If confession is for the remission of sin, why is it not enough to just go through the motions? Why do we need to be detached from sin?Does this mean a person’s confession is invalid if they do not have true sorrow for their sins?Does this mean I can just have a hatred for sin and healthy detachment from them and canjust skip sacramental confession?If this aspects of the will and heart need to be included in a proper and complete disconnect from sin, does this throw a wrench in baptismal theology that sins are forgiven at the time of baptism? And that infants can/should receive baptism?How can we learn to make a deep and sincere act of contrition (not the words, but the disposition of the heart)? Jun 4, 7:49 PM

Carol (Guest): Not necessarily, because the root cause must also be healed

Jun 4, 7:49 PM

Heather Hansen (Guest): Small but mighty and detrimental

Jun 4, 7:49 PM

Simone (Guest): LOL.. if I just would understand cunning now.. but it’s OK Heather. THanks

Jun 4, 7:49 PM

Simone (Guest): oh.. baffling I do understand

Jun 4, 7:49 PM

Simone (Guest): hmmm.. the root cause of what Carol… sorry to put you on the spot..

Jun 4, 7:49 PM

Carol (Guest): How about deeply rooted and hidden Simine

Jun 4, 7:50 PM

Steph (Guest): true Carol, we may need to heal trauma that causes the repetition in sin

Jun 4, 7:50 PM

Simone (Guest): so.. it seems that sin – is more than just the behaviour.. what we repent.. that’s what I am hearing

Jun 4, 7:50 PM

Carol (Guest): It’s okay. The root cause of a particular sin. Like pride, envy etc or it could be behavioral issues due to unhealed trauma?

Jun 4, 7:50 PM

Heather Hansen (Guest): Remorse will only get us so far to removing sin as an action. I wonder when St Francis de Sales will discuss God’s Grace in relation to removing sin

Jun 4, 7:51 PM

Dawn (Guest): I wish there was a way to have StF words, this chapter before us….he explains so much

Jun 4, 7:51 PM

Simone (Guest): do you have the words in the book Dawn?

Jun 4, 7:51 PM

Simone (Guest): well.. let’s go to the next question.

Jun 4, 7:51 PM

Simone (Guest): it will lead us actually nicely

Jun 4, 7:51 PM

Carol (Guest): It’s true Heather, Jesus heals us but we have to show up

Jun 4, 7:51 PM

Dawn (Guest): I open the letter Sr Susan has sent and can refer to it as we are chatting any responding to questions

Jun 4, 7:51 PM

Simone (Guest): perfect Dawn

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

Simone (Guest): here is question #2

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

Simone (Guest): Does this mean a person’s confession is invalid if they do not have true sorrow for their sins?

Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

Simone (Guest): oh and Hi Elaine.. good to see you

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

Simone (Guest): Sister is here!

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Sorry to be late

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

Carol (Guest): Can only a priest be sure of validity?

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

Carol (Guest): Hi Elaine

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Sr Susan!

Jun 4, 7:52 PM

Carol (Guest): Hi Sr Susan!

Jun 4, 7:53 PM

Simone (Guest): We were wondering if you are locked out Sister. Good to have you Sister. We are on question 2 now. Want to take over?

Jun 4, 7:53 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Hi all! What are we up to ?

Jun 4, 7:53 PM

SrSusan (Guest): You do great without me but sure

Jun 4, 7:53 PM

Simone (Guest): Does this mean a person’s confession is invalid if they do not have true sorrow for their sins?

Jun 4, 7:53 PM

Simone (Guest): just reposted question

 7:54 PMSteph (Guest): I think so, you have to be humble and trust in God, lay out all the cards on the table to be valid, no?

 7:55 PM

Steph (Guest): but…you can be sorrowful in your sins, and still go back to drinking, smoking for example. Hard life for some, those are comfort items

Jun 4, 7:55 PM

SrSusan (Guest): not sure about that

Jun 4, 7:55 PM

Simone (Guest): In the end – only God can judge our level of remorse or contrition

n 4, 7:55 PMDawn (Guest): Contrition is necessary for Confession to be valid

4, 7:56 PM

Heather Hansen (Guest): Sounds like we need a definition of contritoo up n

Jun 4, 7:56 PM

Heather Hansen (Guest): Contrition

 4, 7:57 PM

SrSusan (Guest): the repentance of past sins during or after confession.

Jun 4, 7:57 PM

Simone (Guest): what if someone is really sorry for what they did – is that contrition? – and goes to confession – but already knows that they will commit the same sin – but WITHOUT trying to detach from the sin.

