Mexican Mystic Mother Angelica Alvarez Icaza, Foundress of a Visitation Monastery, will lead us with her meditations, based on the Litany to the Sacred Heart, through June, the Month of the Sacred Heart.
Day One
Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father
How can I explain how the Word makes me penetrate into that divine affiliation! It makes me experience in a certain way the divine ardor that His human Heart has towards his Father, communicates to me these ardors or rather, we two together love; our hearts are made one heart to love and glorify the Father. I can not say more…..
Oh Heart of Jesus!
I surrender to you
I will not talk lightly
much less of myself!.
Day 2
Formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin
In a ray of divine light contemplate the infinite and substantial love of God -He is the divine and human love of the Heart of Jesus- the love of a pure creature in the Heart of Mary . A spark of the divine burnings ignited my poor heart!
Day 3
Heart of Jesus substantially united to the divine WORD
I am looking at the Heart of Jesus: such a human heart, a divine heart, with the bitterness of Calvary and the love of the Eucharist
If to achieve perfection
Is the greatest of your cravings
Dedicate yourself with determination to be faithful in your responsibilities.
Day 4
Heart of Jesus of Infinite Majesty
Penetrating the soul of this sovereign majesty, I adore, I love, even die; outside I am forced to keep before the Holy Sacrament a deep respect, and minor offenses seem to me crimes because the Heart of Jesus has long made me feel His Sovereign majesty and delicious love .
Oh Heart of Jesus!
I want to be yours, to be holy,
and for that I totally surrender
because I know you love me.
Day 5
Heart of Jesus, Holy Temple of God
In this holy temple I pray always to your Father oh Jesus, because you have taught me that only the supplications that pass from your divine Heart to the Father, only these are accepted.
Oh Heart of Jesus
Whom I love so much, so much,
I promise you to flee promptly
from what is less holy
Day 6
Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Highest
What supreme adoration, what divine silence,
what infinite love in this heart that is the tabernacle of the highest . The soul is present to You and silently adores You.
O Heart of Jesus
Of the Visitation a Treasure
I want always to console You
To be a sweet joy for You.
Day 7
Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven
God, mansion of God, a human-divine Heart, where the divinity dwells, where we also live for the love that He has for us. And door of heaven! oh Jesus! the soul that contemplates your Sacred Heart lives as at the door of heaven, in the vestibule of glory. Jesus, my sweet Jesus, I beg you to reveal the charms of your divine Heart to all souls and once they know you they will forget the things of the earth, oh Heart of Jesus!the door of the sky, door that leads us to the Father as you yourself have said.
O Heart of Jesus!
Of singular attractiveness
I want to enter your breast and
you will teach me to love
Day 8
Heart of Jesus, Fiery Furnace of Charity
Lessons of the Heart Of Jesus: “My daughter, look at this Heart that burns in love for people that they learn of me that I love them; I have given you an example so that as I love them I love you
O Heart of Jesus!
opened with a lance
I want that you feed me
of that blood and water.
Day 9
Heart of Jesus Receptacle of justice and love
The espoused soul: ” to You I come oh Heart of Jesus, hungry and thirsty for justice and love. I will joyfully draw from the sources of your divine breast and I will be satiated”
Oh Heart of Jesus!
Grant me a great favor
to be pure in my intentions, in my soul and heart