What exactly is humility?How can someone as great as St. John the Baptist have such amounts of humility? Can one truly be great without humility?What possibly was it about John the Baptist that made people ponder whether he was the Messiah/Christ or not?How does our modern social media and influencer culture make humility a difficult virtue to obtain?Is it wrong to have a place of stature and power? Is the path to humility only in avoiding these things?Our age seems to be a wilderness: in what ways can we
Jun 14, 11:24 AM
be “voices crying out” bringing truth through humility?
Jun 14, 11:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat June 18 730pm est
Jun 14, 11:25 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2023/06/sunday-chat-june-18/
Sunday chat June 18 | Visitation Spirit
Jun 14, 11:25 AM
SrSusan (Guest): I will be there this week Thanks for participating last week!
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Jun 18, 7:18 PM
Barbara (Guest): Evening, Sr. Susan!
Jun 18, 7:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Barbara Glad I can be here this week
n 18, 7:19 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes!!! Your wisdom-filled presence is missed!
Jun 18, 7:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): We had the novena to the Sacred Heart last week21 PM
Barbara (Guest): Interestingly, the June 15th edition of our diocesan newspaper The Beacon ran a summary article about the May 29th Vatican document: “Towards Full Presence: A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media.”
3 online
1 viewer
n 18, 7:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): The text really spoke to me about your 4th and 6th questions!
Jun 18, 7:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): Here is the link to The Beacon summary article: http://www.evergreeneditions.com/article/Vatican+releases+pastoral+reflection+on+Christian+engagement+with+social+media/4594484/794234/article.html
n 18, 7:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): The text really spoke to me about your 4th and 6th questions!
Jun 18, 7:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): Here is the link to The Beacon summary article: http://www.evergreeneditions.com/article/Vatican+releases+pastoral+reflection+on+Christian+engagement+with+social+media/4594484/794234/article.html
7:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): Here is the link to the 20-page English version of the Vatican document:
“Towards Full Presence. A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media”
Jun 18, 7:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): Would you believe that the document text even referred to St John the Baptist?
Jun 18, 7:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): This is amazing
n 18, 7:24 PM
Barbara (Guest): While we’re waiting for others to join, may I share a couple of the summary quotes that struck me?
Jun 18, 7:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Usually I notice new documents but this has been a time of serious reflection for us so I am not following things too much
Jun 18, 7:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes please share
, 7:25 PM
Barbara (Guest): TY! From The Beacon article’s section “From being an ‘influencer’ to a witness:
“One question the text encourages Christians to reflect on is whether their social media posts are pursuing “followers” for themselves or for Christ.” 18, 7:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): “The text highlights how ‘every Christian should be aware of his or her potential influence, no matter how many followers he or she has.’” n 18, 7:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): “It urges people to remember that ‘there were no ‘likes’ at all and almost no ‘followers’ at the moment of the biggest manifestation of the glory of God! Every human measurement of ‘success’ is relativized by the logic of the Gospel.’” 18, 7:27 PM
Barbara (Guest): “It is in this sense that we better understand the words of the great John the Baptist, the first witness of Christ: ‘He must increase; I must decrease’ (Jn 3:30). Like the Forerunner, who urged his disciples to follow Christ, we too are not pursuing ‘followers’ for ourselves, but for Christ. We can spread the Gospel only by forging a communion that unites us in Christ. We do this by following Jesus’ example of interacting with others.” 8, 7:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How do you think we fit in as a chat? It seems to me that we are honestly and unknowingly attempting to match these statementsun 18, 7:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and we have a good goal laid out for us in the above quotes
n 18, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What exactly is humility?How can someone as great as St. John the Baptist have such amounts of humility?
Jun 18, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): hi Ruth
8, 7:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St John the Baptist received grace from the womb and the Holy Spirit was instrumental in his life
Jun 18, 7:33 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi everyone!
Jun 18, 7:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Simone
un 18, 7:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): His greatness lies in his humility Jun 18, 7:34 PM
Ruth (Guest): Thank you, Barbara Jun 18, 7:34 PM
Barbara (Guest): The closer we are to following the Lord’s Light, the more we see how much we owe Him for everything–except our sins
Jun 18, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): If we consider that humility is self knowledge most of all – then St. John the Baptist had a bit of a heads up- since his father announced so beautifully who he was.
