Reflections Do you think St. Francis is being too pragmatic in this letter and not compassionate enough?Martyrdom is an obvious way to show willingness to die for the faith. Especially in this day and age, what are other ways to die for the faith?What does it mean to be chained down by too many desires (even if good ones)?How do we resign ourselves to be at peace in God’s will at every moment of every day?How does being overly zealous in one’s spiritual goals harm one’s peace of mind? Why are these ambition
SrSusan (Guest): Why are these ambitions called self-love, as St. Francis mentions? How do we avoid being spiritually slothful and yet not be overly zealous?If we are beings made with feelings, why are we so often supposed to not allow our feelings guide us?
Aug 17, 9:31 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat Aug 20 730pm est
Aug 17, 9:31 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat
Aug 17, 9:32 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter

Newsletter for Sunday chat Aug 20 | Visitation Spirit
q 1
ug 20, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): q1) I was thinking or wishing he would be more theological
Aug 20, 7:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I did not sense that ST Francis de Sales is not being compassionate
Aug 20, 7:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): More theological- now that is interesting how would that be expressed do you think
Aug 20, 7:34 PMPaula (Guest): if he were not compassionate he would not have expounded so much
ug 20, 7:35 PMDawn (Guest): Im not sure Sr
Aug 20, 7:35 PMSrSusan (Guest): it is food for thought
ug 20, 7:35 PMCarol (Guest): This is hard for me to understand what he is saying. I’m not so advanced in this area
Aug 20, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, it is.
Aug 20, 7:36 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s difficult to be compassionate about any one’s cross as each is unique to each person
Aug 20, 7:37 PMSrSusan (Guest): St Jane suffered from dryness in prayer for 40 years and also temptations against faith
Aug 20, 7:37 PMPaula (Guest): even if you have the same cross/illness…each person views or takes the pain differently
ug 20, 7:37 PM
Dawn (Guest): She suffered!
Aug 20, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis knew her soul well so his advice applies to her particular experience I guess
Aug 20, 7:38 PMCarol (Guest): But we can surely take counsel from it
ug 20, 7:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): imagine having a Spiritual Director that could guide you in this way, deeply
Aug 20, 7:38 PM
Paula (Guest): I thought that his advice was good for others experiencing crosses as well
ug 20, 7:39 PMSrSusan (Guest): This is a cross many may have especially those who do not have “spireitual experiences” but still love God
ug 20, 7:40 PMSrSusan (Guest): q 2 Martyrdom is an obvious way to show willingness to die for the faith. Especially in this day and age, what are other ways to die for the faith?
Aug 20, 7:40 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think dying to our self?
Aug 20, 7:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
ug 20, 7:40 PMCarol (Guest): Being ostracized for not participating in things that are wrong
Aug 20, 7:40 PM
Carol (Guest): Being ostracized for not participating in things that are wrong
Aug 20, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Carol, recent experience
Aug 20, 7:42 PMSrSusan (Guest): speaking out against the weirdnesses of our culture
ug 20, 7:42 PM
Carol (Guest): One of my favorites: At work–Carol,cant go to lunch with us because she doesn’t like how we talk behind her back
Aug 20, 7:42 PM
Dawn (Guest): I didnt think of it as a martydom until now
Aug 20, 7:43 PMSrSusan (Guest): Martyrdom in not being in sync with one’s family
Aug 20, 7:44 PM
Paula (Guest): Boy….I’ve had lot’s of martyerdoom
Aug 20, 7:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Did you think of it that way?
Aug 20, 7:45 PMPaula (Guest): not really….just offered it up…love of enemies
ug 20, 7:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): is this called white martyrdom? I am a martyr. Jesus only allows these things for us to draw closer to him, well what Ive been thinking about.
Aug 20, 7:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): die to our human wishes- like during Lent when we deny ourselves
ug 20, 7:46 PMSrSusan (Guest): yes I think it is called that- white martyrdom
ug 20, 7:46 PMPaula (Guest): penance….little acts of charity
Aug 20, 7:47 PM
Dawn (Guest): this talk tonight helps to bring clarity to a family situation Im experiencing, very helpful!
Aug 20, 7:47 PM
Carol (Guest): He does Dawn, and so we should not give up
ug 20, 7:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): this is when the road becomes very narrow
Aug 20, 7:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): perseverence yes
g 20, 7:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean to be chained down by too many desires (even if good ones)?
