Do you think St. Francis is being too pushy in order to keep this young woman in the convent?How can we more easily discern what God is calling us to versus a temptation away from something?Why is it important to recognize when resentment creeps in compared to the “peace that surpasses understanding” (Philippians 4:7)?How is resentment, etc. similar to a temptation toward blasphemy or heresy?How can we counter this resentment, or how do we “go on singing” as St. Francis puts it?How many priests and religious who left their vocations do you think have really found happiness afterwards? Married couples?How does one overcome thoughts of “the grass is always greener on the other side” when it comes to a vocation?
3, 7:02 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Hi Carol
Jul 23, 7:02 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): welcome viewers
Jul 23, 7:02 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Sr Susan, how are you?
Jul 23, 7:03 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Doing ok thank you!
Jul 23, 7:03 PM
Carol (Guest): I’m adjusting to life in the desert
Jul 23, 7:03 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Very hot here as everywhere else but quiet tis summer, so far
Jul 23, 7:03 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Which desert?
Jul 23, 7:03 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Mohave?
Jul 23, 7:04 PM
Carol (Guest): Arizona. Specifically the Sonora
Jul 23, 7:04 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): oh!
Jul 23, 7:04 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Like living on the moon- so different yet with its own beauty
Jul 23, 7:04 PM
Carol (Guest): I am living with some members of my community
Jul 23, 7:05 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): That is wonderful!
Jul 23, 7:05 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I must have missed the news
Jul 23, 7:05 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Community life is special
Jul 23, 7:05 PM
Carol (Guest): It happened fast. I will have to email you specifics
Jul 23, 7:06 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I would be happy to know more- it isa good development for your vocation
Jul 23, 7:06 PM
Carol (Guest): It is!
Jul 23, 7:06 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): God is so good!
ul 23, 7:07 PM
Carol (Guest): He arranged this whole thing with no help from me
Jul 23, 7:07 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): Your help is in your trust and dependence on Him
ul 23, 7:19 PMCarol (Guest): Here is the link for the whole series.
ul 23, 7:23 PMDawn (Guest): Q1) I felt he was being enough strong in helping her overcome her temptations
ul 23, 7:24 PMCarol (Guest): To me it almost sounds like she was suddenly frustrated by simething
ul 23, 7:25 PMSr Susan (Guest): I dont think it said how long she was in
ul 23, 7:25 PM
Carol (Guest): Maybe at the point of realizing how hard the transformation is?
Jul 23, 7:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): perhaps feeling like she could not accomplish her plan,
Jul 23, 7:26 PMSr Susan (Guest): temptations do assault one in religiouis life
ul 23, 7:26 PMPaula (Guest): Still she not quit
ul 23, 7:28 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I dont think St Francis was being pushy about encouraging her vocation
Jul 23, 7:28 PM
Paula (Guest): I know when I left…..I lost a lot of graces and I really really regret it
Jul 23, 7:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): having a temptation , its from God allowing it, so you can grow in opposite virtue. I meant this as a question
Jul 23, 7:28 PMCarol (Guest): I was in the wrong place. Took me years to recover
ul 23, 7:29 PMPaula (Guest): yes…but i wish i would have stayed and died even if i did not make it to full profession
Jul 23, 7:30 PMDawn (Guest): Paula, were you in Visitation?
Jul 23, 7:30 PMCarol (Guest): I can relate to that Paula
ul 23, 7:30 PMPaula (Guest): Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales
3, 7:30 PMDawn (Guest): are they 3rd order?
23, 7:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Ruth!
Jul 23, 7:31 PM
Paula (Guest): no
l 23, 7:31 PMPaula (Guest): They are founded by Blessed Louise Brisson and St. Mother Aviat
ul 23, 7:32 PMSr Susan (Guest): q How can we more easily discern what God is calling us to versus a temptation away from something?
ul 23, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): I like this question
Jul 23, 7:33 PM
Paula (Guest): peace
3, 7:33 PMLisa C (Guest): I saw a video today saying that the crisis in vocations was really pushed along by Vatican II. When people are exposed to secularism with less orthodoxy they lose the desire to stay.
ul 23, 7:33 PM
Lisa C (Guest): They want God and they want the real religion, not a watered down version.
Jul 23, 7:34 PM
Carol (Guest): Talking to a spiritual director helps too
Jul 23, 7:34 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): it was an odd time and we have not recovered
Jul 23, 7:34 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): a temptation usually keeps us in turmoil or discontent
Jul 23, 7:34 PM
Paula (Guest): Some people think that Vatican 2 was a mistake
Jul 23, 7:35 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Yes, Mother, and it is happening again. Bergolio is closing Orders of Nuns and Monks that are orthodox
Jul 23, 7:35 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): a call feels deep and yes as Paula said there is an element or more of peace
Jul 23, 7:35 PM
Paula (Guest): Hi Lisa
ul 23, 7:35 PMDawn (Guest): so much is being revealed at this time!
ul 23, 7:36 PMSr Susan (Guest): q Why is it important to recognize when resentment creeps in compared to the “peace that surpasses understanding” (Philippians 4:7)
ul 23, 7:37 PMCarol (Guest): I keep hearing the Traditional Orders are growing
ul 23, 7:37 PMLisa C (Guest): Yes, Carol, but at the same time a lot are being closed and attacked
l 23, 7:37 PM
Paula (Guest): Because resentment is from the devil….he wants chaos
Jul 23, 7:38 PM
Lisa C (Guest): One in TX is being attacked now
Jul 23, 7:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): resentment from the evil one so not helpful , I thiink it too is a temptation
ul 23, 7:39 PM
Paula (Guest): resentment…leads to discord…discourangement….depression….despair….devil
Jul 23, 7:39 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): resentment does not build relationships
Jul 23, 7:39 PM
Carol (Guest): If its the one I’m thinking of, I can’t remember gearing the Vatixan is even involved in tgat
l 23, 7:39 PM
Carol (Guest): Er Vatican
Jul 23, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): I was unaware of the traditional orders being closed part II. focused on priests and Bishops
Jul 23, 7:39 PM
Lisa C (Guest): People with vocations want to join traditional orthodox congregations, but the Vatican is doing everything to close them
l 23, 7:40 PMPaula (Guest): God is in charge and He will prevail!
l 23, 7:41 PMLisa C (Guest): Today Bishop Barron said God allows the evil planting of weeds in the wheat and leaves them there so the wheat will not be hurt
23, 7:46 PM
Carol (Guest): Because we so focus on the resentment it comes between us and God
Jul 23, 7:46 PM
Paula (Guest): resentment is full of pride and thinking that we know better ….rebellion
Jul 23, 7:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr, is this a temptation possible now, as we are discovering things happening in the church?
ul 23, 7:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr, is this a temptation possible now, as we are discovering things happening in the church?
Jul 23, 7:47 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): which is a temptation Dawn
Jul 23, 7:47 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): one needs to discern everything
Jul 23, 7:47 PM
Dawn (Guest): resentment towards what is happening
Jul 23, 7:48 PMDawn (Guest): yes, everything. good, thank you
, 7:48 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): one must witness more and more to the truth
Jul 23, 7:48 PM
Ruth (Guest): And, when in a position to do so, to speak up a d defend Truth. God I’d ALLOWING these things to happen in His hur h,
Jul 23, 7:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): I heard today the USCCB is NOT Catholic at all. it is a lobbying group
Jul 23, 7:49 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Dawn I think the new head is good
l 23, 7:49 PM
Lisa C (Guest): he is the head of the military archdiocese and conservative
Jul 23, 7:49 PM
Ruth (Guest): Church and He will be with her til the end of time, the
Jul 23, 7:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): this on Church militant. what is he head of?
ul 23, 7:51 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): q How can we counter this resentment, or how do we “go on singing” as St. Francis puts it?
l 23, 7:51 PM
Paula (Guest): do opposite actions
Jul 23, 7:51 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Mother, trusting God has us experiencing what we need to experience and so not resent what happens
Jul 23, 7:52 PM
Carol (Guest): Stay in the present moment and in God’s will
Jul 23, 7:52 PMRuth (Guest): Correction: God is allowing, and He will be with her til the end of time . . .