4, 7:57 PM

Simone (Guest): or the attraction to sin

Jun 4, 7:57 PM

Simone (Guest): thanks Sister Susan

Jun 4, 7:57 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I think there is imperfect and perfect contrition

4, 7:57 PM

Simone (Guest): oh.. tell us more about this Sister please

Jun 4, 7:58 PM

Heather Hansen (Guest): Going to have to run ladies. Thank you for your time. God Bless you all

Jun 4, 7:58 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Perfect contrition (also called contrition of charity) is a repentance for sin that is motivated by faith and the love of God. It contrasts with imperfect contrition, which arises from a less pure motive, such as common decency or fear of Hell.

Jun 4, 7:58 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Glad you were here Heather

Jun 4, 7:58 PMSimone (Guest): Sister.. what you are saying is something I was contemplating earlier.

un 4, 7:59 PM

Simone (Guest): I can be sorry because of fear of GOD ( but more fear of hell) — or I can be sorry, because of Love of God. The first one leads more to remorse of behaviour I think .. whereas the second one – is a gateway to detachment from sin

Jun 4, 8:00 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Yes

 4, 8:00 PMCarol (Guest): The first is more immature

un 4, 8:00 PMSimone (Guest): I agree Carol.

un 4, 8:01 PMSrSusan (Guest): This q ties in: Does this mean I can just have a hatred for sin and healthy detachment from them and canjust skip sacramental confession?

n 4, 8:01 PM

Simone (Guest): well.. sounds like my old times in the protestant church

Jun 4, 8:01 PM

Carol (Guest): No! Without grace we cannot detach

, 8:01 PM

Dawn (Guest): haha Simone

Jun 4, 8:02 PM

Steph (Guest): oh no, you have to confess to priest, as he is acting as persona Christ

, 8:02 PMSimone (Guest): we cannot lift the power of sin over us from our own. We have offended the eternal one – only the eternal one can repair

n 4, 8:02 PM

Dawn (Guest): everything is grace

Jun 4, 8:02 PM

Simone (Guest): and he does that in the Sacrament

n 4, 8:03 PMSimone (Guest): Everything is grace… everything.. would be a lovely tatoo

n 4, 8:03 PMSteph (Guest): the more we live with sacraments,the more closer to Jesus. So beautiful

Jun 4, 8:04 PMCarol (Guest): And we cannot skip the other sacraments either

un 4, 8:04 PMSimone (Guest): oh no. how would grace enter our soul?

n 4, 8:05 PMSimone (Guest): that was a rhetorical question

 8:06 PM

Carol (Guest): We are all in silent agreement

Jun 4, 8:06 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes Carol

Jun 4, 8:06 PM

Simone (Guest): oh.. I have to teach that to my family.. .silent agreement.

6 PM

Carol (Guest): You’re funny

Jun 4, 8:06 PM

Simone (Guest): I take that as a compliment.

:07 PM

Carol (Guest): Oh good, because it is one

Jun 4, 8:07 PM

Simone (Guest): <3

Jun 4, 8:07 PM

Simone (Guest): that should be a heart

n 4, 8:07 PMSimone (Guest): laying down..

 4, 8:08 PMDawn (Guest): St Teresa of Avila ” it took years of praying for the grace of perfect contrition before she received it and began to advance along

8:08 PM

Simone (Guest): wow.. that is powerful. I have not prayed for the grace of perfect contrition for a long time

Jun 4, 8:08 PM

Carol (Guest): It’s like praying for humility in its power to change us

Jun 4, 8:08 PM

Simone (Guest): I see

, 8:09 PM

Dawn (Guest): I have not either!

Jun 4, 8:09 PM

Simone (Guest): I feel, that I just was given a treasure

Jun 4, 8:10 PMSrSusan (Guest): great reminder

un 4, 8:11 PM

Dawn (Guest): me as well. it goes on to say we should spend more of our prep time praying for grace of contrition htan in examining our indivual sins…

Jun 4, 8:11 PM

SrSusan (Guest): q If this aspects of the will and heart need to be included in a proper and complete disconnect from sin, does this throw a wrench in baptismal theology that sins are forgiven at the time of baptism?

n 4, 8:11 PM

Steph (Guest): and literally have patience of a saint…like St Teresa of Avila LOL

Jun 4, 8:11 PM

Carol (Guest): Because our conscience will tell us what we might otherwise omit

Jun 4, 8:12 PMSimone (Guest): contrition will spill out – what pride would want to keep in

n 4, 8:13 PM

Steph (Guest): I don’t think so Sister, is it not original sin at baptism

Jun 4, 8:13 PM

Simone (Guest): I agree Steph

Jun 4, 8:13 PM

Steph (Guest): Our parents, God parents bring us in the faith at baptism to recieve Holy Spirit, and try to be sinless

un 4, 8:14 PMSimone (Guest): The sacrament of baptism give us the power to ever enter into genuine contrition

un 4, 8:14 PM

Steph (Guest): as we grow, we must follow Gods will and heart, and that is when Gods grace to keep on straight and narrow

Jun 4, 8:14 PM

Steph (Guest): true Simone, good thought

un 4, 8:17 PMSrSusan (Guest): original sin is different than our own committed sins, baptism of infants takes away original sin

un 4, 8:19 PM

Simone (Guest): I love what SFdS writes about people who are not detached from sin.. but try to have “good behaviour”

Jun 4, 8:19 PM

Simone (Guest): Such a soul performs good actions, but with such spiritual languor as to deprive them of all grace, and to make them scanty and ineffective.

