The True Friends of Jesus
The Heart of Jesus has called us to become members of the Guard of honor and we responded generously. Sometimes discouragement awaits us. But who has never been tempted? What would be the reality of a love if this one was never tested? The measure of our patience in enduring adversities, failures, disappointments will be that of our merit and our progress.
Offer ourselves to Jesus as He Himself offered Himself without ever making the slightest complaint. Let’s accept the thousand hassles of our daily lives without making mountains or a cause of rebellion against God. Stay true no matter what. All is perfectly ordered in its divine plan and contributes to our sanctification. Trials shape our ability to trust Him and measure the depth and sincerity of our love for Him. These small deaths to ourselves are so many consolations that we give to his Sacred Heart, constantly hurt by so much indifference and contempt from so many.
Moreover, they are so many promises of our future Eternal Life. Jesus himself complained of not being loved and of having very little true friends, it is up to us to prove to Him that He can count on us! (According to the 1st zealous notes from Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)