseph, all the saints LOL
21, 8:06 PMPaula (Guest): Surrender to Him ….even though things seem confusing and humiliating and discouraging…He knows the lessons we need to learn….and He will help us learn them in order to get to Heaven and stay in Heaven
21, 8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, Paula. And stay by Him in the present moment
May 21, 8:08 PM
Barbara (Guest): His timing is perfect. He love is perfect. His will is perfect. ACCEPT all as grace…easier said than done for me….
May 21, 8:08 PM
Paula (Guest): Yes…and keep saying Jesus I’m sorry I’ve fallen again…I’m going to try and try again
May 21, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): the question is.. “what can we do to allow GOD”…. well.. in a way , I think if we strive to truly love him..- love him with all our hearts, all our mind and our strength, then we are more likely to allow him to work on us – even in difficult areas
, 8:09 PM
Barbara (Guest): Good point, Simone. Points back to our
May 21, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): also if we lean in to understand GOD better – understand his very being better – involves a heart – study of scripture – to seek HIM in His word – and to seek Him in prayer
May 21, 8:09 PM
Barbara (Guest): free wills…to sin or to follow His Will’
ay 21, 8:10 PM
Simone (Guest): this free will.. eh? I usually like everything that is free — but this free will is a tricky one
May 21, 8:10 PM
Paula (Guest): Keep having a firmer and firmer purpose of amendment and think of the saints who after just one fall amended their lives
May 21, 8:10 PM
Paula (Guest): Heaven is worth it
, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): Carol and Ruth ? You still there my friends?
May 21, 8:11 PM
Carol (Guest): I’m here, I’m thinking hard
May 21, 8:11 PMSimone (Guest): ok.. all good then
y 21, 8:11 PMBarbara (Guest): in one of the prayers it refers to “freedom” as “Free to worship Him”–not free to do as we please…though we are; I like to think that all is gift and all is well when it comes from God..
ay 21, 8:12 PM
ruth (Guest): I’m here. Just reading and thinking about what you write faster than I am.
May 21, 8:12 PM
Carol (Guest): It all comes down to staying with Him jn the present moment and discerning His will for that moment
May 21, 8:12 PM
Lisa C (Guest): There is also freedom from the slavery from sin according to St. Paul
1, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): the kingdom of GOD is ALL about freedom. That’s what makes it the good news
May 21, 8:13 PM
Barbara (Guest): Amen!
May 21, 8:13 PM
Carol (Guest): St Catherine of Siena said sin is anything that comes between us and God
May 21, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): oh my goodness. Elena! Hi. I literally just thought of you.. and here you are
May 21, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): you really need a new timer Elena
May 21, 8:14 PM
Carol (Guest): Elena!
May 21, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): Poof! I’m here.
May 21, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): LOLL. Poof.! So you
, 8:14 PM
Steph (Guest): Hello Elena!
May 21, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): I was out for a walk in the gorgeous sunset.
Elena (Guest): Hello all my friends and sisters in Christ!
May 21, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): well.. rub it in that you prefer other things to us..
May 21, 8:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Elena
May 21, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): Sorry… nature does that to me… I do lose track of time.
May 21, 8:15 PM
Elena (Guest): Hi, Sister Susan.
May 21, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): all good Sister. all good. Just kidding of course
May 21, 8:15 PM
ruth (Guest): Hello Elena,
May 21, 8:15 PM
Paula (Guest): It’s ok. God is there too
May 21, 8:15 PM
Steph (Guest): God calls us and waits, and waits, and we fall and go towards sin, but we can return freely
May 21, 8:16 PM
Barbara (Guest): Elena–as promised
Through the Heart of St Joseph by Fr Boniface Hicks, OSB; Also, what about Pope Francis’ Prayer for the Year of St. Joseph: Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us [especially to [name]] too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen.]
May 21, 8:16 PM
Simone (Guest): prodigal son
May 21, 8:16 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I wonder what it was like in the Garden of Eden. Adam and bEve were friends with God and could see Him. But maybe not every second, because when the devil tempted them how could they sin if they were seeing God. It was also like maybe they thought He could not see them. In Heaven I thought we would see God all the time and hardly notice anything else.
8:17 PM
Elena (Guest): Thank you for the St. Joseph prayers, Barbara!
May 21, 8:17 PM
Carol (Guest): Eden was not heaven (?)
May 21, 8:17 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Heaven is being with God
May 21, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): I wondered that too recently Lisa. But, I think – they already had free will – so they must have had a chance to retreat from the presence of God.