Aug 20, 7:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): not give up. I had some temptations , thoughts but they did not linger because I knew they we not from God
Aug 20, 7:49 PMDawn (Guest): are not from God
ug 20, 7:49 PMCarol (Guest): Even good desires can come between us and God
Aug 20, 7:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): do not be conformed to this world
Aug 20, 7:50 PM
Paula (Guest): yep…too many ideas…too much junk and clutter…can’t persist in what matters
ug 20, 7:50 PMSrSusan (Guest): good to be open-souled for God and accept what He sends
ug 20, 7:51 PMDawn (Guest): attachments, to family even those can be dysorderd . thank you Sr! a quote I will save
Aug 20, 7:51 PMPaula (Guest): too many little fixes and cure alls on the internet today….too many gadgets and gizmoos
ug 20, 7:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think the key word is “chained down”
Aug 20, 7:53 PM
Paula (Guest): sometimes the simple solution that is right in front of us is the best
Aug 20, 7:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Desires are one thing but chains.. another
ug 20, 7:54 PMSrSusan (Guest): Desires can be let free like birds but if we cling to them it is different
Aug 20, 7:55 PMSrSusan (Guest): st francis said ” A bird chained to its perch is not conscious of its captivity and does not feel the pull of its chain until it wants to fly; in the same way an unfledged nestling only finds out that it cannot fly when it makes the actual attempt. And the remedy for this, my dear daughter, is not to struggle, not to make eager attempts to fly as your wings have not yet grown and you lack power for too great an effort. Be patient until you get the wings of a dove, and then you can fly.
Aug 20, 7:56 PMSrSusan (Guest): q How do we resign ourselves to be at peace in God’s will at every moment of every day?
Aug 20, 7:57 PMCarol (Guest): By surrendering control to Him
Aug 20, 7:58 PMPaula (Guest): and by realizing that His will is the best for us
Aug 20, 7:58 PMPaula (Guest): His will is love and mercy itself
ug 20, 7:59 PMSrSusan (Guest): To keep placing each moment in His Heart
Aug 20, 7:59 PM
Carol (Guest): And our selves too
ug 20, 8:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): lots of prayer
Aug 20, 8:01 PM
Paula (Guest): He knows what is best for us….it’s just difficult when we are chained down…..we have to keep reminding ourselves…God is in charge…He knows what is best and I must accept it
g 20, 8:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): Very good, helpful quote from StF
Aug 20, 8:05 PM
Carol (Guest): I must go for dinner. Have a blessed week everyone!
Aug 20, 8:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Have a good one! Thanks for being here
Aug 20, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): you too Carol. Gods blessings to you!
Aug 20, 8:06 PM
Paula (Guest): have a good week!
Aug 20, 8:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How does being overly zealous in one’s spiritual goals harm one’s peace of mind?
Aug 20, 8:07 PM
Paula (Guest): reading this reminded me of St. Theresa’s cross and how she resolved to just chirp away as a little weak chick in God’s arms
Aug 20, 8:08 PM
Paula (Guest): she was content with the little that she could do
Aug 20, 8:09 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Aug 20, 8:09 PMSrSusan (Guest): it is good to strive but always with God’s will in mind
ug 20, 8:10 PMDawn (Guest): yes!
ug 20, 8:10 PMPaula (Guest): being over zealous and not being able to achieve can make one feel like a failure
Aug 20, 8:11 PMSrSusan (Guest): and failure brings us to humility if we handle it right
Aug 20, 8:12 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Why are these ambitions called self-love, as St. Francis mentions?
ug 20, 8:12 PM
Paula (Guest): it may be difficult to see it that way if we are blinded by self-love though
Aug 20, 8:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that is true
ug 20, 8:13 PM
Paula (Guest): because we what to achieve a spiritual goal but that may not be what God has in mind for us at that time
Aug 20, 8:14 PMPaula (Guest): or that specific goal that we are thinking
Aug 20, 8:15 PMSrSusan (Guest): it is God who sets the goal not us
ug 20, 8:16 PMSrSusan (Guest): another way of saying His Will
Aug 20, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): can we ask him? I do ask his will but maybe sometimes im telling him mine while I ask….
Aug 20, 8:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): sure ask!
Aug 20, 8:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How do we avoid being spiritually slothful and yet not be overly zealous?
ug 20, 8:17 PMSrSusan (Guest): the still small voice is what we try to listen for
Aug 20, 8:19 PM
Paula (Guest): take Jesus’s example in the garden….three times try….thy will be done
Aug 20, 8:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): good yes!
ug 20, 8:19 PMDawn (Guest): thank you!
g 20, 8:20 PMPaula (Guest): think about what would be ideal/realistic/tolerant in achieving a goal and try for realistic
ug 20, 8:23 PMSrSusan (Guest): last q If we are beings made with feelings, why are we so often supposed to not allow our feelings guide us?
ug 20, 8:25 PMDawn (Guest): feelings alone can misguide us
Aug 20, 8:25 PMPaula (Guest): because we can’t apply what we have learned in a situation and reach our goal
ug 20, 8:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): !
Aug 20, 8:25 PM
Paula (Guest): we can’t apply what Jesus taught us
Aug 20, 8:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes Dawn, alone is the key word feelings plus guidance plus…
ug 20, 8:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): reason?
Aug 20, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes!
g 20, 8:26 PMSrSusan (Guest): God can cut thru all too with a miracle
ug 20, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): supernatural miracles
Aug 20, 8:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes