How can we obtain such patience in suffering as did Peter’s mother-in-law?St. Francis emphasizes the didn’t even reach out to touch Jesus in order to be healed. Does this mean the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment (Matthew 9:20-22)?Discuss Jesus requesting to not have to endure His Passion, yet concluding “not my will but yours be done.” Does this mean Peter’s mother-in-law had a “better” response than Jesus?St. Teresa of Avila was fell into mud during a rainstorm, and she is known to have prayed: “If this is how You treat Your friends, no wonder why You have so few of them!” Was this rude of her? What does it say about the suffering we must face as friends of God? Does it make God a bad friend?How do we find a balance between desiring to have no suffering in the end in Heaven and being willing to peacefully endure it here on earth? a
Simone (Guest): right. . mother in laws were the closest you could get to fast food in these days I guess
May 28, 4:48 PM
Paula (Guest): And the women followed Him everywhere and took care of Him
May 28, 4:48 PM
Simone (Guest): So. . Jesus takes care of those who serve Him. Is that a reasonable conclusion?
May 28, 4:48 PM
Barbara (Guest): . . . ok- – so if we’ re being light- hearted, if she were feigning sickness to get out of cooking. . . that plan didn’ t work
May 28, 4:48 PM
Caol (Guest): Would it have been considered an honor to host a traveling rabbi like Jesus?
May 28, 4:48 PM
Paula (Guest): Look at the women at the tomb on Easter Sunday
May 28, 4:48 PM
Simone (Guest): Barbara – you just brought that to a whole new level
May 28, 4:48 PM
Barbara (Guest):
May 28, 4:48 PM
Steph (Guest): lol Barbara, so true
May 28, 4:49 PM
Simone (Guest): intertesting Carol. . denied of serving Jesus – because of sickness
May 28, 4:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): are we talking about why Jesus went to Peters?
May 28, 4:49 PM
Simone (Guest): yes –
May 28, 4:49 PM
Simone (Guest): and probably shame too
May 28, 4:50 PM
Simone (Guest): I know – my mother would have felt horrible – to have such a high guest – and not being able to serve properly
May 28, 4:50 PM
Caol (Guest): Perhaps her illness did serve Him’
May 28, 4:50 PM
Simone (Guest): that’ s a gem Carol
May 28, 4:50 PM
Barbara (Guest): WOW~ ~ ~ Great thought, Carol
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
May 28, 4:51 PM
Paula (Guest): Yep. . . . just like Mary
May 28, 4:51 PM
Simone (Guest): we always want to show up in our strengths to serve Jesus – and never consider that our weakness might serve Him as well – if we surrender or offer it
May 28, 4:51 PM
Simone (Guest): in what way Paula?
May 28, 4:51 PM
Caol (Guest): He showed His power, His caring, that He is the source of everything
May 28, 4:52 PMPaula (Guest): just like Martha and Mary. . . . . Jesus was more happy with Mary just sitting and listen
Simone (Guest): Maybe I am projecting here because of personal circumstances. . but because Peter followed Jesus – he basically left his home – Jesus coming to his house – and bringing such a blessing on it – affirming it – might have had a big impact on the family situation too – and on Peter’ s tension to serve Jesus and at the same time his own household
May 28, 4:53 PM4:54 PM
Paula (Guest): Jesus was happy with Peter’ s mother in law either way. . . . . but He raised her up and she waited on them
May 28, 4:54 PM
Simone (Guest): Thanks for clarifying Paula. . I see now what you meant
May 28, 4:54 PM
Caol (Guest): A diplomatic gesture, and a reassuring one
May 28, 4:55 PM
Simone (Guest): who would have thought that there is so much ” meat” in this little passage? The word of God. oh the mighty Word of God!
May 28, 4:55 PM
Ruth (Guest): I like the way the s ene is depicted inThe Chpsen.
May 28, 4:55 PM
Barbara (Guest): Simone- – I’ ve wondered about that, too- – how the family, esp. the m- in- law felt about Peter’ s absence
Reply Reply All Forward
May 28, 4:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): Amen
May 28, 4:55 PM
Simone (Guest): Glad I am not the only one. I was hoping that this thought would not come from a place of bitterness in me to be honest.
28, 4:55 PM
Simone (Guest): Anyways. . let’ s got to question 3
May 28, 4:56 PM
Simone (Guest): Discuss Jesus requesting to not have to endure His Passion, yet concluding ” not my will but yours be done. ” Does this mean Peter’ s mother- in- law had a ” better” response than Jesus?
May 28, 7:54 PM
Paula (Guest): Jesus was happy with Peter’s mother in law either way…..but He raised her up and she waited on them
May 28, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): Thanks for clarifying Paula.. I see now what you meant
May 28, 7:54 PM
Caol (Guest): A diplomatic gesture, and a reassuring one
May 28, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): who would have thought that there is so much “meat” in this little passage? The word of God. oh the mighty Word of God!
May 28, 7:55 PM
Ruth (Guest): I like the way the s ene is depicted inThe Chpsen.
May 28, 7:55 PM
Barbara (Guest): Simone–I’ve wondered about that, too–how the family, esp. the m-in-law felt about Peter’s absence
May 28, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): Amen
May 28, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): Glad I am not the only one. I was hoping that this thought would not come from a place of bitterness in me to be honest.
May 28, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): Anyways.. let’s got to question 3
May 28, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): Discuss Jesus requesting to not have to endure His Passion, yet concluding “not my will but yours be done.” Does this mean Peter’s mother-in-law had a “better” response than Jesus?
Dawn (Guest): I would not compare the two situations so I dont know
May 28, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Very insightful Simone.
May 28, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Dawn – two very different scenarios
May 28, 7:57 PM
Caol (Guest): Oh! Jesus healed Peters mother in law spiritually too!
May 28, 7:57 PM
Barbara (Guest): As you mentioned, Simone, Peter’s m-in-law might not even have been conscious; and if she was, her inner thoughts or spoken words are not recorded
May 28, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): how do you see this Carol? the healing of the MIL?
May 28, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ill say no
May 28, 7:57 PM
Paula (Guest): No. Jesus was going to die and at a young age and leave all of His friends who He loved so much and the world that He loved so much,
May 28, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): does anyone know the Scripture number, Im looking
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
May 28, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): Mark 1:29 and Luke 4:38
May 28, 7:59 PM
Paula (Guest): this is a natural response from Him especially He was not going to suffer and die slowly from a disease or long illness as most of us do
May 28, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): Jesus was asked to be separated from God – whereas Peter’s MIL was united with GOD
May 28, 7:59 PM
Steph (Guest): I don’t think Peters mother was “better” response, she was ill, she did not ask to be healed, she had fever, but Jesus is present in all homes that accept him
May 28, 7:59 PM
Caol (Guest): Because she was probably reluctant to have Peter leave the family band stop providing for them, Jesus showed her yhat He would provide all she needed do she could fo,His will
May 28, 8:00 PM
Steph (Guest): oh Simone agree, united with God, good thought
May 28, 8:00 PM
Barbara (Guest): Dawn–And possibly Matt 8:14-16
May 28, 7:56 PM
Dawn (Guest): I would not compare the two situations so I dont know
May 28, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Very insightful Simone.
May 28, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Dawn – two very different scenarios
May 28, 7:57 PM
Caol (Guest): Oh! Jesus healed Peters mother in law spiritually too!
May 28, 7:57 PM
Barbara (Guest): As you mentioned, Simone, Peter’s m-in-law might not even have been conscious; and if she was, her inner thoughts or spoken words are not recorded
May 28, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): how do you see this Carol? the healing of the MIL?
May 28, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ill say no
May 28, 7:57 PM
Paula (Guest): No. Jesus was going to die and at a young age and leave all of His friends who He loved so much and the world that He loved so much,
May 28, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): does anyone know the Scripture number, Im looking
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
May 28, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): Mark 1:29 and Luke 4:38
May 28, 7:59 PM
Paula (Guest): this is a natural response from Him especially He was not going to suffer and die slowly from a disease or long illness as most of us do
May 28, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): Jesus was asked to be separated from God – whereas Peter’s MIL was united with GOD
May 28, 7:59 PM
Steph (Guest): I don’t think Peters mother was “better” response, she was ill, she did not ask to be healed, she had fever, but Jesus is present in all homes that accept him
May 28, 7:59 PM
Caol (Guest): Because she was probably reluctant to have Peter leave the family band stop providing for them, Jesus showed her yhat He would provide all she needed do she could fo,His will
May 28, 8:00 PM
Steph (Guest): oh Simone agree, united with God, good thought
May 28, 8:00 PM
Barbara (Guest): Dawn–And possibly Matt 8:14-16
May 28, 8:00 PM
Simone (Guest): oh, interesting.. you are right.. it must have really given her a boost of faith – to see this miracle right on her body
May 28, 8:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thanks Simone
May 28, 8:01 PM
Barbara (Guest): Love that thought, Carol! TY!