Jul 23, 7:52 PMPaula (Guest): remember what brought us to where we are today and be grateful for it
Jul 23, 7:53 PMLisa C (Guest): “My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”
ul 23, 7:53 PMPaula (Guest): As my Saint/aunt used to say ….we have to take what God is serving up now
l 23, 7:54 PMPaula (Guest): Cause He’s in charge
ul 23, 7:55 PM
Ruth (Guest): But that does not mean that what is happening with the “synod” in Germany is in line with His Will or that the upcoming g Vatican Synod are part of His Will
Jul 23, 7:55 PM
Paula (Guest): This too shall pass…God can use the worst of it for His glory…look at the cross
23, 7:56 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): q How many priests and religious who left their vocations do you think have really found happiness afterwards?
ul 23, 7:56 PMLisa C (Guest): do not know, Mother
Jul 23, 7:57 PMPaula (Guest): Maybe this is for Catholic to speak up….as Frank Duff says…we all say too little in sharing our faith
ul 23, 7:57 PMPaula (Guest): 0
ul 23, 7:57 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): I met a few- hard to say- some seem content but who knows about their souls
Jul 23, 7:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): I not sure. ost of priests I listen to have been cancelled
ul 23, 7:58 PMLisa C (Guest): My daughter had a friend growing up whose father was an ex priest and mother was an ex nun
ul 23, 7:59 PMDawn (Guest): somehow this is sad to me
ul 23, 7:59 PMLisa C (Guest): It made me uneasy
ul 23, 8:00 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): cant really be an ex priest, technically because of the mark on the soul
Jul 23, 8:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes
ul 23, 8:00 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I wonder about some of the trials they had….the boy had juvenile diabetes
Jul 23, 8:00 PM
Paula (Guest): I heard a story like that too…..and the son they had (person I knew) grew up very liberal….and very riotous in living
23, 8:01 PMCarol (Guest): Have a blessed week!
l 23, 8:02 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The head of my daughter’s school was an e nun
Jul 23, 8:02 PM
Lisa C (Guest): ex nun
l 23, 8:02 PMSr Susan (Guest): q How does one overcome thoughts of “the grass is always greener on the other side” when it comes to a vocation?
l 23, 8:03 PMLisa C (Guest): Maybe the grass is greener in a vocation, it has to be
ul 23, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): be grateful for what you have and remember what brought/got you there
Jul 23, 8:03 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Isn’t it better to be closer to God
ul 23, 8:04 PMDawn (Guest): I think joining a comunity would be greener
ul 23, 8:04 PM
Paula (Guest): I don’t see/understand how people leave. my heart pains for God
Jul 23, 8:04 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I know God can give all types of vocations…
23, 8:05 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I find it hard to think about voluntarily leaving a marriage and it would be the same for a Nun or Priest
Jul 23, 8:05 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It is a marriage
ul 23, 8:05 PMPaula (Guest): yep
l 23, 8:05 PMDawn (Guest): thanks Paula, making note of this!
Jul 23, 8:06 PM
Lisa C (Guest): A true marriage of two Christians can’t break
Jul 23, 8:06 PM
Lisa C (Guest): A marriage of a Nun to Jesus can’t break
Jul 23, 8:06 PM
Lisa C (Guest): a marriage of a Priest to a Church can’t break
Jul 23, 8:06 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I do not see how it canPaula (Guest): unless it is not completed…final profession
Jul 23, 8:07 PMDawn (Guest): so part of their soul remains if they leave?
Jul 23, 8:08 PM
Sr Susan (Guest): interesting way of putting it Dawn
Jul 23, 8:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): what God has ordained man can not separate
ul 23, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I did not know when I got married in Church to a nonchristian that it was not a sacrament until someone told me afterward
Jul 23, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It was very confusing
ul 23, 8:08 PMLisa C (Guest): a priest married us during a Mass
Jul 23, 8:11 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Anyway it seems vows with God should be perminant
Jul 23, 8:11 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Covenants
Jul 23, 8:11 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Unbreakable
ul 23, 8:13 PMPaula (Guest): They are unless…dispensated by a Priest…etc….
, 8:17 PM
Lisa C (Guest): 1 Corinthians 7:14-16 ESV / 140 helpful votes
For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace. For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
Jul 23, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): much confusion in world now. disorientation
ul 23, 8:19 PMPaula (Guest): you have to hope and love. Look at St. Monica and St. Augustine
ul 23, 8:20 PMPaula (Guest): Yep…you do the best and put it in God’s hands