Why do we so easily not recognize God’s presence among us?How can we be more cognizant of the ways God is making himself present to us in our lives?What does it mean that God looks upon us with love? What would you say to someone who says it does not look like he acts upon us with love (given all the pain and struggles we go through)?Discuss this line: “the love of God does not consist in consolation nor in tenderness.”What is meant by “God loves us where we are?” Does this mean God does not care about our

 about our sins? What is the proper way to view it?What does St. Francis mean when he says that we must “close the door of our chamber fast” as well as “retire”? How can we do this?

Oct 13, 4:39 AM

SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2023/10/newsletter-for-chat-on-october-15/

Newsletter for Chat on October 15 | Visitation Spirit

Oct 13, 4:39 AM

SrSusan (Guest): chat at 730p est

5, 7:31 PM

Simone (Guest): I am from Canada Liz.. which area are you from if I may ask. You do not have to answer. I am just curious

Oct 15, 7:32 PM

Liz (Guest): Australia

Oct 15, 7:32 PM

SrSusan (Guest): first q Why do we so easily not recognize God’s presence among us?

Oct 15, 7:32 PM

Simone (Guest): Australia! Oh my word! That’s totally the other side of the world.

5, 7:33 PM

Liz (Guest): yes I’m all the way down under

Oct 15, 7:33 PM

SrSusan (Guest): but God’s presence is everywhere

Oct 15, 7:34 PM

Simone (Guest): I was a little bit confused with the question – because it sounds like it is referring to a group. But it seems that the question is more – why do we not recognize God within us?

ct 15, 7:34 PMSimone (Guest): Amen.. God’s presence is everywhere..

Oct 15, 7:34 PMElena (Guest): I think it’s easy to get caught up in the tasks and pressures of daily life and then we aren’t looking for God… he makes himself known in so many ways, interiorly and exteriorly.

ct 15, 7:35 PM

Simone (Guest): I think we often do not recognize God’s presence -because we link it with special expectations

Oct 15, 7:35 PM

Elena (Guest): And sometimes we (okay.. *I*) complain about everything so much that I’m not witnessing God’s blessings and graces.

Oct 15, 7:35 PM

Simone (Guest): we think that God’s presence has to look like this or that..

Oct 15, 7:35 PM

SrSusan (Guest): yes and many tennd to first the the superficial before we go deeper

ct 15, 7:35 PMElena (Guest): Yes, expectations that we have of God… not realizing where and how he is present in other ways.

ct 15, 7:36 PMSimone (Guest): and instead of becoming more curious – how God has chosen to be among us -or within us – or around us .. we decide.. that he simply is not here

Oct 15, 7:36 PMSimone (Guest): When I write we. … I mainly mean ” I”

15, 7:37 PMElena (Guest): The reading speaks of knowing and believing in God’s love for us. That kind of presence… sometimes is hard for me to remember or tune into.

ct 15, 7:37 PMSimone (Guest): as you mentioned earlier … often a by product of continued business

Oct 15, 7:37 PMElena (Guest): And lately with the news.. wondering “where is God? how can he continue to let all this happen?”

Oct 15, 7:38 PMElena (Guest): (which we’ve addressed several times on this forum in the past)

ct 15, 7:38 PMSrSusan (Guest): q How can we be more cognizant of the ways God is making himself present to us in our lives?

ct 15, 7:39 PM

Elena (Guest): slowing down… contemplative stance…

Oct 15, 7:39 PM

Simone (Guest): speaking of busy bee… are the two “ee”‘s in bee silent ? 

Oct 15, 7:39 PM

Elena (Guest): haha you’re funny Simone!

Oct 15, 7:39 PM

Simone (Guest): sorry – for side tracking though

Oct 15, 7:39 PM

Elena (Guest): hee hee

Oct 15, 7:39 PM

Elena (Guest): I like this: “To examine whether your heart pleases Him is not necessary, but rather whether His Heart pleases you. “

ct 15, 7:40 PM

Simone (Guest): I find that the way I start my day sets the tone of my “being present” to GOd during the day

Oct 15, 7:40 PM

Elena (Guest): focus on him, not on me.

