Reflections:How are thoughts not sins, if they are our thoughts?When do our thoughts become sins?Where do our thoughts come from, especially the ones we don’t want?How can we use this battlefield of the mind as an opportunity to grow closer to God and in holiness?How can we enter more deeply into recollection, self-reflection, and contemplation? Would this reflection help in rejecting these bad thoughts?What kind of “strange or terrible thoughts” do you think St. Francis was talking about? Depression? Fear?
Jul 1, 9:26 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Anxiety? Anger? How does kissing a crucifix help during these times of temptation?
:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): first q How are thoughts not sins, if they are our thoughts?When do our thoughts become sins?
Jul 2, 7:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a tricky question somehow and maybe not perfectly clear
Jul 2, 7:26 PM
Paula (Guest): I kind of disagree with that….thoughts are sins according to the confedere prayer at Mass….
l 2, 7:27 PMPaula (Guest): they are sins if you put them there on purpose
, 7:28 PM
Carol (Guest): We can sin with our thoughts–Jesus says that a man who lusts in his heart has already committed adultery
Jul 2, 7:28 PM
Paula (Guest): and they are unkind, or angry or jealous, or mean
l 2, 7:28 PMPaula (Guest): yep I agree
l 2, 7:28 PMBettychao (Guest): We need jesus in this world
l 2, 7:28 PMCarol (Guest): Acting on thoughts like Paula describes makes two sins
ul 2, 7:29 PMSrSusan (Guest): I wonder if thoughts thought in depression are sins too
ul 2, 7:29 PMBettychao (Guest): Love money and angry is sin
2, 7:30 PMPaula (Guest): but if a person gets lustful thoughts and that person did not initiate them they are not sins as long as that person does not entertain or dwell on them
1 PM
Carol (Guest): Depression can lead to despair. But depression can also be caused by physical illness. I would think then that it is not sin because we have no control
Jul 2, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): as a child we were not informed our thoughts could be sins our catechesis focused on action
Jul 2, 7:31 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Money and riches is not touched to jesus
Jul 2, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): it was only later I learned this
7:32 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi everyone.
Jul 2, 7:32 PM
Carol (Guest): Would it depend then, like Paula said, in whether we dwell on them?
ul 2, 7:32 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think so
2, 7:33 PM
Paula (Guest): and we get so many thoughts from media, tv, radio, internet and sometimes they stick in our head…..unbeknownst to us and come out unexpectedly
Jul 2, 7:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Where do our thoughts come from, especially the ones we don’t want?
7:34 PM
Bettychao (Guest): That is why God sent covid to punnish the world because people is forgot jesus love and holy rules
Jul 2, 7:34 PM
Carol (Guest): Our subconscious?
Jul 2, 7:34 PM
Paula (Guest): subliminal messages….the devils….our guardian angel….the poor souls
, 7:35 PM
Ruth (Guest): It seems to me bad thoughts CAN be sins, but if we renounce them, use the. As an occasion to turn more emphatically to Our Lord, ask our Lady to intercede your for us, they CAN be a means of salvation, of strengthening our resolve to serve the Lord.
Jul 2, 7:35 PM
Paula (Guest): our subconscious too
l 2, 7:35 PMBettychao (Guest): We need to getting closed to jesus and listen to jesus
ul 2, 7:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thoughts are non stop so can we sin non stop
Jul 2, 7:37 PM
Steph (Guest): I agree with Ruth, we can also call on the Holy Spirit to guide us and stenghten
, 7:37 PMPaula (Guest): sometimes they are good as they help us to self-reflect and improve our self
l 2, 7:37 PMCarol (Guest): Whatever is good, whatever is pure, think on those things
7:37 PM
Carol (Guest): Whatever is good, whatever is pure, think on those things
Jul 2, 7:38 PM
Paula (Guest): thoughts are non-stop even in your sleep but you cannot sin in your sleep
Jul 2, 7:38 PM
Steph (Guest): world is bombarded with negative thoughts, we can use self control to screen stuff out, hard to do , but can be done
2, 7:38 PMBettychao (Guest): The world listen to satan instead obey jesus
l 2, 7:40 PMSrSusan (Guest): How can we use this battlefield of the mind as an opportunity to grow closer to God and in holiness?