8, 7:35 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I have heard that St. J had no original sin. I do not know whether it is true, because I also heard that only Jesus and Blessed Mother had no original sin. un 18, 7:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): maybe it was wiped away in the womb
Jun 18, 7:35 PM
Simone (Guest): I have read recently that sin was taken away in the womb
8, 7:36 PM
Lisa C (Guest): How would it be wiped away
Jun 18, 7:36 PM
Simone (Guest): baptized in the womb – through the interaction with Mary at the Visitation
Jun 18, 7:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): The Holy Spirit perhaps altho I never heard he had no original sin
un 18, 7:37 PM
Lisa C (Guest): If it is wiped away then he had it
Jun 18, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): true
Jun 18, 7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): yes.. that’s my understanding
:37 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi everyone, just reading what you were writing before 7:30.
Jun 18, 7:37 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I will try to find where I saw that
n 18, 7:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Ruth about the Vatican document? un 18, 7:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Can one truly be great without humility? Jun 18, 7:39 PM
Simone (Guest): so – there were basically three persons on earth .. who dealt with sin differently than any other human being. Jesus – of course – could not even have original sin – Mary – who was graced to be spared from it – and St. John who had it taken away in the womb n 18, 7:39 PM
Simone (Guest): I love that question Sr. Susan. Because it clearly shows – that the lower we bow the greater we can be 18, 7:40 PM
Steph (Guest): my dearest greetings all, apolgize for lateness, thank you to my guardian angel for reminding me about checking my email
Jun 18, 7:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Steph
Jun 18, 7:40 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, Sister.
Jun 18, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Steph! Great work guardian angel!
:40 PM
Barbara (Guest): q 2 Not in God’s eyes—maybe in the world’s; and maybe to be a great celebrity in the world you can’t have humility Jun 18, 7:40 PM
Lisa C (Guest): https://catholicphilly.com/2016/11/catholic-spirituality/was-john-the-baptist-free-from-original-sin/
Was John the Baptist free from original sin? – Catholic Philly
Jun 18, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): good to make that distinction Barbara
Jun 18, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks Lisa.. I just glanced it.
Jun 18, 7:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): so it is a question re S John the Baptist that is being grappled with theologically
Jun 18, 7:42 PM
Barbara (Guest): One of the sad, but true costs of celebrity, right?
n 18, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): But the Pope is a celebrity and does it with full humility 18, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): it can be done
Jun 18, 7:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Mother Theresa of Calcutta was humble
Jun 18, 7:43 PM
Lisa C (Guest): OK Mother you are right, they think when the HS came into him it was wiped away…so he was born without it, but not conceived without it
Jun 18, 7:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): another good distinction
Jun 18, 7:43 PM
Lisa C (Guest): https://www.learnreligions.com/who-was-born-without-original-sin-542138
Who Was Born Without Original Sin?
Jun 18, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): exactlu
Jun 18, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): exactly..
, 7:44 PM
Barbara (Guest): Saint’s are God’s celebrities, but they generally neither seek nor wallow in being celebrities
Jun 18, 7:44 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Some claim St. Joseph was also conceived without original sin
un 18, 7:44 PM
Steph (Guest): Good point Lisa n 18, 7:45 PM
Simone (Guest): Lisa, I did not want to mention in – but I also read that recently.
Jun 18, 7:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): where
45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): where
Jun 18, 7:45 PM
Simone (Guest): I bought a book on St. Joseph – there it was stated
Jun 18, 7:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): I’m curious what difference it makes for theology . . . Whether or not St. John was born without Original Sin. Is that why he could baptism even his cousin Jesus?
Jun 18, 7:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am falling behind in alot of areas tonight!
Jun 18, 7:45 PM
Steph (Guest): exactly Barbara, some saints sought solitude such as St Mary of Egypt, and I cant remember the famous hermit in Canda
un 18, 7:46 PM
Steph (Guest): but their mission in life brought them out to public, but they were humble about their gifts n 18, 7:46 PM
Lisa C (Guest): For St. John the Bap and St. Joe it is not doctrine, but many saints have said so
8, 7:47 PM
Simone (Guest): being a public figure is maybe a challenge to humility – because voices constantly praise you for what you are not – but it does not erase humility
Jun 18, 7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Methodist minister’s wife saw me, alerted her husband and they helped me home.
un 18, 7:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What possibly was it about John the Baptist that made people ponder whether he was the Messiah/Christ or not? :49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What possibly was it about John the Baptist that made people ponder whether he was the Messiah/Christ or not?
Jun 18, 7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): invitation to repentance
Jun 18, 7:51 PM
Ruth (Guest): I fall behind all the time, but this time I fell forward, right on my forehead and nose. I seem to be ok though. That was just before chat. I’d been about six months without any more falls, at least not all the way to the floor or the ground. Just carelessness, bending over to look more closely at the wild plants at the roadside.
Jun 18, 7:51 PM
Steph (Guest): Sister, I think and have wondered how he carried himself, full of the Holy Spirit as he prepared people for Jesus.
Jun 18, 7:51 PM
Barbara (Guest): Perhaps his “fiery prophet” authoritative call to repentance
SrSusan (Guest): it is a good meditation Steph!
Jun 18, 7:51 PM
Steph (Guest): Yes Barbara, as he called out the ruler and his mistress, he had no fear only fear of the Lord, he was strong!
Jun 18, 7:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Ruth glad you are seemingly ok!
8, 7:53 PM
Steph (Guest): Yes, Ruth, glad you are ok and just look at God’s beautiful creation from up high next time not eye level.
Jun 18, 7:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St John’s preaching must have made people wonder 8, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): Steph – your sentence has almost a prophetic voice for me. Reminding me that I have to be full of the Holy Spirit as I call other to a life with Jesus
Jun 18, 7:53 PM
Ruth (Guest): It is interesting how all three sinless were all humble but apparently so different in demeanor.
Jun 18, 7:53 PM
Barbara (Guest): Maybe seeing him baptize the Lord likley added to their conviction
Jun 18, 7:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and despite his fire iness humility must have come through
un 18, 7:54 PM
Steph (Guest): I have some priest during mass, during their homilies that are so filled with Holy Spirit, I get so facinated and just listen. I can only imagine about John and his speeches or the way he carried himself, with humility but strength, like St Joseph 18, 7:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): Ususally, anyhow. I imagine Jesus as being very gentle. But he wasn’t when he turned over the tables in the Temple.
Jun 18, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): As for St. Joseph – although I do not see a theological component fully – but can you imagine living with concupiscence and then you share the household with two people who have never experienced that?
18, 7:55 PM
Barbara (Guest): Maybe his visible humility came in his acquiesce of his disciples to the Lord
Jun 18, 7:55 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It seems many saints think St. Joseph was conceived without original sin
un 18, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth … even then Jesus was gentle in the temple – he took the time to make a whip – that was time of grace for others I think 8, 7:56 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The Immaculate Conception was not doctrine until it was. Maybe someday they will know for sure about St. J Bap and St. Joe
Jun 18, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis de Sales also thought St Joseph was assumed into heaven like the Blessed Mother
un 18, 7:56 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Yes, Mother
Jun 18, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. I did not know that
Jun 18, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Huh! I had never heard that, before.
, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): https://www.ncregister.com/blog/was-st-joseph-assumed-into-heaven-here-s-what-the-saints-say
Was St. Joseph Assumed Into Heaven? Here’s What the Saints Say| National Catholic Register
Jun 18, 7:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): He must have been a very, very good father, though, to have taught the human Jesus as a child and young man.
un 18, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): Happy Father’s Day St. Joseph!
Jun 18, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes!!
, 7:58 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I really miss my Father today
Jun 18, 7:58 PM
Barbara (Guest): And Happy Father’s Day to God the Father, too!
Jun 18, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): oh Lisa, I am sorry. Is your Father living far away or passed on already?
Jun 18, 7:58 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Mine went home to God 2002
, 7:58 PM
Lisa C (Guest): He died recently
Jun 18, 7:59 PM
Steph (Guest): I agree Ruth, I always think during my rosary, the visitation to St Elizabeth, he made all the baby crib and furniture by hand, Blessed Mother was busy making baby clothes, St Elizabeth had nothing, how humble St Joseph was
un 18, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): So this is your first Father’s Day without your Father Lisa. Of course you miss him. Of course
Jun 18, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): qHow does our modern social media and influencer culture make humility a difficult virtue to obtain?
Jun 18, 7:59 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It is the second, the first was right after he died
Jun 18, 7:59 PM
Steph (Guest): may he rest in peace Lisa
n 18, 7:59 PM
Ruth (Guest): thank you Sister! I have my reading cut out for me. , 8:00 PM
Barbara (Guest): Lisa, a friend of mine said she grew closer to our Heavenly Father after her biological father went home to Him…Not that it erases the missing, but softens it…The way many saints whose mothers died when they were young felt Our Blessed Mother become more of a mother to them…
Jun 18, 8:00 PM
Steph (Guest): Oh Sister, it is a look at me society now, how many likes, how many comments
:01 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I still feel close to my Father. I pray for him all the time.