, 8:18 PM
Carol (Guest): True. We are with God now, but we are not in heaven
May 21, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): I know that our redeemed state of the soul is superior to the one of Adam. Cause we have the Holy Spirit within us – that privilege was not given to Adam
21, 8:18 PM
Barbara (Guest): My pleasure, Elena! …Lisa, Maybe seeing is not believing…A blind priest said that once: He sees because he believes; if it were the other way around, he couldn’t believe
May 21, 8:18 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We can’t see God now
, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): does it say .. they saw GOD – or they were with HIM?
May 21, 8:19 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We see Jesus in the Eucharist, but we do not see God’s face
May 21, 8:19 PMSimone (Guest): We see with the eyes of faith
21, 8:19 PM
Lisa C (Guest): They were friends with God
May 21, 8:19 PM
Paula (Guest): so were the apostles
May 21, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): I call you friends….
8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): This is so interesting. So was eden in earth.
May 21, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): of course Eden was on Earth. Adam and Eve were human beings
y 21, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): created to be in creation
May 21, 8:20 PM
Lisa C (Guest): But Adam and Eve had no sin before the fall so they could see God. The Apostles had sins and were separated like we are
May 21, 8:20 PM
Paula (Guest): But Adam and Eve did not have an extensive relationship with God
y 21, 8:21 PM
ruth (Guest): God dwells in His Body, the Church. He is the head.
May 21, 8:21 PM
Paula (Guest): we have come to know God over years
May 21, 8:21 PM
Barbara (Guest): Some folks like to think that the Cross of Christ was on the spot of the original tree of knowledge of good & evil
May 21, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): But Jesus said.. No-one has ever seen God…
8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): What do you say Sr Susan?
May 21, 8:21 PM
Paula (Guest): through the Bible
May 21, 8:21 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We will see God in His Glory when we go to Heaven
May 21, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): I know that the Cross is often called the new tree of life
May 21, 8:22 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We cannot now, because of sin
May 21, 8:22 PM
Steph (Guest): that’s interesting Barbara, I never thought of the original tree linked to cross
May 21, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): I thought Moses spoke with God, making his own face radiant.
May 21, 8:22 PM
Carol (Guest): New Adam, New Eve, New Tree
May 21, 8:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): In monastic life they say keep searching for the face of God but for me the Eucharist is His face for now
21, 8:22 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It is, Jesus
May 21, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): St. Therese writes about the gaze of God, and that we should gaze at him as we receive His gaze. I love this.
ay 21, 8:23 PMLisa C (Guest): But people could see Jesus
ay 21, 8:23 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God the Father has to be hidden
May 21, 8:23 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Burning bush, etc
21, 8:23 PM
Carol (Guest): It is an interior gaze I think
May 21, 8:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): Did you ever see a man-made portrait and think–without ever seeing Him–that’s not Him? I know what I think He looks like
May 21, 8:23 PM
Simone (Guest): I love the gaze of GOd. St. Jane de Chantal was also known for this kind of praying. For me it is like seeing GOD, when I gaze at Him and He gazes at me. Feels like heaven. Has been a while unfortunately since I had this deep prayer
ay 21, 8:23 PM
Paula (Guest): No…Jesus is the face (manifestation) of the Father
May 21, 8:23 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We would die unless Jesus saves us and then purifies us
21, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): yes Paula,, good point
May 21, 8:24 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The beatific vision is what we will have, but we do not have it yet
May 21, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): and that is what Sr. Susan said.. The Eucharist is the face of God here on earth.
May 21, 8:25 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think Adam and Eve had it at first
May 21, 8:25 PM
Carol (Guest): It is
:25 PM
ruth (Guest): God the Father walked with Adam and Eve as they were expelled from the Garden. He even made clothing for them.
May 21, 8:25 PM
Barbara (Guest): And then we will have no physical eyes…so interesting how we will see pre-Final Judgment
21, 8:25 PMSimone (Guest): we will have new senses once our soul is detached from the body.
25 PM
Simone (Guest): so exciting
May 21, 8:25 PM
Carol (Guest): We will see without eyes and hear without,ears
May 21, 8:25 PM
Elena (Guest): new senses?
May 21, 8:26 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Our body will reunite with our soul
1, 8:26 PMSimone (Guest): We will experience different in the invisible realm.
ay 21, 8:26 PMSimone (Guest): and yes.. our body will reunite with our soul. Absolutely
, 8:27 PMLisa C (Guest): In the transfiguration it was hard for them to look at Jesus in His glorified bod
Lisa C
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