ay 28, 8:02 PM
Simone (Guest): do you know – when you think ” God is doing everything for everyone else – but from me he only takes?” Jesus surely counteracted this thought in the MIL
May 28, 8:02 PM
Paula (Guest): Jesus had so much more suffering to endure than Peter’s mother in law
May 28, 8:02 PM
Caol (Guest): It was about her doing His will
May 28, 8:02 PM
Simone (Guest): It is true.. but both faced death
May 28, 8:02 PM
Barbara (Guest): Truthfully, I was fighting an inner battle over how the premise of the m-in-law’s reaction to her illness was derived, but I appreciated how she was made an exemplar, based on what was assumed about her
ay 28, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): but Jesus had all the sins of the world on His
May 28, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): I just read in the letter from St. Francis de Sales again.. and this line struck me
May 28, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): she did not say a single word to excite Him to compassion,
ay 28, 8:04 PMSimone (Guest): Do we try to excite Jesus to compassion sometimes through the way we pray? Do our prayer give witness to our faith – or our doubt rather?
May 28, 8:04 PM
Barbara (Guest): That assumes that she was able…which I don’t think we know for sure…high fevers can make you delirious
May 28, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Barbara; same thought here .. it seems that St. Francis de Sales assumed she was able to communicate
ay 28, 8:05 PM
Caol (Guest): We dont know if she did or not-its not recorded. We are all exercising Ignatian imagination
May 28, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): Does anyone has another thought – on the difference of the two situations? Jesus in his passion and the fever of the MIL?
May 28, 8:06 PM
Barbara (Guest): Simone–StFdeS seemed to hit on the “bargaining” prayers for the Lord to heal us..
May 28, 8:06 PMSimone (Guest): I am wondering if he was.
ay 28, 8:06 PMSimone (Guest): I also wonder – what my brothers and sisters a the charismatic conference would have said to this yesterday
28, 8:07 PMBarbara (Guest): St FdeS: Oh, how many persons would have had the cleverness to try to get cured by Our Lord, and would have said that they asked health only the better to serve Him, fearing lest anything should be wanting to Him!
May 28, 8:08 PMBarbara (Guest): …Like the bargaining in Kubler-Ross’ stages of dying
ay 28, 8:08 PMCaol (Guest): Jesus reads hearts and knows who’s faking it
y 28, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): yes, it is natural to bargain for your life
May 28, 8:08 PM
Steph (Guest): maybe not think of Peters mother in law, but Peters faith? she was ill and pretty much out of it
May 28, 8:09 PMSimone (Guest): what about holy indifference in this scenario?
y 28, 8:09 PM
Ruth (Guest): I was once at a charismatic type healing service given by a.
May 28, 8:09 PM
Barbara (Guest): Even if she didn’t bargain, maybe the lesson is that her healing was not self-serving, but God-serving
ay 28, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): interesting point Steph.. sometimes it is not even about us – but what it does to those around us. I agree
May 28, 8:10 PM
Steph (Guest): how was the service Ruth?
ay 28, 8:10 PMSteph (Guest): interesting, some are healed by touch there, and some just being there, correct?
May 28, 8:10 PM
Steph (Guest): like Peter’s mother in law and the women who touched the hem
May 28, 8:11 PM
Steph (Guest): ??? just a though
May 28, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): I love when God comes with his might – and heals people. Love it
ay 28, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): but… I have such a hard time to sit under a teaching that proclaims everyone has a right to be healed here on Earth.
May 28, 8:11 PM
Steph (Guest): God is so good
May 28, 8:11 PMSimone (Guest): and therefore we can demand the healing
ay 28, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): not my opinion- that’s the teaching
May 28, 8:11 PM
Paula (Guest): right
, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): anyways.. did not want to deflect
May 28, 8:12 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s a gift….everything a gift
28, 8:12 PM
Ruth (Guest): Popular lay preacher. Many claimed at least feeling a lot better and some claimed cures. The preacher prayed for me, too. He thought that my attitude of asking for healing but being willing to offer up my illness was mutually incompatible — UNTIL I reminded him how Jesus prayed in the garden of Olives.
May 28, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): I think we should give a little bit more time for the final question. It is a very interesting one
y 28, 8:13 PMSimone (Guest): oh. before the question.. Ruth.. can you say more about this?
y 28, 8:13 PMSimone (Guest): oh. before the question.. Ruth.. can you say more about this?
May 28, 8:13 PMSimone (Guest): but that was not the teaching.
28, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): the teaching was also – never to say “if it is your will to heal me”…
May 28, 8:14 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone were the people at that conference claiming that everyone has a right to be healed here on earth?