Jun 18, 8:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): when exactly did this word influencer gain popularity
Jun 18, 8:01 PM
Simone (Guest): Bless your beautiful heart Lisa. You are a good daughter still
Jun 18, 8:01 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I am praying for all souls
Jun 18, 8:02 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I only began to hear of it within the past 2 years
Jun 18, 8:02 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thank you Lisa for your witness to the souls gone before us
Jun 18, 8:02 PM
Simone (Guest): I find the word “influencer” very fitting. Funny thing.. no-one would admit to be influenced
n 18, 8:02 PM
Simone (Guest): brain- washer might be another fitting name 18, 8:02 PM
Barbara (Guest): Culture rewards popularity regardless of the nature of the “influencer’s” spiritual influence…In fact, the cancel culture makes it hard to be a good witness n 18, 8:03 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I read today that we do not know whether souls can see us or pray for us. They know Saints in Heaven can. That broke my heart today. n 18, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): Did it break your heart Lisa – because you are not sure if your Dad sees you now?
Jun 18, 8:03 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I thought for sure they could still see us and know what we think about them and that we are praying for them.
18, 8:04 PM
Simone (Guest): My comfort is – that love is eternal, – it is never lost – 8, 8:04 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It breaks my heart, because they might not know that we are praying for them and might feel abandoned 05 PM
Simone (Guest): Love connects.
Jun 18, 8:05 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I know they know they will be with God, but he loved us so much. He has to know
Jun 18, 8:05 PM
Ruth (Guest): Love is stronger than death.
18, 8:06 PM
Lisa C (Guest): So why can’t the Church say they can see us praying
Jun 18, 8:06 PM
Steph (Guest): I think they know Lisa, at my Pop’s grave, I often see a rare butterfly, I think it is him or at least hope it is him
8, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): I know a woman who lost her 4 year old son to cancer. She was devastated. But she started to go to church and take communion on a daily base. She said. I know he is IN CHRIST – and now Christ is in me – and that’s how I still can connect with him
Jun 18, 8:06 PM
Steph (Guest): wow Simone, that is beautiful
Jun 18, 8:07 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Yes, we are all in the Church
un 18, 8:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Is it wrong to have a place of stature and power? Is the path to humility only in avoiding these things?
n 18, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It cannot be wrong, since we have a Pope
Jun 18, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): and Stephanie.. when my Mom died- my Dad and I walked a lot – to process our grief. And there was always a little red bird .. flying right beside us .. for a long time. while we were walking. I am somewhat sure it was connected with my Mom.
un 18, 8:08 PM
Barbara (Guest): All is in God’s Infinitely Good Will to reveal as He when and how He knows best…It is a humility to trust in the ways of God’s Infinite Love n 18, 8:09 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Most Popes do not seek being Pope and feel overwhelmed, but it is not wrong to have that status and role n 18, 8:10 PM
Steph (Guest): During Bible in a Year with Fr Mike, he said all leaders are appointed by God, and God will use good and bad for his Good, that always stuck with me
Jun 18, 8:10 PM
Simone (Guest): The good thing is – a truly humble person can be powerful in both statures. Low and high 18, 8:10 PM
Simone (Guest): Steph, the Old Testament is a witness to this statement
Jun 18, 8:10 PM
Lisa C (Guest): If a Pope is going to use the role to bring people to God it cannot be wrong
8:11 PM
Steph (Guest): oh yes, Simone it was during OT overview, agree
Jun 18, 8:11 PM
Barbara (Guest): Not wrong if we’re using it as witnesses, as good stewards in fulfillment of 2 Great Commandments
Jun 18, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): It is not wrong to have a place of stature and power – it is wrong to abuse it for one’s own glory
Our age seems to be a wilderness: in what ways can we
Jun 14, 11:24 AM
be “voices crying out” bringing truth through humility? 8:12 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think of I shop Barron, so knowledgeable, such a good speaker, drawing people to Christ, and every morning on his knees, praying that God receive the glory, He says that the 9riginal Sin
Jun 18, 8:12 PM
Barbara (Guest): In fact, it might be “wrong” not to participate in a holy way
8, 8:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Humbly stating the truth clears wilderness of people’s confusions un 18, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): I like that Sister n 18, 8:14 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think with humility it might be easy to become afraid and feel like one is not strong, but we have to remember we have God’s strength
Jun 18, 8:14 PM
Barbara (Guest): According to the Vatican document, we need to be more reflective than reactive, taking time to answer in Godly ways
n 18, 8:14 PM
Ruth (Guest): the worst sin was/is Pride. It separates us from God by our putting ourselves in God’s place. And yet when we work WITH God, we can, through His power, do great things. un 18, 8:14 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Most people do not want to hear truth Jun 18, 8:15 PM
Barbara (Guest): Beautiful insight, Sr Susan!