4, 8:20 PM

Simone (Guest): I find that very interesting…

n 4, 8:20 PM

Dawn (Guest): Yes, and Im thinking to read Intro again

Jun 4, 8:21 PM

SrSusan (Guest): great book

Jun 4, 8:21 PM

Carol (Guest): So much to learn

Jun 4, 8:21 PM

Simone (Guest): Hmm Dawn.. we should chat about this

un 4, 8:21 PMSimone (Guest): SFdS was such a good Diagnostic of the Soul. brilliant

4, 8:22 PMSrSusan (Guest): q And that infants can/should receive baptism?How can we learn to make a deep and sincere act of contrition (not the words, but the disposition of the heart)?

4, 8:22 PM

Dawn (Guest): At one time Sr Susan took us thru the book

Jun 4, 8:23 PM

Simone (Guest): I know. you ladies have told me. Well.. unfortunately it was not on my radar by then yet. sigh

Jun 4, 8:23 PM

Dawn (Guest): Well now I think I should pray for it!

Jun 4, 8:23 PM

Carol (Guest): Me too!

Jun 4, 8:23 PM

Simone (Guest): I am interested in all your answers to the last question posted. How does one “learn” to make a deep and sincere act of contrition?

Jun 4, 8:23 PM

Simone (Guest): I get that asked a lot

Jun 4, 8:24 PM

Dawn (Guest): To pray for it.

Jun 4, 8:24 PM

Simone (Guest): Dawn. .how would you pray for that?

un 4, 8:24 PMCarol (Guest): To pray, yes, and to go often to Confession

un 4, 8:25 PM

Dawn (Guest): umm good question. To pray for the grace of contrition. to ask Jesu for the grace

Jun 4, 8:25 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I could post all the chats from the introduction on the website if that helps

Jun 4, 8:25 PM

Simone (Guest): I think – that contrition is a product of grace on one hand – and of love for God on the other hand.

:25 PM

Simone (Guest): oh. wow.. that would be a loooooooong post Sister

Jun 4, 8:26 PM

SrSusan (Guest): well several posts

Jun 4, 8:26 PM

Carol (Guest): T would help I think

Jun 4, 8:26 PM

SrSusan (Guest): or you can look undr the archives it was active then

5 PM

Simone (Guest): oh. wow.. that would be a loooooooong post Sister

Jun 4, 8:26 PM

SrSusan (Guest): well several posts

Jun 4, 8:26 PM

Carol (Guest): T would help I think

Jun 4, 8:26 PM

SrSusan (Guest): or you can look undr the archives it was active then

Jun 4, 8:26 PM

Simone (Guest): and do we study that together then.. or individually read it on the website?

Jun 4, 8:26 PM

Simone (Guest): I think I saw something once

Jun 4, 8:27 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Good question I can repost a few and then we can decide maybe key topics

un 4, 8:27 PMSimone (Guest): the time might be right. What do others say?

 4, 8:27 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes!

Jun 4, 8:27 PM

Dawn (Guest): A fruitful idea and venture1

, 8:28 PM

Simone (Guest): unity is a sign of the Holy Spirit often

Jun 4, 8:28 PM

Simone (Guest): I can see total unity here in our ansewrs

Jun 4, 8:28 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes. maybe we could communicate in email ?

Jun 4, 8:28 PM

Simone (Guest): I am in

Jun 4, 8:28 PM

SrSusan (Guest): here is sample of first one https://www.icontact-archive.com/archive?c=1029793&f=1988&s=2046&m=414174&t=44f0d18c19339967b1be43b205c1596fa07d3b2574e5f4560987969cb886fdda

un 4, 8:29 PM

Carol (Guest): Thank you!

Jun 4, 8:29 PM

Simone (Guest): lovely. Looking forward to this

Jun 4, 8:28 PM

Dawn (Guest): thank you Sr

, 8:29 PM

Dawn (Guest): this is great Sister, will help us to stay on the path

Jun 4, 8:29 PM

SrSusan (Guest): so one news chat for chat and one older one for e mail?

n 4, 8:30 PM

Simone (Guest): sounds good to me

Jun 4, 8:30 PM

SrSusan (Guest): ok





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