7:40 PM
Ruth (Guest): Paula , I think that is important too, getting to know our own weaknesses by attending even to Subconscious “thoughts”.
Jul 2, 7:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How can we use this battlefield of the mind as an opportunity to grow closer to God and in holiness?
2, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): By surrendering even our thoughts to Him
Jul 2, 7:41 PM
Steph (Guest): I think pray as much as possible, like St Therese, say prayers as you do laundray or cook
Jul 2, 7:41 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr susan keep teaching everything from bible and catholic faith and let the world to have faith in jesus
, 7:42 PMSrSusan (Guest): Yes continual teaching and witnessing
ul 2, 7:42 PMSrSusan (Guest): For every negative thought turn to Jesus and ask Him to implant a positive one
7:42 PMPaula (Guest): ask if the thought we are having are against our faith and God’s commandments…and then either ignore them or try to positively change our lives to do better….to conform with God’s laws and commands
2, 7:43 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We need the teaching of bible and seven sacrements from church teaching
Jul 2, 7:43 PM
Steph (Guest): if really bad thoughts, I give a shout out to St Michael and say his prayer really quick. lol
Jul 2, 7:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jesus wins every battle if we turn over the fighting to Him
44 PM
Ruth (Guest): Joseph says nothing in Sacred Scripture,but he listens and acts in hast to “information” he receives in dreams, and this keeps our Lord and his Mother Safe.
Jul 2, 7:44 PM
Paula (Guest): we just have to say two words Jesus and Mary
Jul 2, 7:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): But our minds can get tired so we do need to ask for peace
:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): it reminds me of those gadgets that count our steps. If we had our thoughts counted how many would be of love and how many negative
Jul 2, 7:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): So we need to put all in the Heart of Jesus
ul 2, 7:46 PMSteph (Guest): I watched a segment on Ascension presents (youtube) on arrow prayers. They help too, to keep praying continuously – Jesus, I trust in you, Jesus, I love, you or simply Jesus
:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes the Jesus prayer
Jul 2, 7:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): did you read THE WAY of the Pilgrim
2, 7:47 PMSteph (Guest): Like Paula said also, Jesus, Mary – or St Teresa of Calcutta, Mary, be a mother to me now
l 2, 7:47 PMPaula (Guest): Sometimes it helps to exercise or do physically labor to clear out thoughts
2, 7:47 PMBettychao (Guest): I saw that book in alelluia glory to the lord chinese christian bookstore they sale that book
l 2, 7:47 PMCarol (Guest): Yes, short simple prayers will change our thoughts
, 7:48 PM
Paula (Guest): at Mary’s name the devils scatter…i read somewhere
Jul 2, 7:48 PM
Ruth (Guest): I did, long ago, I think in German. titled ~ The Pilgrim.
ul 2, 7:48 PMSrSusan (Guest): Great book!
l 2, 7:49 PMSrSusan (Guest): How can we enter more deeply into recollection, self-reflection, and contemplation?
7:50 PM
Ruth (Guest): Paula,that is a good insight about exercise/physical work. I’ve had much experience with that helping, especially to get anger under co trol.
Jul 2, 7:50 PM
Carol (Guest): By setting aside time for solitude and prayer
l 2, 7:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes deepen our solitude and be in a condusive environment
Jul 2, 7:51 PM
Ruth (Guest): there is scientific evidence, too, for s that approach. Same hormones get used constructively.
Jul 2, 7:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): No Betty
Jul 2, 7:51 PM
Paula (Guest): yep…go out and cut down an old tree
:52 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Oh no we need to pray for them
Jul 2, 7:52 PM
Bettychao (Guest): They need jesus christ
Jul 2, 7:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes pray definitely but I don’t know these people personally
2, 7:52 PM
Carol (Guest): And we must guard our thoughts by monitoring what we watch and read
Jul 2, 7:53 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Jesus is the real truth
l 2, 7:53 PMPaula (Guest): yep…i agree Carol
ul 2, 7:54 PMPaula (Guest): meditation is good to clear out thoughts….(SFDS…on the scripture passages)
l 2, 7:54 PMRuth (Guest): Very important to “feed” our minds with the right stuff, NOT with a lot of poison.