Jun 18, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): Conviction brings shame out in people.. when there is no way to bring it to God it is hard to bear
n 18, 8:16 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ergo the “cancel” culture, right, Lisa? Jun 18, 8:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that’s another phrase that is more or less recent what does it exactly mean :17 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth.. in regards to your comment.. when Moses – tried to answer the need of his people in HIS power .. he killed ONE person – with a lot of physical energy- and nothing really achieved. Other than the punishment got harder. When Moses worked in GOd’s timing with GOD’s strength — all he needed to do was to stretch out his Hand over the Red Sea – and everyone of the enemy was killed and they were free. 18, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): Cancel culture means – that people “cancel” you.. when they disagree.
Jun 18, 8:17 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Mother when someone believes something that does not go along with the sinful agenda of the left they try to destroy that person.
18, 8:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): thank you I am trying to think of a former way that this was said in the “old”days!
Jun 18, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): it’s in a way a new form of persecution
Jun 18, 8:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ok un 18, 8:19 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Mother I do not think it happened in the old days. People were allowed to disagree then.
Jun 18, 8:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ah !
, 8:19 PM
Barbara (Guest): Canceling tries to silence voices it does not wish to hear by removing people’s abilities to post messages or by having them fired or having companies lose customers or go out of business
Jun 18, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): or.. some things that are necessary for the human race not to go extinct – were actually always agreed on.
Jun 18, 8:19 PM
Lisa C (Guest): For example people are attacking the Supreme Court Justices for overturning Roe v. Wade
n 18, 8:20 PM
Ruth (Guest): In some sects I think it is called shunning. 8, 8:20 PM
Lisa C (Guest): They kept impeaching Pres Trump and now they keep arresting him on false charges because of his pro life and other conservative views.
Jun 18, 8:20 PM
Barbara (Guest): Never thought of that, Ruth!
Sr Susan Marie Kasprzak <srsusankasprzak@gmail.com>
Sun, Jun 18 at 5:25 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The FBI and Dept of Justice are being used as weapons to silence people
Jun 18, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): yes Ruth. My sister in law actually believes in shunning in the Christian circles. When her sister in law – was getting a divorce – the whole family and church shunned her until she cancelled the divorce
Jun 18, 8:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): Or it can label a good woman a witch, and have her killed!
Jun 18, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): WOW.. never thought of that Ruth
n 18, 8:22 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It is like the Communists in China and Russia getting rid of people who do not agree
Jun 18, 8:22 PM
Ruth (Guest): Or does the story of the Scarlet LETTER
Sr Susan Marie Kasprzak <srsusankasprzak@gmail.com>
Sun, Jun 18 at 5:25 PM
Simone (Guest): WOW.. never thought of that Ruth
n 18, 8:22 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It is like the Communists in China and Russia getting rid of people who do not agree
Jun 18, 8:22 PM
Ruth (Guest): Or does the story of the Scarlet LETTER
23 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Chick fil e closes on Sunday and the left won’t eat there because they make their Christian values known
Jun 18, 8:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): If I might recommend the Vatican document, it even addresses AI and its evolving dangers in silencing voices
Jun 18, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): Dawn! You made it!
Jun 18, 8:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I will read the whole thing and thanks for letting me know Barbara
Jun 18, 8:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Dawn
Jun 18, 8:24 PM
Ruth (Guest): E.g. being labeled “intolerant or gay brasher, when you treat the individual with love and concern but NOT condone the sinful behavior.
Jun 18, 8:24 PM
Barbara (Guest): Here is the link to the 20-page English version of the Vatican document: “Towards Full Presence: A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media.”
“Towards Full Presence. A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media”