Each of us has our own program adapted to our personal situation: that we whether we are active or retired, secular or religious, our schedule is determined. But are we in the Will of God? This desire is manifested by the commandments of God and of the Church, by the voice of Superiors, by our state duties, and by providential events.
If the road is wide open for all, it must be in line with the plan God has for everyone. If, from moment to moment, from day to day and from week to week, we can affirm “I am where God wants me, I do what pleases him”, this means that our time is well spent and our salvation assured. If, on the contrary, delivered to the whims of our fantasies or our own will, to the inconstancy of our heart, we float with every wind, and especially if we let ourselves go to the sluggishness and we waste the best of our days, then it is a irreparable loss: when we appear before the Lord, we will be insolvent!
No one knows the time of our big departure! Let’s not wait until it’s too much late to order and adjust our lives, our schedules. After stopping a balanced program, let’s fulfill it faithfully. This good management of time is an excellent defense against many sins, a strength for our soul, a means of perfecting oneself and sanctify oneself. “How afraid I am, that by using time so poorly, God will not give me his eternity. » said St Francis de Sales
Time flies away with rapidity scary. We will never get back the moment that just passed taking with him a shred of our life. So let’s be vigilant and active, even in our leisure time, may everything be according to the will of God!
(According to Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, book Holy Year of the Guards of Honor)