, 7:55 PMSteph (Guest): holy hour, adoration is wonderful and makes me joyful especially if I am feeling dread or dispair
Jul 2, 7:55 PM
Steph (Guest): remainder of time, my mind focus back to Jesus
Jul 2, 7:55 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too!
ul 2, 7:55 PMRuth (Guest): AND keep company with people whose Faith strengthens our own.
Jul 2, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): This is good for that.
Jul 2, 7:56 PM
Paula (Guest): use imagery….be part of the nativity of Jesus…smell the hay….see baby Jesus…the sheep…
7:56 PM
Steph (Guest): exactly Ruth, look at all those horror movies released during Christmas. The evil one is trying to compete and fill folks with bad messages
Jul 2, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): But face-to face or looking out in the same direction is important.
ul 2, 7:57 PM
Bettychao (Guest): When i call to spain st benet monastery nunnery to talk to my best friend sr anna a nun sr natalia is been rude and yell at me call me crazy and i am upset and sr anna say that is wrong she should be nice to you i am so sorry she need to confess to jesus she tell me to forgive her she dont know this is sinful words
Jul 2, 7:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): Paul warns us not to absent ourselves from the community.
Jul 2, 7:57 PM
Steph (Guest): I agree Paula, I imagine St Elizabeth laughing and singing while Blessed mother knits clothes for St John, lol
Jul 2, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That is so sad Betty but I am glad you have this good friend!
7:58 PM
Paula (Guest): even taking a nature walk is helpful
Jul 2, 7:58 PM
Bettychao (Guest): And she tell me if you want jesus forgive you sin in sacrements you need to forgive people too
Jul 2, 7:58 PM
Carol (Guest): Thats right, Ruth. We are meant to be in community
Jul 2, 7:58 PM
Steph (Guest): Betty terrible, but you must pray for them, forgive them, so hard, but they may be needing your prayers
ul 2, 7:58 PMBettychao (Guest): Yes
l 2, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Would this reflection help in rejecting these bad thoughts?
Jul 2, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think self reflection helps us control our thoughts if we are honest with ourselves
, 8:00 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Bye and jesus love you
Jul 2, 8:00 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Bettychao
Jul 2, 8:00 PM
Paula (Guest): yep…it’s difficult to love and forgive your enemies but we must
, 8:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): byeBetty, the Lord be with you.
Jul 2, 8:00 PM
Steph (Guest): how do you mean Sister, like exam conscience at end of day?
Jul 2, 8:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes or any other time when we want to take an internal review of ourselves
ul 2, 8:01 PMSrSusan (Guest): Because as you get older you might not remember your day by the end of it!
2, 8:02 PMPaula (Guest): Yep…if we recognize our sinfulness and humble ourselves
ul 2, 8:03 PMPaula (Guest): if we don’t recognize our sinfulness or humble ourselves we may still struggle with the thoughts
ul 2, 8:04 PMPaula (Guest): it could also be biologically…we need sleep
Jul 2, 8:06 PMSrSusan (Guest): What kind of “strange or terrible thoughts” do you think St. Francis was talking about?
ul 2, 8:06 PM
Ruth (Guest): Funny, I usually eat alone, but over the weekend, and Friday, last week three out of four days I had lunch with someone else. For another day and a half I could ONLY remeber two of those occasions. In A dream the third became clear. A woman I have known for years had treated me as if I were not there, or worse, rejecting and misrepresenting a question/answer about a meeting. I needed to process that. Pray for her even more.
Jul 2, 8:06 PM
Ruth (Guest): And for myself.
2, 8:07 PM
Steph (Guest): pray for her Ruth
Jul 2, 8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): Temptations of any kind?
l 2, 8:07 PMRuth (Guest): I have no idea. Maybe she felt hatred or anger toward a sister.
ul 2, 8:08 PMSteph (Guest): I think St Francis was talking of worldly thoughts, not of Jesus
l 2, 8:08 PM
Paula (Guest): being rejected, unloved, hated, lost, misunderstood, lose of hope, lose of trust, loss of purpose
2, 8:09 PM
Carol (Guest): You are on to something Paula
Jul 2, 8:09 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Depression? Fear?
ul 2, 8:09 PM
Paula (Guest): Jesus suffered it all in the garden and on the cross especially…when He said…why have you forsaken me
Jul 2, 8:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Anxiety? Anger?
l 2, 8:10 PM
Paula (Guest): yep
Jul 2, 8:10 PM
Paula (Guest): yep
:12 PMPaula (Guest): think how horrible it must have been for Jesus hearing all of those thoughts/words of those who rejected Him especially all day on the cross…being bantered about by words or rejection
Jul 2, 8:12 PMSteph (Guest): true, if we think of ourselves we can really get down the rabbit hole
ul 2, 8:13 PMPaula (Guest): and make a mountain out of a mole hill when there is none
2, 8:14 PM
Ruth (Guest): That list, Paula, probably includes at least one.
Jul 2, 8:14 PM
Carol (Guest): In our thoughts we attempt to control others
2, 8:15 PM
Paula (Guest): like my spiritual director says …the best thing is to culpa corp….cut short….cut it (the thoughts) off
Jul 2, 8:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): last q How does kissing a crucifix help during these times of temptation?
Jul 2, 8:16 PM
Carol (Guest): We have to stop and think about who we are kissing
Jul 2, 8:17 PM
Steph (Guest): reminds of what Jesus did for us, as the pardon cruxifx prayer
Jul 2, 8:17 PMSteph (Guest): think of the 5 wounds and he all the suffering for love of us, love of ME – so incredible
l 2, 8:19 PM
Paula (Guest): it reminds us that Jesus knows all our thoughts and still loves us and died for us…He suffered even our unkind, sinful thoughts
Jul 2, 8:19 PM
Ruth (Guest): Quits our attention where it ought to be, and as an expression of love and willingness to accept our own crosses.
Jul 2, 8:19 PMRuth (Guest): Puts our attention, not Quits.
2, 8:20 PM
Paula (Guest): consoles us…helps us to suffer the crown of thorns on His head and on ours
Jul 2, 8:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): What’s BRB?
Jul 2, 8:21 PM
Steph (Guest): be right back
Jul 2, 8:21 PM
Paula (Guest): be right back
Jul 2, 8:21 PM
Steph (Guest): I agree paula, we need to unite our suffering with His, and remember his cross
Jul 2, 8:22 PM
Ruth (Guest): Amen!
Jul 2, 8:23 PM
Paula (Guest): we have to meditate on His cross….the more you do …the easier it gets
Jul 2, 8:24 PM
Steph (Guest): For Lent this year, I added the 5 wounds prayer and used different version on Youtube, some were so emotional and touching with music. I was so humbled and grateful to be alive and to know and love Jesus
Jul 2, 8:24 PM
Carol (Guest): It looks like it is time for me to go to dinner. Happy Fourth everyone!
Jul 2, 8:25 PM
Steph (Guest): I found a different version every day, it was very emotional
Jul 2, 8:25 PM
Steph (Guest): Happy 4th, be safe all and good night all!
Jul 2, 8:25 PM
Paula (Guest): Good night Carol
Jul 2, 8:26 PM
Ruth (Guest): AI think we addresses all of the questions. Thank you, each of you, for your in
Jul 2, 8:27 PM
Paula (Guest): I think we did…see you all next week God willing
Jul 2, 8:27 PM
Ruth (Guest): input.
Jul 2, 8:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Blessings !
Jul 2, 8:28 PM
Ruth (Guest): Goodnight. Safe and pleasant 4th of July. Blessings always!