Oct 15, 7:41 PM

Simone (Guest): coming back to curiosity — I have lately often spoken about “holy curiosity”.. it is a default attitude towards life – always to count on His presence

Oct 15, 7:41 PM

Simone (Guest): and see what He is doing right now

Oct 15, 7:41 PM

SrSusan (Guest): St Francis de Sales says to remember His presence every 15 minutes or so, like a spiritual exercise

ct 15, 7:42 PM

Elena (Guest): I like that, Sr. Susan. I will remember this, esp. at work.

Oct 15, 7:43 PM

Simone (Guest): When someone is in love with someone – it is very natural to think of the other at least every 15 minutes.

Oct 15, 7:43 PM

Simone (Guest): Our mind is drawn to the objects of our heart

Oct 15, 7:43 PM

SrSusan (Guest): so true

ct 15, 7:45 PM

Elena (Guest): I think of Jesus throughout my day, although I’ve never timed it. I will notice that more often now.

Oct 15, 7:45 PM

Simone (Guest): I find that gratitude for even little things also makes God’s presence easier to recognize. To engage with my surroundings – indoor and outdoor with gratitude

Oct 15, 7:45 PMSimone (Guest): It links my presence – to the presence of God

Oct 15, 7:46 PMElena (Guest): I’m struggling with this now, Simone, as our weather went from summer to winter in a few days. I’m struggling with cold gray wet days that feel like November… I feel cut off because I can’t spend time outdoors. My gratitude turns to grouchy.

ct 15, 7:47 PM

SrSusan (Guest): silence can bring one to be aware of God’s presence too

Oct 15, 7:48 PM

Elena (Guest): yep

t 15, 7:48 PM

Simone (Guest): it’s legit to grief things we so enjoy – but fall is truly THE best time to get reminded that death – and the dying of nature – is only a preparation for the next season. Also.. winter is a great reminder to be so very thankful for having a home

Oct 15, 7:48 PM

Elena (Guest): I used to be better about that. These days I constantly have a running commentary on absolutely everything going on in my head.

Oct 15, 7:49 PM

Elena (Guest): (silence, I mean)

Oct 15, 7:49 PM

Elena (Guest): (silence, I mean)

Oct 15, 7:49 PM

Simone (Guest): do you mean that it is hard for you to be in silence.. because your thoughts are so loud?

Oct 15, 7:51 PM

Elena (Guest): yes there is a constant stream of thoughts regarding my life, my worries, my family..

Oct 15, 7:51 PM

SrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean that God looks upon us with love?

ct 15, 7:51 PM

SrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean that God looks upon us with love?

Oct 15, 7:51 PM

Simone (Guest): You might need some help to enter silence again Elena. Do you work with a Spiritual director?

Oct 15, 7:52 PM

Elena (Guest): Simone… yes I do have one. Good thought. Thanks.

Oct 15, 7:52 PM

Simone (Guest): I love to be reminded that God looks upon us with love. I can feel His gaze often in prayer.

ct 15, 7:53 PMSrSusan (Guest): God’s gaze of love is most powerful on our souls

Oct 15, 7:53 PM

Simone (Guest): I love that St. Francis points out in his letter, that His love does not depend on our “perfect Catholic life” – He looks at us with love – because HE IS LOVE

Oct 15, 7:54 PM

Simone (Guest): I agree Sister Susan. it is powerful – and reviving

Oct 15, 7:55 PMSimone (Guest): But I cannot “make it happen”.. it is pure grace when I feel His gaze

ct 15, 7:56 PM

Elena (Guest): Ladies, I need to go.. be back in a couple weeks. Good to see everyone here. 

Oct 15, 7:56 PM

Simone (Guest): Bye Elena…I will pray for you

Oct 15, 7:56 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Thanks for being here! Peace and Happy Feast tomorrow of St Margaret Mary

Oct 15, 7:58 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What would you say to someone who says it does not look like he acts upon us with love (given all the pain and struggles we go through)?

t 15, 8:00 PM

Simone (Guest): I recently read a little story about a man who lost his brother at the young age of 16. The father was so overwhelmed that he could not handle the funeral preparations. and the brother chose ” “GOD’s WILL IS GOD’S LOVE”. I am doing a lot of thinking on this. I cannot think of something more hope filled than this sentence

Oct 15, 8:00 PM

Simone (Guest): the saying was for the tomb stone

Oct 15, 8:01 PM

SrSusan (Guest): that is powerful too

 15, 8:01 PM

Simone (Guest): To know that the worst that can happen to you – does carry the seed of God’s love in it and therefore has the potential to enrich your life – what can be better than to know this?

Oct 15, 8:01 PM

Simone (Guest): But I think, like with everything in our spiritual life .. we have to embrace it … to give our YES to it for it to fully unfold.

ct 15, 8:03 PM

Simone (Guest): Liz and Samantha.. I do not want to dominate this discussion – Please feel free to join in any time. The more the merrier.. OK?

Oct 15, 8:03 PM

Simone (Guest): And Hi Victoria!

Oct 15, 8:03 PM

Victoria_br: Hi

Oct 15, 8:03 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Hi Victoria!

Oct 15, 8:03 PM

Victoria_br: Hi

ct 15, 8:04 PM

Liz (Guest): Thanks Simone, I actually have to go now though, it was nice to meet you all, I will try to join again another time

Oct 15, 8:04 PM

Simone (Guest): Have a great day Liz!

Oct 15, 8:04 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Thanks for joining!

15, 8:05 PM

Simone (Guest): Coming back to the question – pain in our life does not mean that GOD does not love us.

Oct 15, 8:05 PM

SrSusan (Guest): It is hard for those with weak faith to understand amidst struggles that God loves them

ct 15, 8:06 PM

SrSusan (Guest): if I encounter them the best is to pray for their increase of faith and also witness amidst our own difficulties

Oct 15, 8:07 PM

Simone (Guest): I agree. And to be honest – there is a lot of teaching out there – that always links God’s love with more health and more money … a little bit of a Santa Claus faith formation I find.

ct 15, 8:08 PM

Simone (Guest): I think the biggest confusion is – that we think GOD has to Act loving towards us … but HE IS LOVE. He cannot NOT be Love towards us. .whereas we think that He chooses to love us most of the time. Once I think we have fully embraced that we actually cannot fall out of GOd’s love – the world becomes a safe place.

Oct 15, 8:09 PM

Simone (Guest): Still.. we can choose to step out of God’s love.. the choice of free will is of course always open

Oct 15, 8:09 PM

Samantha (Guest): Money feels dark it makes ppl do things they wouldn’t normally do

Oct 15, 8:09 PM

Simone (Guest): Oh.. I so agree Samantha…

ct 15, 8:10 PMSimone (Guest): although.. money itself is not bad … but the bible is so clear… the love of money – truly leads to falling

ct 15, 8:10 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Discuss this line: “the love of God does not consist in consolation nor in tenderness.”

15, 8:13 PM

Simone (Guest): I think we want God to help us to make our life here on Earth FEEL the best for us.. whereas God’s goal is mostly that our life here on EARHT will MAKE us the best we can be – so we can enjoy eternity with HIM the best

Oct 15, 8:13 PM

SrSusan (Guest): St Francis de Sales says if it did, then Our Lord would not have loved His Father when He was sad even to death and cried out: “My Father, My Father, why hast Thou abandoned me?” And still it was at that moment He made the greatest act of love which it is pos­sible to conceive.

Oct 15, 8:15 PMSimone (Guest): that is such a good point

ct 15, 8:16 PMSrSusan (Guest): Your point was strong too Simone

ct 15, 8:18 PMElena (Guest): I think it’s hard to speak to someone going through pain and suffering about God’s love… it has to be done with listening and affirming someone’s feelings and then placing the truth in compassionately

ct 15, 8:19 PMSimone (Guest): I agree Elena.. I am currently talking with two women .. both of them experienced severe trauma and major disappointment in their lives. And they question God’s love MAJORLY! I listen – and I probe.. but there is always a point where I have to voice the truth.. and the truth is, that all their experiences are still embedded in God’s love.. I do not question their emotions .. but the truth has to heard too

ct 15, 8:21 PM

Simone (Guest): The enemy loves to ride on the wave of conceived ” not being loved baby God”… and the wave gets bigger and bigger – and one day — the wave gets overwhelmingly strong – and you need new strategies to attack the wave now – otherwise it will burry you

Oct 15, 8:21 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hello all! Just checking in to let you know I am still alive. I fell as

Oct 15, 8:21 PM

Simone (Guest): Hi Ruth.. I was wondering why you are not here

Oct 15, 8:21 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Oh I am sorry

Oct 15, 8:21 PM

Simone (Guest): not “baby GOd” of course.. but “by GOD”

ct 15, 8:22 PM

Simone (Guest): Ruth.. did you say you fell?

Oct 15, 8:22 PM

Elena (Guest): I think God gives us consolation and that feeling of tenderness when he knows we need it. Sometimes I beg for it when I feel so alone. He usually gives me a taste of it when I beg him.  I’m not strong enough for a true dark night like St. Teresa of Calcutta had.

Oct 15, 8:22 PM

Elena (Guest): Ruth! Are you quite alright?

ct 15, 8:23 PMSimone (Guest): Elena, that is beautiful that you are begging for consolation – and even better that you see God’s heart respond to your pleaing. And – trust me – or even better trust GOD.. he does not randomly dish out dark nights.. You are safe

ct 15, 8:24 PMElena (Guest): “God… does not randomly dish out dark nights.” ct 15, 8:25 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What is meant by “God loves us where we are?” Does this mean God does not care about our about our sins? What is the proper way to view it?

ct 15, 8:27 PMSimone (Guest): I think in our culture – we are constantly trying to improve – God does not NEED us to be better – in order to love us more – His maximum love is already reached.. but We can choose to come closer to this love – but again – it is all in our free will.

Oct 15, 8:28 PMElena (Guest): God loves us where we are because he knows (better than we do) how we struggle with sin and how our hearts long to be with him. He is merciful and generous with grace. He sees us as we are and as he made us to be. It’s comforting to know that he has given us the sacrament of reconciliation such that we do not stay “in our sins” but are renewed and drawn closer to him.

t 15, 8:28 PM

Ruth (Guest): Asleep just before 7:30. fell asleep! iPad sent message before I finished. Maybe you could say a prayer for me that I get onto a normal day-nignt schedule and use my biPAP regularly. I keep falling asleep BEFORE I intend to. Yesterday it was with my. Lord pressure cuff on. . .

Oct 15, 8:29 PM

SrSusan (Guest): oh good!!

Oct 15, 8:29 PM

SrSusan (Guest): last q What does St. Francis mean when he says that we must “close the door of our chamber fast” as well as “retire”? How can we do this?

Oct 15, 8:29 PM

Simone (Guest): I am glad you did not fall.. but “just” feel asleep

Oct 15, 8:29 PM

Ruth (Guest): blood pressure cuff on.

Oct 15, 8:30 PMSimone (Guest): I will pray for you my dear Ruth – that GOD regulates your sleep pattern. May your days be days and your nights be nights

Oct 15, 8:31 PMSrSusan (Guest): enter our heart room is what I think he means

ct 15, 8:31 PMSimone (Guest): yes, that makes sense

Oct 15, 8:33 PMSrSusan (Guest): May each of you have a very blessed Feast of St Margaret Mary tomorrow and Iwill be here in 2 weeks. But a newsletter will come out for chat on your own