May 28, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): yes
y 28, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): every sickness comes from the enemy.. Jesus has the victory over the enemy – so when we claim this victory – every illness goes
May 28, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): if you stay sick – or in pain – like I did – then it is my lack of faith or lack of ability to receive healing.
28, 8:15 PMSimone (Guest): doesn’t sound like the Good News anymore to me now
8, 8:16 PM
Barbara (Guest): In His ordaining Will, Jesus CAN make EVERY illness go, but in His Great Mercy and Permitting Will, He allows some illnesses to stay…Plus we ALL will die (unless we’re alive at the Final Coming…
May 28, 8:16 PM
Simone (Guest): I think that this woman – who was teaching -has an extraordinary gift of healing – a true spiritual gift – but the generalization that everyone should go around and heal all the time.. I could not subscribe to this
y 28, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ive never heard of this
May 28, 8:17 PM
Paula (Guest): there will always be pain and suffering in this world but Jesus through His example shows us how to deal with it and endure it
ay 28, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Paula..
May 28, 8:17 PM
Caol (Guest): Its a fine point of discernment. When does confidence and faith turn into presumption and issuing orders to God?
28, 8:17 PM
Ruth (Guest): I am afraid that that is bad “theology”. Just think how very many of the Saints suffered serious illnesses. There can be NATURAL causes AND there can be a Spiritual evil that leads to illness.
May 28, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): the theology of suffering has catapulted me into the Catholic Church.. and genuine holy suffering is the biggest lacking in the body of Christ here on Earth I find..
y 28, 8:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): Now IM thinking of Mother Angelica and her mystic friend
May 28, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Ruth. I totally totally agree with you. Where were you yesterday?
y 28, 8:18 PMPaula (Guest): our willing to suffer is our show of charity ….charity for God and others which merits us Heaven
28, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): and that’s the point – people who follow this teaching do not even discern I find – if they are willing to suffer. For them suffering is immediately a sign – that one is not walking in victory
ay 28, 8:19 PMRuth (Guest): Where was I? Right here.
8, 8:20 PM
Paula (Guest): every prayer is heard and answered…..maybe they are healed but not in the way they asked
May 28, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): oh Barbara – I have been in circle like these many times.. and going back yesterday has reminded me of many cruel scenarios in my past -when sick people had to carry on top of their sickness also the shame that their faith is now also not good enough.
ay 28, 8:20 PM
Barbara (Guest): Heartbreaking for them…
May 28, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth That was a rhetorical question. I meant – I would have needed you at the conference yesterday – to say loud what you just wrote down.
y 28, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): so.. here is now the last question
May 28, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): How do we find a balance between desiring to have no suffering in the end in Heaven and being willing to peacefully endure it here on earth?
May 28, 8:21 PMDawn (Guest): Rhona Wise. There are many you tube videos on her. She was a stigmatic. I believe she prayed for Mother Angelica who was healed
May 28, 8:21 PMSimone (Guest): thanks Dawn. I will look it up
28, 8:22 PMBarbara (Guest): Perhaps neither a narcissistic masochist nor a narcissistic suffering-dodger—but one compliant (not complainant) to God’s Will should we always be
ay 28, 8:22 PMDawn (Guest): she was very well known.
ay 28, 8:22 PMSimone (Guest): Ok Barbara. I have no idea what you just meant
y 28, 8:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): I have a question about the question…Does the question seem to imply that the saints in Heaven wish that they still could do redemptive suffering?
May 28, 8:23 PM
Ruth (Guest): Maybe I did not complete my response to your message. FATIGUE and SLOWness is still a big issue for me but my PET/CT showed no signs of the LYMPHOMA coming back, which amazed my new Oncologist. By all statistics my chances of being dead about 2 1/2 years ago were purportedly 100%.
ay 28, 8:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): She mentored Mother Angelica
May 28, 8:23 PM
Paula (Guest): think about and remember this always……one day in Heaven you may desire to suffer and not be able too….and wished you had suffered more or better while on earth to show your love for God
, 8:24 PM
Steph (Guest): EWTN did a wonderful story on Rhonda Wise and her house is open for tours
May 28, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): HALLELUJA RUTH! Praise be to GOD that you are cancer free!. So sorry about your fatigue and slowness.. You are a perfect example of enduring suffering with patience
May 28, 8:24 PM
Caol (Guest): Ruth, you are here because you are needed
y 28, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I totally agree Carol
May 28, 8:24 PM
Barbara (Guest): Simone–striking balance seems like a call to (Thomas of Aquinas’) moderation; not seeking suffering and not avoiding it at all costs, either
May 28, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): but back to Barbara now.. I think I get it.. you are speaking of two extremes, right?
ay 28, 8:24 PMBarbara (Guest): YES!
8, 8:25 PMSimone (Guest): oh.. and Barbara- for a moment I also thought – if that was meant for continued suffering for Saints.. but I don’t think that is what is implied here
ay 28, 8:25 PMBarbara (Guest): Praise God, Ruth, that He’s not impressed by reports! He’s Greater than them all!
ay 28, 8:26 PMSimone (Guest): the question is … HOW do we find this balance…”.. any practical advice here from anyone?
28, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): what can help us?
May 28, 8:26 PM
Paula (Guest): Accept what God gives….send you
May 28, 8:26 PM
Steph (Guest): Pray hope and don’t worry, as per St Padre Pio
May 28, 8:26 PMCaol (Guest): To always look to Jesus no matter what
28, 8:27 PMSimone (Guest): so Paula.. you are saying .. whatever suffering we have – we should accept. and see it as the will of God.
ay 28, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): this is a Healing miracle in itself Ruth
May 28, 8:27 PM
Paula (Guest): yep….answer to question 4 which we skipped
May 28, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree in a way – but only after discerning prayer – I would like to surrender to suffering
ay 28, 8:28 PM
Barbara (Guest): Paula–In your earlier comment, are you thinking that the souls in Heaven wish they could suffer for us (or for their loved ones, at least)?
May 28, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): There is a possibility that Jesus wants to heal. right?
y 28, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): But – demanding healing is wrong I find – but putting our suffering on the feet of the throne of mercy is allowed – until we hear GOD speak on this subject I find.. what does anyone else think
May 28, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): ?
28, 8:29 PM
Barbara (Guest): Actually, suffering in Heaven would be more pure than here on Earth–here suffering gains us merit; there, it would truly only help the intended recipient (except for some accidental glory that God allowed for the soul that prayed)
May 28, 8:29 PM
Steph (Guest): yes, we should not demand, we ask and pray, and accept Gods will
28, 8:30 PM
Barbara (Guest): Do we think that Jesus and Mary suffer when they see the goings-on here on Earth?
May 28, 8:30 PM
Paula (Guest): but He knows how much we can and cannot take…..all must be for His glory and for our good as well
May 28, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): I am not sure if there is any mentioning of suffering in heaven.. even if it is pure
May 28, 8:30 PMCaol (Guest): Yes, I believe they do
5:36 PM
Barbara (Guest): Maybe it’s a gift in Heaven for some members of the Communion of Saints to join in making reparation for our sinfulness
May 28, 5:36 PM
Paula (Guest): be in the moment Ruth and offer it to God….accept what He sends you
May 28, 5:37 PM
Steph (Guest): St Therese offered up the laundry duty! LOL
May 28, 5:37 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ruth–You are giving them the blessing of doing good!!!
May 28, 5:37 PM
Ruth (Guest): Isn’t HOPE extraneous once we are in the unveiled PRESENCE of God? Only LOVE remains. No need even for FAITH!
May 28, 5:38 PM
Simone (Guest): ok.. Well.. we wrestled with BIG concepts tonight ladies. Thank you all for participating so wonderfully.. I have to leave – cause I have a call now scheduled. Please let’s all pray for Sr. Susan until Wednesday. The Sisters are seeking the Lord in new ways and for new ways in the next days.
May 28, 5:38 PM
Simone (Guest): You got me Ruth.. Only loves stays, Only love
May 28, 5:38 PM
Steph (Guest): Good night all, God bless you!
May 28, 5:38 PM
Caol (Guest): We will ! God bless us every one
May 28, 5:38 PM
Simone (Guest): Oh.. and Happy Feast of the Visitation on Wednesday!
May 28, 5:38 PM
Barbara (Guest): Amen!…TY for leading, Simone!!! …Wednesday’s their patron feast day, right?
May 28, 5:39 PM
Paula (Guest): All remains….but the greatest of these is love
May 28, 5:39 PM
Simone (Guest): It’s the Feast of the Visitation of Holy Mary
May 28, 5:39 PM
Barbara (Guest): YES! Happy feast day, Everyone!
May 28, 5:39 PM
Simone (Guest): Feast days for patrons are in January and August
May 28, 5:39 PM
Simone (Guest): really gotta go
May 28, 5:39 PM
Caol (Guest): Have a blessed week!
May 28, 5:39 PM
Barbara (Guest): Night, All!
May 28, 5:39 PM
Paula (Guest): bye see ya next week
May 28, 5:40 PM
Caol (Guest): Good night!